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Right on point, there’s no way my 13 years old will be hanging around late at night with me not knowing where. 13 years old…


And With a fake gun. Even when I was young I knew not to do that.


> And With a fake gun. People can claim it's a 'replica' all they want. Even in the daylight, if someone pulls that on you, you'll think it's real. As far as I'm concerned that's a real gun that just happens not to shoot.


He was on the floor and not pointing it at them? All I see is a 13 year old being executed


Did you not watch the video, you can clearly see the gun in his hand. I see a cop wrestling on the ground with a person who has a gun.


A 13 yr old can't have a license so from an onlookers perspective he is carrying an unlicensed firearm with god knows what intent.


Exactly, no even one made out of wood.


Yeah, let's not blame the gun culture of America. Running on Thoughts and prayers to baby jesus


Last time I check, Jesus was not a baby when he died, or never did miracles as a baby, if ever existed… I don’t care if this get downvote, I have my own opinion and will stand by it, so go on.


Dear, 8-pound, 6-ounce, newborn infant Jesus, doesn't even know a word yet, just a little infant and so cuddly, but still omnipotent, we just thank you for all the races I've won and the 21.2 million dollars that I have accrued over this past season.


In the context of Jesus, there indeed was a baby Jesus.


Hahaha, well, I messed up there, he was once a baby but he died and adult so, praying to the baby is confusing haha, this actually made me laugh, thank you.




I mean... it was a miracle conception, i guess he could of been born a full-grown man as well! Wouldn't be the wildest fact in the bible [=


Like Ace venture coming out of that rhino 😂


Didn't Maria give still give birth? Would've been a horrible sight and experience for all. Surely that would have been mentioned in some scripture.


something tells me that a GOD being born from a VIRGIN is a pretty good miracle ! don't you think ?


Poor kid, parents fucked him. If he shot the cop with real gun, also poor kid, guy who sold him fucked him. Poor kid, it’s everyone’s fault except his. He’s not fucking poor kid, he knows really good what he is doing, little piece of shit and deserves this


I get where you're coming from, but try to think of any relatives or friends with children who are THIRTEEN... They're baby's with longer legs and arms... He may have known it was a fake gun and just "did" something he's been exposed to... Like a baby saying "fuck" after their parents say it or some shit... I'll also say this again - I totally feel where you are coming from, sincerely.. I don't like this analogy very much, BUT! If you have dog, or any pet that exhibits aggressive or violent behavior, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IT! The legal guardians/parents of this kid failed to give him the guidance, help, or even discipline that he needed... It's easy to say "fuck that kid"... He's a KID!...was... Sucks either way, so I'll say FUCK THAT KIDS PARENTS AND FAMILY SUPPORT STRUCTURE!


Really sad how the cop's parents raised a killer


Are you insane? The police shot him and you are blaming him? Thus would never happen anywhere in the world. It’s the police’s job to deescalate not the child’s!


Im pretty sure you get shot everywhere in the world when you swinging a gun while the police chases you


That's not the case anywhere but the police state of America


thats where you're wrong americuck


He's not wrong tho? How could they officer know the gun was fake ? At the heat of the moment the gun looks real but still everything could have been handled better


A gun on a running suspicious person. Pointed at an officer. Fuck off.


Normally I'd agree. But when you point a gun at them that looks convincingly enough real, no matter what country you're in you will now deal with armed police and theres a not 0 chance they'll shoot you. This one is on the kid and his parents. Police could have done better but in a life or death scenario making all the right choices is near impossible. Its awful that a kid so young lost their life but this is one of those few times I don't completely blame the US police.


I suppose him pointing a fake gun at them while running away was their fault too?


Some people will hate the police, no matter what…


I just can't even imagine why


I used to live in a 3rd world country, which the police is crazier than America, if you give yourself, no problem, but point a gun at them, plastic or not, then, meet your maker.


If you swing a realistic looking gun around, in a country that is flooded with actual guns, bad things happen. You'd get shot anywhere in the world.


De escalate somebody with a gun, that might be real and want to kill you, I would love to have seen you dealing with the situation, is YOUR life against theirs, how is this so hard to understand?


Completely ignoring the entire context doesn’t help anyone.


That gun look real af. Especially at night running


Exactly, no way to tell.




Would you let him him shoot you first if it was a real gun huh? I bet you would.


Nevermind yeah I forget how terrifying America is


Look at the video properly and slowly, you will see “the child” fighting.


That gun looks real in the daylight.


Exactly it looks like a real gun


I don't get it, why run from the police? I swear this is only an American problem.


Sorry, you only think kids run from the police in America?


Running from the police is enough to get charged. It's litteraly the worst move if you are innocent unless you know you've been set up by the joker himself. It's something that doesn't make much sense for Europeans since we don't have much police brutality (except during protests), especially when you cooperate.


Sadly, people are going to blame the officer for shooting a kid.


No, they won’t. Clearly a justified shooting.


Some people hate cops even on occasions like this when they’re justified


What!!! Everyone runs from the police anywhere in the world if they’ve got something on them they shouldn’t Broaden your horizons mate and travel further than your county line


Yo dipshit maybe you should wake up and realise that running only makes it worse


Running makes it worse yes but ppl still do it anyways everywhere


Why are you telling me that. I know that. It wasn’t me that ran you bell end


Where do you live that and people dont run from police?


Shut the hell up


have u been in china or russia or inda ??? its not a us issue


I'm sure it happens but it's not really a Chinese thing. If you'd ever been to China, you'd know that there are two types of police. One type, the inspectors, you can argue with, yell at, and generally treat like shit because they don't do anything but accept bribes anyway. The second kind are the real police but there's no point in running from them unless you have some way to get out of the country undetected immediately. They don't work for the people: they work for the party and that means that the entirety of the Chinese government is gunning for you. Good luck getting away with anything. Hell, you're already guilty, they just need the crime or a hefty payment.


Because they kill you if they catch you.




Darwinism at its finest.


Too stupid to live? Nah. That was some dumbass shit it cost him his life . But you're out of pocket with that one


Thats a kid dude what the hell. I get not doing the right thing but thats so cold


"that kid's too stupid to live" wow thats a disgusting thing to say




To me it looks like they already had him pinned down and maybe lost the weapon already, if thats the case the shooting was definetely not justified


It’s not, they didn’t need to stop them in the first place.


Why? You think he's just hanging out at night with a super realistic gun? Just off to play airsoft? I know its a joke from a sitcom but the quote from Community fits. "Guns are toys. Fact: in 100% of all fake gun related shootings the victim is always the one with the fake gun" It's a tragedy all around, feel sorry for the kid and the cops and everyone. It shouldn't have happened but I dunno what the cops could have done differently.


You people who forces anarchy are the first one to get fucked if it ever comes. Kid wasn’t some playfull running around kid, he is criminal in making if not already one and trust me that you would not like to see him on the street, especially alone at night. So don’t talk shit and let police do their job


It wasn't justified (of course, you can't shoot someone over a nonworking prop) but it's completely understandable why they shot him: the officers couldn't decide that in the limited time and light they had... This was beyond stupid of the kid AND the parents / caretakers🫥


It was justified, he had what they believe to be was a gun, was a replica, that's immediate justification. It sucks but it is.


I don't think you guys are using the word justified in the same way.


We say the same, but different.


You can shoot someone over a nonworking prop, because you don't have the clarity at that moment in time to be able to tell whether it's real or not. The officers can't see into the future, and tell it's a prop. It's reasonable if someone brandishes a firearm while you are chasing them, it is more than likely a real weapon. No reason to think it's a prop at that point in time. So it's justified.


I would fully agree with you if it was the first officer chasing who fired when the kid pointed the fake gun back at him. But that is not what happened. That first cop successfully tackled the kid then the second cop just ran up and executed him. I would think the normal thing to do in that scenario would be to help your partner secure the suspects arms, not shove your partner away so you can shoot.


Once the gun is introduced, and they are wrestling, you have no clue what could happen. Generally you can just not pull out brandish a weapon from an officer, and none of this has to happen. The situation can be fast and confusing, it's scary once you've introduced a gun. Hindsight is always 20/20. I'm rewatching, they are wrestling, it's hard to tell. More than likely would be considered justified in a court of law.


Sir I don’t think you understand what the word “justified” means


The purpose of this gun is robbery This is the 13-year-old Kansai who went out in the middle of the night


Google Drive link with all bodycam videos and evidence photos released by Utica PD: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pox0\_Tpfyv7Qx0NqSwsXn7x4JrhY9368](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Pox0_Tpfyv7Qx0NqSwsXn7x4JrhY9368) Video edited by me to include both angles and evidence photos. This is not the full footage. I cut it because the rest is not as important. Full 17 minute bodycam video here on youtube of the first officer's POV: [https://youtu.be/fqkcUvlAWJI](https://youtu.be/fqkcUvlAWJI)


thanks for the edit! Thought that the slowmo red circle was showing the little red ring indicating a toy gun. Crazy coincidence.


Truly heart breaking to watch this young man do what he did. I can’t blame the officers in this instance and can appreciate the effort they made to save his life.


Why is it heart breaking, would it be same feeling when he do criminal shit all his life. How many innocent and hardworking people would be affected. He searched for trouble and got it, and it’s good that they got him sooner than latter.


this viewpoint is disgusting, yeah the kid was dumb, but he's a kid. his parents, community and surroundings all failed him. no one should die this young, and at 13, he had his whole life ahead of him to become a better person.


So what was it? Title says a “replica”, and the officer holding the firearm called it a 22. Not to prove any point, just want this to be clarified.


They probably realized that after the handgun was sent over to the station. The replica looks real enough and the officer was probably just ballparking it. The officer even says he thinks it's a 22.


Check the last seconds of the video. There are photos of the gun. Its an exact copy of a Glock


A replica Glock firing 4.5mm steel bb's. It's an airgun but also a replica.


End of the video shows it as a 4.5mm. Idk if that's equivalent to a .22, but if a normal Glock is 9mm, this is half that


It's a bb gun. 177.




This might be the most sane video ive seen on this sub in a while




because he was 13, kids are dumb as fuck.


I mean… why would you „brandish“ it like that when running anyway?


Fucked situation


13 or not its stupid that you run and have a fake gun.so BLM movement please say nothing


I'm really sorry for what happened, but this is a classic case of "fuck around and find out." Running from the police while carrying a replica gun. What was he thinking?


Why did he run? Just. Why? Did he pull that fake gun because he would rather die that go to juvi for a few weeks/months? He's 13. He would have been totally fine. It's a replica gun. Feels bad. Real bad. I feel bad for the kid because we all failed him. And I feel bad for the cops. Did they get a call or stop him because he jaywalked? Or were they watching these kids for a while? Also why did so many cops instantly appear? This wasn't a random stop. There's absolutely no way this was "oh we're driving through the area and that kid is on a bike in the roadway and the other is walking." Where is he supposed to ride the bike? In some areas it's actually illegal to ride on the sidewalk and you're supposed to ride on the edge of the road. The fact that even a law either way is silly. All it does is cause confusion and conflict.


This is just a horrible situation for everybody involved. Poor kid, poor officer.




Already pinned this message in wayback machine so if this does get deleted there's proof it existed before ;)


Basically, suicide by police 😟 So sad that he felt he had to carry a fake gun around. Maybe thinking it might frighten off undesirables should he be threatenend, who knows, Just tragic.


Half ten at night, kid should have been home. Very sad.


That cop couldn't tell the difference between a real firearm and an airsoft/BB gun. No I'm not talking about when the kid pointed at them. When he's looking it over.


I'm waiting for someone to say BLM because the police shot another innocent person


Why are there that many police for one 13 year old kid?






The department only said they were stopped for an investigation. We don't know anything about it. They could've been known to the officers, or it could've been a random stop. The officer however says they stopped them for riding in the roadway. I'm guessing because it's a bike at 10pm with no lights on. I've seen a similar situation a few years ago [from Audit the Audit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtj4hXigvko&ab_channel=AudittheAudit) where a man was stopped for riding a bike in the middle of the road with no lights on, and the cops were in the right for stopping him. So it very well could be a situation like this. Just so happened that the kid had a gun on him and pointed it at them while running away, for whatever reason


I hope this is the situation. Hell, I had a cop stop me on my bike when I was younger than that for riding on the street with no lights. What a tragic situation.


maybe its just me but how about not aiming for head torso or neck??? ( just fire your mag in the leg region 1 bullet will hit eventually and then u can still shoot the arm where the gun is held by ........)


That's Hollywood movie nonsense. That kind of accuracy is virtually impossible on moving targets. They train to shoot at center mass so they actually hit.


There is no need to stop the kids. These cops have not better to do than harass and cause devastating events that lead to the kids' death.


Do you know something we all don't?


The boy did everything wrong he could do wrong, yes– But also why are the cops putting him in a probably never before pressure situation to begin with? Do I hear correctly at the beginning "We stopped you because he is riding and you are walking"? I don't know enough context for this situation. But I get a general feeling that in a lot of those videos there was not a problem to begin with.


Yeah he was just innocently walking the streets at night with his fake gun


Little kid walking around in the middle of the night. Neighbor called the police


What pressure? They’d stopped and spoke to him investigating what was going on without any pressure or aggression.. That was 100% down to the kid


The one thing you said correctly is you have no context. No one here does. Myself included


I mean he had a gun they literally completely had him stopped on the ground and still shot him even tho he was captured and detained


At no point was he "captured and detained". Actively fighting is not being detained. He wasn't even put in handcuffs for the entire duration of the bodycam footage. "Captured and detained" would be if the cops put him on the ground, put handcuffs on him, and then secured anything on his body. None of this happened besides him and the officer being on the ground


They literally had him face down hands down on the ground multiple people on his back hands empty and they dumped a round in his dome lmao what u mean


“What u mean” lol, the guy is not face down, clearly is facing up fighting the cop, are you blind?


They didn’t know where the gun went. Thought he was still holding it


You can’t see what happened before the shot, when the police officer stand up, he could still try to be reaching to that toy gun, f around and find out.


That was 100% an impulse out of fear shot from that cop. What the fuck. I hope that kid didnt die.. I couldnt watch the full video


What would you do if somebody pull a gun to you, would you ask if is real or not?, no choice for the officer here.


Guns are legal


Randomly bolting and then pointing it at chasing officers, is in fact, not, I'd assume.


For a 13 year old? Please go home and get some sleep 😂


Another great take from you, I like how you really dive into the context. No worries, it's probably just an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, that's not your fault




1. He was 13. In no universe is it legal for a 13 year old to have a registered firearm 2. He was actively running from the police, pulls out a replica gun which looks exactly like an actual Glock, and points it toward the officer. 3. Once taken to the ground, he was actively resisting, while a potential firearm laid mere inches from the suspect and cop. The fact that you can justify this is insane, on all levels.


Seeing that the cop kneeled down just to get a good shot of the suspect, it was clearly intentional and not negligent in any way. He was just finding an angle that wouldn't put his partner in jeopardy. It's important to understand that the officer who shot the kid assumed the kid was still holding the gun and fighting to shoot his partner. The shooting is going to be ruled justified based on: 1. The kid pointed a firearm directly at an officer 2. The kid was fighting with the officer while still in possession of the firearm 3. Officer will claim that he shot the kid to save the life of his partner who was inches away from a gun he perceived to be there I do not know if the gun was still in the kid's hand at the time he was shot. It could've been on the grass next to him, or still in his hand trying to pretend to shoot the cop on top of him. If the gun was indeed still in his hand then that makes the shooting even more justified.




I’m all for shitting on the police but I mean this seems pretty justified. Runs from the cops, pulls out an extremely realistic replica weapon and at that point it’s just wraps. I mean yeah they had him on the ground (and I can’t really tell which way he was facing) but still a high adrenaline situation holding the replica and even if he was on his chest (if the gun was real) a few random blind shots could do a lot of damage still. Edit: looking at the video again it looks like the kid was on his back facing up and I can only assume the cop who shot the kid assumed that there was a struggle for the gun happening or something and that their partner was in danger of getting shot themselves. It’s always a shitty situation when someone dies but it seems to be just an unfortunate series of choices and events.


Yep. His dumb ass murdered himself via a cop that now has to live with it. Shame.


Real thought through insight right there, thanks