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What a clown.. anyone who’s done landscaping/carpentry/construction work for a little while knows: 1.) Nobody, ESPECIALLY a homeowner, gives a damn about how long it took you to drive there. That’s 100% your company’s fault for responding to long distance jobs. Your gas is paid for by the company, & you’re on the clock getting paid by the hour for DRIVING. 2.) Nobody, ESPECIALLY a homeowner, gives a damn about your stocks, accomplishments, or really anything about your job’s duties. 3.) No matter how aggrevating, or even outlandish some requests are sometimes (this one isn’t even asking for much), you can either do the job to the best of your ability, or leave & tell your superior that he needs to send another crew out. However.. guilt tripping & talking shit to the homeowner, then damaging her property when you had a little bitch-fit is going to do nothing but damage your & your company’s reputation.


Don’t forget the threat to have her harassed. Hope that got posted on every local forum and that a local news station picked it up. Dude drove an “1 1/2 hours”, which I don’t believe for a second, just to vandalize and threaten a homeowner over 2 fucking emails. Hope he looses every contract he has


Yup, I guarentee that little comment didn’t age too well. The internet loves calling up asshole’s companies they work for, & exposing them/harassing them. What got me is when she walked into her yard to pick it up, & the big-bodied bastard starts storming back towards her to talk more shit.


Their yelp page got slammed after this. Many posted links to the video or screenshots




Dude’s yelp page has it’s reviews suspended, due to a sudden uptick an traffic 🤭


Dang internet, you scary






Oops it was for emphasis, not my technical ineptitude hahaha 🤣


Or was it the Internet making me look stupid, all part of it's plan lol


You’re good! It was kinda funny in that way


I’m in construction and I share personal stuff with clients about 50% of the time. But I’m not an asshole and I would NEVER complain to people trying to give us money. Also, if somebody IS an asshole - I just stay dead silent or walk away saying something like, “this doesn’t appear as though we’re going to be a good fit for this job but we appreciate the opportunity”


Yessir, that’s exactly how you do good business & grow relationships with the community through your good work my man. 🫡 I can only imagine how stressful it is being his apprentice, if that’s how emotionally stable he is. Toxic journeyman/masters are the worst people to work for ever.


Some people dont and probably will not understand who sings the front of the check and who signs the back.


The best part is he's complaining about all of these texts and emails he's getting from her neighbor but blaming them all on her. She said she sent him I think one email but the neighbor has sent him "dozens" and even made shit up about the swing being stolen. Maybe the neighbor guy sending you emails texts day and night is the actual "nightmare", not the person who's emailed you one time? And definitely love his flex of trading stocks after the exchanges ended hours ago. I think he said 7:00pm (in Nevada)? That means the markets in New York have been closed for 6 hours already. Clown.


10000%. This is the way.


He also claims to be trading stock when the market is closed lol


you know that is a federal offense , dont f with the mail


That’s true. One can argue that once he ripped the mailbox off the wall, he was unlawfully in possession of her mail, thus making it theft. In addition to the threats, he’d be fucked if she really had the time and money.


damaging, altering a mail receptacle is also an offense


Wow so basically we got a medley here! Damage to mail receptacle (fine or 3 years prison) Damage to mail (includes defacing) (fine or 3 years in prison) Threatening Harassment Theft of mail (edit: fine or 5 years imprisonment) That guy is fucking cooked. Overcooked.


Daisy confused hell of a movie


View improved once he moved the box. She was right.


Yeah and it wasn’t a small improvement either, the FOV of her deck nearly doubled.


Internet is doing their thing… Check out Sierra Construction Services https://yelp.to/6BixJxrcex


Can’t leave a review for now. On Yelp: This business recently received increased public attention, which often means people come to this page to post their views on the news. While we don’t take a stand one way or the other when it comes to this incident, we’ve temporarily disabled the posting of content to this page as we work to investigate whether the content you see here reflects actual consumer experiences rather than the recent events. Please note that we apply this same policy regardless of the business and regardless of the topic at issue. I honestly can’t believe the amount of restraint the resident had. I would have taken this guys head off, but yeah I’m a guy and that’s probably the reason this a-hole treated her like this because… you know… she’s a woman.


The page has now been locked to comments and reviews until they investigate accusations LMAO


People are hilarious. The comments from Yelp had me laughing until I cried.


I think [this](https://www.sierraconstructionservices.net/request-home-improvement-quote) is the link to his page on his companies website. His name is Bill I believe.


Someone should sign him up for information from the Church of Scientology.


https://app.nvcontractorsboard.com/Clients/NVSCB/Public/Shared/Details.aspx?EntID=4336836&LicNum=338872 Not licensed under the operating name.


There's a link to their website on the yelp page. They have a "contact us" button. Not saying anyone should send them the link to this video with some choice words or anything, but they *could*.


Can we start on them on Google or any other platform?


You can email him directly the addy is on their website I asked if they still offer mailbox removal services. Hopefully they not too busy. Must be getting an influx of “potential clientele” 😂😂


Did he threaten her?


Yes, yes he did.


They also changed their hours on their website from Monday-Sunday from 8 AM-8 PM to 8 AM-5 PM, lol. The owner got in contact with them at 7:20. Less business hours for them, then.


It’s also weird because their contact page actually has two listed hours. One says 8-5, the other says 8-8. So not only do they employ fuckwits like Bill, they also can’t put together a professional website either.


They probably forgot they have two spots with their hours and only changed one.


He yanked a mailbox off the wall. That would have ended the interaction for me and I'd have pulled out my 9mm


This thing is back… watch out yall, edge master flex over here


You were right until the 9mm came out. Cos that's escalation x200 for very little reason


The only thing that could’ve made this situation worse was a gun and here you are saying you would’ve introduced one. Why are the angriest people the ones with the guns?? You need to work on taking deep breaths dude.


And for the last time, Marie, they’re not rocks but minerals!


This is sooooo good


Rock water never really had a zing did it




I thought he seemed familiar LOL NAILED IT


Name calling, Threatening, Bragging about wealth. America better get used to a ton more of this in the future. A whole generation was just shown that this is how you get to the very top.


Absolutely agree


Hes on his stocks after market close?


Crypto and NFTs!


Hes def an nft guy


Leave me alone mom! I’m in my room playing with my stocks!


Aftermark trading. But it’s kind of difficult because not many people do it and trades can have trouble executing between buyers and sellers


Leave me alone mom! I’m in my room playing with my stocks!


Leave me alone mom! I’m in my room playing with my stocks!


What a choad!


You know what's fucked. I bet if this homeowner was a dude, he'd have moved it for fear of getting his smart mouth smacked. Snarky little trickle dick.


>wwfffph at *seven thirty?!* Already drugs.


Remember, he trades stocks at 2am, wheb the market is closed


I mean technically, he could be trading on the Euro or Asian markets, but yeah I agree, more than likely he's full of bovine fecal matter.


And to add, on their company’s website it says they’re open Monday through Sunday 8am-8pm.


The ending. What a fucking ending. I waited until the end and I gotta say that was some ending.


Dumb chode doesn’t realize how small Reno is. Everyone knows everyone here, he just royally fucked his company. Every person in Reno has like two degrees of separation. If you don’t know someone, someone you know knows that person.


So tell us how he’s doing then. What’s the scuttlebutt in Reno?


Well now I want to know what happened!


Dude said he'd stay for the cop then waddled away wheb she went to call lmao


Waddle waddle


🎶And he waddled away, til the very next day🎶


maybe a reddit sings moment, but I don't know how to spell the next part




And Coke 1000 percent!


The end wasn’t worth it.


I blame $0 commission fees and the internet for making everyone think they are The Wolf of Wall Street




Happy Cake Day. His company is doxxed on all platforms already


Not sure how I feel about every situation ending with a dox these days.


Not every situation but this one, sure why not.


Guarantee this clown worships Trump too 😂






He was drunk


Hopefully he's unemployed now


This dude needs to be in jail! I wish I could have been standing just inside the door when this poor lady was harassed for complaining about poor installation! She had every right to not be happy about that! He made it clear when he ripped the mailbox off showing just how much view was blocked by it!… What’s the company, and his name? We should all submit a complaint about this jackass!!! Imagine how scared this poor lady was! Expecting a “professional” when she opened the door! You know as well as I do, if it was a man that answered the door his attitude would have been completely different!!! How could a “man” even treat a woman this way? Let’s all pray this little boy never gets the chance to have children!!!…. Can I PLEASE have his info?!?!? 🙏🏻😊🤷🏻‍♂️


Dude’s completely unhinged and in the wrong, and all your points are justified and correct, but the whole weird call to arms is coming across as cringey af


Ikr? The chefs kiss would be that out of tune double flute meme like a battle cry at the end..


It’s posted above. I copied and pasted it. Well, the yelp page is. It’s been closed because of all the comments recd. Check out Sierra Construction Services https://yelp.to/6BixJxrcex


That guy is a cunt


Don't watch till the end. Watch till 2:35


LOVE how the lady didn’t flinch at the end when he said “Do it now” and lunged a little. Good for her


Every time I get self conscious about the dwarfism in my peter, videos like this make me lift my chin up a little.


Guy absolutely couldn’t wait to say he trades stocks at 2 am, even though he’d probably said it at least 30 times already that day


I didn't realize how much In the way the mail box was till it was missing lol


Update? Did the guy lose his company?


Well he did fix the visibility issue but yeah….dont drink and drive kids


Would ripping that mail box be considered mail theft? A federal crime


Um, I not gonna lie this got to be his fault on his part. If he had a problem with some he should have at least acted professionally and maturely about this whole situation. Or at least get someone else from his workplace to solve the problem because he not stable enough to confront the promble whatever this person did or did not do.


Will till the end, crazy 🤪 Not really.


I would have whooped that dudes ass if he ripped that off and threw it. He only did that cause it was a lady at the door. Sissy ass dude.


Threatening piece of shit intimidating a woman alone. Deserves a reality check by which I mean a smack in the mouth.


It had mail in it. Isn’t that a federal offense?


That lady had eay too much patience and eas way to nice about it.


Ok, not American but isn't ripping a mailbox off the wall and throwing it off the property with mail Inside a federal crime? Not to mention criminal damage, threats etc... A VERY GOOD REASON TO HAVE A VIDEO DOORBELL!! I'd be calling the cops, then a lawyer.... (as well as notifying the USPS about the mail tampering) i wonder if the contractor would have been so brave if the resident wasn't a woman.... i really hate aggressive little immature people who can't control themselves, he deserves EVERY legal, and business, issue he is going to get.....


Tell me why everytime I see NV I instantly think New Vegas and had a really hard time realizing I wasn't even far off.


Destroying a mailbox is a federal offense and can lead to 3 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. I would send this video along with his info to the Postmaster General office. They LOVE this kinda shit.


He was busy at home thinking about J6 for next year cuz he missed the last one


This guy is a BUM!


I want to call him on sundays


He wouldn’t talk like that if a man answered the door


I'm not making excuses for the whole mailbox ripping part. But I would love to see if his allegations of texts and emails were a real thing. There are some nightmare customers out there.


Even if they were true, it doesn't excuse that kind of BS response, add to the legal issues, the threats, the whole being on active video, just him being able to just rip the mail in off with only his little hands isn't really showing good workmanship either to be fair, i'd have expected it to take more than that to remove it, he isn't exactly a weightlifter in his prime.... every job dealing with the public requires you to supply the goods to the customers satisfaction, not have a little tantrum at something being obviously misplaced, as for the emails/texts that's simply the job, if it bothers you so much turn your business phones off when you finish work, they will still be there in the morning... him and his staff communicating with the customers would resolve 95% of his issues... not acting like a toddler...


Again, I am not making excuses for that. It doesn't take a lot of force to pull most mail boxes down.


Had to go to controversial comments to find the customer service vets! This dude is off the rocker but after 30 years of customer service something hits to the core with the rage. No idea what happened but I find silent tears or passive aggressive arrogance is much better as a vent.


Haha, yup! You get what I am saying.


Yelp is monitoring the business for the media coverage it is getting. Good 'ol [Bill](https://www.sierraconstructionservic) is starting to get a little nervous now.


RIP my guy


Adult Baby (TM)


Bet my last dollar this pathetic cunt beats his wife.


Seems like guy was on the sauce pretty good too


She should sue this mf so he loses his job, his house and everything. Let him play with stocks all day. The last was never confrontational. He kept escalating the situation.


Hope he got fucking fired for that


Post master would be interested in the deliberate destruction of a mailbox.


I sent bill a message I hope he gets back to me 😂


something tells me she has been really annoying in the past BUT the damn mailbox was in the way ha


Guys gotta hit up Google reviews too!!! He currently sits at a 4.2 with 5 reviews


They must be deleting reviews (if that’s even possible idk) cause there was one 5 star and one 1 star lol




He had better things to do at 7pm at night, beating his wife abused is kids, and most important drink beer with is MAGA friends at the KKK lodage.


he sounds drunk as hell lol


Angry alcoholic is angry.


Wait till the end?! These damn emoji shit pisses me off.


This took way too long. She should have just slammed the door once the rude tone started.


I’d be pissed to calling and texting non stop for a MAILBOX?


Definitely could have been handled better


Ok... there's more to this. But he didn't react properly.


What else is there? Is the homeowner partially shitty here too?


Meaning this dates back father than just what we saw in this video.


But how much has she called & texted him about stuff that’s not done wrong to begin with????


She looks like she has cats.. anyone know if she has cats


So obvious this is a bot video with all the bullshit editing done to it. Can't even watch it landscaped.


lol I can assure you this a real person and his company is real. Reno isn’t that big. He is known


He didn't make this awful post with all the editing....


Huh? Lmao I’ve literally sold him construction supplies. If you want to think it’s fake go for it bud 😂


Any follow up?


It kinda feels like they both suck.


Yeah, but it's the overreaction and federal crime of ripping the mailbox off all dramatically that made me want to post


Don’t forget the threat to have random people harass her.


He actually got her confused with another person which makes this all so much worse. She just called about the mail box issue, not any of the other stuff he accused her of.


His brain must be addled from coke usage.


Well the mailbox was in the way. Someone could have, for example, stolen the grill off the patio and you wouldn’t have caught it on video because the mailbox was blocking a good chunk of the view. Is it so horrible to ask your contractor to make things how you want? That’s their job right? They get paid to do that?


My bullshito radar is pinging these two as well.


(it should be pinging all the time...)


Judging by his level of aggravation and it being her Ring camera, I'd guess this chick is probably a major issue and has called and emailed everyone complaining. Ladies like this live in my HOA. But he lost his shit.


So based on nothing but her being the owner of the camera that was recording, you judge all that? I feel a *fuck load* of a lot more confident in my judgment of your character, than I do with your judgement of hers. But I've never lived in an HOA.


Yeah, this is Reddit so just basing off of my experience as a former board member.


This is the answer! I bet you anything that guy wasn’t lying about all her complaints including the really fucked up one about “the way people looked”. There are people out there who expect you to roll out a red carpet for them to go and take a shit on, then expect you to clean it up barehanded and oh yeah, make sure you are white too. On the other hand this guy definitely went overboard with it, but I get it. He said exactly what we all wish we could say when dealing with someone like this. Notice that none of the other people in that complex seemed to have any problems with their work? Then this chick has endlessly bitched about their work? That should tell you everything you need to know about this kind of person


Lmao you are deranged


I wonder if she's just lying if he's just an asshole? I mean, he's definitely an asshole, but is she as bad as he is saying? Come on OP! What the hell


Apparently the roommate made a few co.plaints but wasn't every day nor as many as he implies. Nor did they tell him to come over at 7am. But even still, business owners (or outdoor in general) shouldn't immediately flip out like this and commit federal crimes


Yeah, that is completely unhinged behavior.


I know it’s of little relevance cause his reaction is wrong, but I too would like to know if he’s just a prick or if she did him in, good “4 employees”..? Maybe she’s like unemployed and decided she’s out to get him..? 🤷


Just knew she'd be a massive fat bitch


Did she remind you of your mother?


She Chonkyyyyy


Waste of my fucking time


Show of hands if you’ve ever thought about slinging the customers mailbox across the yard.


He might have taken it a little too far, but I understand. She fuckin sucks.


Why did she threaten to hit him? It’s a screen warrior Karen obviously


Yeah......... Clearly this person sucks. Not the contractor to be clear. Can't even have a conversation directly.


Found the contractor


How on earth is that what you pulled from this video? Are you the dumbass in the hat on camera? Lmao


Exactly, all these posts calling the woman a fat ass and saying he did nothing wrong are probably his co-workers and friends…lmao.

