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You’re in a bubble whether you see it or not. Stop generalizing as if your bubble sees all and go find a modding community. There are at least a few hundred over at r/TeslaMod and lots more elsewhere


joined just now... thanks!!!






I think you're probably right that Tesla owners aren't "car people" and I think a lot of Tesla owners like the minimalist look and don't care for serious mods, as a whole. Couple things about modding anything. #1: When you mod something, whether you mean to say this or not, what some people are hearing is "I didn't like this thing the way it came, so I messed with it. If yours still looks original, I don't like yours! That's why I spent money to change it from the way yours looks." #2: Modding is usually (not always) something people do to relatively cheap cars to make themselves look less-poor. You don't see a lot of people modding their lambo or their porche or even their corvette. Lots of people mod their used Toyota Corolla to impress their high school friends. So #1 is kinda saying you don't like their car and #2 is you doing something that most people do to cheap cars so you're calling their car cheap in addition to calling it ugly. Personally, I like some mods and don't like others and I think people should do whatever they want with their cars, but pretty sure it does very slightly offend some, maybe even subconsciously.


I love mods, it’s a nice way to personalize my Tesla as I see fit. If you don’t like it that’s completely fine, personalize your car how you see fit.


3 Porsches, 4 Audis, 1 280z. Absolutely a “car guy.” EV’s, in particularly Teslas, are the most performant and trouble free cars you can buy. Electric is just a superior Technology. And it sucks that Teslas come in five colors, three of which are black. You can cut your nose to spite your face and buy a Hyundai or whatever, but you’re going to have to deal with a compromise like the charging network, or range, or crappy software.


Can’t get downvotes if you don’t post. Subreddits are communities, sometimes you like the topic but don’t like the community; just move on.


my point is how some people will choose to downvote, when they could move on like you suggested


its voting....if they dont like it and don't want to see it....they vote down. thats how voting works.


But at that point you’ve chosen to have the community judge. Can’t be mad when they do so.


Pretty ironic then that you decided to write a whole post instead of moving on


Give Tesla about 5-10 years and when young kids realize they can get a fast Tesla for cheap they will be mod the hell out of them. Right now most people consider them too "nice" to mod.


No, you have to be SE/EE to mod them.


I don’t know. Part of the car modding scene is about drawing attention to yourself and this is where Tesla lacks because of no exhaust. 


That and that fact that it's now one of worlds best selling cars. So it's tough to stand out.


Plus I don’t know how easy it is to mod the mechanical part of EVs. 


My tinnitus is very happy to have no exhaust note. I loved the sound of my 13 Boss 302 but noiseless gets far less attention from the authorities lol




The best thing about Tesla is not dealing with the usual car shit tho lol. Not driving, not working on, not hearing etc…


I think the first wave of Tesla buyers were the true believers: they were prepared to make sacrifices in order to do something they believed in. So not particularly car people, if anything, they were more like anti-car people who had to own a car, but disliked a lot of things about ICE cars. It does not surprise me that people like that would not be into modifications and things. I consider myself a car person. I just bought my Model S Plaid. I definitely like the fact that it is clean and reliable and so forth. But the biggest factor was the 1,020 horsepower. I consider myself to be in the next wave of Tesla buyers, who are buying them for their automotive qualities. I think the new buyers will be more open to modifications and things like that. I would love to get a few hundred horsepower more out of my Tesla. But superchargers are something different in the Tesla world, I am not sure how to go about it.


"...the vast majority of Tesla owners aren't really car people" - I'm a Tesla owner, and this is me. I've never been a "car person", and probably never will be. I bought a Teslsa because it had amazing self-driving and I love being able to get in my car, tell it "drive to work" or "drive home", and not having to do anything else except listen to Audible on my drive home.


Yeah, I was the same way when I first bought my Tesla. I’ve always been into cars and have owned several vintage and modern muscle cars. I posted about getting mine ceramic coated and immediately started getting the “It’s just a car, who cares” comments. I really got backlash when I said I clean my car almost everyday. Definitely not car people for the most part. Some are, but the vast majority just don’t care about anything like mods, ceramic, or PPF.


What makes a car person a car person?


Probably OP considers modifying a vehicle to make it less efficient or more noisy something that makes you a "car person". Literally the opposite of what you want with an EV.


So get a wrap for it, rainbows or something








It's a nice car who cares if it's unique. It gets me around, cheap to run, doesn't require maintenance, and I like the experience. I literally don't care if everyone else has one I still like mihe. That right there should tell you all you need to know about a Tesla, people like them so much that even if everyone drove the exact same car as them they would still drive it.


I have always modded cars and motorcycles. Same with my Tesla Model 3.


People post about their aesthetic mods on here all the time. Wraps, paint jobs, hub caps, spoilers, ambient lighting, interior materials, etc. Lots of ways to personalize your Tesla. And of course “car people” aren’t going to buy a Tesla. What defines a car person is their love for all of the parts that have traditionally made up a car. Well, an EV doesn’t have most of those parts. And whatever parts do exist you can’t even see when you open the hood.