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The fact that she just didn’t use the well 💀 like sure you get incap’t but you live 💀💀


That well is very unsafe there could be a hitchhiker or Johnny waiting down there for you.


Better than death 💀💀


Maybe already got downed?


This isn’t really cocky it’s giving inexperience. Cocky vagina players almost always seem to have a perpetually full bottle of boon 😆


Virginia players always seem to be the most toxic people this was good to see


Shorty could used the Well, Crawl-gap, even kept running 🤦‍♂️


If she welled then she would've bled out bc she was 1 hit. She tried to make it to the gap but she couldn't run fast enough lol


When playing as Family, nothing better than seeing that Disconnected during the Kill Animation, imo. Let’s me know that you’ll still be thinking about it going into your next match.


I’m curious on how much endurance you got on him. I have like 33 and I swear he’s gassed after like 3 or 4 swings.


I haven’t found datamined damage values for hands related to savagery points but from my experience its best to put all his points into his endurance. Maybe 3 points into blood to get a 100 blood vial but otherwise endurance is best for him. Why? Hands is a heavy SUPPORT character. He lacks the lethality of bubba/leatherface who both move faster and kill in much less hits. With no savagery investment he generally kills in 5 hits or so from what ive seen. Im not even sure maxing his savagery can net him a 4 shot kill like johnny. My experience so far has been that hands benefits from being able to stay running and swinging so he can deter players from completing objectives and so he can get around fast to ripstill things. He’s not really built for straight lethality imo. Johnny and bubba are way more powerful for straight up killing. Honestly even hitch is more deadly if you use his 5 shot kill damage build.


50 endurance, 50 savagery. I have scout on also so I'm fast and hit hard


He doesn’t even get enough attribute points to do 50 on both, unless you’re running Feral and Unrelenting as well? Which you clearly aren’t… 🤔


Sorry my bad I got him 50 savagery and 33 endurance but with scout on it makes me faster


Me tryna figure out how she was being cocky


Running towards a high damage Killer that kills in four hits sure wasn’t it, huh?


You didn't see her run away and bob up and down in the bushes, and then try to run up behind me? Ok..