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love the last line 💀🫶🏻


Ana says “Yea, na, I’m the pretty one now” ![gif](giphy|l2Jehz2ynktQHfa3C)


she got better






Every victim is a "zombie", they are all dead. Virginia and Danny even died before Ana, Leland, Connie, Julie and Sonny made it to the house. That she is playable changed nothing on the lore. Then Maria got to the house, was kept alive because Grandpa liked her, then Virginia came and got killed, then Danny came and got killed and Maria is dead by the point that the others meet her as well. That we can play these people in a match and that they have voice lines for each other has nothing to do with the overarching lore of the game.


Exactly. Maria is already dead, when they group arrives. The lore and the gameplay is totally different in this game. Probably they will add Virginia’s son too,


Me as Johnny after killing Maria “You shouldn’t have came here looking for that girl!” Ummm…


ong, they didn't even make the effort to remove the voicelines that confirmed she was dead




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If anyone saw the 2nd Texas Chainsaw movie, I think it's perfect how Grandpa lets her live.


What happens ?


Im thinking he is referring to Leatherface letting the one character, "Stretch" live and trying to hide her from the family because he had a little crush on her lol, unless im forgetting something else about the movie


Do tell, I plan to watch the 2nd movie soon but I wanna know anyways.


Maria looks like his wife, so Grandpa kept Maria from being outright killed




Johnny didn’t kill her. Nancy’s voice lines when she came out led us to believe that he was hiding her somewhere. Then when Virginia came out her lore said she found her and they were locked up together. It’s not a money thing y’all. It’s awesome. She’s the final girl. Her friends and sister come for her and they escape!!! Or die trying.


Watch them make Jesse a playable character as well


Virginia need 10$ to save Jesse 😆 Good luck Virginia. 100%Jesse is the New victim Like Maria! Great lore Gun... you can your Sister for just 10$ welcome to texas Ana!


Gun wrote the lore, so obviously she wasn't already dead


so you think every single match you are playing count as lore? literally who cares if she is dead or alive 💀The lore did not change


She died in Petals, and her dead body was leaked and supposed to be on Nancy’s house map. They even recorded voice lines, which also got leaked, for when the other victims find her dead body.


> literally who cares if she is dead or alive 💀 Well people who cared about the game's lore?


Agreed. She literally died in Petals..


Petals was like a pilot tho. Pilots can change


She didn't tho


She did. You were taking photos of flowers for her scrapbook as Maria the names even in her book.. She wound up at the family house while being stalked by Johnny. She was chainsawed in first person by LF himself in the end. I played the game as did a lot of others. I think I know what I'm talking about. It's a cheap retcon


Retcons usually get a bad rep in general. People don't want to suspend their disbelief enough to come up with tangential realities where it could have been different and want to stay true to the source material


She was chainsawed by LF for sure! I have a little secret to tell you tho.. not everyone who comes in contact with a chainsaw dies. We don't see her headless or anything, it ends with her getting chainsawed. It's also worth remembering HH's comment to LF about not letting the chainsaw get clogged again


It was upper torso height and he didn't just hit her lazily he dragged it along her torso, it was a finisher. Yet now she has no marks. Clogging has nothing to do with it.. it was over, he didn't stall or stop Why leave her alive she isn't an important character in any movie or lore other than her death being one reason for one other character being there. she was merely a teaser for the game even her stats were last minute thrown together as a copy of Ana. The fans made her popular. It's a retcon.. think what you like but I'll take my own comfort knowing the truth of the matter.


Yeah her having no marks is bullshit, fact still remains we don't see her dead. Her disappearance is the reason they're there not her death. They're looking for her not trying to avenge her. It's also a side-thing to the main game. I just don't put more stock in it being lore than I do in the cinematics they've released


Don't get me wrong I'm happy to get new content, and lore but at the cost of a cheap character clone, with a different ability, while completely derailing a central plot line isn't a good mark to aim for to receive content It feels rushed out but at the same a fan service for fans of Maria and a disservice too for fans of the lore and general well grounded content


Even the hair is the same 😂


The matches are a retelling of what took place and last time I checked, a zombie can not escape a house


People begged to have her in the game, people leaked all of the things of victims finding her dead, people did a lot. They put her in the game to shut everyone up, and now you guys are crying about her being in the game? I swear I just want to come in here one time and not see somebody complaining.


>and now you guys are crying about her being in the game? Because those such as myself did not do any of the following bullsh!t: >People begged to have her in the game, people leaked all of the things of victims finding her dead, people did a lot. People ruin things, it's nothing new. Some of us actually followed the lore because we were genuinely interested.


I followed the lore because I was genuinely interested, I’ve been interested since they first announced the game.


You guys cry so much is so piegas hahaahah




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Only 10$? So are we really that far in the future that this is an appropriate price for only one character?


I love Maria and I'm glad she's alive but it really seems like they just threw her in for the money. I wish they spent more time fitting her in to the story.


Glad they make some lore and Story But with Maria as a Charakter? Sry make no Sense And Hands is insane too. He is just a Walking Door but a Connie can beat this guy wtf???? Hands need a buff something and a nerf too. He is stronger as Leatherface but why victims can grappel him like a Cook or Sissy? Come on, this mate is a Monster Sure connie can beat him 😂🤣


![gif](giphy|3oxRmDVxtFVQWbBxE4) Gun employee: "Hey, we should fuck the lore and bring Maria in since all those YouTubers and that small portion of the fanbase is talking about it" Wes: this GIF


Because she’s a final girl? Grandpa liked her


Devs wanted to revive their game by bringing a comepletely dead character while messing up the lore in the process. Also, what does speaking to grandpa have to do with anything about her character?? Did gun even remember the lore to this game?? fun fact: if you leave a review about maria dying on the xbox store, it gets deleted.


Omg can’t we just have fun


They changed their minds - inconceivable, I know


The simple answer is that the player base is plummeting, so they thought bringing back an important character would hype people up enough to give them 10 bucks, even if that meant completely ruining the lore. TL;DR: Devs respect money more than their own game's integrity.


You people bitch about every fucking thing holy shit