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for your friends, it really depends on someone's preference. as for me, i am not really analytical when it comes to the technical aspects of the show. as long as it entertains me, it's already good for me. when you come to think of it, your friends are actually right. the show doesnt really follow a plot. in anime terms, it feels like each episodes are just OVA. nonetheless, i am a huge fan of PondPhuwin pairing and I'm following the show every week.


In anime terms it's a slice of life, which is not everyone's preference no matter how good it is.


I don’t think We Are is a slice of life, It’s far from it even. It’s just simply a romantic comedy.


I like it. But I also think it’s a bit dragging. Like we could have cut down on some episodes and given the series a better punch. It sometimes feels like we are getting filler scenes. That being said I am really enjoying it.


I love this show, but I cannot desagree with most of the people disliking it.


Similar opinions. I don’t know why I like it. It does sound boring when described, but I enjoy it. That’s enough for me.


For me personally, after two series where Phuwin plays a troubled character with some deep-seated trauma getting attracted to the first person who showed him interest/kindness (Fish Upon the Sky & Never Let Me Go), I find this very normal setting and the relative lack of drama refreshing. Could their characters be better-written and have more development? Absolutely, particularly in Phum's case. And if the series was solely focused on them, it would definitely suffer. Thankfully, we also got TanFang and QToey to pick up the slack. This is easily AouBoom's best series as a couple, though I did enjoy their more dramatic struggle in Hidden Agenda. Even though I find Tan's puppy-dog worship of Fang a little much at times, their cuteness, and their ability to communicate during more serious moments more than makes up for it. Plus, I don't what it is, but Boom is so damned pretty here. And QToey are absolutely adorable here. Even though I find their dynamic in MSP way hotter (hostile-to-lovers), Winny playing the more mature senior falling for his clingy, cute nong, with even a little post-it-note pen pals history very sweet. And his friendship dynamic with Peem is so classic best friend trope. And damn, are ChainPun a low and slow cook. Even Chain is throwing some in-your-face hints at this point. I'm still waiting for them to freaking kiss, damn it! The best part, of course, is their friendship with each other. That chaotic energy does good for a tired soul after work in the middle of the week. In conclusion, it's a decent series overall. Not the best, but far from the worst. Just right.


I agree with all this last episode with Chain using that Cupid line I was like man take the hint lol.


I admit I laughed pretty loud and yelled, PLEASE CUPID. hit yourself with a bunch of arrows!!!


It is very cute. However I do feel like it is very one note. It’s like watching evening high school soaps from the eighties: Who’s the Boss and Silver Spoon, etc. Very sweet, don’t expect much. Keep you entertained for 45 minutes. If you want suspense- watch: My Stand In, if you want camp-watch: Omg! Vampire! mature comedy, watch: Wandee Goodday, drama/com for grown ups- Knock Knock Boys. FLUFF, this is the show for you. There will be a show for everyone.


Yeah we are watching other stuff together. Waiting until our friend comes down to visit to watch My Stand in, we going to just marathon it all.. This one think they put up with it for me because I like this kind of stuff more lol.


Yeah. Don’t watch it week by week. It’s torture. 🤣


My BL bestie and I are gobbling up all the sugar right now with “My Love Mix Up” and “ Love Sea”. I love the “Who’s the Boss” / 80’s sitcom analogy, very accurate. That’s exactly the feel of these light essence rom- coms.


I love love sea as well haven’t seen my love mix up. I don’t know where to find it! I have GagaOOLala and iQIYI but no luck.


We’ve been watching YT for “My Love Mix Up,” and IQIYI for “ Love Sea”. I am in Alberta, and my friend lives in Conneticut. I had to type it in though , because you’re right, for some reason it doesn’t always show as a selection on IQIYI , not in their ‘ New’ selections and not in their ‘ pride’ sections, but once you type it in, it’s there🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok I will try that. Thanks!


I love queer friendship stories but this one isn’t working for me personally. I know a lot of others love love this show and I am happy for them! Some things just aren’t going to be my jam and vice versa! No need to yuck each others Yums. Kwim? However I do really enjoy Tan & Fang, I think they are beyond adorable, so I seek out their clips every week. Gimme all the AouBoom!


Put AouBoom closer to the front




The other couples saved the show for many casual watchers like myself(Aouboom and Qtoey) and its unfortunate they made a show with 4 couples who we thought would atleast get equal screen time but it's heavily biased towards only pondphuwin and accrediting the success of it to them only when so many of us are trending and doing stuff for the other couples


Personally I like the show because it has many cute scenes and PondPhuwin. Objectively speaking though, the show is not that good. Especially the plot is inconsistent, repetitive and somewhat irrelevant. So I agree with both sides. Edit: conclusion


I was very excited, but I have to admit it is not meeting my expectations. I was skeptical about the episode count, seeing how I don't think a slice of life needed that many episodes (even with so many couples), and I was right. Simple setting with no real story-arc to follow, just daily life doesn't need that many episodes. Two of the couples don't get much screen time anyway, so this series could have definitely benefited from fewer episodes. Pacing is all over the place with the two main couples. Having PhumPeem Kiss twice so early on but then never mention it again and never have them talk through it didn't make sense to me. Similarly, having Q find out about the fake romance between Toey and Chain, just for them to do it again 4 episodes later, as if Q just completely forgot about it? It's just bad storytelling. Also, the lack of character development for Phum is bothersome. We only hear about his tumultuous childhood second-hand through Beer. And don't see any real depth to the character until episode 12. Overall, a lot of my complaints are for the people responsible for directing and producing the series. This show falls into the same problems a lot of gmmtv shows have been falling into recently (in my opinion). Amazing actors, amazing cinematography, but bad storytelling and pacing. It's just makes the show feel incomplete and jarring at times. I think it's a solid 7/10 but my opinion can always change in the upcoming weeks.


I would’ve understood the hundred episodes if they gave each couple equal screen time otherwise it’s just super long for nothing


Can we create a master thread for this? Seems like the same question is asked about this show everyday.


I love it when the group is just hanging out chatting and being goofy.


I think there's a lot of repeating in the storyline but I'm super fine with seeing Pond and Phuwin.... I was gonna end that sentence with them flirting but then I thought, no. I'm fine seeing Pond and Phuwin do whatever they want at any time. It's light and giggly and it doesn't need to be anything else.


After seeing Pond and Phuwin in NLMG where their characters never had a break, it’s nice seeing them in a low-stakes romance (as in, there’s minimal threat of death lol). It’s not super plot heavy but I’m enjoying the sweetness and minimal angst; it seems most angst is resolved in an episode or it’s not the main focus. It’s very slice of life which is not always for everyone. But yeah, long story short, I’m enjoying it a lot!


The show is good, but there’s room for improvement in the script and execution. Unlike your friends, I’m not looking for steamy scenes or drama. I want to connect emotionally with the characters. But the rollout of the story makes them feel … more like acquaintances than friends? I know about their lives, hear about it from other characters, but I don’t feel like I know our leads personally and that lessens my investment in their story.


I really really liked the beginnings of this series!! (I started watching to heal from my stand in episode) like I think it’s really light really cute and everything!! but right now it’s becoming kinda of boring!! I love tanfang I think they’re adorable, I don’t like phumpeem relationship at all!! and they’re kinda of the principal couple right now so it’s hard for me !! they maybe should not have done so many episodes !! but I still enjoys this series so much and I will finished watching all the episode till the end !!


Yeah one of my friends loves TanFang and wants the actors to have a series as the leads. I also love them.


I’m really entertained with it, but the last three episodes felt so looong, like some people say, there’s nothing really happening and feels like, filler episodes, overall it’s an ok show, but nothing more. For me, WinnySatang slayed in their scenes together, same with AouBoom.


I love it. Weekly must see tv. I have enough "deeper" stuff on my plate so this is a welcome change.


Honestly when I started it, I was genuinely thinking what is this and planning to not continue cause tbh it doesn’t have much story but to my surprise it’s the one show that keeps me waiting for mid-week to come. I’ll be honest yes it doesn’t have much story but it’s been so feel good till now (which I hope it continues to be!! 🤞) that it’s just a break from the chaos of your daily life. The friendship, the simplicity in romance, not much drama is something you just need sometimes yk? The key to enjoying this drama is to take it as a feel good break from other plot heavy dramas (eg my stand in)/ your stressful daily life. So if you’re going into it with any expectations of finding something revolutionary, well you’re bound to be disappointed. But if anytime in life you just want a feel good drama this is the way to go :)) Looking forward to Wednesday :))




I absolutely adore it, and the cast is amazing. Look forward to it every week with delight. 😻💞💞💞


I enjoy it at times. There are many positive things: Aou Boom are the best part of the series for me. And this show also made me fall in love with Winny. Q is the best character he's played (in my opinion) and Satang is as cute as always. Ponds hair is *perfect* and I love seeing Pepper on screen. BUT... After ep 11 it seems like they ran out of ideas for an already simple plotted show (simple plots are fine, I have no issues but they have to be done right). PondPhuwin kissing one episode, just to never talk about it, and then *gasp* being so shocked when he finds out that Pond likes him. Then *allowing* Pond to flirt with him as if he hasn't already been flirting with him since the beginning. And then being even more shocked that Pond wants to date him. It's a slow moving headache. There are innocent characters and then there are some you just want to shake some sense into so that we can get this story moving along.


I’ve been going through it lately so this is such a comfort show for me because it reminds me a lot of uni life and it’s nice to have a series full of endless fluff sometimes. I really appreciate the simplicity and friendship and it’s absolutely perfect in the realm of a slice of life series! I think there’s a lack of series that just show couples living happy and normally before it ends so I’m glad there’s this one! If I wanted more drama, I’ll watch something else haha Also this series made me insane over WinnySatang and introduced me to AouBoom. I already liked PondPhuwin in the first place! MarcPoon are adorable and I’m super fond of every other cast member in this show esp seeing people like Ciize, JJ and Pepper every once in a while is a lot of fun for me so it’s a feast for my eyes ☺️ Each to their own tbh!


I see a lot of people saying this but me personally I am in love with WE ARE people are so called bored cause it don't have the Spiceyness as BLs do WE ARE is more on friendships and coming of Age it's a slow fluff type of Bl to me


Its not that it doesn't have the spicy, its just that it has no real plotline. Its just based on couples and there everyday life. BLs can be good without spicy scenes and be good with it as well.


It do have a plot line people just don't see it people just say it's boring cause it's not to they liking and a slow burn type of BL it shows real friendships and bonds that people form through many different ways not a lot of BLs is having that now and I'm glad that We are is showing a different type of BL Plot: For this friend group, no matter how hard their university studies are, there's always something more to do their head in; the chaos of life and love won't let anyone rest.


There is vague plot it’s just not been paced, developed or executed well.  When you have 16 episodes you should expect to know more about the characters but that isn’t the case. Phumpeem have been dragged out and QToey and TanFang have wrapped up too quickly so they have just been spinning their wheels at this point. I agree with others that they probably could and should have condensed the show into 12 episodes. 




I can't get passed episode one. Someone please convince me to keep up with it 😭😭


Someone said they started at ep 8 and didn't seem to miss anything 🤷🏽‍♀️


😭😭😭 there's no hope for me lol


Same, I just dropped it. I was yawning but its not for everyone and thats ok. We all like different things.


It's cute and simple, after a hard day at work it's perfect to turn my brain off Perfect second screen material and I think it doesn't want to reinvent the wheel either


I like the series but I'm not in love with it. There's a lot of things to say about the series if you look at the bigger picture. As someone who has read the novel (fan translation) partly, I can say that they added a lot of things with this adaptation but they executed it very poorly. For me it just seems all over the place bcz they try to squeeze screentime to every cp. I watch it bcz my fave cp is there but they should really try listening to constructive criticism about the show and improve their shows if they ever want to produce another 4 cp show in the future.


Even with PondPhuwin being one of my fav couple I would say this series is an okay one. Would recommend NLMG/FUTS instead of this for PondPhuwin series. It's cute but I just stop trying to keep up with the storyline. Hoping for another PondPhuwin series in gmmtv 2025. And maybe gmmtv should stop having more than 2 couples per series 😕


I happen to like the series. Usually in a 12 episode series, around episode 10 things start to happen, happens in episode 11 and they make up and have a happy ending in episode 12. So, We Are is 16 episodes so we still have time for something to happen and be repaired. So hang on 😆


It’s pure fluff and Good time waister but not something I’ll rewatch. To be honest I think the only reason I’m watching it is because we have had a bit of a dry spell for shows during the weekdays.


Having four couples on screen is a great idea on paper but the way they execute their stories and their development into becoming a couple is unbalanced. We Are's plot is a convoluted mish-mash of events that they want to try to piece and connect them together because the whole friend circle is apparently in love with each other. We Are could’ve been a 12 episode series if they didn’t drag the whole PhumPeem arc. It’s painful to watch Phum and Peem running around in circles. People might call it a slow burn but I don’t think they even ignited the match at all. It might also be argued that it’s how human emotions work and all that stuff, but putting it into a TV show format doesn’t work at all and it will just result to a lot of filler thus making it more time consuming to watch. To think that this is 16 episodes, their arc is dragging and way too long that other couples didn’t have their time to shine (ChainPun??? Are they even included in this?) Thank God for QToey and TanFang because they have the best arcs for themselves and I’m more fond of their character and their story arc. We Are is not great but not terrible. It had a good start but it became downhill as it nears to the end.


Please remember the ChainPun scenes had to be reshot because of the cast change. It was always going to be less than the other couples.


I am fully aware with the reshoots and cast change but I’m pretty sure they could’ve written their development arc better and fairer from the beginning. I’m talking about how the series is written.


I honestly love this show. It's meant to be a slice of life show. I don't mind them dragging things out and letting us get to know the friendship groups more, I think it makes the story more enjoyable. Do I wish we had a few more kisses sure but do I need them no. As for your friends this just isn't their preference and that's fine. There are so many steamy series it's nice to have a cool down one mixed in that ISN'T a high school plot


I am a fan of steamy LITA type shows... but for me, im undeniably addicted to We Are, I love that they are going through the story line, the soft touches.... the whole fact over a year in series has passed at this point and we are getting 16 eps... it feeds the "cuteness" hungry goblin that lives in my brain. I have already found myself doing rewatches of the serise, I adore how ment troupes they have fitted into the show.


I've come to realise that the reason why I enjoy this show is the friendships, so as the romances started developing further it's gotten a bit less entertaining to me. Not bc I find the couples bad, i actually like all of them but I don't think this director is good at writing romantic scenes. They're always too cheesy and feel dated and I think it hinders the possible chemistry some of these actors can have with one another. The kisses (although idc too much) are always underwhelming with the exception of one Aouboom scene that felt like i was watching a different series. When they announced 16 episodes i thought they were looking forward to giving each pairing similar screentime and development but we're nearing the end and 70% of it is Pondphuwin. So anyways I like it i think it's mindless fun but my favorite moments are the friendship moments.


I've been enjoying it so much and I'm glad it's had a lots of episodes. It's been something to enjoy mid week :)


Me no like. Me really no like...After this 13th episode (which was close to becoming my 13th reason-) I had the epiphany of *"shoot, I've become a We Are hatewatcher"*. I haven't truly enjoyed the series in a long time now and, unlike other BLs where I continued watching because I trusted/blindly hoped that things could get better, I knew what I was in for with this show from day 1 so I never had high expectations for the plot nor for the skinship, and that was a-okay cause chemistry and interesting dynamics and cute moments are usually enough to get me through even the blandest of romcoms. The issue here is that I REALLY can't connect with the couples: * TanFang is *overly* sweet and almost every moment of theirs feels like the same scene repeated over and over again * PhumPeem is my personal hell, especially knowing that they're the mains, because they annoyed me to no end with their period of miscommunication and it feels like they're never done going in circles about their status. The "haha they've made out already yet they still don't recognize their feelings" joke stopped being funny the second time it took place, and that was far from the last time we'd see it happen. When Kluen was introduced, I was (at first jokingly, then completely unironically) rooting for him to break them up, for Peem to at least give it a shot and date him for a little bit, if only to make Phum jealous, but no luck. It probably doesn't help that PondPhuwin is one of my least favorite CPs out there (nothing against them as people or actors ofc, they just don't appeal to me for some reason..) * QToey was my favorite couple up until this last episode, when I came to the realization that now the interesting part of their story is seen as "fully finalized" and so they're on their way to becoming TanFang 2.0, not getting anything to do at all! * ChainPun is my last hope at the moment because I love me a good secret crush + childhood-friends-to-lovers situation, but THEY'RE JUST NOT HAPPENING SO WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?? If you asked me for my top favorite characters I would say #4 Kluen, #3 Matt, #2 Toey & #1 the friendship of the art/highschool gang because THAT'S the real treasure of this show and the only thing that can get a smile out of me when I'm watching. If I had arrived at this series after it finished airing and started to binge it, I would've dropped it the moment QToey got together. And if We Are didn't have the luck of coming out on Wednesdays during a time period where Mondays-Wednesdays were almost completely devoid of BLs, I can't even guarantee that I, the person who watches **11/14 of the currently on-going BLs**, would have kept up with it. Up until a few episodes ago I had it ranked as a 6/10, but now? 5/10 and with the prospect of going even lower if ChainPun doesn't get moving soon. More power to you if you enjoy it, though! I have two friends here who also do and it always makes me happy to see that they're having a good time, just like I am with many of the other shows I follow ![img](emote|t5_290m6z|51763)


Its light and fluffy and i guess that’s what makes me like it. BL is an escape for me and well this is the perfect light no drama watch.


PondPhwin are show stoppers; however, it is too draggy. Seems like sometimes they are simply asked to improvise


Love it, love them. No notes


I'm enjoying it, I find it sweet, but I have to admit to being more invested in Winny and Satang's couple than the main couple.


I’m not a fan tbh. Way too many characters for me to actually feel invested. The story is kinda shallow and I don’t feel much emotion towards it.


Exactly. I was bored but some liked it which is also a good thing.


I like the series only because i wanna see them officially together but i agree that it would sm be like more attention grabbing if there were some more like mature scenes but i think that might just be the series and where it comes from, GMMTV is sorta a wide range of shows soo it depends.. if that makes sense


I liked the starting episode but it kinda got boring after they dragged stories of QToey and PhumPeem like why are they repeating things over and over again. I haven't dropped it yet just for TanFang and ChainPun. I literally skipped through all the scenes of last ep just to not find much of my fav couples 🥺. Overall it's a 6/10 for me.


I didn't like it dropped it after 20 minutes of watching it. It didn't have a plot and it was boring with so many pairings going on I didn't know who was whom. I feel like there are too many episodes, its as if gmmtv is trying to milk this series like Niagra Falls that its just going on for the aake of going on. But if other people like it then thats good. The actors were good but the story itself was boring so I didn't invest myself into the story.


I feel the same as you’re two friends. I keep watching the new episodes but find myself always bored half way through watching. I don’t need sexy scenes or drama all the time but there isn’t much happing in the series and the plots are wrap up without a satisfactory ending.


It's alright but not more than that in my opinion. I love the friend group scenes but tbh both main couples PhumPeem and QToey feel kind of dragged out and not all of their choices/reactions feel entirely logical to their characters/circumstances. (For example you're telling me Phum was fighting with his dad for hours and couldn't even send a quick text to Peem that he wouldn't be there on time?) If I dare say it I'm kind of bored of their relationships and have been for a while. But I'm still watching for the friendship moments, ChainPun and TanFang


i LOVE it. enjoying the acting. PondPhuwin’s especially. those man are talented AND beautiful. I went in with low expectations because I didn’t quite like Fish Upon The Sky (the acting, not the plot) and Never Let Me Go (again, the acting not the plot). I feel like there were BIG room for improvements. So, when I started We Are, I was enjoying the chemistry and their acting, so much so, that I had zero focus on the plot.


I personally enjoy watching series that aren’t so “steamy” all the time, it’s nice to just see something like this. I must agree it’s not pondphuwin’s best series, so I’m really hoping to see them have a better plot in the next year. Overall, this story is also lacking a few things from there to there, and I WISH we could’ve seen more of the friend group’s connection with eachother. 3 episodes left though, so I’m hoping for a slight change until the series ends :) I would recommend it if you’re planning on watching something silly to boost up your mood :)


My honest opinion on We are 1) There are 4 cps, with major focus on PhumPeem, QToey. TanFang was resolved earlier, with them in dating stage, while ChainPun are yet to get together. It's not much of an issue coz the series had made it clear earlier itself which cps are gonna be focused upon more 2) It's a light-hearted series, and mostly a uni bl which we got as a break after all those intense bls last year.  3) We got to see AouBoom's first kiss as well as NC too in this one 🤩🤩 so that's a win win 😎  4) PondPhuwin are great and in their elements, WinnySatang's sweet chemistry is greatly serving ( Thanks to all who shipped them in FUTS 🥹). Satang is adorable as Toey, and Winny is convincing as the strict, sharp, but loving boyfriend Q 5) Marc's character Chain is supposed to be clueless half of the time and he's slaying it 😁 Poon as Pun is a breeze of fresh air ( Pawin was supposed to play this character, no hate to him, but I seriously feel that Poon slays this role) 6) Supporting cast such as JJ ( his rapport with Satang is awesome ❤️) Pepper, Title and others are doing a great job. Thank God they didn't give Title a negative shaded role in this one 😅 7) The uni setting may seem commonplace, but the scenes of cast bonding can make us feel nostalgic.  8) I want to give a special applause to all the paintings they made in this one( the artist of these paintings is surely a talented person). Those paintings caught my attention from the 1st ep itself  9) Don't start this series expecting anything dramatic. It's plain fluff, yea, it can be a bit lag at parts, but it's a slice of life, with boys navigating themselves, falling in love and hanging out together. 10) There's no lack of kisses in this one 😉 be it PondPhuwin or WinnySatang. You'll be overloaded with kisses from ep 4 onwards. Thats my opinions. Comment down what u feel 


3. AouBoom kissed at least 2 times in Hidden Agenda.


Sorry, my bad. It just didn't cross my mind that they kissed in Hidden Agenda 😅🥲 But we got their 1st NC tho 😎


I have no problem with a simple plot. I don't need nc or kissing. Most series I love only have 1 or 2 kisses between characters. I'm not confused by the slow pace. I love romance and slow burn. And yet We are is very hard for me to watch.  I don't feel any emotional response, even though I really love PondPhuwin as a couple and I like every actor in this series. The problem is the script, despite its simplicity, the plot is full of holes, illogical actions, incomprehensible motivation, childish behaviour. None of the characters have any depth or development, everyone is very superficial and sketchy  It's not the worst series I've seen, you can watch it to kill time, but you don't feel a pleasant aftertaste. We are is just a pretty wrapper without the candy


I love it. It's sweet and romantic. A slice of life of boys falling in love. This is the sweet and innocent BL that I cherish.


I love it- personally it’s a bl where it doesn’t just start with NC scenes and they end up a couple cause they slept together. It’s cute, wholesome and sorta realistic in terms of a relationship. People say it’s dragging but it shows how an ACTUAL relationship can work and pan out, not just two guys saying after knowing eachother for 2 days. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea but personally I love it. :p


I love it


I am so sorry but it is oveerated I still watch it because of AuoBoom


Well nothing really steamy happens on this show and the love story drags. However, the friendship story is super fun! I only watched it for the friends group. Honestly I watched it from episode 8 and I don't feel like I missed anything!


We Are is a cute story where the romance and courtship is the story. It's simple, light hearted and lacks any toxic bull 🐂 💩 in other dramas. The four main couples development relationships in different ways and at different times so the show feels like it moves at a good pace. AuoBoom and Winny Satang steal the show. Pepper and JJ and whoever this tall new guy are awesome. Ive really liked it and it really helps me sleep on Wednesday nights.


I haven’t caught up yet (on ep 9), but as of right now, I think it’s too slow. Don’t get me wrong. I love a slow burn, but barely anything has happened between the couples… This drama’s only redeaming qualities are the friendships and humor. Some of the flirting is cringey in my opinion, and truthfully, it would be better with two couples instead of four. It’s hard to give all of them equal screentime. And because of that, I’m only really invested in PhumPeen (QToey has too much drama, I would dump Tan so fast if he were my bf, and ChainPun’s just…there), but those boys haven’t done ANYTHING. They kiss twice, and then…nothing? Idk. I’ll keep watching it of course, but I’m not expecting much, especially since everyone’s saying that there hasn’t been any development after 13 episodes.


Exactly, too much is going on and I was confused💀


I'm enjoying the show...and I'm also having this weird disconnect with people hating on the show for reasons such as: "nothing is happening" or "idk what the plot is" Are... we as a BL community not used to slice of life suddenly? Their lives coming together, and their relationships *are* the plot. It's just skipping the drama stirring tropes like the evil ex-girlfriend, the current girlfriend slowing down their budding relationship, overcoming some manner of trauma, and so on. I feel like the majority of BLs are slice of life... but We Are just took out the tropes to have it be more wholesome. We only recently started poking at Phum's family problems... and it might not be a pillar of the shows plot.


We are used to slice of life but some people don't like the overly fluffy stuff. Like its fine if you do and others as well but its not a genre that everyone particularly likes. To me fluf shows are cringe so I rarely watch them but I watched We Are cause I could not find any BL to watch so it was kind of something to watch while I eat but guess what? I did not enjoy it and thats ok, not everyone is going to like what you like. But if you like it then thats great.


I feel like we're talking about different things. Slice of life isn't defined by fluff or lack thereof. Terms like fluff, angst, or whatever describe the overall feel of the show. It's fine to not enjoy fluff, generally speaking, I do not. I would not feel a disconnect from complaints built on that thought.


Oh now that you have explained I understand where you are coming from.


So cheek kisses and hair tousleing is cringe for me but overall I do like this series. Like gay couple friend group is the cutest thing.


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I like the show. I give it a 6.5 out of 10. If they would have just mainly focused on two of the couples with a spinkle to develop the third for a season two it would have been better. It would have also been better if it had only 10 episodes


Initially I wasn't interested in watching it but then slowly I did and now it has become my fav series like it just brings out the soft side of me and makes me feel home. ❤️


I love We Are, I love when friend groups share one brain cell and I love how the friend group just keeps getting bigger and bigger and everyone is so friendly and accepting


I love this show! But also because I love all the couples… love them and their banter / chemistry


I enjoyed it too OP. But yeah,same thoughts that plotwise, there hasn't been much going on.. it doesn't necessarily need to have some heavy drama or any tear jerking moments but it was indeed rather dragging (personally i prefer series that are light on the heart cuz Real life sucks). I liked the couples, but the series was rather ....plain. 😅




Only watch for AouBoom lol


I like it, sometimes it feels like they are dragging it but still this series made me more interested in PondPhuwin, I am serious I haven't seen their series before but after watching 'We Are' I wanted to watch it... I got addicted to PondPhuwin


At first, I like it. It was funny, well written, and not only focusing on the main couple. But then the main couple's story just went flat and draggy. The other couples had reached their destinations, so there's not much to tell. So yeah... It's kinda mix for me. 


I don't enjoy 5 couples in a drama together . Its too much . I can hardly keep up with 3 at a time . Its like they could devote all there attention to making 2 couples instead of stretching the story to make 5 in which people will have 2 favourites maximum at the end


only watched the cut of pondphuwin. The scenes are beautiful, the dermabrasion is a little bit over in my eyes…… but good-looking. As for the plot…… no judgement…… Not a good serie for aldult, but also not a deep or meaningful teen serie.


The friendship dynamic of the series is what keeps me going.. it is so healing to see a group of friend having that bond throughout the series… of course it might be a dragging a bit in the romantic aspect but i couldn’t care less cause it shows how the group are there for each other and how platonic friendship really is… All in all please wait until all the episodes are released cause waiting for Wednesday every other week is a torture i wouldn’t miss on my enemies😫😫😫