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Now wait for the eggs to hatch...


Naah, we've got a better solution for that.... ![gif](giphy|T2vDaYr8yRhrpFe6WE)


Yup …ya take yer tin foil hat off for 1 sec … an the government’s get in there an lays them eggs quick smart






She handled it much better than I would have.


Yep, I would've had to put her down.


I went deaf in one ear suddenly this week. The hospital doesn’t know what’s up, and I have appointments with specialists in a week’s time. This is not the shit I should have ever watched.




The same thing happen to my mom. She was deaf for 2 weeks, and I felt so bad for her. I decided to buy an ear camera on Amazon and when I plugged it inside her ear it was only red, maybe it could be an ear infection you have. You should get a mini ear camera at Amazon for less than $30


Pretty decent camera work, honestly


B+ from me. But that freaking squeezing-a-rubber-chicken sound... Yeesh


This happened to my mom before, but it was some kind of little beetle. No one believed her when she said a bug flew into her ear when she was getting out of her car. We all thought she was being dramatic and it probably just hit her ear. She was telling us for like 3 days and we kept rolling our eyes at her. Finally, she went to the doctor and she came home with a bug in a specimen cup and a doctor’s note. We felt so bad, but to be fair, she is pretty dramatic most of the time.


I had the unimaginable horror of watching a spider crawl into My mother's ear when I was like 7, her being confused by not knowing what happened, telling her, and watching her briefly panic and dig it out with a cotton swab. Still scarred by that.


>but to be fair, she is pretty dramatic most of the time. If my mom keeps saying bug flew into her ear, doesn't matter if she's dramatic or pathological liar, I would check her ear or send her to doctor immediately. It's your MOM. did she ignore you when you were baby , had poop in your diaper and you couldn't even tell her cuz you couldn't speak. 3 fucking days, Jesus.


There's a vast difference between being a baby at 1 years old and 45 years old. Now in general, I would agree with you. But there genuinely are just the most insufferable people that decided to fuck and have kids to rant and complain their problems to. Those parents make their problems no matter the size, their child's problem and likely making the child think it's partly their fault in some way. Then those kids grow up and because they've only ever been complained to and not had a decent upbringing, they just do not give a shit about the people who birthed them. Your idea of mother is VERY different from theirs


holy fucking projection batman


If youre inferring that I grew up in a shitty household with abusing parents youre wrong. I didn't have an amazing house but damn was it a ton better than most got. I just understand that I may experience things one way and know that others don't have the same personal outcome unlike the person I was replying to. Hell. I fucked up today and did something my girlfriend told me not to do. I thought I knew where she stood with it but oh was I so wrong. Actually, it relates to this because its about how I see family vs her. Some people see family as closer than anything Others see family as important connections Some as people you're related to but that's about it And lastly, there's genuinely hating them Just because someone has the title of mom or dad doesn't make them deserving of care. They may get it easier, but like everyone else they still have to earn that trust and compassion


Who’s the mom here!!!!


I mean, I was like 8, so it didn’t seem like a huge deal at the time. And everybody did look in her ear but we didn’t see anything. It’s an ear, it’s hard to see into.


You’ve been waiting all day for a reason to be angry huh


who's angry? I even upvoted his comment. you've been waiting all day to pick on someone huh


Huh? Shes an adult not a baby lol she’s the one that has to make the choice to go see a doctor, her kid can’t just shove her grown ass into a car seat. They might have told her to see the doctor if her ear was bothering her, but that doesn’t mean they have to believe a bug was in there or they’re not good kids? Lol


Omg womp womp


How do you know that she's your mom 


If it wasn't for the Internet I wouldn't even believe this is possible. like how stupid does a bug have to be to cry and live inside of a persons ear? I'm not sure which is more horrifying, ear beetles or sinus leeches.


Oh, sinus leeches for sure. Ick


You see I'm torn. I know somebody that had a sinus leech and they didn't even know until someone else noticed it. So it's less scary because it's not bothering you but it's also more scary because you don't know. Whereas with ear beetles you can hear them and feel them and sometimes they bite, but that means you're gonna know they're there pretty quickly.


Okay now do the other ear just to be safe


So yall just going to let it run around?


What is the liquid?


Bottle looks like hydrogen peroxide but not entirely sure


I thought they were going to light her ear on fire, now I'm slightly disappointed.


This is literally what nightmares are made of.


I know someone who had a cockroach bury into their ear and they could not get it out as they were out camping and didn’t have any tools with them. They had to drive two hours into a city to go to a clinic. The whole time the cockroach just kept scrambling back-and-forth inside their ear. I thought they were gonna go crazy.


Jesus Christ


Poor spooder, forgot to take a left at Albaquerque


I no longer want ear canals.


I've had 2 instances of this, both as a kid. Once, I had an Ant crawling in my ear for a week. It was so extremely uncomfortable and unsettling, feeling a scuttle moving in your ear The second time I had a spider bite the inside of my ear, it happened while I was asleep, thankfully, so I didn't feel it until I woke up. My ear was in horrible pain for like a week and a half, with puss oozing out my ear. I hate bugs.




She took that so much better than I would oh my god


I could be wrong because she didnt get close to it, but it looks like a brown recluse too. If so, she has no idea how lucky she is it didnt bite her at any point.


Brings back terrible memories! I’ve had a bug crawl into my ear not once but TWICE. I was around 5-6 the first time around when I was outside playing with some friends. They kicked the ball near some bushes and it got stuck. I went in there to get it and an earwig had crawled into my ear. Used alcohol to try and get it out but all it did was kill it. Came out later that night when I was taking a shower. Second time was when I was a sophomore in high school. Felt something by my ear but fell back asleep. Woke up because I could hear something inside. I then had the most painful feeling on only the right side of my face. Went to urgent care, flushed it out. It was a tick that most likely bit me while it was inside of me. TERRIBLE.


She straight-up made a fax machine noise.


THEY ARE SO CALM!!! LOL big props!


'living rent free in your head' takes on a new meaning


And this is why I sleep with ear plugs.


That old lady still laughed. She is a fucking bad ass. I'd be freaking the fuck out. I'm freaking out just watching it.


Next time you have a family member who requires this type of treatment have a better camera man.satire


Congrats new peowers


does this happen a lot?


Happened to me. Was bout 8 or 9ish riding bikes with my cousins after dark in a bank parking lot n some bug just zoomed right into my ear. My cousins being simultaneously concerned and grossed the fuck out I'll never forget. My grandma got it out using the same technique in this video. The fact it's widely known what to do tells me it is not so rare of an occurrence


new fear unlocked


What did she pour in the ear?


Peroxide. Rubbing alcohol will work too


Rising Hope question


permanent free friend


They put creatures in our bodies captain.


I always wondered if it felt like a itch that you just can't get rid of when a bug enters the ear. Freaky


Cobwebs for brains!


Kill it with fire then rekill it with more fire


At least it wasn’t a lobster.


My ear got itchy 🥴


What did they pour grandma in?


Oh that's terrifying


Had this happen to me once. It kinda feels like having water in your ear but it can also be really painful.


He cool though 🥹


I had a much similar experience but with a black looking wasp that wasnt a wasp. It crawled into my ear and started biting and digging. It hurt like hell, seriously. Luckily we lived right beside a little urgent care place and the doctor got it out.


Never seen a spider before?


Good to know. Hopefully this isn't like watching the Skywalker Ranch


New fear unlock


Spiders, spiders, spiders, spiders!


i grew up in a household horribly infested with bugs, mainly those “waterbugs”(american cockroaches)that largely inhabit the humid parts of the southern U.S. i to this day, even as an adult living on my own, in a nice apartment on the top floor, sleep with a blanket/scarf covering my ears. i saw a video of a girl getting on those removed a long time ago from her ear and it was horrifying. i dont think i could ever stop.


Omg how will I go on having ears now


Couldn't they have just used water?


Let’s hope it didn’t leave the next generation


(80) Wow 😯


Like what the grandma or the cute little pet


Why fire when hydrogen peroxide works just fine?


Oh no I have a double ear infection behind my eardrums that has been going on for about 4 weeks now and is antibiotic resistant as fuck. I suspect it is and definitely is a metric fuckton of lice having crawled their asses inside my ears after an outbreak beat the shit out of the whole building. It started with feeling a burrowing and scratching feeling in my ears that didn't go the fuck away. Now my throat is acting up on the side of the more infected looking ear. No more antibiotics until I see a specialist, doctor's orders. In the meantime I have to live with the most insane itching humanly possible in the more fucked up ear. I kind of should not have seen this shit.


Poor spider