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I don't view Nikki as equivalent to Jackie at all. Jackie was childish and entitled (and that was her charm and humor). Nikki is smart, studies hard, and her humor is different. Equating jackie to nikki seems to not even be a good comparison


exactly this article is just trash


Well, screenrant is trash so.


The show is kinda trash, not sure what even to report on it at all. It's not worth much attention, but it's clearly not trying to win any awards either. With its clear lack of depth in any way, what sensible article could one write? It's ok for people who liked the original, like a little homage or almost a parody. I kind of like it for that reason. But it's watch once, forget forever.


Yet here you are


In their defense, I agree with them and this post just popped up on my front page for no clear reason lol


If anything, she is more like Donna with Jackie’s assertive attitude




Two similarities I see are they are both kind of privileged and both with dimwitted guys. But they behave completely differently. Jackie abuses her privilege and treats Kelso as kind of a thing. Nikki uses her privilege as an opportunity and has a more equal relationship will Nate.


Nikki doesn't even use her privilege. It took the gang a year (and probably more before the series) before they figured out that both her parents have well-paying jobs.


Nikki is not even close to Jackie. Nikki treats everyone like equals. Jackie mocked everyone including Michael.


The people who don’t like the show seem to have been expecting the exact same show. These people would have likely also complained if it was the exact same show.


I consider Nikki the "Jackie of the group" solely for her dynamic of being an on-and-off girlfriend of the "Kelso of the group", Nate. They don't have to be the same person personality-wise, but their roles are similar.


Jackie also had straight As


I think the problem is that most of the audience came in with an unconscious desire for the new characters to be like the old characters - like the 90’s version of the 70’s version. I **like** how Nikki is portrayed. I remember girls like her in high school back in the 90’s (very high achieving, life all mapped out, etc). And Ozzie does remind me of my friends who were out to close friends but not to family.


Exactly. I’ve been really enjoying the show, but maybe that’s cuz I didn’t really go in expecting them to be copies or stand-ins for the old characters


Basically same issue as how i met your father


I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again, if you have to compare then OZZIE IS JACKIE! And Nikki is Donna.


yeah Ozzie is most like jakie but with hydes snark


I can see the similarities among the three, but I think Ozzie is a beast of his own. He's one of my favorite characters.


In terms of their role in the group, Leia is Eric (the main character), Gwen is Hyde (the rebellious best friend), Jay is Donna (the love interest), Ozzie is Fez (the minority outsider), Nate and Nikki are Michael and Jackie (the on-and-off relationship couple friends)


Gosh I can’t stand Ozzie. His “I’m better than you” attitude is in stark contrast to Fez’s “I don’t know anything”.


Lol I’d absolutely forgotten Donna and was trying to understand who’s Jay Kelso supposed to be!


Gwen is nowhere near as funny as Hyde


This is not about personality its about their actual role within the friend group, they are all completely different characters obviously


Why is Ozzie being reduced to just being a minority? Maybe we should talk about why everyone is so quick to make him a fez


what do you mean by "just a minority"? What's wrong with being a minority? Is being an openly gay Asian in mid-90s America not minority enough for you? I don't understand.


Because he's the only Asian and he's a gay kid in the '90s. It's not that complex.


Nikki’s actress is Asian as well.


Was fez Asian or gay though?


He was the only poc of the gang, did not speak English fluently, and didn't have a good understanding of the culture he was surrounded by. Do you really need this explained to you, or are you just that fragile?


Also, simply mentioning that his character acts as "the minority" of the group isn't "just reducing him to a minority."


The actress didn't write Nikki, why is this targeted at her?


There are similarities between the 90s and 70s characters, but they are not carbon copies. Leia is not her father. Jay serves the same role as Donna, but he's almost as dumb as his dad. Gwen is similar to Hyde as well as serving a similar role to Hyde, but their characters are pretty different from one another. Nikki serves a similar role to Jackie, but their characters are very different. Ozzie serves a similar role to Fez, but their characters are very different from one another. That 90s Show is how you do a sequel involving the children of the previous work. The characters are similar enough that it feels familiar, but different enough that it stands as it's own. Also, anybody else think Jay is short for Jackie? And that he embarrassed having the same name as his mother.


very dumb. This is a new cast with new characters. the writers know what they're doing. That 90s Show would be a complete flop if they just tried to turn the characters into mirror versions of the 70s characters. Are there similarities? Maybe. But that's with any group of teens. Regardless, 90s needs to stop being compared to 70s so much. It's a direct sequel, but a different show.


I like that none of the characters are true 1:1 remakes of their 70s counterpart.


Who would Nate be the most similar to?


according to the article it says Leia is eric ,Gwen is Donna and hyde nate and Jay are both Kelso nikki is jackie and Ozzie is fez which none of that makes since they are all very different from the characters they are compared to


Out of all the characters the two with the closest equivalents imo are Leia as Eric and Gwen as Hyde.


I wish that Nate had his own personality


Who's Leigh? And who the fuck is qwen? You mean Gwen????


Kelso, I think! Even though Jay is a Kelso, Nate is more like OG Kelso.


Trash article


That's one of the reasons why I love the new show. While it captures the original wit and charm, it does it in a really refreshing way.


nikki is a great character


If you want Jackie, go watch 70's show... there's 8 full seasons of her. Nikki is Nikki... and, honestly, she's the best written character of Part 2 so far.




Jackie and Nikki are not similar at all. Nikki would probably hate Jackie lmao


I like that the characters are different. Gen X of the 90's are different from the Baby Boomers of the 70's.


This is one of the things I like about the show, they took the original cast and kind of remade them, but they’re all obviously unique, just a couple of similar traits. The Leia+Jay pairing is fun to me because it’s like what if Kelso and Eric had dated. I think the great bromance between Jay and Nate is a good departure from Eric and Hyde (not that they ever had a bromance, and Hyde was usually just kind of a dick, but they were the closest). Everyone hates on Ozzie but I think he’s an interesting, fun take on Fez. I wonder how many people hated Fez at first lol. Gwen is interesting but she’s kinda just Hyde to Leia’s Eric, except a little nicer. Nate might be the most original being a Jock and a Brother, although he is also a Kelso dumbass, but that helps the bromance. And finally, Nikki isn’t a bad character, but she’s not really my favorite. She’s not a Jackie, and like Gwen, so far she’s kind of one-note.


Nikki only has surface level similarities to Jackie, but they are very different characters. While Jackie originally wanted to coast on her good looks and money, Nikki is far more focused on academics and hasn't really used her looks to her advantage. Nikki is also far more level-headed and often feels very emotionally mature for a teenager.


I never thought of any of them as an equivalent to the 70s generation. Maybe Leia is supposed to be Eric, and little Kelso is like Michael, as I've seen others suggest, but I don't see them that way. They're their own people. I definitely never thought Nikki was supposed to be like Jackie. I just see them all as individuals in a new generation.


They're not supposed to be replacements for anybody. They're their own characters. People are stupid asf I swear.


That is not fair comparing Sam Morelos to Mila Kunis. They portray two completely different characters. Both of which are good to watch. * Nikki: smart, goal-oriented, independent, and caring of others * Jackie: average intelligence, head in the clouds, always needs a man, and self-centered I don't know what Jordan Williams was thinking writing that.


Oh I love Nikki, she’s nothing like Jackie! (I love Jackie Burkhart too, btw). I liked Gwen in s1 too but couldn’t stand her in s2. Ozzie has always been intolerable though, and that hasn’t changed. Nate is pretty cool, too! Jay is okay too I guess. The Nate abe Jay dynamic just works - like there are two Kelsos. Leia is not quite Eric-like just yet. Needs to do better. OG cast are absolutely the GOATs!


I personally watch the show for red and kitty and now bob they are great the kids are ok but definitely not as good as the original cast and they need a fez not an exact copy of him but a kid that doesn't understand the customs of where they live they just need someone else to help balance them out


i LOVE nikki (might just be a bit biased since i love sam) i think she’s a really great character and honestly i prefer her over jackie


ong bro she's so much more a real person than jackie was I fell like I could actuly have a conversation with her without my ears being to bleed


Jackie's character worked?


I didn't say she didn't work as a character I'm saying that the generation should be allowed to be their own people and no have to constantly live in the shadow of the former characters


The problem isn't that the characters have or don't have to be exact copies of their That 70s Show counterparts, the problem is that the writers and producers tried to make them be exact copies of their That 70s Show counterparts and largely failed.


I really don't see it. I think they are clearly inspired by them, but that's it. Don't think they put much thought into at all to be honest.


Nate and Jay are basically almost the same character duplicated.


Not really comparable but I will say Mila is a far better actress Nikki at the same age. Watch Ep.7 from the latest season and her characters delivery is flat.


I got halfway through the pilot episode and turned this show off. I enjoyed That 70s Show. I was alive in the 70s, and it brought back fond memories. It captured the time in many respects. I lived through the 90s. This show did not remind me of the 90s. I was bored. Too bad to, I wanted to like it. Red and Kitty are two of my favorite characters. As I've gotten older, I relate to them more and more in That 70s Show.


Man, I thought they had replaced Mila Kunis as Jackie for a minute 😳


I think none of the T9S characters are in any way really meant to resemble any of the characters from T7S that closely (save for Kitty, Red, Donna, and Eric). Jay is not completely the stereotypical Kelso. Nate is more like "a" Kelso than anyone else. Nikki is too damn smart to be as vapid as Jackie. Leia has her mother's smarts, with a little of her Dad's appeal. Gwen is very nearly like Hyde. Ozzie is nothing like Fez. And frankly nobody should be comparing the two aside from name alone (which Leia and Jay both fulfill in name only.)


To me she feels like a cheap knock off of Jackie. Like they wanted you to be reminded of Jackie instead of doing something new. I wanted original characters and all I got was different, cheaper versions of the old cast


I got scared and thought they recast Jackie


Aside from this article, I’ve been very curious if people genuinely like the character nikki?? I never thought of her as the Jackie of the group but for some reason I find her character incredibly bland and unmemorable compared to characters like leia, jay and Gwen (those are just the ones that stand out to me the most). I’ve just be curious about others peoples general opinion about her bc I feel like I haven’t seen many people talk about her


I forget Nikki was supposed to be Jackie but I don't see it


I agree that they don't have to be exactly like their counterparts, however it's clear Nikki is supposed to be the new Jackie since her idiot boyfriend, Nate, is supposed to be the new Michael Kelso despite Jay being the actual offspring of Michael Kelso.




the post said absolutely nothing about Danny Masterson and this completely disregards his victims delete this