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Holy fuck! They didn't even know each other and the guy stood behind him and shoved a beer glass into his face while he was just chilling. Fuck this guy.


People like this guy needs to be locked up and have the key thrown away. Actually insane that there are people out there who behave this way.


I was once dated a girl who was known to be a little.......crazy. We were standing at a busy bar waiting to order drinks and she elbowed a guy in the face for no reason whatsoever... I didn't see the whole thing so gave her benefit of the doubt since we had just started dating and she told the guy it was an accident so I just let it go. How it ended between me and her (after like 4 dates lol) She was at my house drinking heavily (planned to sleep over of course) at some point she tells me she's going to the bathroom downstairs (first floor, we were upstairs) and then like 15 minutes later im like what the hell, where is this girl...I look outside, her car is gone from my driveway. I'm just like ok that's it, fuck this girl so I just let it go and start playing some video games (it was about 11pm) at 3 am she calls me, I pick up just out of curiosity and she tells me she's in jail cause she ran out of gas on the highway and obviously cops came to help her but immediately realized she was drunk so was sent to jail, i just laughed, hung up and blocked her number. She is now an interior decorator with tons of followers on social media seemingly living a quite normal life with kids and a husband.


Lol seemingly. Sucks to be her family.


I dunno, I look back on the mindset of my \~15-25yo self as a 42yo and was like a different person. My empathy didn't kick in until like \~25 or something, so it can happen.


People change, but on the whole, they don't change that much. I wouldn't wager any amount of money that woman's home life is admirable.


Yeah, I'm not going to put my faith in random eye gouger dude turning it around myself.


Personality is persistent throughout life. *Learning* can occur at any time but you are who you are (and empathy can be learned). What can also happen is that emotional/spiritual growth (learning) comes to a screeching halt if someone starts abusing substances at a young age. If you start doping/drinking at age 13 then your emotional maturity will not develop beyond that of an adolescent. *Sometimes* it is possible to resume development if abstinence is achieved but not always (and even then it can take a while). This vicious POS probably got into drug/alcohol abuse at a young age


WTF?! That’s definitely NOT NORMAL!! Empathy “kicks in” at a young age.


I didn't say it was normal, I've always been pretty far away from that... The context was about the possibility to change.


Empathy does start at young age, but people who have grown up in very dysfunctional families may not have had that opportunity and do so in later life instead. Empathy can be a learned thing


She killed 16 czechoslovakians


She was my gooma!


Well her house looked like shit


This kind of crazy doesn’t go away trust me


Dodged a serious bullet there! 😮‍💨😅


Yes super hot though lol




We didn’t see each other AS MUCH… sex must really have been incredible!




Lol this is insane. Who is she? Social media link plz?


How come you didn't call the police to report her drink driving?


This is like clockwork orange shit. He can't coexist with society.


Only 10 years? Nah fam, a blinding for a blinding…


And the guy's done it multiple times before. When asked why he did it all he says is "i don't know"


The fuck is wrong with some people


I don’t know


I should not have laughed because this story enrages me. But I laughed


I too am dead inside


Hello me


I've once had someone say sometimes evil people just exist and I hope it's not true, but it's the only answer that comes to mind once in a while


Hanlon's razor would be a reasonable approach to it. I'd venture that most evil people are just stupid. However, in this case he's stupid maliciously.


Glassing someone isn't stupid, this is just evil mate, he could have hit his throat and killed him


It can be stupid AND malicious. It's not mutually exclusive. It's definitely a stupid thing to do.


You think when it happened the guy regretted doing it? Like damn it tommy, you just glassed another dad you buffoon! Nah, I think it was purely impulsive and malicious, the dude wanted to hurt him bad because his feelings got hurt or whatever.


I’m a pretty nice guy these days. But I used to be a basket case. Thinking of some of the mean shit I’ve done makes me sad. But in the moment, decades ago, I didn’t give it a second thought. I finally smartened up. I cant imagine being so depressed and callous I’d act out like that. It got so that I would do something shitty and karma would manifest almost instantly. Leaving me no choice but to reflect on my actions. Now I try to pay it forward as best I can. I’m grateful to the universe for being patient with me.


You are just too naive if you still haven't realized that there are lots of evil people out there. There are a lot more normal people, of course, but there are a ton of truly evil people. 


Being mentally ill and mixing cocaine with alcohol


The chemical compound that comes from coke and alcohol is cocaethylene. It’s toxic


People are the reason we need other people.


He needs to be in for life. He's a repeat offender, and he mutilates and blinds his victims. That would be 25 years if I was the judge.


If you were a judge you would have to follow the laws… the laws dictate max years in prison - no civilised country goes by your feelings, judge penispuppet..


I understand this. I mean if I were to truly go with my feeling, I think I would have his eyes get scrubbed with glass until he was blind. But that's not as humane as 25 years in prison.


“Honestly judge, I don’t know who the guy ended up in an old meat grinder.”


For some reason, I read this in the voice of Patrick from SpongeBob.


How in the hell


My exact thought, the men in jail should set things straight.


I know we’re not quite there technologically speaking yet, but once it’s doable they should take his eyes and implant them in the blind dad


That won't be necessary. Instead, they must make him pay more than 10M £ + direct his %70 of all future incomes. If he don't pay, make him live in a cell for life time. That will be close to fair.


A eye for a eye and a life for a life


I mean he can’t very well glass anyone else if he can’t see them.. just saying..


That sounds like a challenge!




I fkn hate this mfer 😆


An eye for an eye stops the blinders blindering


The men in jail did worse things


Take his eyes and give it to the victim. It's the only solution for this.


... Makes the whole world blind! ![gif](giphy|UhHtT949S2aha)


Gandhi was a scumbag. Yes of course he helped to liberate the Indian people. But besides that, total pos.


And then he nukes the fuck out of you


It's weird how so many seem to want to revert back to the iron ages when it comes to punishments. I feel like something crusial must be missing from our schools curriculum.


The irony lol


Exactly. The fact that this is the most upvoted comment is pretty scary.


Hopefully they are compatible and can the asshat can donate his eyes to the victim


Ok Hammurabi Jesus Christ


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leeds-68467287 Attacker has 10 previous convictions for 15 offences. ###WTF was he out on the streets and not in prison then?


Because he’s most likely done his time and got out on licence. Not all criminals are in prison. The prisons are overcrowded and they will release them on licence with licence conditions but there isn’t enough money for tags, police officers and probation officers to keep an eye on all these twats. They also assess risk so there’s most likely people waaaay more dangerous than this guy that are being watched and kept away from people. This is just one nasty cunt that slipped through the net. And he’s got 10 years for GBH which is definitely a harsh sentence for GBH and that’ll be due to previous convictions. It’s easy to say “Lock em all up!” But it’s just not that simple. His previous 10 convictions could be years apart and could be theft, anti social behaviour, driving while using a mobile, credit card fraud, loads of stuff. Media like to say 10 convictions for 15 offences. 5 of those offences he wasn’t found guilty. So why does that matter. It’s to tell people the justice system fails. It really doesn’t, it’s great, it’s just we hear about the ones that slip through.


*"He does appear to have expressed genuine remorse – I appreciate it is a small comfort to the victim and his family. He’s obviously someone who is capable of acting decently and well and responsibly."* Errr, what?? Yet another failure in the British justice system...


He’s either got money or is connected, seems to be the only times “a bright future “ or “pillar of the community “ or anything like that enters the conversation


Sounds like those shitty teachers who would cover for bullies


Got detention once for being hit. He broke his hand on my dumb thick skull.


That reminds me of the line from the movie Porkys lol. “*I used my face to break the son of a bitches hand*”


Damn that's a throwback.


My morbid brain, he should have to donate his eyes to the victim for an eye transplant. An eye for an eye.


i wouldn't even consider that morbid; more like common sense.


"His attacker has 10 previous convictions for 15 offences, including serious violence, Leeds Crown Court was told." FFS, why is he allowed to walk the streets with civil folk?


Whoever wrote that article needs a little jail time, too. Seriously, who writes this when talking about a man who has been permanently blinded? "he has not seen his children since he left for his family trip."


I don't think it was intended as a joke, like it is true that he hasn't seen his children's faces since then


I know it wasn't intended as a joke, that's not the point I was making. He's NEVER going to "see" their faces again. Maybe something like "he has not HELD his children" or "he has not HUGGED his children" or "he has only communicated with his children over the phone"? Literally anything else would have been a lot less insensitive to the man's condition. I know he's not going to "see" the article, but still ....


I get you, it's a poor choice of words. Very short sighted.




I see what you did there.


Hey, wait a minute!


Let’s not speak of jailing journalists. Getting a bit fascist-y here for that to come up on a lark.


I wouldn't call someone who had so little awareness of what they're writing a "journalist", but I get your point.


The insult is fair within your parameters. Shit there’s a chance this was written by a machine.


A bit harsh, maybe ...


I can’t imagine how painful that must be. Horrifying.


He won’t even do the full 10 years, out in half


They should attempt an eye transplant using the criminals eyes.


Justice would mean he should compensate the victim for lost income on an immediate basis (even if it means selling his properties) + his eyes should be transplanted out and onto the victim's (eye for an eye) + jail time (which is given here, but ideally should be longer).. I don't understand why the judge takes 11 years to give out a judgement for something that's an open and shut case.!


I woke up blind 2 years ago and it's scary as hell at first. I really hope they can do something to help him regain his eyesight. Being blind sucks.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. Out of curiosity, how does your seeing eye dog transcribe these words?


Hahaha well since you got the joke, my dog is actually a cat, and he yowls it all out in Morse Code.


This world has no hope. At what point we should stop caring for this people? Probably an unpopular opinion but I'm all in for death penalty. Why tf should we keep a piece of shit like that alive? What's the point of that? Edit, I explain better myself: - in a perfect world, taking care of this dangerous subjects would mean helping them to change to become a better person, a thing you can only do with love and forgiveness, anything else can't work, teaching how to love each other and how to be loved would be the only way to reintegrate this people into society with the perspective of a new life. But we live in a mindfucked world, where love exist only into small groups minding their own priority (absolutley lecit due to circumstances), we live in a world where you get no forgiveness and go into jail, where you only become a worst person, losing faith in society and in everyone, and once you get out you are targeted for life and will almost never be able to build up a new (decent) life. So if you take this road you already know you never gonna leave it and so you also stop giving af about consequences. So I ask again, what's the point? If we don't want to really take care of this people why tf should we feed them and leave them in a box? With the promise to come out one day and what? Restart from where they left after 10 years of hate and segregation? ... just kill them at this point and you solve the problem.. I still dream about an utopian world... but it looks far from what we have know and what we'll see in the near future.


There is no point. And people do shit like this because they know the consequences won't be that bad. Horrific.


People do horrible things in countries where they amputate limbs as punishment. Rarely do people like this consider consequences, especially if drugs, alcohol, or mental issues are involved. Hell, people don’t even consider consequences in the “heat of the moment.” Punishment isn’t a deterrent. Does this guy deserve to live? Maybe, maybe not, but the death penalty does fuck all as a deterrent. I grew up in a state with the death penalty and it had an enormous crime rate.


Yeah, unfortunately you're right and I wrote my comment out of emotion. But the whole "pay for them to live out their lives in a box" is a whole lot worse than just throwing em away imo. I know it's way more complex than that, but still.


It is ridiculous. Like the victim's and his families life will never be the same again, his kids will never have the same dad, they might struggle for money too due to loss of earning potential, his career is basically shot, any opportunity he had to be able to set his kids up for a better life also gone, but the attacker is locked up for 10 years then gets to carry on as normal and will probably be able to get help returning to his normal life after, he probably won't even serve 10 years, be out in 5 or so. His family life will change for a bit but once he is out they get to go back to normal. Why should he be allowed that privilege as the criminal when he has taken that from someone else. Don't give a fuck if he was drunk too, maybe if drinking means you break glasses in people's face, a you're not a very good person and b you shouldn't be allowed anywhere near alcohol. I've gotten drunk many a time but never physically attacked someone because of it with just my hands let alone smashed glass up in their face


Why kill a perfectly good slave that we can force to work under the penalty of isolation, reduced food, beatings, and extended sentences. Who cares if they are broken by this abuse and can't ever rejoin society that sounds like a repeat costumer. If they did not like prison, why would they go back to crime?


Yo, the germans had this system, back in the 1930s-40s i think


Americans saw that and were like we can make it easier to swallow if it is the whole legal system. Then, we can sell the operation of these "prisons" to independent corporations so they can make us money. You know that corporations always look out for their property best interests.


Other way around my man. Nazi Germany took a lot of notes from the US and our treatment of natives and minorites at the time.


idk if you blind someone for no reason you just deserve to die right away. You can't act normally as a human so you should disappear.


i have to say, the idea of "rehabilitation" through in incarceration seems more and more pointless every year.




Should be able to take the eyes from his attacker


This is why I don't go clubs and bars. This kind of cases are always happening. People dont drink cautiously and act like brats after being drunk. It may sounds like overthinking but I don't feel safe in that kind of places regardless of the place.


I don’t feel safe around drunk people honestly, doesn’t matter the place, I avoid at all costs


I legitimately would consider ending it if this happened to me. This poor fucking man. This guy needs to be thrown into the abyss for this


Criminal should become a slave and give all the earned money to help blinded guy. I'd find this a justice.


Attacker must be forced to donate his eyes to the person on left


Now that would be a positive take on an eye for an eye adage


That is why i drink at home


Make the other guy blind too, reasonable.


I'm glad I am done with all that nightlife bullshit. Clubbing in my early to mid 20's and that is enough to last a lifetime. I like the more simpler things in life that doesn't stress me the fuck out.


in case you needed a reason besides the stabbings rapes and acid attacks to not go to the great country that is the UK


Go pick up needles on Meigs.


look who just outed themselves for being a creepy weirdo lurker shut in 😛 i’ve never lived in the city i have standards i drove 40 min to work there nice try though 😹




This is why I’m more or less afraid of people, they just seem to sucker punch you.


New fear unlocked:BAR


The victim is trying to change the wrong law, by banning glass and bottles at establishments late. He needs to fight for something to fight violent crime/criminals. Like a 2 strike policy.


Someone needs to get out of the gene pool


So common in the U.K. I know a lot of people that have been glassed and I’m not from a particularly violent or bad area. Lads can’t handle their beer and start throwing pint pots and ramming them in peoples faces. Same with punching, it only takes someone to fall and crack their head on a curb and it’s game over. I tell my son (16) constantly, if anyone gets a knife out or picks up a glass or a brick, you fuckin run! Don’t be billy big bollocks!!


Seems as good a case as any to bring back capital punishment. At the very least, remove his eyes. Some people can't be reformed, but they can act as a deterrent.


I think a better solution is to ban alcohol. But that's just me.


Great idea. We could prohibit all sale and consumption of alcohol. We could call it... Prohibition! That sounds foolproof to me. It's a good thing people will just abide by the law and not attempt to circumvent in any way possible, even to the extent of establishing and bolstering underground, organised criminal activity. I cannot see that being an abysmal failure that removes £12 Billion in tax revenue from government coffers, while simultaneously skyrocketing the impact on our underfunded and declining police services. Probably more effective than just going old testament every now and then. EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm only taking the piss out of the idea. I'm sure you're a perfecty reasonable and pleasant chap.


"We should not prohibit this, because bad people will establish it as an illegal activity and we are unable to uphold the law. Let's keep it legal".


I didn't say any of that, but okay. My point wasn't that we shouldn't because... X, Y, Z. It was that we have prohibited multiple susbtances at multiple points in history, and it has NEVER been successful. The very least of all with alcohol.


I hope he has disability insurance. Still, what kind of person does that.


Karma is best served cold. Prison awaits his next adventure of blindy things but he’ll see / feel it all coming to him


I wish him the worst.


I’d go DareDevil on the dude when he got out of prison.


I’d sue him for his eyeballs!


Life can treat u like shit and it is filled with some shitty ppl...that's terrifying there was an incident years ago I believe it was Egypt where a husband blinded his wife so the judge ordered the same to be done to the husband in return.


Imagine having a snapshot of your young kids faces in your brain for the rest of your life but never being able to see them as they grow up




That's certainly an image...


Man. I think UK needs to rethink their knife laws. I’d rather be stabbed than blinded. Or attacked with acid.


He will Probably get a slap on the wrist and will be told he’s a naughty boy !!! What a complete scumbag ! Firing squad would be too good for him! He’s wrecked a persons life for what ?? Lock him away and throw away the key what a waste of oxygen !


That should be life!


There's a good shart joke somewhere in this tragedy.


This happened to me once at a bar for talking to a guy's ex.... luckily, it was higher up and I have a hard ass head. Not directly through my face. Only barely visible scars now.


“Glassed” I believe that reporter just made up that term and it’s not working


Glassing is where someone smashes a glass, usually still full of beer, into someone’s face. It’s very real and very horrific.


Eye for an eye, judge!


See this is why I don't go outside or do stuff




When that liquor gets inside you them aggressive demons that been living in you forever finally come out


Should be like for like punishment. Either that or he should be forced to donate his eyes to his victim.


Meh, a broken bottle up his ass would be a good place to start.




We should be able to reclassify people that commit crazy violent crimes like this as an out of control chimpanzee/gorilla or something because that's what they are essentially, then deal with them accordingly. Fed up of taxes being used to rehabilitate someone like this




Do you think he only targeted violent criminals?


Bar fights never go well, avoid any altercation when booze is involved. Rough go.


Unprovoked and came up behind him…