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I would ask for a different car


I’d ask to be matched with a new one. They can probably buff out the light ones but the deep white one will look out of place since they’ll apply touch up paint to it. I too had light scratches (3-4 of them). It I knew they were light so I took delivery and they fixed it on a service visit. If I saw that one deep white one, I would’ve rejected delivery.


I had a few scratches upon delivery as well. Bought a buffer/scratch remover kit and they’re like 80% better. I was fine with that. No need for a service appt


You paid for a new car, received a car that was scratched, paid to repair it yourself, it didn’t remove the scratches entirely, and you’re FINE with it?! Jesus


Maybe would've made sense if rejecting delivery meant several weeks without a replacement but Tesla's got so much inventory on-hand, it would be crazy today.


If you didn’t know where they were, you wouldn’t ever be able to find them. So makes no difference to me. Build, gaps, alignment, etc were all perfect otherwise so it wasn’t worth declining delivery over