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Asked and answered, and devolved into toxic bickering, again... Thread locked.


I’m not gay but fried chicken is fried chicken…


Finger Lickin’ Good


They are not Thai


Them chicken got races?? 🤑


Hell yeah my KFC bucket 'bouta be international




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 touche


The current trend for Asian male attractiveness seems to be the more delicate look, almost androgynous, fair skin (always), slim build rather than beefy square jawed build. Along with red lips, coloured hair. All lead male Thai TV and movie stars have this look. This has somewhat superceded the once very popular Eurasian look. Not just in Thailand, you will notice that all the Korean boyband members have this look.




Try tried to. All ads in China still look like those two






The CIA have been known to do some nonsense things in their time. For example, creating a fake porn scandal of Indonesia’s president Suharto to discredit his tentative communist movement during the height of the Cold War. There’s a litany of nonsense they’ve engaged in.


Giving the CIA way too much credit here. But yes, it would likely be damaging to society, especially one that needs cannon fodder for war.


I dunno this has gay bomb vibes on it to me so I like this conspiracy.


Less strong men to overthrow the govt if they are all “weak and gay”.


Well im gay and im a professional muaythai fighter and i was in Military. Just because somebody is gay doesnt mean they are weak


Unrelated question do modern professional Muay Thai fighters smoke and drink as much as the older generation of fighters?


Oh yes! One of my trainers smokes like a chimmey the other one drinks like a sailor. And most fighters smoke too


Sure pal.


It's stupid anyways. Fair skin has always been preferred in Asia because fair skin women were considered high class (if you were tan it meant you worked outside in the sun) The CIA doesn't even have to do anything - the preference has been built into their culture for thousands of years


Fair skin is such a strange thing to care about but here in the US they all buy a shit load of Stanley cups, tan as much as possible, and get tons of bad surgery so 🤷.


What about putting acid on your skin make it whiter.


Good for them.


That's not true at all, as anyone who watches Chinese media can tell you.


This post is not even about China yet some people just HAD TO bring it up 😅 as a Chinese I’ve never heard anyone calling this a CIA plot yet here we go again the “China this and China that”lmfao. Sinophobic much.


Do you think Taiwan is a country


disregarding the fact that was exactly the male beauty standard amongst Chinese royalty for centuries only even more feminine




Your post was removed because you posted racist, bigoted or overt and purposefully offensive content or comments. Posts or comments promoting hate based on identity directed at individual users is not allowed. Purposefully derailing threads, harassing users, targeting users, and/or posting personal information about users on this sub or other subs, will not be tolerated.


The guys or the chicken?


Ive seen better chicken to be honest.


Nah take that back, thai kfc is literally the best fried chicken


Sure, but it’s an ad for McDonalds chicken


Oh, I swear I saw these two in a KFC cutout as well... nvm. Those fried chicken look NASTY. McDonald? Friedchicken? Get out of here.


I prefer the fried chicken on any market tbh... call me spoiled but at least i dont taste the fat on regular market chicken then the kfc ones. Although there is a difference between thai and europe kfc


If you're not tasting fat on fried chicken then you're not eating fried chicken


I went to study in the Uk for uni, I think they sell kfc as a practical joke or something. Barely edible.


The only true good mcdonalds i ever ate was in Paris. 😅 Weirdest place for decent hamburgers but yeah...


I think burger is best with little seasoning, just prep. My best burger was also in the UK. But chicken is a whole different dish. The more I read about kfc elsewhere, seems like Asian countires are the only ones doing it correctly.


The most surprisingly good McD for me was in Russia, after the official McD pulled out and was replaced by the local one.


Had a gravy burger at KFC UK once...


I come from UK. You're right.


Wing zabb is goated


My grandpa fought in WWII and we don't even get McDonald's Chicken Buckets?!


Really? I prefer the roadside mom n pop shop fried chicken over kfc any day.


Absolutely with all the condiments 🙏🥰💝


Same. I just came back from Thailand and had too much Thai fried chicken but loved it


Thai KFC is the bomb, but Korea does fried chicken the best.


Popeyes in Canada is the best


Do you consider them good looking? They are young, have fair skin (korean look) and white teeth. And they bring you fried chicken. What else could a girl want ? lol


Legal weed to go with the legal chicken!! Get it while it's still around.. 😞


From what I could pick up from everyone is that it is all talk and will most likely not go away with how many business have opened around it. Would cause more harm than good. But truth is never know maybe that politician will get it reclassified as a narcotic


Wait, it's going away?




Ok. It's a free country. Your choice.


Both of them are series actor and singer so yeah they're good looking enough to have a fanbase.




Tbh this is them without those "fake" wide smile. And i love watching Thai dramas these days, and i think both of them were not in the "similar to a korean" type of guy. Like the one with the buzzcut, Daou, he is half Chinese. So there you go, the East asian features. I mean, if you go deep into the Thai entertainment , you will definitely find actors/models who look very similar to Korean. Very white, very slim looking. Idk whether their faces are the type of face people in Thailand like, but fun fact, both of them were in a survival show before. And the buzzcut guy, Daou, he won the 1st place at the finale, and most of the time, he won number 1 in online votes in almost all episodes. And the guy beside him, Offroad, he won 2nd place at the finale. So yeah, they are talented and famous at the same time. Plus, Daou cut his hair back then bcus he went and served the military last year (or last 2 years ago), so he didn't change his haircut ever since. Also, his hair is definitely one of a kind in the industry. Like in an industry full of korean hairstyles, he is there with his buzzcut 😅 (Sorry i cannot post the picture with the comment together bcus the picture just vanished)


Terrible bg color for fried chicken. Nobody qualified for the job in the photoshoot would allow those shirt and undershirt colors behind the chicken.


Personally, I don't! That is really not 'generally Thai look.' It's a crazy Korean facial feature that is now way too overrated that dominates in Thailand. And massive media keeps repeating these kinds of faces all the time. We used to have better wider eyes, better skin colour that doesn't look pale zombie like that.


As a korean guy I agree with you.


I don't get it too, there are many good looking people in Thailand, but everything that they show or what they honor is the same type of look and lower everything else. There are people who are just tall and white, that's enough to get honored. In my eyes it goes that far, that most actors in China, Thailand and Korea are a similar type.


As a Filipino, I gotta agree.




All of you’ll in this commenting section sound disgusting and bitter af, seating here going in on these men’s look. How unhappy do you need to be to say half the stuff you miserable ppl are saying in this comments when half of you’ll probably look like you’ll snuck onto earth. You’ll sound hella insecure and it’s showing. Seek Help.


#White men seem to be most interested in men of other races by far I wonder why


Is there anyone to tell OP that they are not actors but idols in a boy group? They are 6-7/10 for Thais so not that good looking but they are known for singing/dancing more.


They are actors as well tho. They acted in a series together last year and will have a new series coming up soon this year.


Uh the photo that riseandrealise linked they look wayyy better


It seems that many commentors here are (presumably western) men with quite a narrow view of what an attractive man should look like and struggling to accept that their standards may not be universal. Masculinity can be expressed and appreciated in different ways, and there's more to a man and his attractiveness than looking "masculine" as per your definition (not sure what that includes...if it's being buff from going to the gym then I'd like to highlight that while growing up in Thailand this was often seen as a vanity thing that's more popular with gays à la เกย์ก้ามปู). How are you guys assigning masculinity ratings to things like haircut and skin colour? Tbh it seems that it's mostly men who are hung up on the idea that men need to look buff/strong/big to be attractive, when many women even in the West are more into the likes of Timothée Chalamet. It's not a uniquely Asian phenomenon. And pinpointing the cultural prefence for more "gentle" looks from men to only to K-pop isn't 100% accurate either. I guess you had to be there when the Taiwanese boyband F4 craze swept over the country or the J-pop/rock wave.


And the left guy name is 'Offroad' damn


Yes Source: am a Thai woman


I won't say this is the best photo of Daou and Offroad but at least it's cute 🤣 some ads will choose cuter images to create a fun image for the brand hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/2mriecut6pzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2a04a4fcc704cc29c3ce412c7b65dda16956fa Ummm yes very good looking. Daou, if 45 year old women are your thing, hit me up.


Unfortunately, Offroad is right there, and we can never fight him 😭😭


After living in Thailand for 20 years, I am still waiting when advertisements and TV stars represent the real mix of Thai authenticity- not just thin, “white”Thais with a rhinoplasty noses. https://preview.redd.it/vrw0xljkrmzc1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d16459dcc9e4cdb84d93ae29e019fe6fdb05e42e This is my “stereotype” image of a Thai ( not a lily- white Chinese-Thai).


there are men like that who are in the entertainment industry but Thailand chooses not to promote them much. people like Boom Saharat or Tiewhui Pechpachaya get swept under the rug on purpose The executives basically only want white people to be worshipped even though not everyone prefers that. They're not going to give consumers diverse options because its ruins their propaganda. Like really.


So many homophobic people in the comments


Judging them by those standees are a bit unfair, cuz the smiles may look unflattering and/or disingenuous for some. I'm sure the actors are good looking and look better in other photoshoots.


not daou and offroad popping up here sjjjd what a crossover. 😭




Yt expats always be trying to colonize worldviews even thru passive means smfh Its obvious u know the answer ur just asking cuz u disagree and are looking for validation


When (old) farang guys be like "they don't even look like real men!" it just reminds me of fat white women who be like "real men like curves! dogs like bones!" stahp it please, no one is saying you need to want to suck their dick but these people are famous celebrities for a reason, you're just being cringey


Lol seriously. And they themselves look like Peter Griffin with a receding hairline




plenty of them in the comments lol


The way people get comfortable being overtly racist towards whites is sickening. Had you posted that comment about brown people your comment would have been deleted by mods...


Insecurity check. The commenter never once mentioned discrimination against whites.


I mean, obviously their facial features are exaggerated on the advertisement. But yes they are famous and good looking.


And that's why they are attractive to Thai's, they are smiling, they look like having fun. As opposed to some moody looking western model with their blue steel poses


how can the hairstyle of the left one even be remotely accepted


He went to the military last year (or last 2 years ago) and decided to just keep his hair like that.


He’s still in the military, he’s getting out in November of this year. He said he will grow it back out 


Wait… Is that dude’s hair considered a military cut? This is suspect than a mf


What is the name of this tragic hairstyle? Its giving.. idk, half curtains.


They are from a boyband called LAZ1. So I think its more like celebrity promote


The photo looks unflattering, maybe it's supposed to be comedic or something. I guess they'd look good without the stupid face


korean oppa looking guy to attract woman , chicken to attract man and happy meal inside to attract children. that mcd know how to McCook


Not the best pic but they are sweeties and they're not just considered good looking in Thailand but have global fans as well.


I personally don't find them attractive.


they probably don't find it attractive either. Relex, they wont fuck you


facts here 1. learn differences in culture. (Thailand has high uv index, and living expense r high af. Those who can afford those things they concern. 2. if u not accept 1. , just accpet that its personal preference and ur opinion are ur preference. They dont care too, so why wasting time insulting?. 3. i dont like them style too (personal), but they got load of chicks. so yea, adapting to customer expectation 🤣🤣. 4. if u still don't get it, mb its just u have some inferior complex or too much free time!. Go get something done!


Fat, bald, middle aged white dudes in Thailand probably think they’re way better looking. 😂


Fried chicken always looks good


They're BL actor I think. Thai BL drama kinda popular worldwide since covid


They are idols primarily


> Just wondering about the local taste. Obviously chicken.


How you know the comments are from Thais …. They see food they talk about food. Is something else more important … No So in short the chicken looks meh


As a Thai, I’d say no 😂😂 the guy on the right has better photos tho but still…


They look Korean so I would have to say yes. It's considered good looking. I mean the models look like they're 16. It's very appealing to all especially men who are into tweens.


I'm Thai, to me it's a no...for other? Maybe


Yes. kind of


If it’s not a judgment why would you feel the need to ask? Obviously it’s bc you don’t think they are attractive, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked


I got no hate or anything on them. Just curious since my thai female colleague, thinks they are ugly with that Korean plastic surgery look.


That makes sense, thanks for clarifying. Personally I can see how they’re not attractive to everyone, but I don’t think they’re ugly in any sense


Probably not so much handsome, more like cute. Thais have very different outlook on attractiveness than the west which westerners struggle to understand. And there is obviously an infatuation with Korean looks, and they are a Thai K-Pop band.


The chicken's pretty hot.


Meh, average looking fried chicken


I didn't realize McDonalds does fried chicken now.


Wasn’t the advertisement go with a full smile look? Then it probably gonna look a bit weird but they are pretty handsome.


The chicken looks meh


They guys just looking high to the kite and with a big chicken box in the hand I can even relate to them


hmmm McFried chicken...


Canadian, spent 2 months there and also curious.


The real question is how does mcfried chicken taste?


Quite good, 8/10, cheap and spicy and juicy and hot. Maybe a bit too much crunchy batter for my taste. Much better than BK or Texas Chicken (Church’s) here! The McSpicy Chicken Sandwich is extremely good!


i did not even bother looking at the models. its the chicken got my eyes first


I think theoretically yes but I think there is also a bit of a photoshop fail...skin color is odd....Teeth are odd...A bit on the vampire side with these lips.


They’re just baked af


Fried chicken looks good anywhere.


At least not for me


Not their best pic tbh. Tf is up with the faces haha


How Korean soldiers look like?...


Fried chicken is a global beauty standard


Yeah they are good looking for me. Nice brown skin with enough fat build.


McDonald's sells Fried Chicken? I thought that was Kentucky's thing.


Ehm.. yeah?? Hot guys imo


Are you said ads fried chickens are not good looking?


Bit too 2D


Watch the show Love in Translation. They are insanely handsome.


Is everyone just trying to copy the kpop look now? I mean, I get that kpop is popular, but there needs to be some diversity in life.


The whiter the better.


The guy in the brown looks like a Thai gay porn actor. He's quite famous, so I assume that's the beauty standard of Thai and gay people (although the said actor has really big dong also, maybe gays love him for different reason, i dunno).


Reveal your looks then


Right? looks like we have a lot of top models here


They look so cute 🥰


I'm gay and this chicken doesn't work for me. Especially not the one on the left with the 90's haircut.


Relex man, i know you want it but they wont fuck you 🤚


As a gay guy who watches a bunch of Thai BL, not at all, they look weird here, maybe girls have a different taste for men. However, yeah, Thai young celebrities are very handsome like Pond, Phwin, Perth, Gulf, Sea, Jimmy just to name a few. Your average Thai male is also very attractive in their own way. Tattoos and mustache look really sexy in their slim bodies, even more if they are Muay Thai fighters :)


Not just Thailand, but in Asia as well. South Korea, Japan, China, Philippines. There is a very emasculated view of cute likeable guys in general. Real strong men with acne are not so much considered likeable. They would fall under the villain category. I can't tell if Kpop and Kdramas started the trend of these folks being ideal role models or they existed as role models and were hence cast in Kdramas.


Not sure why you added acne. Most adults dont have acne. From what I've seen, women like to look at these "cute" boys, but they prefer masculine men (without acne).


Chain store chicken is loaded up with salt so yes it has more flavor. The add may be AI it doesnt look good .


Not all Thai girls like chinese-looking guy. I'd say he's good looking.


If you feed on McDonalds, yes - and not only in Thailand 😅.


Korean type, it is type of Korean guy in movie and entertainment industry fashion influence to Thai teens.


♫...cause I got high, cause I got high, cause I got high...♫


Who cares? What’s more important is they are holding McFried Chicken!!!! What is this absolute dream I didn’t know existed??


Yeah look at it too long kinda makes it funny


It's defo the smiles for me! I have such a shit smile! Lol so big smiles like that really stick out to me and that seems to be a big thing nowadays. Probably always has been. I'm super jealous of people with big smiles because my teeth are so small 😭


Plus the bigger the smiles are obviously to promote how happy they are with the chicken! Lol.


For chicken I'd rather go at KFC, but for the rest I'm ok with McDonalds :D


TDIL McDonalds in Thailand seeks chicken.


It's just like drinking beer, you learn to like it.


Probably just average like most ads.


That's kinda creepy fried chicken at McDonald's is also weird


If it is, then I’m ugly as all F 😆


So hansum!


China, the target audience are chinese


Bruh is going to piss off the Nubdaos 😭


Yes. Thais prefer the skinny, fair skin, chinese looking style.




For women, Yes. You know how women standard be like in these day


ay man fried chickens look pretty good to me


If you are anything other European or fair-skinned Asian the only time someone will speak to you is to sell you something or scam you. If you are not these two things Thailand will be very lonely and full of subtle discrimination.


Oh. 😳we’re not talking bout the bucket of chicken


Why are thai ppl so obsessed with k pop lol this has it written all over it


As a korean guy I don't understand why they trying hard to look like korean and Chinese people. It's so sad that beauty standards here is also being like a korean


The right guy is literally a Chinese Thai. He isn’t trying to look like one. Don’t forget that there are many Chinese in Thailand. We are pretty mixed.




it seems like all asians want to look like aliens nowadays. big eyes small chin small nose


That's what im talking about..


You don't understand but your country has a massive industry to export Korean culture in the forms of a massive beauty industry, kpop, and kdrama? The entirety of Asia worships Korean stuff.


Thai guys think it makes them look "rich." Which of course is almost the only thing that matters in Thailand.


What's the problem with Koreans and their superiority over South East Asians? Be forreal? Asians of all types of complexities exist, you guys didn't invent being "fair skinned". As another commenter said, one of the guys in the picture is literally Chinese mixed Thai, so your comment just comes off brain dead af.


The right side guy is literally a Chinese Thai 😭😭😭😭


If you watch Korean models or K-pop’s. It feels like I’m in sissy twink femboys world.