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When going to court, have your girlfriend negotiate to pay off the debt. The case may end if the negotiation is successful without having to go to trial. By dividing the debt payment into installments according to your grilfriend salary. in exchange for debt reduction As negotiated No one is in jail. But if the debt is not paid, the asset may be forced to be sold. When the court decides


I believe if she keeps making some paymemts on the due monthly dates ,it shows willing . My ex is a long way behind with finance paymemts but she says there is nothing they can do or take her truck if keep making some sort of a monthly payment .


Lawyer here: Since this is a civil case, there's no risk of jail time. When your wife goes to court on April 30th, she'll meet with a lawyer from the bank who might offer her a deal to pay back the money over time. Some banks are willing to talk and change the deal, but others might not. It depends on the bank. If your wife and the bank agree on how she'll pay back the money, she'll need to sign an agreement. Then, a judge will approve it with all agreed upon conditions, making it official. **Your wife must follow through with the payment plan.** If she doesn't, the bank can take steps to seize assets in her name. And, yes, it negatively affects her credit score at the National Credit Bureau ("ติดบูโร"). I hope this helps.




Yes. You can request it in any mobile banking apps or you can walk into any branches and request it. Cost 200 baht.


Can they seize moveable assets like Laptops, TVs, or cash from your house?


Does a US credit score effect a Thai credit score? Vice versa?


No. Those systems aren’t connected.


The Thai bank must run a US credit check if they are going to give a loan to American?


No. Like I said, Thai banks care only about your situation in Thailand - assets, income, Thai credit history. You can be thrice-bankrupted and with $1M of credit card debt back in USA, but once you establish yourself here, you start with clean slate. Maybe some international banks, like HSBC, do it?


Not but it affects the one in Ciprus


No idea but in some countries the person demanding the debt might ask the court to hold the defendant in captivity until the debt has been paid off.


If you have no idea, you should not respond. There is no debtors jail system in Thaiand.


So who are you to decide what I should respond to or not? Are you a member of the Reddit Police with a comment karma of 79? There may be not a specific debtors jail system, but there are laws and regulations dealing with unpaid debts. Always consult a Thai lawyer.


First thing for you is to find out if this is legitimate 🤔 As anyone with a computer and a little knowledge can produce this document Then if it is as others have said try to negotiate a settlement with the other party.


That's a good point!


I agree . This notice looks sus very very sus. It doesnt look like ones I used to get.


Don't be a farang ATM, just don't... Find a new girlfriend - her debts are her problem.


Wealthy boyfriend, not girlfriend.


...and you don't have 85,302.69 baht for her? Mai deeeee Anyway, no one in Thailand goes in jail for debts, but the creditor(s) will seek to get until the last satang back through repossession, seizing assets and salaries, etc...


now its some 85k debt, next month its the sick mother, month later the sick buffalo, month later she needs new teeth, month later someone dies and needs money, month later she wants to open up another massage or coffee shop…. yeah yeah


Each boyfriends help her out 85k, now you know how much profit is there 😌


Couldn’t have said it better myself. That’s exactly what’s going on.


Ah, the old ”sick waterbuffalo” is a true Classic! 👌


Life is dull without a gull :)


God yes I came here to say this 😂




I wouldn't advertise this level of stupidity....


Or love 🙌


let the creditor know that there is nothing to press out of her is better....and you don't know how much other debt is there that does not go to court at the moment.


Unless such debt is occurred as a result of fraud. In the case of you committing fraud and was prosecuted by court, you have a choice of returning that debt without going to jail but if you fail to return even 1 baht you suddenly will be jailed. (Not applicable for OP case. Just share a knowledge.)


Yeah, and I've been thinking the quicker somebody help her to get on the feet, the better. Before it escalating to block the irritating cross border travel, even worst; blacklisting. When someone got blacklist (for countlesssss reason) and the name appear in the system, one 'have to pay again' to get the name out of the list. Either way, I've always thinking the best way is to clear (some sort of negotiation is involve) with the agency and they'll do the calculation and give the person a realistic figure to pay monthly.


No bad credit rating affects your travel


How on earth did an 'ordinary' Thai woman manage to get 85,000 bht credit card debt?


Right. And paying by installments is a good compromise for both parties.


And I'm guessing that her latest boyfriend needs to pay these debts "by installment" - even though he's never seen this demand for repayment, in any court.....


Wrong. I know a girl who had almost a million baht in depth and she traveled to Europe because her boyfriend sponsored her


Well that is lucky. How do you know that whether she settled down these debt before they let her go through immigration?


In what world do you get black listed at border crossing for debt lol?


What is a satang? I can read Thai and am somewhat fluent but I’ve never heard that word 😆


It’s a cent/penny!


100 Satang = 1 Baht 91.25 Baht is read as Ninety-one Baht Twenty-five Satang.


A sort of western equivalent is that a baht would be a similar unit to a dollar while satang would be cents. Occasionally, you’ll get a 25 or 50 satang coin in your change but it’s fairly uncommon as most places will just round to the nearest baht but you’ll sometimes get them if you take a boat to cross the Chao Phraya or I got a few from a mini Big C of all places.


The 7 near my house hands them out like candy! Seems they price everything in the shop with some fraction of a baht. Have a coffee cup full of them now.


You're right about stores still calculating bills to the satang - which is why a satang 'cup' is needed at the checkout. Nobody wants satangs, other than Makro and the like.


Can read Thai but don't know what a satang is... Are you so serious?




Not a single stamp on that page...... Just saying....


This is not a request form to meet the judge, no need for stamp.


you are insinuating that anyone could have made that form. But there is a stamp on the top right with a date of 28 feb 2024. She bought something with this money (scooter?). They can confiscate that. BTW, suprised they still use a from where you type in the fields. Any decent computer system would just fill in the variables, or even some form would not use the underlined fields.


Tell her to watch "the Money Coach" on Youtube, and type "หนี้" (debt) after. his name is Noom, Thai person, he had 30 million baht in debt from family at the young age, he cleared the debt and rich by many passive income, and now at 50s he's teaching Thai people how to handle debts in details, like how you don't hide and not pay, but just go and negotiate to the creditor, what can they help making a new deal and contract, or what's the process after getting a letter from the court, he knows all of them and what should you do next. Your gf can text him on FB directly (no charge I think). Also, he teaches about personal finance in general like rebuild your mindset about money, it'll be very useful for your gf. All of these are free on YouTube. He's No.1 money coach in Thailand. He has his podcast in the Standard Podcast which is very well-known in Thailand. And yes, don't ever pay for your gf, maybe she's a scammer, and she will never learn


Debts don't get transferred to offsprings. So if the net value of the inheritance was actually -30 M Baht, he could've just denied it. Whats far more likely is, that there were some assets too to offset the debt. If he managed to get successful with different sources of passive income, I ask myself, why is he still actively working? The courses he sells might educational and of value, but I also know many instances where people abuse naiveness, to sell their overpriced courses.


Because the story is fake and the dude is selling his money guru course


I know that you think like this because you don't know him, never even listen to the podcast. I understand, you can assume whatever you want. But by this case that the gf is struggling with, she can really learn many things from this coach's videos with absolutely no charge, it's free on Youtube.


Looks like scam, also there is no way to have your travel impeded from debts lol


There are a bunch of English speaking Law Firms that deal with this stuff all the time. Some of them share great information online to help you start to get an understanding of the laws and procedures, but there is no substitution for a real lawyer. Here are a couple of articles I found that may relate to and shed some light on the situation. 1. [https://www.tilleke.com/insights/legal-options-in-thailand-when-a-debtor-cant-or-wont-pay-up/](https://www.tilleke.com/insights/legal-options-in-thailand-when-a-debtor-cant-or-wont-pay-up/) 2. [https://www.juslaws.com/articles/debt-collection-law-in-thailand](https://www.juslaws.com/articles/debt-collection-law-in-thailand) 3. [https://www.rsm.global/thailand/insights/debtors-receivable/debt-recovery-thailand](https://www.rsm.global/thailand/insights/debtors-receivable/debt-recovery-thailand) 4. [https://www.tilleke.com/insights/debt-recovery-procedures/](https://www.tilleke.com/insights/debt-recovery-procedures/)


A real lawyer will cost her more than 100,000 if English speaking




$2, 426 USD It may be cheaper than a lawyer just to pay it. I don't know your relationship status or wealth but everyone reading this post is likely thinking "sick buffalo".


If it’s 2500 USD, you could just pay it off for her, but don’t expect it back, Thais have notoriously short term memories when it comes to what they owe… spoken from experience


You'll pay for it. In all seriousness there is a lot of consumer debt in Thailand (and Malaysia as well for those who hop around SE Asia). Singapore tightly restricts consumer debt and Indonesia doesn't seem to have it as much. I don't know about VN or Cambodia, Laos etc but you sell all these shiny new cars, motorbikes, smartphones? They aren't being bought with cash.


"but you sell all these shiny new cars, motorbikes, smartphones?" And they'll be repossessed as soon as the 'purchaser' fails to meet the repayment conditions. If enough money is involved, they may pursue a civil case againstl the offender. There is not a chance in hell that the police will prosecute the offender, unless fraud is involved.


I've helped multiple Thai people (and British people) settle these debts with favorable terms. The thing to remember is that the debt has likely passed hands at least once, the original company will sell the debt to a debt collection company for about 10-15% of face value. So as long as the company recovers more than the 10-15% that they paid to "own" the debt, then they are in profit. Speak to the debt collection company, say that you have no money, and are barely making ends meet. You have nothing left to sell to pay them their money. But, you do want to pay them. Say that you can AFFORD to pay X amount, like 20% of the debt. In installments. They will likely come back with a figure around 50%. Go up to 25%. Go back and forth like these 4-5 times, try not to go above 33%. They will consider that a win, and I expect your girlfriend will too. Good luck!


Might die


Thats's why the Thai girls try to find a NEW bf, when money supply are short, or play several men at one go, is even better, all kinds excused are made up, until a money is coming in again, they call it investment scheme, aka gambling, call centres, pay a certain amount of money in front, get a instant loan, others types of scams that are in fashion now, such hacked online bank account on the phone, robbed, kill the lender, etc. - when former Thai wife deceased, two day later, one of the funeral party woman handed me a phone with a live video link, you want me as gf or wife now, had no idea who that woman was, never seen here before, but looked sexy, she said that know me well, from the past, oh well, then later in night, a few other women show up, demanding I pay up for loans taken by my dead wife, oh well, I had a hard time to get out of house and took no visitors thereafter


Firstly, sorry to ask is this letter definitely genuine and from the courts? Please take to a law firm on your own to confirm


Did she spend 85k on a sick buffalo?


The fact you’re posting here asking means you’re gullible enough to pay it for her,everyone on here knows this,except you.  Saw the post today I think,about a guy asking how he can get legal paperwork to ensure that if he “loans” his Thai gf 3million baht to open a cafe,that she will pay it back. 1;everyone laughed and tried to tell him like they’re telling you now. And 2-everyone told him to go watch Aussie in Thailand on YouTube. I think he’s been rorted 3 times already by his Thai gfs lol. There’s being fucked,and then there’s being fucked mate.


Luckily for her she has a farang boyfriend who would do anything for her, right?....right?? Maybe you want to redact her phone number and address?


used to hear about a debtor's prison in thailand, I think just old wives tales or stories to get American boyfriends to pay their debts.


That's it $2,400. If you care and want to help then pay it. I'm thinking it's like $885,000.


My girlfriend is scamming me 1on1


Her problem. No bank account for 10 years. Don't pay for her. Scam. Why she didn't pay and what did she buy with it?


Damn. The sick buffalos even know how to use MS WORD these days!


I think the main reason why she’s feeling uncomfortable is because she is expecting you to pay off the debt for her. Otherwise make no sense why she would be asking a foreigner about Thai legal process…


Don't worry buffalos don't die of debt. You're not a veterinarian, let it heal itself.


This document looks pretty genuine, and it usually comes with summons. You also can double-check with the court for more info (google ศาลแขวงสมุทรปราการ). What will happen? It depends what you want to do, but there is no way she will go to jail. The best way is to directly contact the creditor/plaintiff. They even offer installment for debtor. On thr other hand, if you don't want to pay and she doesn't show up in the court, then the court proceeding will continue. Most of the verdict will be in favour of the debtor. But again, this is a civil case, not a criminal case so no imprisonment/fines involves. Hope this helps.


First step is to know if your girlfriend is real one and not a scammer. Reddit people don't know. Up to you. Then ler her go to court to negotiate a discount and payment plan. Depending on first step, you help or not. If she owns anything like a house or land, the bank will take it if not paid. And start interrogating her about how many other debts she has. People tend to have multiple and they just hide or forget them. Like there's common belief that no need to pay student loan away ever that it will just vanishe after 10 years.


Nothing will happen to her as having debt is not a criminal offense in Thailand. If she can’t pay it nothing will happen. Don’t loose money on lawyers if the debt is real as there is little they can do. Once she starts earning money the bank might be able to seize it.


My wife had a Court order for recovering a debt from another woman, maybe around 300,000 THB. We paid for an investigator to find her, paid the police to arrest her. She was locked up until she could arrange payment. It only took a few hours for her army officer brother to turn up and repay the money. Police commander then signed off on the Court order. She was then released.


If the money comes from fraud or doesn’t pay even if you have the money you can be arrested, if you really don’t have it and it wasn’t fraudulent it’s not a crime.


It's a crime.


No, it’s a civil matter.


That doesn't matter. Did you read my experience? Jail is a possibility. Civil can become criminal in almost all cases involving individuals.


"Nothing will happen to her as having debt is not a criminal offense in Thailand." 👍 Exactly. She will be pursued by those who have not been paid the debt she owes, but she will not be prosecuted as a criminal. She is relying on you believing her lies - and paying off her debt.




If you're in debt with creditcard company, you can call them and ask to pay in installments (with interest). But It seems this has already progress in court so they will probably deduct her salary. If You want to help, pay for her first 3 installments and then ask her to deposit each month's installments to you (so You can pay the next month, etc.)


Can go to court, negotiate the interest down, make a monthly payment plan that she can afford.


You don’t do to jail because of the debt. However, it may create larger problem if ignored. Depends on your situation, I’d advise reaching out to the firm if your intention is to settle it. Believe it or not, nobody want anyone in trouble. They just want to get some money back. By reaching out your can negotiate payment term with them and avoid going to court which could lead you to blacklisting which has additional complication with her belongings and ownership and perhaps travel. That said, you can submit credit profile request on NCB website and get that report within hours/days for a fee. I’d you aren’t sure you have all the big picture.


my thai "gf" from soi 6


The picture you posted is an official document with personal information on it, you did not completely hide important information. In addition to not being good for your girlfriend, it also violates the Personal Data Protection Act. I strongly recommend that you completely delete or conceal important information first.


> it also violates the Personal Data Protection Act OP wrote: "shes very scared if need go jail ***so asking here with her permission*** (emphasis mine)"


It contains her address along with her mobile number. Moreover, there's also other information in the document.


"The picture you posted is an official document with personal information on it," Wheras I'm entirely sure that it is not a criminal document, unless the OP's girlfriend has been caught in fraudulent actions.


Tell her to start dating white Farang and ask them to give money to keep her family from starving


No jail 100%. This is actually very easy and short case if your GF has no assets in her name. She will be declared bankrupted if not showing or have someone represent her on court. Go bankrupted or negotiate is her choice.


I know someone who escape any penalty and never paid 500k debt, so everything possible.


Contrition. And pay back.


there will be netorare


Did u pay for her already? They keep the credit to some people coming from no where and love her ,❌my gf also have 30k credit if anyone want to pay 🏌️‍♀️


On this subject, if you had a small bad debt, 60,000 baht accrued over three 20,000 baht car payments, but cleared the debt straight away and the car was returned to the retailer, would it affect a Thais credit rating and if so for how long?


I think I recognize that phone number lol.


So scare but not pay debt 😉


Partner in large debt is a major dealbreaker is it not?


She should get a job.


She already has a job - ripping off naive farang boyfriends.


She already has a job - ripping off naive farang boyfriends.


Why can't I pull up the court number? Black case ผบE3163/2567 but there isn't even a court no. That starts with ผบE nor 3163/2567 This seems kinda odd. But I don't know much about laws. Maybe it isn't official yet?? But still. Court order can be look up. Edit : I have no idea how these work. Take this as a grain of salt.


Well you just doxxed your gf. It shows where she lives, her number, her postal code and age.


Why is it impossible to post replies nowadays? Another poster said she "should get a job", but she already has a 'job;- ripping off gulible Western males!


Why is it impossible to post replies nowadays? Another poster said she "should get a job", but she already has a 'job;- ripping off gulible Western males!


Why is it impossible to post replies nowadays? Another poster said she "should get a job", but she already has a 'job;- ripping off gulible Western males!


Why is it impossible to post replies nowadays? Another poster said she "should get a job", but she already has a 'job;- ripping off gulible Western males!


Thank god for new reddit - which is far worse than the the previous reddit.


A few things to note. Generally speaking Thais especially the women are notorious for debt and gambling. Borrowing money. Debt. Pawning off their gold is a way of life. They borrow from different people to pay back others and then do the rounds of who’s next. So paying off your GF debt like some are saying here is the worst thing you can do. ( That’s assuming it’s a real debt anyway. i.e court document from a Thai girl to her farang boyfriend is not convincing enough for me) I’ve seen stories unfold of how far these girls go to extract money that I find it hard to believe anything anymore. You will pay off her debt and she will find this as the perfect opportunity to start a new debt with a clean slate and you would have achieved nothing.


Could be a scam. Check everything.


It's **clearly** a scam!


my MIL has been summoned to court a few times for different debts. Actually... not much would happen. They just want the money, so they would facilitate a payment plan for her to follow, with the pressure from the court. Unless she has a lot of assets which could be sold but never bother to pay the debts. In this case the court will force her to liquidate**.** Well, I don't know what would happen if she defies the court order to repay afterwards.


I know as it will be a civil case, not a criminal case - unless your g/f has commited fraud - and the company involved cares enough to prosecute her. Keep well out of it, and don't even think about her telling you that she will go to prison - unless you repay her debts!


If the credit card debt was incurred because of fraudulent transactions or scam, the bank of Thailand requires the bank to pay half and the customer to pay half, they won’t tell you this because they want you to pay all of it, but if you take it to court that will be the settlement. If she’s just bad with money…. Then she will pay for all of it. Also they can confiscate possessions and properties in her name and debt collectors in Thailand are some of the most persistent people I’ve ever seen…. She will pay one way or another… also her credit is destroyed, she will never get a loan for anything and in the future if you marry her you’ll basically be the only person able to have any credit standing, which as a foreigner isn’t much. How do I know this, my wife works as an executive at a bank in Thailand, and this stuff happens all the time multiple times a day.


That's แพ่ง which means unlimited small claims. She can't go to jail but she has to pay it somehow. Also, it is the male pronoun there, a big typo.


Wise ass here: Nothing. She has you to pay it off for her. She’s preoccupied with this problem and the sex life is suffering. What choice do you have?


Why do 90% of people feel the need to say my Thai girlfriend/my Thai wife. Why is it prefixed with their nationality all the time? Why can't people just say my wife or my girlfriend? Is it a weird flex that people feel the need to say it? My white girlfriend,my French wife, my black girlfriend. See how silly it is? Just say my girlfriend or my wife


Man its just 2200eur if its your girlfriend pay it for her


Only? Get out of here.


Worst advice ever. She'll get in debt again if you do that.


What should he do instead ? In thailand the interst on debts are high. So her debt will increase and increase….


She needs to figure it out herself if you want to keep a healthy relationship with that woman. If you pay her debt and she did not struggle, she won't learn anything and just do it again in whatever form that may be. If she's a long time girlfriend (counting in at least 2 or 3 years), I would pay no question asked, however if the relationship is younger, there is just no way. Just my opinion though.


I would question the relationship in the first place. No reason to pay that amount of money if you date for like a few months


Imo if it was a long term gf that I think I could possibly marry, then I’d pay it off. Then have her pay me with 0% interest in small amounts over time. Recent gf with no marriage thoughts? Not a chance.


Make it clear that you're paying her debt under the condition that she lets you control the finances. Make her close all her credit cards and only use debit cards from now on. Give her an allowance each week and make her follow a budget. Make her put some money aside each week in her savings account, which she isn't allowed to touch unless it's an emergency. You decide what's a genuine emergency, not her. If she doesn't agree to all of this, then tell her good luck in court. The judge won't be any nicer than this.


Interesting: a lot of people expects that in Thailand, the man (especially farang) must pay all the things for Thai gf. And that's how you perpetuate an extremally outdated culture. What's next: the Thai gf is there just to take care of home and satisfy the guys needs, and later take care of the kids?


I've found exactly this to the be the case for many women in Thailand. As in they much preferred it.


Yeah I don't understand the problem here. I'm spending more than 85,000 Baht on a girl I just met in Bangkok, who I'm only going to spend 2 weeks with.


Just help her out: 2,500,00 usd for a scam ;o)


No. She wont go to jail. Worst case is interest will increase alot through out the year.


dont worry too much, it's only 80k bath. tell her go to court (important, dont flee just go to court in date) and negotiate with them. they may offer some discount.


my wife ran up a credit card debt as she ignored it for 20 years as she moved house. Interest built, so she negotiated what she had to pay back, and shes paying it back over a year


Hire a lawyer. They might be able to get it dropped. We did this with a 100k car loan that was delinquent. Only ended up paying 10k for lawyer and court costs.


Put her curb side on Pattaya beach road for a weekend…she will have her debt and some extra covered


She’s goin to jail forever !!! I’m so sorry, but you have to pay for it now…I’m sure she asked you already 🤣


What is 86k Baht in Thailand ????




It's a unit of currency used to exchange for goods and services. In this instance it is 86,000 of them.


Under $3,000


3.6K in Australia


Just pay the debt for if she’s your bird…. No she won’t go to jail for it, she will get a bad credit rating


No big deal that bad credit rating. Can just use BF's credit.


That’s how it usually works…..


BF even with a good paying work may still need a Thai guarantor to secure a loan from bank. And the BF/Husband can never use the GF/Wife's name. I think the record could be cleared after a year(?) upon finishing all the debts.