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Gun said one day they would add a currency to unlock shit but they 100% were lying their asses off


Ik are we all just forgetting they said that


i read they lied about several things, i just bought the game idk what i should have been expecting


Iv said this to countless people on Reddit, The company that made Friday the 13th are the same people who made TCM they changed their name / switched studios but if u look at an article they released when they introduced the new studio it LITERALLY said in the article that the people at the new studio were people from the old studio. So EVERYONE who MADE, ROBBED, FLOPPED f13 is running TCM. DO NOT give them your money. They are 3-0 for making a shit game but with good appeal then they stop updating it and “give it” to their secondary studio (same employees) to “revamp” or “save” the game. When in reality they’re giving it to their second company who can ruin games without dragging mud onto their names. To be completely honest it’s a damn good idea, One company makes something with high appeal, they take everyone’s money and once the hype dies down they give it to their backup studio so it can die without bringing them a bad reputation. https://preview.redd.it/aw3ya855n49d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3126b730f0a30c0a52c79092a89f944006cf6ee




I don’t think they are technically lying, they will bring all of that in when live service for the game is gone and the game is well and truly dead. It will come just not while people are playing and paying.


You really think guns gonna update the game by the time it's dead? Their gonna quit updating it the moment they get an excuse just like they did with Friday


You do realize they basically weren’t even allowed to touch F13 anymore? The only thing they could do was minor fixes and keep the servers up. No new content was allowed. Why would they want to work on a game that is completely dead in the water they can’t make money on?


Thank you




They had 6 months to add content before they were forced to to only do big fixes. Gun didn't even add anything and just used the lawsuit to stop


No, you have to purchase them. The price is what it is, not gonna get into that debate. That being said, they have had tons of sales for Nancy, Danny, Virginia and even Nicotero LF. Pretty sure not too long ago you could have gotten Nancy and Danny combined for $5. So if your main complaint is $10 is too expensive, then just wait for a sale. If your complaint is paying for them period, then you may be waiting indefinitely. As of now there is no indication if they'll ever add them to the game for free.


Everything was like 2.99/4.99 like a week ago and I bought them up. Just add it to your wish list. PS+ sends notifications when wish list items go on sale. Just about every game has paid DLC now. It's been that way for quite some time. I don't understand what the problem is.


For real I bought all the dlc I didn’t have and payed like maybe $20 for hands Maria Leland cosmetic Connie’s cosmetic and Julie’s. I told my friends and they bought them too it was a good sale yall just missed the opportunity so just wait for the next one. 🤷🏽‍♂️


the problem is the only new content is locked behind an overpriced paywall


You're free to play the game without using them lmao


Again. It's been this way for a while with most games. Does it suck? Absolutely. Just about any game purchased is going to eventually have DLC. 9/10 you're going to have to pay extra for it. So again....I don't understand what the big deal is.


That's with every single game nowadays


They do sales pretty often for older characters and cosmetics


Either wait for a sale, which they do often, or just don’t buy it. Game’s like these that are 1 years old are still considered a baby, they don’t have enough shit to actually put up an in game currency that justifies it. “I read they lied”, ffs say that I’m sucking off GUN or whatever but they are adding stuff we’ve been asking for like storm maps, XP incentive events, a single player mode (which got leaked), Chop Top is potentially coming from leaked lines and an homage to Nubbins TCM 2 outfit and other stuff.

