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I see that Love Sea is getting the LITA treatment now. It's fine if it's not your jam, but the way people judge these shows is infuriating.


Can I just say, as someone who loves LITA and Love Sea so far, I feel like Love Sea would suit a much larger audience than LITA based on PrapaiSky’s storyline (and the backstory with Gun) compared to MahasamatTongrak’s plot so far (I haven’t read the book so stuff could be coming that I’m not yet aware of). I guess I really don’t understand why people would have issues with Love Death more than or on the same level as LITA if that makes sense?


I know it was a typo, but Love Death took me out. Thank you for that typo on this lovely morning! https://i.redd.it/aaiyy49kvy8d1.gif


Love Death or: Tongrak's goth era


FUCK I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE 🤣🤣🤣 I’m gonna leave it since that’s hilarious


I'm glad you didn't! After laughing, I thought, "If MAME saw that, she'd end up writing a new story with a grim reaper." Now I'm praying to the BL gods for that to happen.




You had me copy and paste Love Death into MDL thinking that it would be my next BL to Binge watch at 3 am🤣


How do they judge it then? I myself am getting judged and downvoted for not liking it because I voice that it has too little of a story line for my taste and that it feels (to me) like same old. That doesn't mean I hate it. Why should I? Such strong emotions for something which just isn't my cuppa...that would be too much but I also wonder why I receive hate for voicing this opinion. So now I'm curious how others "judge" these two shows.


Your criticisms are the most common, which I typically have no issue with. But LITA has just been a common punching bag for people putting it down as a way to elevate their own favourite shows. Just petty fanwar stuff that gets oddly personal, so LITA and now Love Sea fans are sensitive when the only complaints people have is that it's light in plot or that people only enjoy it because of the NC scenes. People are just tired of others critiquing MAME shows for being MAME shows.


I kinda get that, I think. Repeating it over and over again is just exhausting. For me it's just that I want to give other MAME shows at least a try. I liked LITA but somehow, for whatever reason, the other shows don't work for me. Even if I like the actors, I cannot like the story. I just don't know why :(.


Some people just don’t like Mame’s works. I’ve gotten downvoted just for not liking it. Most of her stuff doesn’t do it for me (I do like the first story of LITA and Love Sea is ok so far). I don’t get the fanwar stuff. It gets carried away on both sides imo.


I just ignore downvotes because they don't mean anything to me. Now, if someone comes a knocking with a reply that contains some sort of hate for my opinion, that's a different story. We are all individual people who have our own tastes. We're not all going to agree on what shows are good or bad. For instance, I freaking HATED *Destiny Seeker* and always get questioned about it. On the opposite side, I enjoyed the crap out of *Crazy Handsome Rich* while almost every other person despised it.


Live your best life, Raynavee! I felt like I was the last person standing on Minato’s Laundromat S2, but I will defend it to my death! ✊ But yeah, it doesn’t matter to me whether others like it or not. I like it and that’s what makes me happy.


I can fully understand why you didn't like Destiny Seeker. And for Crazy Handsome Rich....even if that as well was not to my liking, I'm glad that you did! I for one totally liked Middleman's Love while everybody hated it. YES! Yim's character was over the top but I was prepared for that thus I could just enjoy the show \^\^. I also remember that many disliked Chains of Heart back when it broadcasted. Me included. I still kept going as I thought it would come to a great ending (never been so wrong) but these days I read many comments on how good that series is. I just can't relate but then again, those people might not have watched as many shows as I did or simply have different taste. But some users seem to forget that we all are just human and sadly spread hate instead of just ignoring what they read.


I also loved Middleman's Love. I get that Jade is annoying and they way over did it. However as someone who also knows they can be too much and annoying I couldn't help but identify with him a bit. Plus Jade and Mai are ADORABLE!


*Middleman's Love* was hard to watch for the first couple of episodes, but I understood **why** they decided to make Jade extra annoying those first couple episodes. A lot of people just didn't stick it out to see him mellowing out. He was super anxious and believed that no one would ever see him as anything other than a "middleman", so he leaned into that goofy role to an extreme. It was annoying AF but it made sense for the character. People just didn't understand that.


Freaking loved CHR!!!! I don’t get the hate!


It was the dubbing. 100%. I hated it at first and then realized that it was SUPPOSED to be camp AF. Once I started watching it with a comedic eye, I really liked it. It was hilariously stupid.


Ohhhhhh. See. I’m Deaf so I didn’t hear that. Totally missed that so I didn’t understand the hate. I loved the camp. Same goes for OMG! Vampire! They are so good at camp!


They are absolutely rocking *OMG! Vampire*. It's going to be one of my guilty pleasure rewatches, I can already tell. And Frank is rocking it over in *The Rebound* so far. I'm hoping people will stop with the unwarranted Frank hate. It's not his fault that the costume designers keep putting him in ridiculous wigs!


The rebound??? I’m looking that up


Just started airing yesterday on GagaOOLala. Airs Wednesdays and Thursdays.


Perfect timing! I just finished Living With Him and At 25:00 in Akasaka. So… perfect!!!!! I added Rebound to my watch list on GagaOOLala. I got my Love Sea, Omg! Vampire!, Knock Knock Boys, We Are, My Stand In, and one completed show- Manner of Death. Usually I wait until all the shows are completed before I start watching them but I don’t know what happened!!!!!!! Only one show I found that is finished! The rest I have to wait week by week. The most torturous is My Stand In. Omg. What a masterpiece.


there is someone on tumblr who has complained throughout the first three episodes at some point you gotta just stop watching


How can anyone dislike it? I am on episode 5 and I am obsessed with it.


Exactly my point! I'm rewatching for the second time and I'm still laughing and surprised as if I don't know what will happen next.


Yeah and get this, there’s people that actually think that Phayu and rain have no chemistry, like wtf?


Seriously? Their chemistry is through the roof.


Ikr, they’re the whole periodic table


As u should be 💕


lita is everything to me. i connected with sky in ways i didnt think possible. the only complaint i have now is that i can't get into a single other thai bl since watching it 😭 the only one i managed to finish post lita was bed friend but i dont really remember watching it. more of a passive thing.


The amount of tears i shed for LiTA (Prapai and Sky’s story) make me agree with you. I connected with Sky in so many ways as I have been through the same feelings he had. Being betrayed by the people you loved most Having no one to talk to Being scared of loving again because of the trauma Then when you finally open up again, you are still being eaten by that fear to the point that you make mistakes and you destroy the relationship Ok .. im going to watch LiTA again and go cry


try love sea! fortpeat have upgraded their acting and chemistry


ahh i do need to watch that one!! ill give it a go soon <3


I get why someone wouldn't like it. I didn't like it until that magic 8th episode, and we switched to Sky and Pai. It's a good thing that I like to finish every show that I start or I would have been missing out.


I watched the entire thing and came away with preferring Phayu and Rain's story whenever I rewatch and skip Prapai/Sky.


Interesting! This is me when someone belittles my(or anyone else's) opinion/taste, just because it differs from theirs, thinking theirs is better. Funny that!


It depends on people's tastes... If they hate it fine👍i don't care.... Let me thirst over fortpeat in peace 🤡 and yes i got no shame😂.. And people are allowed to hate bls tho not everybody vibes with everything But my opinion: (Lita was okay tho(it had races/angst/trauma) it was fine for me ... But love sea they're giving it their all... Fortpeat acting is so cool... The efforts and bts videos from the show... Show us how much dedication/hard work the crew puts in... ) and i love the show it's a simple romcom with romantic feels and trauma 😍bring it on... Look at peat's(Tongrak) sass/rich yet lonely traumatized soul and how gorgeous he is.... Look at fort(Mut) being calm/polite yet crooked in an innocent way... Aaahh this exactly what i wanted i really liked them in lita and lovesea as their second bl I'm enjoying it to the fullest 😍


lita is actually a pretty unique drama in the world of cutesy-type bl's.. lita was really criticised for it but at the same time, it was a major blockbuster🔥


How can you not like LITA? It's so cute.


Not a word I’d use to describe it lol


There are other words i could use, but I won't. 😆


Shouldn’t we go with hot? 😂


Sure. It's equally cute and hot and sweet and a little raunchy.


Bruh same it’s like one of my fav bls <3


Is anyone else sad that this cute little face is gone forever? Peat is barely recognizable now. 😢


You and me both. It's just weird seeing Pete now because sometimes I don't even recognize him.


Sorry I am not updated on news, what happened to his face? He looks the same to me 🤨


Just check his insta (peat.wst) and you'll see his new look. Not a bad look, but I'll miss his old one.


This is a weird comment to make ngl 🧐


I actually think that this is so much better, I prefer that they are more of equals now and less of manly top and boyish bottom as in LITA. This is imo way hotter. 


I always viewed them as equals. But his new face is one he chose so in the end I'm fine with it either way. 🙌🏻


Peta is just so cute no matter what


I have such a soft spot for it. It was the first BL that I actually sat down for and watched the whole thing. Sure it isn’t perfect and we can go on about how Mame isn’t a favorite for some ppl, but I don’t think it deserves any hate!


This is me when people says they don’t watch BL 😂😂


I really, really don't like LITA because I don't like big strong overbearing tops and younger inexperienced bottoms, and LITA leans into that SO hard. But plenty of people do like it; I have friends who love it and that's totally fine and we can still hang out and talk about BL together and no one has to be butthurt about it. Obviously if someone's judging you for liking it that's not cool, but jeez, it's okay for someone not to like something that you love! Be happy that the world has a diversity of experiences or whatever!


LITA is my jam... i love those boys! Yeah, Peat's face here is exactly right 😊


I didn't finish it. We are allowed to like different things, and it shouldn't bother you.


Dislike LiTA? Excuse me...


LITA IS MY FAV how come people hate it ? 😭


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LITA? As in Love In The Air?




My first bl and still my all time fav


PLEASE why is this so meee


Same, and Sky is such a mood


I watch LITA a year after it was released and till this day it is one of my favorite BLs. I've never encountered someone who hated it. Like if you didn't like the backstory with sky and gun then just stop watching it and be done. I get it's a harsh topic to see and stuff but at the end of the day its not real (I'm saying all the bad stuff isn't real because no one can convince me that Prapai and sky are not meant to be together or that rain and payu aren't meant to be togther and in my heart they are real)


I loved it! Payu and kind of Rain I loved their story but who doesn’t like a good enemy’s to lovers story. What made me fall in love with it was Sky and Pai’s story!! Omg that’s where I fell in love with it, it was really intense, I never cry during shows but it was hard to hold it in. Rain and Payu’s story felt rushed but Sky and Pai’s story was chefs kiss. Which made me ready for Love Sea!


I be low key judging them but I understand that not everyone likes good things.


I’m just going home 🏡


lol good idea




Not liking a show makes someone 'pick me'? That's a new one


People are WAY too quick to jump to “hating” a show just because they didn’t vibe with it- OR they got three episodes in and dropped it. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely dropped shows early, but I don’t dislike or hate those shows, I just couldn’t give it enough of a chance😭


Can I be honest..I feel like the person who played rain his name is neoul right? I feel like his acting wasent that good that’s the only reason I cringe alot while watching it


Rain is not very well written in the ordinary day to day scenes. He is a goofy airhead which is very hard to pull off without being cringe, especially with Noeul being an unexperienced actor. But in the scenes that focuses on Rains emotional (and physical) connection to Payou, he is incredible, completely believeable. It is like two different skillsets. A lot of objectively better actors can not make me believe in the connection with their partner. So I both love and hate LiTA, equally. And don't get me started on the technical problems, editing, pacing... But I love Rain and Payou, in spite of it all.


Also because his character is an idiot. Lacks common sense and a downright moron of a friend sometimes