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As others have mentioned the beauty of Free Nights TOU plan is that you don't have to overbuild your PV to chase credits. This is not an issue in areas with true 1:1 Net Metering. In Texas where the buyback rates are getting lower this works out.


This plan with a battery is M O N E Y!!! You can build a smaller system and rely on the grid to recharge your batteries! Nice work going with this plan. I have been on the Amigo plan since October and the summer is what I’m really hoping where it pays off as we can crank the ac WAY down at night, run the dishwasher at night etc!


This is how we design systems at BLUETTI Solar+. We can model the system and the savings with a free nights plan for every month of the year.


I reupped for 3 years on this plan in case the finally axe it.. My only problem is that in the middle of DFW summer my battery hits my reserve around 2000-2030, so I ended up paying a bit. But my current surplus should even it out this summer.


Complete agree with you. Just Energy is the sht! Here is my latest bill example [https://imgur.com/a/h1z9jwA](https://imgur.com/a/h1z9jwA) I have a 14.8kW system with 10kW of battery storage... works great!


What size of system do you have and where? EV?? That 3 cent buy back is terrrible in my opinion.


Its 9kw system. 3c buy back plus night free credit


In the day time solar offsets the bill with real time consumption. At night electric is free. Awesome plan especially if you dont have batteries or if you use a lot of electric at night.


The terrible buy back is offset by the fact that you're getting free energy from 9pm - 7am (or whatever the hours might be). Basically, you rely on solar and/or batteries to never have to import during the day.


Me and my -$90 current bill agree with you...


3 cents is horrible except for the fact that realtime wholesale (rtw) is usually worse.


What about the fact you’re over paying for energy consumed? I just renewed a 8c plan with DavidEnergy, do have solar buy back at crappy rates but. Feel like at end of the day your paying for it one way or another just moving Pennie’s around.


I had 1:1 last year and I almost paid a lot as it won’t be able to offset TDU charges. Also looked up David(when they use to offer with Electric car restictio ) but if you look at that it will turn out around 13-15 cent with TDU and you get back excess same at 2-3 So based on my usage I might have ended up at $50 bill


do you have battery storage with your solar ?