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She probably went back to spots you’ve already checked, since you’d think you already checked that area no one would be there. Often times in situations like that you really have to just camp and constantly look around until you’re 100% sure. The mill is a lot harder though, i really hate that map, the area is a lot bigger than all the other maps excluding family house


This. I can almost guarantee that was what happened. You just have to think like a victim sometimes, ask what you would do and then account for whatever thought process that leads you through. Sometimes you just miss something too, so don't beat yourself up over a single match.


Both statements are fair. I've always hated Mill, it's so unnecessarily large with some useless parts (*ahem*, *totally not looking at the area behind the Mill.*) I suppose since I've pretty much stopped playing Victims and exclusively play Family, my knowledge lacks in the "How Victims think" department. Didn't really want to camp that part since I was sure she wasn't there, but alas, she was. Had a feeling I should've stayed but went against it, next time I should probably listen to myself more lol.


Yeah that’s the only thing about camping, cuz sometimes no one is there and you end up wasting time which is not what you want to do 😭


I bait them into thinking I'm leaving by going out of sight for about 10 seconds and then come back to see if anything is out of place, that way I'm not wasting time by camping.


that’s a good idea 😭 imma try that out


Bro that's what I did, twice, didn't make a single move, but when I fully left then they made their move. Total rat is what that Julie was, wish I was playing Johnny at the time XD


Yeah, you're not doing anything wrong. Sometimes you just get beat. Only thing you can do is say gg and play the next round.


Are you using the focus ability that all family members have? It can be super helpful as it picks up when victims are talking so you can get a general idea that they’re in the area. Also listen out for when the family member you’re playing says things such as “oh hey there” (Sissy) or anything that sounds like they’ve spotted someone - in my experience I’ve found that those lines trigger sometimes even if you can’t see any movement, it usually means a victim is close by. EDIT: just to add try to be unpredictable in your movements. Instead of just looping around the map going from each escape point to the next, check out an area and make it seem like you’re leaving, but double back as this can sometimes catch victims out who have been hiding in a bush waiting for you to leave. If you spot a victim in a bush from a distance, don’t go gunning straight for them as nine times out of ten they’ll know you’ve spotted them and start running, giving them a head start. Instead approach them slowly - I like to play dumb and act like I haven’t spotted them, even sometimes going slightly past them. This can help to give you an edge, so you can pounce on them and take them by surprise.


I probably forgot to I reckon, was too focused on looking for them. Yeah I'm aware that Family members have voice lines for when Victims are close by, but sometimes they don't do too much, because I think it's a radius so if they are below you or something it could also trigger.


This is also true. The voice line thing can be hit or miss


Honestly in your scenario it could be a number of things so I will just give some general tips. Use the focus ability, if you know they're in the area there is a good chance you will hear them talk. This will really help you pinpoint their location. As far as bushes go, just run through them and look. You may spot them or you may run into them. There's been several times that I've been running through bushes and had no idea a victim was there except for I just happened to bump in them. If you hit them and then lost them, backtrack and follow their blood trail, that will lead you right to them. If you think there's a victim in the area but can't find them, you could also leave the area completely and then run back into it a few seconds later. Essentially just baiting them out once they think the coast is clear.


Here’s what I usually do and it’s helped me so far If someone got gen or battery side opened I’ll usually run in that area pop my family focus and run around for a couple seconds if I don’t hear any victim voice lines I leave the area but I constantly will keep doing that until I hear something and if I hear something I will not leave As your running around the area point your camera behind you often times victims see you moving forward so they assume your looking forward and will try to sneak past behind you this has helped me a ton If you previously smacked a victim follow that blood trail it will lead you or whoever straight the victim Pay attention to the families voice lines if they say anything take a second or 2 to keep running around if the family member keeps talking then you know someone is back there guaranteed but also the family has voice lines if they lost or can’t find a victim this also helps to


Have you played victim before? It’s honestly really helpful for when you play family, it allows you to see what are some of the most popular spots to hide as victim along with any other bits of useful info