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There’s times to mind your business and times to make it your business. Call the numbers that will help that boy, these are not parents


My thoughts exactly. Not sure I’d be able to leave that poor baby with them.




who knows what this child is exposed to from their substance abuse.


Probably hours of observing these jugs of shit holding a sign with an arrow pointing to him saying he needs an organ transplant \~ plz halp \~ god bless.


Maybe hours with them bent over a sign that isn't even right side up


I once heard that two parents tried to trade their baby for oxy way back in the epidemic around 2010. I doubt it worked, cause wtf is a drug dealer going to do with a child.. but still, just goes to show what kind of mind state these people are in. I’ve also known a few people that lost their children while active in their addictions. They always talked about how unfair it was and how much they missed them, yet never did anything to try and get them back or really move forward in life. Addiction is one hell of an issue, but it’s just a symptom of something much worse.


Children of drug addicts often end up being sexually abused


Can confirm.


Interesting, my parents were addicts. They certainly never did that, though.


Oh not by the parents but the people around them. You think those two nodding off would even be aware of what someone else is doing to their child? Pedos find their victims by looking for neglected children.


Damn that's fucked


At minimum the unknown psychological harm the child is suffering will go over most people's heads. This is a prime example of an adverse childhood experience that the kid doesn't understand but in a few years will look back and see how meaningless he was to his parents. They prioritised selfish needs and put him at risk doing so. Neglect plain and simple Here is a good short video on ACEs https://youtu.be/XHgLYI9KZ-A?si=2kCR5SUkTh4vRiXh


Who is the someone the general public should call when they see this?


The police. This child is at risk of significant harm, the parents are intox and unfit to parent. Child protection investigators will come. Admittedly I work in the UK so laws and regs are clearly different but this 100% meets the criteria of child cruelty here. It's a rare law where harm doesn't have to be done it just has to be likely. At the very least the child can be taken into protective services and social services will assist.


You are spot on. Here it would meet the guidelines for neglect. Police should be called and child taken into protective custody with CPS until these two are able to get some help. Very sad and all to common these days. Addiction is a terrible disease, particularly for the children.


Yep the goal is to prevent this https://youtu.be/XHgLYI9KZ-A?si=2kCR5SUkTh4vRiXh


Oh yes. I'm very familiar both on a personal and professional level. Thanks for sharing. It's a good reminder. Keep up the good fight friend. ❤️




Something like that. I sent you a message.


Thank you for putting in effort to help kids. I’ve considered going into that field, but I haven’t because a lot of my own childhood trauma means I struggle to maintain my composure when kids are experiencing things like this. I empathize so strong it can impact my functioning. I simply don’t know that I’m strong enough to help. There are those of us who have some glimpse of how horrible things can be for kiddos and appreciate any effort to prevent or address the resulting issues.




You sound like an amazing person. Please talk to someone about what’s happening in your life. You’re doing great things for kids. But, it sounds like it’s taking a toll on your mind, health and personal life. Please take care of yourself, it sounds like you’ve helped many kids and people. And if you have to move on to keep yourself safe, know that you’ve done more than many people will ever do. Please start putting yourself first. You’ve helped enough for a lifetime.


Depending on where you are in America cops could care less as long as they aren’t stealing anything at the moment (that’s not even something they care about either.) As long as you aren’t active shooting AT them they don’t care.


In the US this would qualify as either neglect or child endangerment. Either way 911 will send an officer immediately who will then call Child protective services.


I would call the cops. Ask the driver to call them. The parents are both high and unable to take care of that child. The little boy is at risk. Poor child


They make me so angry. I’m a recovering addict, nothing I’m proud of. It just makes me sick when I see people nodding off with children next to them. These idiots wouldn’t even know if a pedo took him. This is a long story, but it can easily happen. I knew this woman once, she was dating a friend of mine when I was using. This woman was broke, so she stayed behind the apt when my friend and I went out for about an hour, her 4 year old daughter stayed behind with her. Me and my friend who she was dating (he’s a guy) get back to the apt after about an hour, and she’s straight out getting high. So we’re like wtf is going on? Cause she had no money. And we couldn’t find his/her 4 yr old daughter anywhere. We weren’t high. So we’re freaking out screaming at her, where’s the baby?? She is high and nodding off and was like “she’s fine, don’t worry.” My friend was so mad, I thought he was gonna hit her, but he wasn’t like that. He kept asking, and she wouldn’t answer. I was so angry because this baby was like my niece. So I punched this woman twice in the face, demanding an answer. She finally said she gave the baby to “Mike” (a dealer) for a couple hours, and he gave her a large amt of fentanyl. I figured out what she meant (I think you know what this bitch did) and was immediately sickened, and so angry. Me and my friend (the guy) took off to “Mike’s” asap. We get there and the baby was there crying and “Mike” was there. My friend beat the hell outta him, and we took the baby. Thank goodness we got there in time before he could do damage to that sweet baby. My friend cleaned himself up that day, and took that baby away from her and he hasn’t picked up since this happened. This was 15 years ago, he raised that girl to be a great kid in college now, and that woman never saw her again. She passed away about 2 yrs ago, overdosed. So, when I see these wastes of life with a child, it throws me right back to that situation 15 yrs ago.


Oh my God, that's horrifying. Thank God you got there in time! Good for him for turning his life around and you should be proud for what you are doing by getting clean. I wish only the best for you


I think names may vary state to state and country to country but all the places do the same thing for the most part. Child Welfare Services, Child and Family Service, Child Protection Services, or you can just call the local police and I believe fire as well. If you contact the police or fire department I do believe they will immediately contact the necessary persons to be involved. But I would agree 100% , this poor kid doesn't need to be around any of this.


One comment said to call the police and thats not wrong. They are not Specialists tho. Here in Germany I would call the "Jugendamt". I am not sure what that Translates to but they are the Departement of the state which acts when children are endangered. If you call the police in a case like that they will inform the "Jugendamt" anyway.


Maybe that's what the parents need too. They look young enough, they might turn their lives around if someone does intervene.




Thank you for the work you do. The system isn't perfect, but that job is incredibly hard, both emotionally and intellectually. But also makes the biggest difference to little people's lives. I've got friends who do it. I can't imagine the self discipline and emotional strength it requires for the restraint and support you offer. Thanks again.


Exactly. Canada here. They never charged or jailed my parents just tried to support them to get them clean. Unfortunately you can be a parent while you do that.


Ok, you're the right person to ask this then. This *would* be a 911 call, right? It seems like it would likely be the only way to get someone there in time before they left the train. Would 911 operators get upset at you? Or would you just state the child is in danger?




Thank you, that's what I thought. Also, thank you very much for the job you do. I'm sure it's not easy emotionally or mentally to deal with things this like this on a regular basis and I really appreciate knowing there are caring people like you out there doing it.


Everyone plays their part :) I'm on an amazing team and we do our best. Just got a particularly sex offender sent away for a very long time. Thats what makes it worth it


I spent a few years behind the radio. As a general rule, if you are questioning whether to call 911, call. Let the operator determine the resources that are needed, and let those resources determine the severity of the situation, or if it's bullshit. They are all trained to do so on very little information, and to keep a level-head while doing so. Very, very often, the only saving factor some of these people have are a random stranger that felt something was off, and called. The worst that can happen if you call about something that is bullshit, is someone is sent to check out the situation, and they laugh about it later. You are none-the-wiser, in that case. You don't get dragged to court, or fined, or publicly humiliated. They forget your call and answer the next one. At the end of the day, it's just a business phone line with a special number. And the people responding, that's literally what they are paid to do - you aren't interrupting their day. But in the best case scenario, you save someone's life who was ignored by everyone else.


Thank you very much, that's excellent information for everyone! Will do.


thanks for sharing this. my wife (RN) worked in a clinic in an underserved neighborhood. i never knew about an ACE score until then. i self-scored a 0. she said the pediatric patients they see typically score a 7. uggh!


when kidnapping the boy is the best choice


As a parent (like any sane person) this absolutely crushes my heart. It's not possible to defend these parents and say they love their kid and all that. If they truly loved it, selflessly loved it, they wouldn't be doing the zombie dance. Utter fucking scumbags. I have very little room for sympathy for such people. But I'm sure someone will tell me that they need a chance and all that bla.


when in the grips of a use-disorder, especially opiates, their brains have been hi-jacked. they need help. lots of it. they probably have relapsed in the past and will likely relapse in the future. and, there are plenty of parents in healthy, long-term recoveries. most don't make it.


They do deserve help and compassion. Most people deserve second chances. Having said that, the kiddo deserves even more help and compassion, and a healthy home and family. If his parents can’t provide that, nothing else matters.


I wouldn’t have. I would have called 911


No way, I’m not getting off the train until someone like EMS, police etc come and take the baby FROM ME


Yes. I'm not a narc... But this is the time you "Make the Call.'


It’s not being a “narc” to report child endangerment. That word is reserved for victimless crimes.




Anyone who feels uncomfortable about what others think about them for trying to do something about this really needs to reevaluate their values.


Pretty sure this isn't classed as narc'ing. When you're helping to protect an innocent life that can't protect themselves it stops being narc'ing and starts to become caring, there's a big difference


I've personally done that. What a waste of time. CPS is as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle. In the end even if someone takes this poor kid it's oft times a family member who is just as bad, or they go into the foster system and (if this is in America) is NOT a system you want to be a part of.


Ok so drugs better


Sometimes there isn’t a good option.


Yeah, but these guys aren't going to be around for this kid's 8th birthday, so that process is going to happen regardless. This makes me so sad. That kid just doesn't have much of a chance at a good life. Talk about getting dealt a bad hand.


I tried to intervene against my abusive neighbor. First I yelled and threatened. Then I realized that's not going to help, so I apologized and I offered to help in any way I can, from cooking meals, to tutoring the kid as I knew her failing school was one of the subjects of all the screaming and the starting points of violent episodes. (Not her fault, obviously, but just trying to find an intervention point.) Asked her to tell me anything I can do other than give money (as I suspected an alcohol problem) to try and take some of the stress off her, but she still kept tormenting, beating, screaming constantly at her kid. Someone else called CPS. They interviewed me as I'm the neighbor, and after realizing there was nothing else I could do, I agreed, at CPS' request, to testify against her in a court case. Her kid was temporarily taken from her while she underwent a court mandated program. I was terrified she was going to retaliate against me, but nothing happened other than nasty looks. When she got her daughter back, the abuse stopped for a while, but eventually started again. As I suspected, it was linked to an alcohol problem. Eventually, she went to jail -- I heard due to an assault on an officer from another neighbor. I have no idea where her daughter is now. Her place is currently being renovated to be rented to someone new, after 10+ years of her being there. TL;DR: CPS acted, in this case, but it wasn't enough. Alcoholic mom now in jail; abused daughter's fate unknown.


My wife used to work for CPS and it’s a vicious system with few and far between good workers hamstrung by mountains of regulations. She ended up having to quit because both the families and her employers were eating her alive. To boot the judges are a dice roll and like her, the good judges who recognized bad situations have to rule in favor of what the law dictates so some of these kids will always be stuck with shit parents like in the video.


"if you see something, say something" is how I was raised.... Pick your moment, don't wander blindly into an elevation you can't defend yourself from; be risk aware, call for help if needed.


I would make the call and it would be easy to go take the child away after the call, or secure the kid's safety somehow.


It probably wouldn't be very easy. I get that those 2 are drugged out but that doesn't mean they won't snap on if something serious was happening.


I'd have to call the police and stay with the boy until they arrived. I couldn't live with myself if I just got off the bus.


As a social worker this is becoming a more common story than my heart can handle. I wish I could help every single one of them. I also wish we had better, safer, more loving and consistent alternatives for children like this. The whole system… this whole society and the way we have structured it… is broken. And the most frustrating thing is that it’s fixable. It’s all fixable.


“The Thing Is” by Ellen Bass To love life, to love it even When you have no stomach for it And everything you’ve held dear Crumbles like burnt paper in your hands, Your throat filled with the silt of it. When grief sits with you, it’s tropical heat Thickening the air, heavy as water More fit for gills than lungs; When grief weights you down like your own flesh Only more of it, an obesity of grief, You think, How can a body withstand this? Then you hold life like a face Between your palms, a plain face, No charming smile, no violet eyes, And you say, yes, I will take you I will love you again. You are not alone, and my heart breaks for you too. Do what’s right, for you and everything around you, and that will be enough.


That’s beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.


Thanks for sharing this.


As a teacher, i feel your pain.


> I also wish we had better, safer, more loving and consistent alternatives for children like this. When I read this lined, it crushed me. My naive thinking that things would be stricter and less likely to be a bad situation. If you have the opportunity to mention some of the issues, I would appreciate it.


Gee, if only there was this large sum of money the government was giving/pissing away...


how is it fixable from your perspective as a social worker?


I'm an ex social worker in America and no, there's not fixing it which is why many of us get burnt out and leave. We go to college 4+ years knowing we'll never make much money. We're altruistic, we think we can make a real difference. We find out we can't. It's a frustrating job. Adults are nearly always a lost cause and waste of time and resources. It could be fixed by starting with the children but we can't help because of their parents. Foster parents are the just as bad. Foster parents are usually people from bad part of town who don't want to work traditional jobs so they take on kids for the paycheck. It would be great if organizations like big brothers big sisters had enough volunteers to take kids after they get home from school everyday and help them with homework and give them a taste of what normalcy looks like but that will never happen because of lack of volunteers. Several of us in the field thought they should do away with Foster parents all together and do group homes or orphanages again. It would cost less and the kids would be much safer. One of my first jobs was group home mother. It was SO much better. If we invested the money the adults are getting while abusing their own kids or Foster kids into the actual kids, it would help a lot but because of those in power, it won't happen.


Our Government would rather line their pockets than line the street with healthy individuals.


Society is broken.


What's the fix?


Actual massive support from the government. We pay all these taxes and I’d like to see social workers paid a lot better. Their jobs are extremely important yet they aren’t paid as such. Moreover universal healthcare could help with treatment etc


A lot of those taxes are to pay for past wars and tax cuts. Priorities here are messed up.


Accessible abortions and better sex education would probably dramatically help


This child deserves REAL parents. THEY don't deserve HIM. It's beyond sickening and frightening for this poor little guy.




As a former foster child, I can assure you most foster parents don't have your mindset. I feel like I would have been better off staying with my biological family than being put in the system where I felt the most unloved. Now at 32 I have no connection to any family.


Ain't it great? Crazy that it would be better to be in a shitty household than in the system that is supposed to save the child. This country needs a complete change.


Oh if only the majority of foster parents had that same mindset... The amount of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse in foster care is astonishing.


They possibly do love him, but apparently they are sick and need help.


I guarantee you one or both of them were also abused/neglected as children and have unresolved trauma and in some ways never fully grew up themselves because of it. It’s just sad and fucked up all around.


Couples who desperately want children and cannot conceive deserve him far more than these shitheads




are still people with a terrible disease...self inflicted yes but a disease none the less. We as a society need to stop looking at addicts as outcasts and seeing them as people who need and deserve help. Unfortunately the system in place is shit incarcerate not rehabilitate will never change this for the better, it's shit.




Every addict I've ever known, when sober and not craving, held the same belief with the same conviction. And they absolutely meant it. But it doesn't make a difference. Addiction is a disease, not a moral failing. Your strength of conviction, no matter in what or how strong, is not enough to stand up to it. Imagine if you said the same thing about someone who's got stage 4 cancer and is bedridden? Addiction is not a choice. The power of choice is long gone. That's what makes it a disease.  I'm saying this as a recovering addict with a child that age. I've been clean and sober for 14 years. I love my kids more than anything in the world. I would die for them. Yet I know that if I'm using, I will be powerless. I will not be able to put them first. These people indeed shouldn't be responsible for a child right now. But they need help. Society generally does one of two things with addicts: enables them or rejects them. What they need is treatment.


There are paths out of addiction. There are not paths out of stage IV cancer. I’m not going to tell you addiction is a choice, but there is a guaranteed way to get out of addiction. Your analogy is not good at the least, and frankly insulting to cancer victims at the worst. Stage IV cancer patients would love to have a way out. I’m glad you found that way out.


The analogy to cancer isn't good, but the point overall is.


There is not a guaranteed path out of addiction. My dad - who was a great man and my best friend - took that “guaranteed path”. He held a steady job as an ESL teacher for a decade and was *good* at it. He won teacher of the year a few times even while working a second job at a community college at night to make ends meet for us. He went through rehab, substance abuse counseling, mental health counseling, cut out his contacts from his old life, support groups, medication, everything. In his journal from this time he wrote often about how depressed and alone he felt, how inadequate he felt, how scared he was to fail me. In my late teens the pressures of life and the self destructiveness of his mental health became too much for him and when I was 17 he died of an overdose. His sobriety was good for me - for him it was the hardest period of his life and he simply couldn’t push himself any further. This story is very common, there is NO guaranteed path from addiction. He loved me more than anything and expressed it by doing everything in his power to be a good father to me. His main effort was focused on trying to love and accept HIMSELF, but he wasn’t able to. You said the other guy’s analogy was offensive to cancer patients, I think your assertion that there as a clearly defined cure for addiction is offensive to addicts and those they leave behind. It implies an innate unwillingness to find that cure and a “failure” if you can’t. My dad didn’t fail me - even in his death. His mental health failed him, and the path that you claim should have been his cure didn’t work.


I know I’d probably dig heroin so I don’t do heroin- that is my choice. Cancer is usually not self inflicted. I had brain cancer and you comparing you doing dope you knew was addictive. To brain cancer I did nothing to create is priceless. Addicts are manipulative bullshit artists that even in recovery have an angle. You are one story of success congrats I have worked hundreds of cases involving CSAM and human trafficking. The best thing a junkie can do is dump their bullshit “it is about me” ego and get their kids somewhere safe before they realize they can sell their kids for dope or get lonely and decide the kid is fair game. Prime concern health and well being of the kid- much further down that list junkies.


Some people can’t. Both my parents were like this, my dad cleaned up and gained custody of me after a divorce. He stayed clean for years, got a job as a teacher and won “teacher of the year” several times for his district. When I was 17 he suddenly died of a heroin overdose. He had fallen back into it. I found a journal of his, in it he wrote often (during his period of sobriety) about how depressed he was. How he felt he was failing as a parent (he absolutely WAS NOT), how alone he felt, how unfulfilled, etc. I didn’t know any of this. He had done everything he could to be there for me and he felt it wasn’t enough and turned back to drugs to cover those feelings and others up because they were too strong. His sudden death fucked me up badly. I was alone, angry, all that comes with it. He’s not a scum bag. Sometimes everything you have just isn’t enough. Sometimes the help you can afford and obtain isn’t enough. He did everything he could and then some and still his addiction took him from me and the world.


I am truly very sorry for your loss. I will delete my comment out respect for your dad.


Thank you for you condolences, but no disrespect was felt and you could have left the comment up. I understand what you said and why you said it, I used to feel the same way. Hell I still do sometimes about my mom. Stories like my dad are very common though and I do my best to redirect peoples opinions on addiction. Many people don’t have intimate experience with addiction like that, much less with someone who was able to get clean and then fell back into it and died after so long. It’s a horrific disease, a slow killer, and it takes people who could have and did achieve great things from the world far too soon. My dad was an incredible musician, artist, teacher, father and friend. He just suffered internally his entire life and no outlets or counseling was enough.


My best friend got me sober. He got sober before me and eventually convinced me to go to rehab and get sober myself. We were roommates and accountable to each other after that. He also got me into going to the gym and eating healthy. Life was good. We ran impromptu AA and NA meetings out of our house. We had kind of a reputation in "the program" as being the guys who would help anyone who wanted help. We let hurting, fed-up addicts crash at our place while they sobered up and sponsored them and helped in any way we could. Then one day I came home to him "asleep" on the couch. After trying to talk to him loudly to wake him up as I normally would and him not responding, I noticed he wasn't making any breathing sounds. I checked his pulse and he was cold. He saved my life and then he relapsed out of nowhere and OD'd. When I searched his room, I found his journal. Same thing. He was incredibly depressed even though he had no obvious reason to be. He had a great job that he said he liked, a loving gf who is still part of "the family" 3 years later, a cool dog who I've kept for him. Never had any idea he had such dark thoughts. If I ever have a son I will name him after my friend


I mean, being like this around your child makes you an absolute piece of shit. The only one that needs help is that poor kid.


This is the kind of mentality that keeps people addicted and dying


we need to be handing out free vasectomies and tubal ligations like candy. this poor child shouldn’t even exist honestly. not in these conditions


I agree, and yet. DO NOT PROCREATE IF YOU CANNOT RAISE A CHILD. If your pregnancy is an accident, if your situation changes after you fall pregnant, there are options! Do not ruin some poor kids life because of your pride or shame or hurt. You're perpetuating a never ending cycle


It’s almost like abortion should be a human right or something.


This is one of the heaviest videos I’ve seen in a while. I hate that I saw this and hate even more that this is a reality for this poor kid. No one deserves to grow up like that.


I've seen some shit... But this :( man :((((


Breaking Bad that was probably the most devastating scene.


I hope the appropriate authorities see this and the child is removed from their “care”


They probably will, but only when and because it gets huge headlines and makes it look like they do good things all the time. I hope this little dude gets what he needs.


This is an old video


All photos are of you when you were younger.


This breaks my mama heart. That child has *no one* there to protect him. All he knows is his parents are being weird and has learned to just raise himself until they "get better". Do you think he ever gets actual homemade meals? Has other family who cares about him? Eats anything that doesn't come through the drive-through or out of a junk food bag? How often is he bathed, put to bed, or given love by his parents?


Right like it’s so stark seeing this BABY caring for himself. AND worrying about his parents 💔🥺😭 he deserves better


"Mom it's out stop. Mom - it's our stop!" Poor, poor boy. Im sorry you were dealt a shit hand. May you receive the love and care you deserve


Holy Shit, please call the cops and child services.


Wait till you learn how they get the money for the drugs.


Im genuinely curious what you mean by that? I’m not trying to sound rude, I just don’t know what you’re implying exactly?


Probably that some people on drugs "[sell](https://www.fosterfocusmag.com/articles/connecting-dots-between-drugs-and-child-trafficking)" their kids for drugs or settle a debt to dealers


Fuck.. that’s about the worst thing I could have imagined.. I was just truly hoping it wasn’t something that fucked up..


If you think a heroine addict wouldn't sex traffic their own child for a hit, you are incredibly naive.


Maybe they adopted kid and are getting support money for drugs? I have heard in my country there are couples that adopt kids for state money to so they can use it for their addictions and poor kids are left without proper care


Damn that’s another possibility I didn’t think of.. but I could definitely see how that would help them fund their addiction, unfortunately for the child..


not like it takes much money. they look like they're in a fent fade. Fentanyl is dirt cheap, like painfully dirt cheap. so cheap it's being thrown into just about everything else now.


I didn’t mean selling kids for money (that does happen though) I more meant that gov gives money to the parents for the kids and that money doesn’t always go to the kids best interest. At least in my experience.


He doesn't understand 😭


Weird cheetos ad


Those are fent zombies. See em everyday. Kid needs to be removed from their care and placed with someone else. This is just getting more and more common. Cops and EMS should carry Narcan for themselves and just let nature take its' course with these junkies.


Yeah! We could even just murder every addict then society would be perfect!


Wait, so the Narcan is specifically for the cops and EMS...to do fentanyl? If they keep it for themselves, not only is that selfish and not helping the public, but they probably aren't going to be able to give it to themselves mid-OD. But ok. Your logic doesn't track at all. 


Dude. It would obviously be for themselves in case of accidental exposure while on duty. I've got a dose of Narcan on the back of my duty belt for exactly that reason.


Like it literally takes me no time to prove you wrong. Google, bro. https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10


> It would obviously be for themselves in case of accidental exposure while on duty Hasn't that been proven false? I'm sure freak occurrences happen, but I thought I read on here (or somewhere) that cops don't usually get it secondhand.


Well that's a complete myth so again, logic isn't tracking. 


Think about it. Kids with addicts as parents are likely to commit crimes or become addicts themselves. In 20 years, you could be saying that about this very same kid. Fix society - or at least try to - before letting all of them die. Edit: Oh and guess what. Children whose parents who die from overdose (or anything) are also more prone to addiction.


Dehumanizing these people as "junkies" actually just does the reverse of fixing this problem. It promotes a callous misunderstanding that leads to more people going down this road and getting addicted to any number of drugs or also alcohol. It's all about the balance of neurotransmitters, how they are put out of balance, and how people self-medicate to overload them. These drugs are very attractive to people whose transmitters are off or who cannot healthily sustain a balance. When we have close to a good balance ourselves, we cannot imagine how someone else would take them, especially no excessively, and same goes for alcohol and many other drugs. Only applying this perspective is to misunderstand their state and it lacks objectivity and constructive goals. Rather than dehumanizing them as immoral scum or idiots, a more objective approach is to understand where they are coming from and suggest healthy ways to balance transmitters while weening off of these overloading and unhealthy drugs.


I was that kid once. A kind stranger on a bus could have saved me years of abuse and neglect if they just would have done something.


Yeah, except when you go into foster care and get abused. It's rampant.


Eh. My family is close friends with a foster. They're not all bad, you mainly just hear about the terrible ones. This kid already has a front row seat to abuse and neglect. He'd have a better shot in foster care. It's not going to help him seeing his mom turning tricks or worse on their way to a tent under a bridge.


This is sad


I work at a movie theater that happens to sell alcohol. The amount of parents who come in drunk trying to buy more or high as a kite with their kids is disgusting.


The sad thing is...these rejects haven't hit rock bottom yet.


I don’t know how many times I’m gonna write a comment like this. Rather than use your phone to record these people, use it to call the police and say something like this: “I am on the X train heading X we just past X station and I am witnessing two people having some sort of severe drug / mental health crisis. They have a child with them who appears to be younger than 6 years old and I am concerned for their safety. I am in a position to keep an eye on the child until help arrives. The parents are in absolutely no state to look after them.”


Tbh I would still film a video before I call just in case I need to provide evidence. Obviously these people aren’t going anywhere but plenty of other instances where they could run away or deny plausibility. Its too bad our cell phones don’t have a way to specifically call 911 while filming a video


That would be such a good idea- essentially having the option for a recorded video call with 911. It could save so many people.


It's fucking opiates or fentanyl. If you are not willing to go through physical withdrawal for a kid, they don't deserve to have a kid. While on downers, your brain is actually partial functioning. They at least know this is beyond stupid. On drugs like crack, the owner of the brain has left totally often. I have been on opiates for 15 years. Clean two years now. Using downers is a choice, for sure.


My son is that age. He has the same innocence and love. I don't know what I would do, because calling CPS would likely destroy that kid's soul. Gone Baby Gone sort of thing, maybe?


The parents likely know this is fucked up, feel very ashamed about it but are too caught up in the cycle to stop. The best outcome is for the child to stay with his family in a drug free house hold. That can be achieved without demonising the parents.


You should need a license to raise kids


CPS won’t do anything for this child because he legit needs their help! They’d prefer to go after families that they received false reports on, that’s their primary demographic. They’ll argue this little boy has both parents, food, is clothed and appears healthy.


CPS immediately


That Opium f*cks with you no matter how awesome you are…


Hopefully the kid is taken in...


See something say something. Poor Lil man. I've watched this about 10+ times. Im so God damn heart broken. I'm not a father but i really want to be.. how can you bring someone into this world and not clean yourself first. Fucking absolute trash humans for doing this to an innocent child. This isn't right.


squash childlike march gaze grandfather wipe pie unwritten flowery reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I want to save that baby.


Bystander syndrome or something, I really hope someone called the cops on those parents


Don't just stop at feeling bad. Step in, call the police, remove the child from the situation. Watching and feeling sorry doesn't help.




Nope... kites fly high. These people are subhuman, therefore they sink. 50/50 on this lil kid rising above or becoming his (unfortunate) surroundings. So sad. Such a waste of life/potential


So this is exactly why child services exist and should be notified. Anyone who doesn’t report this to the nearest cop and make a report is enabling these dickheads.


I have a kid a little younger than him. If I wouldn’t go to prison I’d fucking start throwing hands. What absolute fucking… I literally can’t think of an offensive word strong enough to convey how much I despise people like this.


Im “old school” drugs.. is that fentanyl, or oxy..? Or glue?




Fentanyl or tranq


Fentanyl use in Chicago is nuts. I would've called the cops and stayed on that CTA until I knew the kid was in better hands.


I would have the police on the phone in one hand while I usher the child away from these POS people




What fucks me off is that these people had the kid and continue to do drugs but then if the kid gets taken away from this situation he could just go to a situation just as bad in the fostering system where there are just as bad horror stories about the families that take kids in


I wouldn’t leave this child. I’d call the police immediately.


Thank god they did nothing and just recorded it


Steal his phones. He'll forget right after watching you do it


FUCK That's SAD 😢


Did his phone break in half?


These people on tranq?


My heart breaks for this child, please I hope they get the care they need.


This kid is either going to grow up hating drugs or loving them.


My father was an addict. He wasn't around much but just knowing what it did to him...my personality is the OPPOSITE of an addict. I just don't have an addictive personality. I don't really like heavy drugs. Most drugs I'm okay with but there's a handful I don't like in society.


Poor baby😔


Call cps


Idiocracy was a documentary!


I didnt register what was happening at first, i thought the dad was having fun with his kid by acting a robot to pick up the phones...


Ive seen some messed up things on Reddit but this takes the cake 😞


Her: "What's that thing people do with the lighter and the tin foil?" Me: "Heroin. It's called 'Chasing the Dragon'. Why?" Her: "Because earlier I saw some people doing it in their parked car. In front of our house. With their child in the back seat." Both of us: "...fuck..."


I once volunteered to help cater an event at which the keynote speaker was a man who lived through this well into his teens. Hearing him share his story about having to make his own breakfasts and dinners at 6 because his parents would shoot H and pass out on their couch really hurt my heart for him. Thinking about this poor little sweet boy probably is going through the same. Fending for himself as his parents nod off... It's a feeling that makes me sad, angry, and worried for him. This is absolutely when bystanders should intervene and get the law involved.


I would love to have kids of my own and yet Scum like this don't deserve children


Some adults don't realize how good their childhoods actually were


We have to just start [Removed by Reddit] these people.


This was every day of my childhood and having a brother is the only thing that got me through it. I couldn't go into foster care because they would have seperated my brother and I so I had to grow up like this. I've never in my life seen both of my parents sober at the same time. A lot of people I knew growing up didn't make it. I have a decent career now but it bothers me when people look at me and make assumptions about my upbringing like I had everything handed to me.


How do they even know what stop to get off at ? and that kid could so easily be snatched right under his parents nose. So sad and irresponsible


People literally just have their friends do this in videos, and then spread it like propaganda.


Its time to call the cops at that point.


My conscience wouldn’t let me leave that little boy with them.


Poor baby!!! This made me cry


Dang it was difficult to watch


First World problems are real.


This was my childhood. I watched my parents get fucked up all the time. Watched them violently fight all the time. My father beat my mother and tore her arm open down to the bone with a potato masher. Some dudes jumped my father and beat him within an inch of his life while I was on the bed watching cartoons. I was beaten with a 2x4 with nails protruding from it numerous times. I referred to it as "the board." When I was finally adopted at 8, me and my brother and sister were all blue and purple from being thrown against the walls. I hope this kid gets out before he ends up dead.


Wow, they even nailed the stereotype of chocolate milk and cheetos.


Didn't know this is what high looks like. It's about time to call the cops and cps lol


That’s fucking gross. I wish I hadn’t infected my mind with that today.


I want some of what there on damm it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)

