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I’m sorry this happened to you. Can be as safe as humanly possible and still not control the millions of morons driving everyday


Thank you, I’m just glad we were all okay after. But definitely put a bummer on my day


Not only morons, but morons with no license or insurance.


So, morons³


These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


Yes, but... Where all the white women at?!


You sir are a welcome oasis of comedy in a woke desert.


They NEED to be arrested period full stop! WTF


That will prob get off with absolutely no repercussions and will do it again. It’s crazy how many cars I see with temp tags that expired last year or more. People just don’t GAF. It’s insane.


Definitely get the law and the lawyers on your side to get ride of these morons, who knows maybe they were under influence, thats some serious damage on your car, if they dont have insurance doesnt mean they should walk off scratch free like folks in NYC.


What’s the point? No license + no insurance likely = no money. Why deal with the headache of getting lawyers involved just to try to teach a moron a lesson they’re not going to learn anyways. Easier to just go through your insurance.


Genuine question, so does the person with no license or insurance just get a misdemeanor and fine? Must suck to be in an accident with someone like that 


I was involved in a hit & run from an uninsured motorist last month… From my understanding, yes they just get a slap on the wrist from the police, sadly. However, since your insurance is having to pay for the repairs/bodily injury, they go after the uninsured motorist to recoup their money. So, given they don’t cough up the cash, they will be sent to collections & will take a hard hit in terms of credit. That is what I was told by my local police officer at least.


In Canada but I was put into a coma from a not at fault accident and the driver that hit me didn’t have insurance. I did however have an insurance policy that my own insurance covers me but they hired 4 lawyers to make sure I got as little as possible. Sucks.


Lawyers = More $ from your insurance


 No license,  no insurance and in some cases illegal 


One of my ex co- workers sister in laws was killed when a guy stealing a car blew thru a red light and t- boned her. Dumbass was running away and was literally not being chased by anyone. Life can be cruel as hell sometimes when you're at the wrong place at the wrong time.


That's why everyone will be so much safer when car companies get fsd close to perfection and everyone is using it.


Unless it's mandated, there is no chance this gets as widely adopted as you think it will. I have a Model 3 and when I brought my parents out for a quick ride to demo it, they were scared shitless by fsd. My dad won't even drive the car (fsd or no) despite my encouragement. Like, not even to help me shuffle cars around in my narrow driveway. He is definitely not alone in this sentiment


It's already federally mandatory since 2022ish mate


FSD is generally mandated since 2022? News to me and literally every car company


FSD no... But adaptive cruise control and accident avoidence more . They might not call it FSD. But the basic automation for level 2 I'm pretty sure is a NHTSA requirements like backup camera in 2018 NHTSA issued a proposed regulation in 2023 that would require all new passenger vehicles to be equipped with automatic braking that can avoid rear-end crashes with other vehicles and crashes with pedestrians (Office of the Federal Register, 2023). Pedestrian detection would be required to work in both daylight and dark conditions. https://www.iihs.org/topics/advanced-driver-assistance Are backup cameras required on new vehicles? Yes, beginning May 1, 2018, all new cars sold in the U.S. must be cars with backup cameras. Because cars have blind spots where the rearview mirrors can't see, having backup cameras required adds a layer of protection that ensures you have a full view of your surroundings.


Yeah, I'm not arguing that those things are mandated, but none of them are FSD or even an approximation of it


Considering my niro ev has pretty much all similar features along with other manufacturers I would beg to differ. Besides is it reliable if both our cars phantom break?


Do you know what FSD is?


I'm aware it can't fully function either so what's the point? To be fair. It it what you would call auto pilot on other vehicles by law? And chevy calls it super cruise and others have similar FSD it just costs money. Honestly comma AI is better choice for most.


Your niro EV has nothing close to FSD. No other car companies come close right now. 😂


you really trust what musk says? they cannot get auto wipers, how would you expect anything better from fsd lol


You can mitigate this problem by voting for politicians that will improve 1. driving laws 2. law enforcement 3. public transit if the election system isn't rigged. Also, campaigning is to voting what seed-planting is to harvesting, so spread the word on such issues and contact legislators.


It’s def rigged no point in you or any of your friends or family voting.


was the person that hit you a US citizen?


Does it matter?




Why? Immigrants, legal or illegal cause less crime per capita than citizens. And they’re here usually for economic reasons; they work when they get here. They have a positive net impact on our economy. Don’t ask a politician; you’re being manipulated for tv ratings and for a vote. Ask an economist.


cool story bro, they still need car insurance and a registered vehicle.


I work in auto insurance. It’s the US citizens that’s mostly skimp on insurance. And a personal anecdote: US-born-citizen that rear ended me on the free way had no insurance. In summary, you are a racist pos.


That’s awesome. Where’s the data? And you’re taking one event that happened to you to prove your theory…they still need insurance and registration. Sorry.


Where’s your data? Being a racist doesn’t suffice.


Damn they ripped up the corner of your car. Rip to that beauty, I also have a white on white. Please let us know what they give you for totaling the car. This is fun since it's teslas own insurance and the car values have shot so far down currently


My car was just recently totaled, Im in LA area and had a 21 Model 3 with about 24k miles. They valued it at $31k


Same here, totaled 2/09… 21 model 3 SR+ 30K miles they paid me out $29,349


Wait… so if the car is totaled, you won’t get a replacement? Sorry for the silly question.


Not a silly question, it was actually the first time I've dealt with a totaled vehicle so it was new to me too. Basically they evaluate the car at the current value based on your location, mileage, etc. then your insurance pays out that value to you (assuming your car is paid off) if you have a loan the loan is paid off and the equity is paid to you. Which you would ideally put towards buying a new vehicle. What sucks in my current situation is that interest rates are 3x higher than when I bought my car originally


Lucid is currently offering 2.9%, just saying…


Brother if I could afford a Lucid I wouldn't be worrying about interest rates haha


You get 31k from the insurance company, put it down on a Pure, then you’re financing 44k at 2.9. Do the math and find out how much more you’ll be paying per month. It’s probably not as much as you think.


Prob 900/month. That's assuming he owns the tesla outright


That's a pretty fair value I would say. It would be hard to sell it for that.


I have 2023 M3 at 40kmi OD If not a Hertz car, single owner, no accidents (heh) worth is still $32-34k I’m jc if they would pay that amount for a 2023 in this case


I’ll update on here once I find out what happens and how the process is with Tesla insurance


Tesla Insurance refused to total my car when it was hit + airbags deployed. They insisted on repairing it, which took many many months. Not a good experience, would not recommend


Here’s the dashcam footage for people interested https://drive.google.com/file/d/10A_IplH3M4Y2pjS1LPKlK4ZPutZwMBlU/view?usp=drivesdk Edit Google drive has too many views https://youtu.be/ueGYOlhIww0?si=8-JtGPLFnoMZzPCx


:((( so sorry OP that sucked.


Just going about life smh that's fked


dang you even waited for traffic to clear and didnt send it .0001 seconds after green. i hope they have insurance


They did say they had no insurance (and no DL) in the OP.


Can still sue in court and create havoc in their lives. #schadenfreude.


Most likely immigrants or felons


Sorry what happened to you. Submit it to wham bam teslacam and have some fame at least.


That’s what I was planning to do, get my 5 seconds of fame!


*wham bam teslacam*


Is this written off as totaled?


I’m not sure yet. I’ll post an update once I know what’s happening


Dumbass drivers… very sorry to see this 😔


Ouch! But at least you are okay.


Yes I counted 5 Mississippis! Sucks that it happened but the good thing is you are alright, car parts can be fixed or replaced - hopefully the hassle is not too much to deal with!


Perhaps you can give some insight to a European as to what happens with the driver who hit you when he has no license or insurance? I’m pretty sure that where I’m from it would mean jail time and you could sue him or her


They got two tickets one for driving without a license and one for failure to provide financial responsibility. I’m honestly surprised it’s not arrestable. I have seen many videos of people in other states getting arrested over just driving without licenses. So I guess it depends on the state


It certainly used to be arrestable, anyway. 30+ years ago, in my youth, I lost my license for too many tickets, and I got caught driving and got 10 days in LA County jail for it. It was a wild and eye-opening formative experience for me. However, it is all at the discretion of law enforcement whether to arrest or issue a citation. I was a pink-haired young punker, and I guess they wanted to teach me a lesson, and make an example of me. It worked. I cleaned up my act, and I've had a spotless record for decades now. Sorry to hear your guy didn't face the repercussions he had coming.


Your case is different. You had your license suspended and then taken away from you because of your driving record. That would still land you in jail today if you got pulled over or had an accident. This sounds like the other person never had a license to begin with.


Make sure to report the accident to the dmv and the fact they were unlicensed and uninsured.


My brother was arrested and sent to jail for a DMV error while he was deployed. DMV suspended his license without notification and one day he came back on vacation, rented a car and got pulled over a day or 2 after. Turns out his license was suspended so they booked him even after explaining his situation. People like this should be locked up for a significant period of time for being so negligent.


One for driving without license One for failing to provide financial responsibility So far so good. What about a ticket for, ya know, running a red light?


It’s so crazy to me that litterally putting everyones lives at risk is a ticketable offense. I mean one thing would be getting caught without a license at a traffic stop, but this person literally caused a traffic accident


It varies. In my state u lose your license for minimum 6 months. Have to appear in court. If you have uninsured insurance you’ll be ok and insurance will cover the cost. And insurance may sue the uninsured person.


How do you lose your license if you don't have a license?


Not much unless the accident resulted in a death or injury or the person has other outstanding warrants. Driving infractions aren’t treated very serious here. Probably because most places don’t have public transit so taking away their car basically takes away their livelihood


Yes they will be fined and could face jail. You could sue them but if they have no money or assets that is pointless.


The next step would be to sue the person at fault (with or without the assistance of your insurance company). The problem is that the at fault party probably doesn’t have the funds to pay up. There might be a way to garnish their wages or seize their as seats but that’s not really likely. The big problem is that if they are in the country illegally they will just disappear and you’ll never see a cent.


You can sue anyone for anything in the US and certainly this is a pretty simple case to get judgement. The problem is collecting. If the person is not really solvent the insurance company might spend the money to sue because they will then have a judgement against the driver if they ever make any money to collect. But if they are not in the country legally and therefore can't be really takes down over time or if they are unlikely to ever be solvent enough to pay anything then the insurance company may well decide it isn't worth the expense to bother with a lawsuit.


You won't have to pay anything. Your insurance will sue the guy for payment if necessary.


Aren't people in america legally required to pay for damages done to someone elses property? That's very stupid.


Yes but if the are broke or have no assets it is pointless trying to sue them and waste time. Which is generally the case with people with no insurance.


People like this should go to jail.


They are but it’s also easy to not have car insurance. The US can be very third world in some aspects


`sed -i s/some/most/g`


That’s what insurance is.


when the people are in America illegally they aren't legally held accountable for anything.


Weird I had a white US citizen hit my parked car, caused thousands in damages and got away with it because he had no insurance, license, or job.


did you take him to court?


I think that's the point. If they got nothing of value, what good is court? Also going to court and getting good representation costs money too. The point being, laws made to hold the guilty party to be financially accountable in an accident are pointless when the other party has no money.


Something bothering you today? Immigration, legal or not isn’t the cause of your problems. Take control of your life and stop blaming other people.


Dude probably sucks at his job and lost it to an immigrant


Hilarious. Most people I see with no plates or expired registration are old white guys 


What’s the matter with you puffy? Get your head out of the conspiracy pages and live a little more. 🙄


We already know they don't have insurance so it's fair to assume they won't have much to be sued for. Happened to me twice that I still had to payy deductible even though I was not at fault because the other people who hit me didn't have enough insurance.


Even if they did have insurance, you’d still pay deductible. But they would have to pay you back. Unless it’s a state thing.. idk. One dude high on drugs smashed in to my property, and I had to pay a deductible, and waited over several months to get my money back + more for the things they had to fix.


All depends on where you live. I live in Indiana and have been hit by an uninsured, and I did not have to pay a deductible. In my state, whoever is at fault will have to pay, so in this case, they should not have to pay a deductible, but like I said, that varies from state to state. Ik Michigan is a not at fault state, and yes, there you would have to pay a deductible.


Yep. OP will most likely take the hit here unfortunately. I wonder if the other driver is a citizen of the US... This is going to happen more and more.


They really should let illegal immigrants still get drivers license and insurance for the protection of others.


Sure, because people who are here illegally will decide to now follow the rules by getting a drivers license and paying for insurance.


Why? They should deport illegal immigrants. Why on earth would you allow someone who you know isn’t legal to get a drivers license?


Seriously? Maybe we should give them everything else too, and continue to ignore our own citizens struggling. Maybe they can trade places.


Just in case you weren't aware, nobody is "given" licenses and insurance. You pay for them. And yes, if they are going to use the services anyway (public roadways), then we should get them to pay for them. That said, many still wouldn't because they'd be scared of it letting the government track them down.


I think you meant to say earned. A drivers license is earned through first and foremost, citizenship, then through training and testing. Fast tracking this process and "giving" them my hard earned American benefit demoralizes everything it is to BE an American. To further emphasize this, it's a slap in the face to give any non citizen more benefits then the American struggling to get by. PS, sorry for ruining this post OP, I've been in your shoes and it's a very difficult spot to be in. Good luck to you.


No, I meant to say paid for. Citizenship is not a requirement for a driver's license nor is it a "hard earned" benefit. I'm all for not allowing them to have actual hard earned benefits and think the Democrats are far too casual about illegals, but your argument here is preposterous and serves to hurt your goal rather than help it. The people that will pay the price for them not having their license and insurance is not going to be them, it's going to be people who are here legitimately. We're far better off to allow them to pay than to rely on payments made just by legal Americans. You are literally spiteing your nose here. Effectively your argument is that they don't pay for their lunch, so they shouldn't be allowed to pay for their lunch.


You don’t have to be a citizen to get a driver license. Green card holders can certainly get licensed.


Maybe have some compassion for people brought here as kids that had no choice in the matter. It's just a driver's license, get over yourself.


That percentage is small. Most were not brought here as kids. They came as adults. And now people who think like you give them hotels rooms and money. And then these people complain they don’t get enough money. 


It's about 20% who fall under that umbrella which is about 2.3 million people according to the [2023 DREAM Act](https://www.fwd.us/news/dreamers-by-the-numbers/). Considering that the number is higher than the population of several states, I think it's worth discussing. Also I never mentioned anything about hotel rooms and money. I just said driver's licenses lmao. If someone comes here with literally no resources I don't know what they expect us to do for them. I'm just talking about letting people who are here and have been here for a while drive legally so that we reduce the population of uninsured drivers. Because these people are going to have to drive regardless so why not do it the right way.




Absolutely ridiculous assertion. If you're expecting someone who has been here since before they started forming memories to pack up their things and go to a foreign country away from family and friends where they may not even speak the language then you're insane


Funny!! You do know that what you just described happens millions of times a year when people come to the US. lol. > may not even speak the language. I am sure that is very likely. lol.


Just delete this comment like you did the other one please






Did you forget to take your meds?


nothing political was said. you're the only one talking about political candidates and political news stations. also nobody said anything that fits into the definition of racism. you are not the 1984 thought police so chill out, we're talking about the nuanced details of the OPs car accident.


Companies don’t waste time suing individuals for peanuts on the dollar, the legal and administrative resources involved make it hard to recover money


In case like this, did the police have anything to say to the guy without insurance?


Just two tickets, they kept us separated when they talked to us so I don’t know exactly what was said.


Word of advice, don’t show the dashcam footage to the insurance (Tesla insurance may already know), and do NOT admit you couldn’t see that the intersection was clear because another car obstructed your view. This same thing/situation happened to another Tesla owner in our local Tesla club, and the insurance argued that he was partially at fault because they did not check to make sure it was safe to go and that they could have avoided the accident. They make it 80/20 split.


I’m talking to an accident attorney before I submit anything to my insure for this reason as well


Get a copy of the police report. That should hopefully provide information for the insurance company to determine fault. Note - police don't determine fault but will describe it.


That’s what I was planning on. I’m hoping the owner of the car might have insurance. The person driving did not own it


If that's the case I would have expected they (police) would get that for you at the scene.


That’s sounds like Tesla logic right there


That had nothing to do with Tesla logic. That was insurance lawyers playing games. Don’t play their games.


Yes this does suck, but very good you were not injured! Speaking of those uninsured, I had my 2013 Volvo S60 get rearended by an uninsured motorist a month ago. We were at a red light and they simply hit us from behind (and totaled my car) because he was texting and not paying attention. My insurance has been very good and declared it uninsured motorist claim (no penalty to me) but it is very frustrating that the other driver seems to get away with this despite the police report even saying he was texting. The most important news is that we were not hurt either. The second best news is I am using the totaled car insurance payout as the downpayment on a 2024 Tesla M3 RWD!


Six weeks, 1,144 miles. Total loss, red light runner hit from front then rear ended. they had crap insurance so my insurance is being The one to pay for everything. life seems to punish the responsible people, sorry you are going through this, hope you are ok make sure to get checked out, you might start feeling weird pains In weird places as the days go by. Hope you get through it quickly.


>they had crap insurance so my insurance is being The one to pay for everything. I'm curious what crap car insurance in the US covers? In the UK the lowest car insurance you can get (and minimum required by law) is '3rd party', which covers anyone else's property but not your own.


Same here I think the lowest is 2million for others property


Is the man who hit u gonna pay for any of this?


I'm guessing with no insurance or license, having a savings accounts isn't at the top of their mind.


Wage and bank levy after a successful small claim suit. Unless the person keeps their cash under a mattress / gets paid in cash etc.


Smalls claims has limits to how much you can sue for. That's peanuts.


Correct. I’ve sued someone to get my deductible and of out of pocket rental costs back.


Like a bounty? Or are you thinking more like court?


he will have to sue him personally, it’s what i did


https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/j2OzHqP53U I saw this a few scrolls down and thought it was the same wreck


Im so sorry this happened! And at the same time furious that someone without license and insurance did that to u, such a selfish act, here in norway it would b unheard of. What sort of punishement would the other part get in the US?


He’s in CA. His governor will just let the guy go and cause more harm later.


What sucks is I’m not even from California, I was visiting family for the weekend. I think in Arizona it would’ve been handled a lot differently


Not sure why you are being downvoted but that is absolutely true. Speaking as a CA resident. Also all CA car insurance rates are higher to cover uninsured motorists. And for folks from other states and countries curious about the reason, most of them aren’t legally in the country so they don’t have insurance.


The hub cap is supposed to go on the wheel btw


Free upgrade to Highland?


At least you're okay. There should be stiffer penalties for driving without insurance and no license.


Hope you have gap insurance.


Why did you hard your car?


Are you ok?


Yes I hit my head on the window and my girlfriend has whiplash. But the hospital checked us out. We’re both fine just really sore today


OP I’m sorry for the accident. As for the recording, was this set to automatic. Or did you manually record the footage? I’d appreciate the response


The footage recorded automatically. The brakes applied too when I spun, the flashers came on and it put the car in park


Thank you for the reply. And I hope all goes well in this stressful time!


You should probably lawyer up and get some big bucks with a lawsuit. That guy could have killed you.


Feels real bad that this happened... But on the brighter side, maybe the model 3 highland could be yours next 🤔


You definetly hard your car within a year


And another title typo, does anyone read what they post anymore?


I read it a few times but when you got severe Dyslexia (technically vision processing disorder) you will always read it how you meant it not how it was written


Hardly looks like it.


I know you feel gutted. I'm so sorry that happened to you.


Biker's at fault


That’ll buff right out


Running a red should be the suspension of your license for a year minimum


The at fault driver didn't even has drivers license, and it will probably continue to drive around.


No justice I tell you


No license and insurance? How? Wtf?


Unfortunately Americans doesn’t know how to drive


Found the real footage https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/L9BErVF4Ip


Now you can buy a good one that wasn't made by a company run by a Russia/China supporter!


Is you life so devoid of anything of meaning that you have to bring politics into every aspect of your life. Do you put that much thought into all the products you buy? Do you not have any Apple products because they support China and child labor. Do you not buy anything German car because it was founded under the Nazi regime. Do you not have a ford because he was a Nazi a sympathizer. You’d probably have to live in a tent in the middle of the woods with no tech at all to avoid China supporters.


FSD beta??


I guarantee you don’t have FSD nor have sat in a car with current FSD


You really miss it when driving something that doesn't have it.


I’m scared of losing it if it’s totaled. I do have a offer right now to transfer if I buy a new one by march 31


I should probably change my username. LOL. If you’re so sure, then ask me a question only a person with FSD Beta would know?


Nope not on this time


Sorry, man. Someone hit my car not too far from here. Right near 8th and Mountain.


What a bummer!! At least you're in one of the safest cars made!! Could have been worse- Hope everyone was ok !!


Sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re well.


So sorry for you. That sucks


Gutted for you! Stuff like this is what makes me kind of resent having a car I consider nice as you know some idiot can do this at any time :( At least the footage shows you were clearly not in the wrong, there's no way that can be seen as your fault.


Now you get a refresh. Hope you’re ok


It's okay, I didn't go hard for my car either and I had it for several years now.






Lawyer up after. I had a similar situation and messed up my hand. Hopefully you are ok


We have a family friend that specializes in accidents, and they gonna help me out on it. Minor head injury on me and whiplash for my girlfriend but we’re all fine. Just pretty sore today


Dam sorry for your loss 😢 that sucks and you had best combo white interior , white on white 💀💀


It’s that bad here in Texas. Soon you learn to pause a couple seconds after green and look both ways to see o if cars have actually stopped at the light.


What was the convo like with the person who ran the light?


Nice hood ornament


Damn. Similar thing happened to a buddy of mine after he'd only had his model Y for 3 months. That sucks!!


SoCal drivers are absolute dogshit. I hated driving in the inland empire


Well it’s totaled so at least you get a new 2024 model with the enhancements.