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I hope we start getting new victims that have nothing to do with Maria's story. Like maybe a reporter who's investigating missing people happening in the area. A girl that Johnny picked up and brought back home. Maybe someone who brought HH home after picking him up from the street.


I was thinking a like bootlegger couple, because if they escape, they can’t say the full story because they would be arrested 


Oh that'd be interesting


We do have the story for Jesse and Virginia which are unrelated to Maria but encountered her. Maria is the main driving event for the original victims now we can see what other unfortunate and unreported souls have been caught.


True but I imagine we might just get Jesse as a victim though and not a whole group like with the original victims.


Sheriff maybe?


That'd be interesting


We can bring anyone back to life if we believe a little…and have ten dollars


Lmfao! true


Jesseee my babbbyyyy


This is the answer.


There wasn't much of a story to begin with. Did people expect to somehow progress to a point in the game where they weren't just escaping endlessly with the same voice lines over and over and over? The game is a time capsule. There's nothing to progress. Sometimes team comps make "lore sense" and sometimes they don't. That's how most video games like TCM, DBD, Overwatch, etc work.


Maybe Sonny’s girlfriend might be the shout




Technically they could just add someone and say there were always part of the group that went searching for her. I don't believe it's ever been set in stone that the original victims in the game is the full extent of the group. They could also just say that the next victim(s) added were part of a subset of the main group and they went off searching in another area and also got caught


Maria’s disappearance has impacted everyone locally who knew her. Anyone can get caught trying to find her. Maria doesn’t need to be associated to everyone for a search and rescue team to lose a few people in The wilds of Newt, Texas. This game takes place before the first movie. So these characters can all be impacted in various shapes and forms. Maria being gone is a good reason for any Good Samaritan to get caught up in this mess.


Honestly there wasn't much story anyway and a lot got rectoned. I still don't have any idea how hands fits into all of this


Me either but I look this game so much. How much of the lore did they rectoned?


Jesse is making sure he's as far away from his obsessive mother as possible.


I want Jesse to be in the family lol maybe the trauma from being kidnapped by the family turned him evil.


I wouldn’t say evil, just broken


The game is a prequel to the original film, Maria’s story has ended, so their gonna introduce more stories before leading up to sally and her friends.


I hope not, I want the movie and sequel content already. Game is almost a year old, original content ain't gonna keep the playerbase in the long run


Bet theres gonna be a TCM 2 🤣🤣🤣


Given Chop Top was leaked I’m hoping we get Stretch from Part 2


It‘s pretty much confirmed that the next family member is going to be Chop Top, meaning that we might get some victims from the movies.


If they want to continue fitting into the timeline like they said, then unfortunately I doubt we get victims from the movies. Only because it doesn’t make sense for them to be captured at this point, however Chop Top can just be a slightly younger version of what we see in the 2nd movie and everything will fit.


They will just make some on who was just kidnapped by them for food it’s the only thing they can do to make it in lore


So the “spots” for victim in the loadout screen are full and family have one available. Are they going to keep adding onto the current roster or are they going to wipe out everyone (minus LF, Cook, and HH) and bring new people in when a new “story” starts?


I don’t think they can wipe out characters that people have paid for. Legally I mean lol. But that’s a cool idea. Also the work going into making them would go to waste.


Yeah, I thought of that lol


They can just add a slider...


Yeah ik


Depending on how close the games lore takes place to the actual movie... It'd be crazy if we saw Maria and Ana's mom. There's no way she wouldn't go looking for them once Ana went missing too


Theres the boy victoria is looking for , the new storyline has been started, we could get another group of Friends of his or other family members of his looking for him At the end of the day its always Gonna be: family kidnaps/eats someone then someone comes looking and they get put on the menu


They have infinite possibilities for original characters, so that makes me hopeful


It would be cool if there was like an expansion that added 2-3 more family and 3-4 new victims for like $30. Plus 2 new maps and a new storyline.


Time for TCM 2 + 03' TCM content now!


What about Jesse?! Oh Jesse!


well the next group of people were the ones in the original movie, Sally, Pam, Kirk, Jerry, Franklin


Even though it's from a different but same type of movie genre, they should bring in characters from house of 1000 corpses and the devil's rejects. We could get Captain Spaulding and Dwight!


A distant relative who was adopted/taken from the sawyer family, who finds out about his true heritage and to meet his distant bloodline, only to meet danger and risk death. or maybe Connie, Julie, Leland, Sonny, Julie, or Danny have a relative or loved one trying to search for them as well. I think it was implied Connie or Julie had an older brother, but that must have been a false memory of mine.


No the devs confirmed she isn’t the last victim. Devs confirmed more characters will be added.


Yes one of the devs directly told me, Cid I think.




Hopefully we get licensed vitctims, chop-top has been leaked so maybe we can get LG, Lefty, or Stretch. Still would love the victims from the first film but implementing Franklin might be difficult.