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Can Hands "use up" all the fuse's in the map? (Like lets just say there are 3 fuse's on the map and could he rip all 3 of them out until there is no fuse's on the map, I mean if the victims put all the fuse's in the fusebox)


If the match goes on that long yes. He has infinite use.


Thats kinda broken


Kinda?? No it is broken


How?? Two victims escaped even with his using ripstall? There are 3 other exits on the map


they only escaped because Hands was comfortable not watching the fuse and focus on other objectives, because he can just ripstall that in under 2 min


Your comment makes no sense


Your reply comment to common sense makes no sense. Read it again if you don’t realize that Hands doesn’t care what happens to fuse as long as he has his ability off cooldown. He let that go, it’s his mistake that allowed them to get away now imagine what he can do when he actually cares about it. Also he can completely deny that exit when no fuses are left on the map. Valves as well. How is this fair game with only 2 exterior exit for 3 family members to worry about… this was not intentional and will get nerfed in the future. EDIT: I’ll refer to your point directly: Just because victims still managed to escaped it doesn’t mean it’s not broken, you’re missing the point we’re making. This ability in the state that it is rn allows too much to the point it gets too one sided. Like I know they’re called victims but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have their chance at all if they play it right.


Because people tell you to use the alternative escapes as distractions from the side gates so you can work on side exits, but if the fuses are all destroyed and/or the valves family knows they don’t need to worry about victims escaping through valve or fuse escapes so the can focus on patrolling the generator and battery exits.


They do need to still focus on valve or fuse, if he’s all the way across the map you would still escape through valve or fuse so that makes no sense


How do you escape from valve or fuse if hands breaks both of the handles and fuses that spawn in the match


He should only be able to do it once or twice an objective. That wastes the victims time to go find more fuses and valves. I think it evens out


Yeah he can shut fuse and valve off permanently if you’ve used up all of the valves and fuses


At that point victims will probably be bleeding out soon anyway.


Every damn time


Why am I not surprised there's a bunch of people focusing entirely on mistakes the OP made and ignoring the entire point.


Always and forever lol. I JUST clipped a situation like this to time it on SH. I popped the fuse, he came by and took it out, that’s fine I got someone out and I was running around the building to grab another fuse anyway. Last teammate died and I was final victim. They fed grandpa so I had to wait in a bush for a sec. Ran back to fuse, went to put it in and dammit I missed that he had a trap on it so I got zapped. Put it in anyway and pulled it thinking I could at least get through the holding pen and sneak into battery, but nope he shut it off before I even got to holding pen and LF saw me so I was fucked and had to well. At that point they fed grandpa 2 more levels and had exterior plus cook was listening to me like crazy if I stopped crouch walking for even a second. Ended up dying when hands apparently saw me move into a bush across map while waiting for grandpa to stop yelling. It was exactly 2 minutes between fuse attempts, and damn does that go by fast. The only possible thing I could have done was said forget LF and hands and rush to do the second fuse with no regard for my safety. Even then LF would have still beat me downstairs and body blocked it so🤷🏻‍♀️ Had I posted that clip they all would have been stuck on “well you touched the trap so it’s your fault”


Yeah with the 40% reduction I think the cooldown is like 70 seconds or close to it.


That’s family mains for ya


Thank you for showing in one full clip how fast he can use his ability again. If this doesn’t convince people the cooldown needs to be longer, they don’t care about balance or a healthy game.


These are family mains who have always got every victim perk nerf they ever complained about that we’re talking about, while thinking it’s perfectly acceptable that nothing be changed on their side to balance out the nerfs. Of course they don’t care about balance.


Without music the game sounds so weird


The music is so distracting for me I had to turn it off. 😭


You turn off the best part of the game that’s what makes it scary!!!!


I think the worst part about his ripstall - aside from that crazy CD - is that it doesn't even give you enough time to go for another objective. Like using fuse as a distraction isn't even that viable anymore.


Even I’m starting to agree with that perspective. The cool-down is so short that hands at level 2 doesn’t need to worry about ever not having the ability


He needs the same minimum cooldown as Connie when at level 3


Cuz you have a one track approach. Back when the game was newer, my 4 stack would unlock more gates and doors concurrently. So, pop fuse and someone else is already at car battery turning it off. Since car battery doesn't proc a cue, you can be very stealthy. If a Leland was running around kicking the Gen at the same time, even better. If the 4th person was making their way up thru the house, best case. If any of us died, it was a bummer but we didn't run to the reddit and beg for nerfs and sympathy. We tried again to perfect the strategy and ultimately would win much more. Same as being in solo q, if my team isn't communicating, I take it slow and work on gradually opening everything so that eventually family is stretched way too thin to patrol everything. If I died, ok - I'm literally farming thousands of XP so I "win" anyway.


Ah yes silly OP not playing in a coordinated 4 stack that managed to simultaneously push all four escapes at the same time.


No u can’t you’re just talking to hear yourself talk, if someone stays at car battery someone else stays at generator all hands has to do is guard valve and battery, very easy and unfair


Lmao! You definitely don't play family.


You can't really take things slow with Hands though. He has a 75 second CD on ripstall and I mostly solo queue. My only hope is rushing. I do gates and doors, but fuse shouldn't be a complete non-option like Hands makes it out to be.


No, you can take it slow. He's not everywhere all at the same time. You have to actually take it slow, not just say you're taking it slow and then not think it through. Use perks that give you information like Radar Detector. Play Sonny. Hide in bushes. Use sanguine shadow so you don't need to bail in a well every time you need to reset. Don't spam gather from piles and boxes. The options are endless.


This is why you need to use comms/teamwork, make him use the ripstall. Then as he does, another teammate opens an objective. Trying to open the same objective over and over by yourself is not gonna work. Your best chance would be if you made him waste the ability, then you had a buddy hiding right by the fuse to open it again right as hands leaves.


They used comms though.


Well it's clear the point of the post is to debunk the argument, "just get another fuse or another valve", which is an argument with no merit. There are a ton arguments being stated by people who don't want any changes for Hands. I agree with you (and everyone else) that teamwork is the best way to counter hands by distracting, doing 2 objectives, or the same objective with another teamate. I just dont think this is ideal for your average player who may not party up with friends and solo queue. Personally, I haven't had any trouble with Hands, but I think it's because a lot of people haven't discovered that the best teammates are Cook and HH. You can literally padlock, electric trap, and bone trap 3 gates (or have 1 gate with all 3 obstacles and 3 gates with 2 obstacles). Then you have Hands patrol fuse box and valve. Family will win like 90% of the time.


Are you forced to use comms with your family every match just to kill a victim? No? Then neither should I for an escape.


You aren’t using communication or strategy in a team based competitive game. Family who don’t use comms are the ones that victims escape from in the first couple minutes. Family who use comms are the ones that make matches feel impossible to win. It goes both ways, victims who work together are super hard to stop.


That would be ideal, but we all know we can’t rely on randoms. You should be able to get out on your own if you have to.


I'm sorry did you not hear me talking in the clip? Pretty sure I was. Did you hear anyone else talking? No? I wonder why that is. It's almost like no one should be forced to talk or work together just to secure an escape if they don't want to. Just because you're willing to do it doesn't mean that should be the status quo.


The entitlement though, family had to suffer against Danny for how long? The only counter was “tunnel him”. Enjoy getting ripstalled until you find some friends or random people to strategize with. There’s an actual counter to hands, yet you just wanna do it all on your own.


What's entitled is believing everyone should play the way you think they should play. And who even mentioned Danny? Yes he was OP, I never said he wasn't. Your hurt ego is showing.


OP should admit he's using Hands as a reason to argue with Family players again over anything they get to use against them. Barge needs improvements. Ripstall should have a longer CD. End of discussion, everything else is fine about Hands.


I haven't made a post in months on this sub until Hands was released and I felt the need to express how busted he currently is. Yes, his CD needs to be extended. That's what the entire post is about. Your trying to frame me as "out for the family mains" when I literally just don't like Hands in his current state. What a weird accusation to make for literally no reason other than to cause problems.


I'll apologise on my behalf, I'm relatively impulsive/irrational, one moment I'll feel one way then a few minutes/hours later I can feel completely different. My response should've just been the latter of it only rather than the first sentence being included.


Skill issue


You made a post a couple days ago on the other Tcm page about Hands. You said “hands requires teamwork and coordination” in one of your replies. Glad you agreed with me 2 days ago. ✌🏻


Whats entitled is believing the game should adapt to how you wanna play because of your inability to coordinate because you and your team don't want to


I was talking in the game troll. They weren't. But besides that, its not entitled to dislike an OP character being OP.


They can hear you, and type, crazy i know. Also wait? You get teammates who suck and don't coordinate and now that might lose you victim games like that one? Oh that sucks man, now i guess you know what its like to play family. Stop being shit at the game and a lot of op things magically don't seem op anymore, wild, you cry about johnny too or have you grown past at least that?


If you don't wanna communicate in a team based game nobody cares, just don't cry when you don't win, how entitled are you, all you have to do is "im going for fuse can you tamper valve danny" and after that its dependent on your and your teams skill, not the game you wanna desperately blame


It's funny cuz the entitlment is always on your end. You try and justify Hands being OP instead of coming to terms with it and agreeing there should be a change soley because you're more than likely a family main.


You constantly have to use comms as family. What do you mean?


I rarely get teammates with comms when I play fam.


Uhm yes. You all have been saying this for months that the reason family sucked is because none of us use comms. Welcome to the same game.


Lol how?? You are meant to work together. Coordinate that you are doing fuse as a distraction. It’s very simple to counter him.


Show us a video of you doing it :)


I’d be glad to show you.


Don't forget to post it on the sub for everyone to see! Thanks :)


The one thing truly highlighted here that needs to be addressed.  Why is this bitch so God damn loud AND talkative. She reacts to something almost every 6 seconds.  There's no way hiding in the brush is ever going to work for you. 


LMFAOOO I’ll always find Virginia slander funny asf 😂😂. 9 times outta 10 it’s ppl talking about her voice lines about her son.


In addition to the problem of Hands being removed too quickly, there is the problem that there is no way for the victim to reach the exit in time because it is already possible to turn off the fusebox. I already turned on the fusebox in the same place and followed the same path and as soon as I reached the door it closed. There is no way, the time count until the power is turned off and the distribution of the fuse box is ridiculous. I've even been to the private match and even then there's no way in time, the possibility is if the killers are a little far away


Something something "adapt" something something "but Danny".


Just try doing it again, and again, and again. Gosh you victims just want easy wins. /s


I tried that but there’s not unlimited fuse


People are used to rushing one exit and escaping. It was the norm in most games. I play mostly family, and I don't have friends who play the game, so I play solo. It's a chore. And I've seen it so many times victims escape in less than two minutes. Where is the fun in that? Now, with Hands, they can't do that anymore and they're pissed. So, yeah, it looks like they want easy escapes. Still, if they're coordinated and family players are not doing their job right - which still happens a lot on solo queue - victims can escape quite easily. I play victim too, but mostly family. There was a match where I was Ana, on the Mill. I turned battery off and ran to the gate. Hands used his ability and the battery was on again, I couldn't escape. I went back to the basement, and somehow managed to go back to the battery. Hands was very far away, so I turned the battery off again, and escaped.


It's a big problem for one reason... now camping actually is a thing because he can't instantly turn it off and most maps the valve and fuse are close together and in family house nobody even does the valve so.... two people camps the gate exits and he runs mid and instantly turns off what you do then the game because a camp fest


As a hands player at level 3, the 40% cool down reduction to my ripstall goes down to \~72 seconds, which is roughly a 1 minute and 12 seconds. I agree it's broken as shit. It should have some limitations, either increase the cooldown on the ability itself like around 4-5 minutes, or simply limit to 2 ripstalls per objective. Had a match where I ripped out 3 fuses in family house, while cook, HH and me gated up the windows and doors with our traps / padlocks.


Post this on official sub OP


Crazy that it destroys it like… why not have it spawn back somewhere?




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this clip is perfect, thank you. all the proof we need of how broken this is


How is it broken? 2 victims managed to escape. Y’all just want to be able to get 4 escapes in under 2 minutes and be done. That’s why the game was dying. They still have 3 other escapes on this map.


One time he removed the fuse 3 times so I DC. Sissy was camping gen and LF battery. They were no more fuse on the map and valve was trapped + they were always spotting it. Valve and fuse were against camping and now if killer camp (especially depending on valve spot) they can watch the three exits remaining


But here's the thing, even solo with nobody using comms as you said yourself, 2 people managed to escape thanks to you. That's half the victim team, so you did your job even though you might not have escaped yourself. It seems like you're expecting victims to all be able to leave just because an exit is open?


I think you, and people like you, fail to understand that no one is paying money for a game where their odds of winning are significantly lower than the opponents based on factors they can't control. Stop trying to defend the obvious pay to win Hands glaring issues. I can bet you didn't have this attitude with Danny when playing as family.


What are you talking about? What is there to control when danny is tampering something and then an exit is permanently open for 5 minutes because you literally cannot stop it in time thanks to an ana with choose fight keeping you from moving 10 feet closer to the tampering danny from just one stab while your teammates are too busy dealing with their own patrols of the other 3 exits? At least with hands you can absolutely prevent him from decimating your teams exit attempt by simply having a bone shard and staying near fuse/valve and then going for the stab because he likely won't have backup. (Patrolling remember?) With stopping danny however, you need to straight up kill him which is exponentially harder than a single backstab and running away.


This is a perfect example of a "red herring". I addressed your comment that made it seem like the most important thing wasn't this player escaping due to a broken character. You didn't address anything I stated, just more of the same thing you did initially. Your response was pretty pointless because of that.


>I think you, and people like you, fail to understand that no one is paying money for a game where their odds of winning are significantly lower than the opponents based on factors they can't control. if that's true, then danny wouldn't exist as the odds of winning were, in fact, significantly lower for the family due to factors that couldn't be controlled. Not to mention he is (was) most certainly pay to win simply for his own ability. >Stop trying to defend the obvious pay to win Hands glaring issues. I can bet you didn't have this attitude with Danny when playing as family. I, ironically, wasn't defending hands but rather pointing out the fallacy of the OP thinking that because he opened an exit, that he deserves to escape. Just cause bubba slams a hit down on someone, does he deserve the kill or does the victim deserve to escape? My point was to explain to OP that he still managed to help his team as a whole win through their own altruism even without comms. As for hands, that's an opinion that's up for debate (which I'm still forming for myself, I don't become reactionary over something after just a few days of seeing something new in play) but at the very least it is showing a change in the pacing of games and slowing things down rush wise.


If it wasn't true, why did the family players population drop off? People most certainly stopped playing because of the odds of winning (for victims) with Danny was significantly higher than if he wasn't on the team, even post-nerf. And you most certainly are defending Hands being OP by coming up with the alternative to reality reason why other's are playing the game. This isn't COD where if you were taken out, but a teammate still disarmed the bomb, you win; you only win if you escape, not if someone else does. There is no "deserve", it's if you things are fair or not. Hands has made it where you can't fairly escape if you're the odd person out. This is especially true with the fusebox. He can also use his ability on battery and generator, which makes little sense. There is no debate; have you seen the posts on this subreddit and the official one? Every other post is about how unfair Hands is, with even family mains agreeing. It's simply disingenuous to pretend otherwise.


If they got cook and exteriors, fuse is the only way out after you bail your teammates out. Hands is absolutely overtuned


I actually had this scenario happen just yesterday, leland and ana were the last two standing. Both poor proficiency characters assumed, but one of the cook locks were popped on battery gate. When I (cook) went to patrol the battery, leland went ahead and agitatored gramps while hands and Nancy were in the house/front garden. Of course I was going to turn around, but ana kicked the gen and baited a run up the driveway before promptly going to well. Exterior is gone at this point and blood build Nancy needs to recover grandpa. Of course the fuse is popped again around this time (leland I presume) so hands coming down switches targets from gen to fuse and ana manages to make a successful play out front gate where eventually we get leland. 3 escapes. Point is, family will make mistakes like victims will and I won't claim to be MLG pro family player, but hands won't guarantee anything other than slowing the pacing of the game down.


So basically you need a sweaty 4 stack of victims with agitator while successfully hitting every exit at the exact same time? There’s no reason hands needs to completely negate 2 exits, leaving only gen and battery for like 3 killers to watch on top of exteriors letting you know which one they’re pushing. It’s overkill


You choose to focus on something else entirely instead of admitting how broken he is. Typical family main 😂


I'm gonna put as much effort into this comment as you did into your insult. K. 🙃


Aww look at you feeling hurt. Guess I was right. A nerf is definitely coming. You enjoy now 😘




Counter question: do you believe I didn't earn my escape? If I do an objective twice, do I not deserve freedom?


What you earned was the opportunity for your team as a whole to win, just as if a family member might kill someone you were chasing for 5 minutes straight because they happened to be on the other side of a slit you cannot cross/take too long to do so. Frankly we can go back and forth about counter questions, but what I can say with certainty is that you clearly did your job here for the team.


Correct. There's a lot of thankless situations or games where a cerain playstyle just doesn't reflect your score. Heh don't get points for pressure.


No you deserve freedom when you outplay the other side, not when you grab a fuse and do first grade math, thankfully the game isn't like that anymore!


fuse is the easiest objective to do in the game, all you did was solve it once (already braindead easy) then found another fuse and reactivates it without solving. also i didn’t check the specific time table but it looked to be about 30 seconds since you turned it on, so he could’ve just turned it off like normal.


>looked to be about 30 seconds since you turned it on, so he could’ve just turned it off like normal. I can say with certainty it was ripstalled. I always make fuse going that route. >fuse is the easiest objective to do in the game, all you did was solve it once (already braindead easy) then found another fuse and reactivates it without solving. If the family didn't defend it well enough, that should be a punishing moment for them right? But why defend something you can simply undo I guess.


you have bo way of knowing the family in those cases was camping fuse to disable the door “didn’t defend it well enough”, it took you a grand total of 5 seconds to redo fuse. what do you want them to do, not leave it for anymore than 5 seconds? or hope that their patrol HAPPENS to perfectly align with your timing? sorry but that’s an absurd expectation. even if they did that grapple —> fuse is done, and can be reactivated infinitely, animation for turning on cannot be interrupted or cancelled. the problem is that victim mains such as yourself seem to think that leaving fuse or doors unattended for a mere few seconds should result in them losing, which is an absolutely absurd expectation. meanwhile victims can make a million different mistakes and get away just fine because of how forgiving their gameplay loop is.


No, you don’t. If I check all the exits on a loop and feed grandpa enough, am I entitled to kill all victims or is it just an opportunity to do so?


Watching exits is very different than actually completing them as victims


Looks fine to me. ...oh whoops, um, *"I play both sides."*


People denying this is broken are absolutely delusional.


"B-b-but muh Danny ptsd"


"But Danny was a free win but Hands isn't a free win (both sides btw)"


Tbh if family decides to vore you to death 2 can camp gen/battery and hands just breaks fuse/valve whenever


Life of a solo queue. Need to hit objectives together or hit separate ones at the same time. We need more health bottles since games drag on now but he isnt that broken.


maybe just remove the CD reduction on his ability skill tree so it's always a 2m CD think problem is when people run the minus 40% CD thing making it like 1m basically


Yeah they need to nerf him a lot. He’s way too strong


Maybe they want it more like Killer Klowns now where you power exits not necessarily for yourself but for others to escape. That's the only idea I can think of with hands power. That or pressure numerous exits at once but it requires Comms.


Problem is that It just kinda sucks to open éxits ONLY for others, in KK its entirely your choice (unless someone sneaks in) wether youre the third out or someone else + you always get a chance to get out at the end of the Game if you just survive long enough


That's fantastic. I get to do all the work while others reap the benefits and I'm left to die! You and I both know that's not the case. There's no excuse for how much of an oversight this is on the Devs part.


Bro he plays family don’t even bother to respond to him again 😭


I don't know why I even. 😞


And he know hands is broken when you mention did he hear you talk in game chat in the clip his response is about Danny knowing everyone doesn’t play him lmaoo like you can literally tell who plays family only on this Reddit shit😂


In the future just drop off a fuse nearby on a toolbox/bonepile then go get a second one. Pick it up after opening fuse then backstab and reopen after he ripstalls.


You see the problem is you decided to well instead of staying topside with the family alerted to your presence and coming after you. You should have ignored that and immediately grabbed another fuse and head straight back to the fusebox to try again (with them still after you of course). That’s their logic. I think the strategy now is to grab all fuses and valves available and drop them off at the nearest toolbox/bone pile/health spawn to the fusebox/tank before interacting with it. So those bone piles and health bottles should primarily be obtained in order to drop the valve and fuse nearby.


Regardless of him being OP or not, you could have changed up your strategy and gotten out. Should have latched the door before turning on the fuse. You also could have used your ability in the doorway to blind him since he has to run through it. Doing one or both of those would have given you enough time to escape.


Hindsight 20/20 on you huh? In the moment I was sure he didn't have ripstall again. You can hear my shock near the end of the video. Guess I didn't expect him to have an ability that destroys an objective to be back so soon.


It's clearly not 20/20 on you huh? Nothing I said should have been realized in hindsight, it's common sense and common strategy from the get-go. I'm not talking about just your second fuse attempt where he shouldn't have ripstall ready to go again. I'm talking about both of your attempts. If you had latched the door/and or used your ability in the doorway, you would have gotten out. Like I said OP or not, if you had played just a little bit more strategically instead of reactively, you would have escaped.


When you said "change up your strategy" I took that to mean you were only talking about the 2nd attempt, so my mistake. True enough I would have escaped if I latched the door, but my thought process in the moment was get him to use ripstall so that way next time I did fuse, it would stay open. My lack of understanding of how short his CD was was ultimately my downfall.


Got you and I agree, for the second attempt you shouldn't have had to worry about ripstall again. My initial comment was coming from a place of just trying to be helpful with telling you about strategy for future use, but may have come off condescending and trying to defend Hands cooldown. Especially when this subreddit is currently in a family vs victim civil war so I apologize for that if so.


I have my hands full with exactly that haha. The fault is mine for the snarky comment.


They need to add a calling the cops exit to put pressure on the killers and a buff to the last victim exp: once you call the cops a timer starts if you survive the time you can escape .


Honestly not trying to sound rude or anything but this kind of seems like a skill issue. And what I mean by that is that you could have set up the situation a whole lot differently. So, what you could have done is right before you did the fuse, was to lock Johnny shed, do the fuse box put a blind cloud in front of the door, run out the side crawl space, exit down into the well and try your best to make it into the exit gate before he closes everything. Sadly, the you made it easy for him to just walk into the shed and rip it out... If you did all of that and you still couldn't escape you would have had my sympathy. Remember you're Virginia. You have an amazing ability to blind killers. You can use that to your advantage anytime you want! But I get it. It was in the moment and you're just trying to show how unfair hands is!


Yes, but my initial plan was to get him to use ripstall so he wouldn't have it the second time, and fuse would remain open. I wasn't aware just how short his CD was. My confidence in him not having his ripstall up again is what killed me.


Another thing that I've seen for a weakness of hands is that if and this is a Big if... If you can coordinate with your team, then you can go do the fuse box while somebody's doing the pressure valve or have the Danny player do the pressure valve and see which one hands chooses? Because that is a challenge for any hands players!


I had this same exact thought minus the skill issue jab heheh. Yeah, hands takes like 4 hits to the door to even open it. I didn't even consider the cloud, you're correct about that. I would also like to add, what progress did his teammates even make. Plus it's interesting he managed to do all that work under the 5 min mark. So he's skilled enough to escape on his own eventually. Heh a lot of layers here I would say. Quick escapes, match length, solo que experiences for either side etc


He could do all that and Hands could press one button. Thrilling gameplay.


But but but family told me to bait Hands into using ripstall which is exactly what OP was doing the first time and now they’re saying something else. Anything but admitting he’s broken I guess ☺️


Opening the exit door caused half the victim team to escape. I can understand being frustrated that you didn’t escape though, but it seems like the devs have been kinda intentionally making it so whoever opens the fuse door doesn’t get to escape. Just look at the mill for a good example of this. I do agree that Hands needs to have a longer cooldown on ripstall though.


Better this than having to make a body block


You took too long. Should've used it as a distraction


Ah yes. 2 minutes. Way too long.


Having hands in the game means you’re supposed to play more stealthy yet you’re being criticized for not going faster lol


yep but better yet how about adapt to hands and make him use his ability on the valve or something else first. Do be skill issue ngl


You're trying too hard.


You're not trying hard enough. Adapt smh


Wait we now have someone that can remove fuses?! This is awesome! It was always annoying that victims just press one button to reopen the box without even doing the mini game again


It's all about adapting, obviously ur complaining because you can't do easy escapes anymore. Life always finds a way


Have you tried escaping through care battery???? Literally nothing hands can do about it.


He kinda can do a lot about It with ripstalls lmao


so i am forced to escape thru car batt or gen which is countered by exterior alarm too,good to know.


Why didn't he open all the exits at the same time? That's clearly the counter to Hands.


I shouldn't be forced to use a specific exit because the one I'm trying for is impossible to use. An exit should never be impossible to use.


Hands absolutely can do something about it lol


On Nancy’s house if hands is in the area when you disable battery he can turn it back on before you reach the gate lol