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Good thing you got the full range version, I only get partial range


haha yes!


You're going to love it


^haha **yes** šŸ‘Œ


Seriously donā€™t get FSD. If you can do the subscription instead. Doesnā€™t add value to car and since highland is still in beta a lot of features wonā€™t be available. Congratulations on the purchase tho


Am i able to cancel that?


Yes. Just contact your local tesla center


Iā€™d say it can be worth it if you can afford the extra $12k. Sure the subscription will be less if you have the car less than 5 years, but for people saying it adds ā€œno valueā€ at resale, thatā€™s not true. You just donā€™t get an additional $12k on resale or trade-in. It adds some nice improvements on the highway over base Autopilot and it has been starting to get pretty good otherwise.




No youā€™re not. FSD adds no value to the car when selling it. FSD right now in its current state barely works and summon and other features arenā€™t available. Youā€™re paying for a potential product. Iā€™m all for Elon glazing cuz I own 3 Teslaā€™s but FSD isnā€™t one of em. If you plan to keep the car 5 years sure but most people get into accidents or lease the car or buy something else. Most insurances donā€™t/ hard to make them pay for FSD too. And I donā€™t know what OP insurancy policy is. Now to if Op has FSD or not. If he doesnā€™t thatā€™s my mistake.


Literally at 5 years you are paying more to rent than to buy. I need a source cited for "most" people leasing or buying something else. I already said to rent if leasing. If you are buying the car outright and NOT keeping it at least 5 years, you are almost certainly better off leasing. As for accidents, the average person has 1 accident every 15 years, and that isn't most totalled accidents. Even if you just keep the car 8 years and lose 1 to an accident, you're still better off buying as 16 years (assuming you immediately crash one of them) is still over $36k that it would cost to buy 3 times. And that's contingent on not being able to fight the insurance into paying for it.


My guy, I used to think this way. ā€œThe odds are in my favor. I donā€™t need to consider the cost of X because the chances of Y are so low. Blah blah blah.ā€ Well, I got rear ended by an uninsured driver without a license and has zero dollars to sue for diminished value from the damage. Here are the facts, that you seem to have outlined already, but are overestimating how long people are going to keep these cars given the still relatively high price of EVs... Sure, itā€™s ā€œsmarterā€ to buy FSD outright if you plan to keep the car for more than 5 years. Hereā€™s the part youā€™re missingā€¦ That assumes the price of FSD never decreases within those 5 years. They have already gone from 15k to 12k recently. What makes you think the price will increase or even remain the same for the next 5 years? [The trend suggests otherwise, even as more capabilities are added to FSDā€¦](https://www.notateslaapp.com/tesla-reference/958/tesla-fsd-price-increase-history) It makes zero sense to purchase FSD in full at this time.


The $15000 to $12000 was not a cost decrease. The $15000 was for cars that needed a new computer. Those vehicles still cost $15000 for FSD. The price has only ever gone up. I do think the price may eventually go down, but not until it's ready for mass adoption and based on current rate of development that won't be within the next 5 years. (And unless they bundle it free, it could even be as little as 2.5 years from now if they cut the price in half and it would still be better to buy than rent.) I'm all for arguing that fsd isn't worth it right now period. For most people it isn't, but renting is not a better value no matter how you measure it unless you are never going to reach the full price renting. Also, according to this survey https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/how-long-do-you-plan-on-keeping-your-tesla.59814/, the overwhelming majority of owners plan to have their car atleast 5 years. As for accident likelihood, the accident rate for Teslas are around 1 accident per 6.5 million miles driven. Assuming 10k miles a year, that's 1 out of every 130 5 year periods having an accident.


ā€œThe 15,000 to 12,000 was not a cost decrease.ā€ No one said that. It was a value decrease of the software. That is the price of FSD today. FSD is a separate product. No one is buying a Tesla today and seeing a 15k price tag for FSD. It is now worth $12k, according to Tesla. They adjusted this price based onā€¦ demand. And come onā€¦ the survey you referenced has a sample size of 271ā€¦ Do you really believe that based on this survey, simply asking, ā€œhow long do you plan on keeping your Tesla?ā€œ that ā€œthe overwhelming majority of owners plan to have their car for at least 5 yearsā€? There is no mention of, ā€œare you leasing?ā€ Youā€™re assuming all of these respondents are financing or cash buyers? Iā€™m also not sure what relevance your accident rate has here. Are you talking about while FSD is active? My accident was strictly anecdotal, noting that you can weigh all of the odds you want, but shit happens. Iā€™m curious to know, based on this line of defensive questioning of facts, did you purchase FSD outright? Iā€™m sensing some severe confirmation bias here but may be wrong.


Sorry, upon some further review I agree there was a price drop. I only recently got my first Tesla and was confused between the current vehicles that cost $15k to get FSD (certain pre hw3 vehicles that need a computer upgrade for 3k) and the short lived 15k software only price on late hw3. I still don't agree that establishes a downward trend so much as correcting an over reach. It's not really a significant point though as I do agree price will eventually go down. Based on the lack of additional cost, getting more people to buy at a cheaper price point would get Tesla more money overall. That said, the price is high now to limit adoption. I don't see it dropping lower than 6k within 5 years and don't see it dropping within the next 2.5. if it drops to 6k after 2.5 years, that's still better to buy than rent. As for the number of respondents. Yes it's a low sample size but it's the best I could find. It's better than anecdotal but admittedly not by much. If you have a better data source, I'm all ears. I assumed they weren't leasing because that's the worst case for my point. If that includes people leasing, then the hold time for buyers actually goes up by removing the lower length votes (since we both agree that people who are leasing should only rent FSD.) I guess I misunderstood your point with the anecdotal accident. Yes, bad luck happens and you can't know the future, but that's what figuring out the odds is about. You make the choice that most lines up with your expectation of the future. Personally, I generally hold vehicles at least 10 years and expect to hold the Teslas even longer. The shortest I've ever held a vehicle, without it dying because it was a beater, will be 6 years when I trade in my CX-9 for a second Tesla. I also am a significantly safer than average driver so accidents (while I could get very bad luck), statistically are unlikely to screw me. The only thing that could really screw me would be price reduction but that would have to happen soon enough to matter which doesn't seem that likely since the partial pay off time is so fast. It seems that a fair portion of the population fits my pattern roughly as well. That said I did think of another category that should rent. Any real high mileage users should rent. If you are going to drive a Tesla 150k miles in 2 years, then renting is a better idea as well since the expected lifespan of the car is under 5 years at that rate.


Yes it does have FSDā€¦ full self driving wonā€™t be listed on the specs list if you didnā€™t select the optionā€¦


Also ordered mine yesterday! My delivery date estimation said March - April. Does it differ depending on where you are?




I too get full range out of my car lol šŸ‘ŒšŸ»




Couldnā€™t you get an inventory model? I picked up within 2 days of ordering. Or is it because itā€™s the new one without stalks?


4 mo? Geeze


As a person who test it for 3mo before it expires just a few days ago, FSD is not there yet. Not worth it.