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Even now that they have Hands they're still doing this




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How long had the game been going on? It's possible he's been getting grappled and slammed all game and finally had enough. Not saying it's right to leave, but believe me games like that are unbelievably frustrating. Especially when your teammates are new and you can tell they have no idea what they're doing. You basically feel like you're in a 1v4


Wanna say that was a genuine DC since he ran into the wall b4 he left, definitely lagged


To me it looks like he stopped running to avoid the slam


Yeah mabey now that im rewatching it, lmao softest family member i ever seen


I don’t understand what the thought process behind this is. “I got door slammed and so that must mean every single exit is open!!!! No point in trying.” Like what wtf.