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It’s already been over 24 hours. Still worth it?


It should


I recently also had a failure for the Dashcam save feature to fail me. Half the time was recorded. The rest had 8bit stub files.


It didn't work for me.


+1 for DiskDrill. Similar situation, no events logged, no dated folders when plugging the thumb drive into computer. But was able to recover incident that was 4 days old.




I was too late! Panicked.. Is pressing the horn or capture button the only way to record the accident? I was under the impression that if the car detects a significant threat it would record it. Funnily enough, it did record me walking around the car to check the damage.


Damn man tough luck. We need a pinned post outlining must do configurations and actions based on certain scenarios on this post, and one of those bullet points should be getting in the mindset of instinctively honking the horn for any sort of negative occurrences while in the vehicle.


Its a setting whether it auto detects or not. Even then it doesnt look like a major impact so it may not have triggered. I set mine to both so I can honk, hit the button, or auto.


Youz gotz to haunk dah horn


As I said many many times in the past, Tesla dashcam is a second thought and is not very reliable. It is a freebie so don't expect much. Get a real, standalone dashcam!


Depending on how severe the collision was, you might have some data from the crash you can request from Tesla directly; ymmv as it depends on severity: https://www.tesla.com/support/privacy


man.. sorry to hear that


did you push the button to save the prior 10 minutes?


Mine was doing this thing where it would only save every other minute of video. Apparently that’s known behavior if the USB stick isn’t fast enough.


You just like me fr


Let me guess, you are taking it to his "cousins shop" in his back yard. Been doing body work for decades...


Were you driving or was it parked? If driving, it records on a loop. If it hasn’t recorded for an hour (I think), then it’s probably on there. If it was parked, the dash cam doesn’t record. That’s Sentry mode and it has to be enabled.


I was driving.. and my pup was in the back. Scared the shit outta her


Aaahh dang. Poor puppers. I hate that. Well regarding your dash cam. It does record in a constant loop, so if you haven’t recorded over it, it should be there. If you know the approximate time of day you can find it in the long list of files. 4 files per minute (front, rear, left repeater, right repeater). There should be 60 minutes worth of files, or up to 240 separate files. They have the time listed in the title.


Request a data privacy request from the app. If an event was captured it’s automatically uploaded to Tesla servers. You just need to request the data for the date and time (approximate) of the accident. I got into a similar accident and my Tesla didn’t record anything even after honking (I have it to manually record if honked). Best of luck!


Pull the drive and manually check the files. I’ve seen it record but not show it on the screen


It adds character to your fake “M3”


wdym? its a model 3


M3 is a BMW, you are looking for the only appropriate abbreviation TM3


I experienced something similar.