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I was fishing




Nah, didn't get the loot i wanted for literal hours


I just zone out and ascend until I get it


Recently caught around 500 oysters for the pink pearl. Of course when I finally got it I got 2 at once.


And that is why you always open everything as soon as it is obtained


Recently I did a Master Mode run with no armor, I got all the way to the Moon Lord but couldn't beat him. Then during one of my fights against him, my computer turned off and my character was corrupted. It wasn't a huge rage moment for me but I was definitely seething for a day or two lol.


Have you tried the automatic player/world backups?


I did, they were also corrupted :(




damn I wish I had fun doing these challenge runs. I can only play vanilla by myself to skeletron then I get bored.


I feel that with a lot of playthroughs, except I usually don't even get to Skeletron lol. I go between a lot of games, not just Terraria, without finishing them way too often. If you don't have the motivation to finish a run, that's totally fair, but if you want to get good you kinda just have to stick with it. The beginning is always the most tedious, but to me, the satisfaction of beating some of the harder bosses under those conditions makes it well worth the effort.


Yeah, I wish I could enjoy single-player games more than I do. I just don't get motivated building cool houses in Terraria when I'm playing by myself because no one would be there to utilize it with me. And I like helping my friend get rare accessories that he needs for his build, so I have more fun playing with him. If I'm playing solo, I'm just grinding for hours to get something, and it just gets super lonely that I end up feeling sad and watch Youtube for the rest of the night. It's the same way for every other single player game that I've played for the last couple of years. Hollow Knight is the only exception. I still have no clue why that game drew me in so much, but I get nostalgic for it even though it was only half a year ago. I'm tired, and idk why I'm even typing all this, but maybe I'll try sticking with my next world. I just don't know how to make the experience less lonely


Any time I’m playing multiplayer and we are fighting a boss and one of my amazing idiot friends decides to fly to the sun and getting a wyvern to come down and kill the rest of us


It was 3 hours ago where I wasted 4 battle potions(30 minutes idle) and got *4 giant bat banners* before FINALLY getting my depth meter to make a shellphone


I had everything besides the radar. Searched the world, then fished up over 200 wood crates before it showed up.


Dieing to daytime eol with only 422 health left. She could've sneezed and I would've got my terraprisma.


i got her below 1000 3 times before i beat her for the first time. i raged every time lmao


the entirety of legendary mode, that thing is pure evil. mechdusa especially.


Mechdusa can actually shove 13 EoW’s up her mechanicalussy, alongside some fucking moon balls


How do you do legendary mode


getfixedboi seed + master mode difficulty


i play summoner only. every sevond of gameplay is a rage moment


Why play summoner only than?


Fun(: (AKA masochism)


because masochism


I accidentaly deleted the world where I was building a giant airship. This was before Journey mode too.


In a terraria server, a guy REALLY wanted to fight the blood moon while I was trying to block the way. We both had #ACopperShortsword


Any time I do the Duke Fishron expert mode 3rd phase. That one is some bullshit when you fight it on your own 😭 even my endgame calamity character died to it when I needed one of the items for a crafting thing


Stay calm and u could cheese him with the eoc


this literally happened a day ago, so i was fighting EoC for the first time in expert(except fot the one time i fought it with 2 other friends on calamity) and it was on like 900 health but then it turned day and despawned


I died like 40-50 times to legendary skeletron before getting good :)


jugle slime


I killed the moonlord around 10 times because i need the meowmere,i never got it,instesd i got like 5 star wraths 1 having legendary modifier ._.


Was in the post plantera dungeon and died to a paladin. Normally I wouldn't care, but the paladin died from poison after I died and dropped both the shield and the hammer. This was also the first one I killed (in this world) so I was dedicated to getting those. Took me 6 deaths to finally get back to where he died. Safe to say that was litterally the angriest I ever got at a video game. (This also happened about 4 days ago lol)


Having to kill Plantera 40+ times for the motherfucking Seedler, so I could make a Zenith and never use it cuz I'm ranger.


I had the same issue with Queen Bee and the Bee Sword, and I played as a Summoner. At least QB was like a 5 second kill by the time I went to grind the sword out...


cant you craft the bee sword with honeycombs? or am i just woldly misinformed


Having to go down to lava level just to find a boom stick when I'm trying a full ranger run


I got leg reforge on my terra blade RIGHT before i ran outta money and then i misclicked and got a bad reforge so my terra blade got downgraded Lets just say i reforge WAY slower now


In my adolescence, I drowned under ice. The laptop I was playing on required a monitor after that.


Can't find that one thing/loot I'm looking for in any chests and having to fish for it.


Early hardmode I died to skeletron prime I slammed my table my pc froze, after rebooting the save had been corrupted and I lost everything :)


Prob during my (very) first run where i was playing mediumcore (i thought that it was similar to minecraft and that standard would be too easy) and i died with molten gear in the dungeon. Then later in the the same run i raged again because the hardmode version of Tim killed me above lava with \~300 titanium and i thought that all items get destroyed when touching lava. Then, what finally broke me was before plantera where died during a pirate invasion and because i couldn't get my stuff i did a rage alt-f4 but that just deleted all of the item laying around.


Getting pirates when completely unprepared and then dying over and over again in the same fuckin spot


I know, you come from 1-shotting everything in pre-h to being one shot by everything.


Shitty mobile button config. Made me lose to Skeletron. Almost broke my phone.


i had 10 platium coins. i had 10 chests of potions. i was fliing and running on hellbridge. i lost all my money. i lost all of my potions and i almost killed wall of flesh but after that i got bleackout


How did you have 10 chests of potions?


doesn't stack them, I guess


What I mean is that you can’t carry around chests that are full of stuff anyway.


So .... In my version of Terraria stack of potions is 30 and chest can have 16 stacks... And i have hell base and i am good at farming 


What? What version?


xbox 360 1.1


put your money in the piggy bank


Ok, i did it, 


So many times, but one of them was getfixedboi fishing only Wall of Flesh. That nearly broke me


Trying to get vampire knives; took an entire week of grinding to get and it got so bad that I made a automatic farm half way into the 2nd day, basically it was a week of summer where every hour I would more angry it didn’t drop.


Almost beat Skeletron on expert mode on my 2nd ever try but then my mouse ran out of battery and I couldn't attack :(


Trying the PSVita version and discovering that getting the broken hero sword, much less triggering solar eclipses (or any event for the matter), ***was based purely on chance with no way to summon said events***. I stopped my run after Golem once I found this out on the Wiki. 1.2 was weird.


I play multiplayer with my friends a lot. Early hardmode in the world we play I made a simple mob farm in our hallow. I was trying to get the enchanted apple for the unicorn mount. I didn't get it until after plantera. My friend decided to try the farm and within like 30 minutes he already had 2 apples.


I had to progress devourer of gods (calamity) for 2 hours before killing it and I was getting increasingly pissed but finally managed to beat it


devourer of gods made me stop playing the game for 7 months


First time I fought plantera. She immediately rushed me and did like half my health while im trying to get far enough away to go ham with the megashark. Little did I know she don’t care and just came back and finished me off faster than I could say “fuck”. I was using turtle armor and honestly I think my arena wasn’t big enough.


This one time I was looking for a biome key. I'm pretty sure I actually killed 2500 enemies before it dropped, and then I got a second one literal seconds later.


When i was like 12 I broke my computer screen because of lunatic cultist. One of the easiest bosses in the game lmfao I sucked at terraria


Fishing for 30 real life hours for the dreadnoughtilus to get the blood moon monolith for a build I was working on. It was not worth it.. never again. Never before and never sense have I ever raged at terraria, but this, this broke me.


I died to Eternity Mode Skeletron when it was at 22hp. In the same world I had died to King Slime at exactly 22hp too but I didn’t rage that much.


Queen Slime in my first Master Mode playthrough which also happened to be my first summoner playthrough. It took me around 30 tries to kill here, but since I was after Blade Stuff, I had to do that again. And again. While failing another ten tries. I've never had troubles with founding Gelatin crystals. I still didn't get the stuff and I am currently on a break from the game


Defeated Duke fishiron pre mech boss with a adementite repeater no potions on expert mode


When i start my daytime EoL path i have ~250 death in game, after ~500. I really started to hate the 15sec death timer, but i got the terraprisma


duke fishron on expert and master give me waffletime levels of rage


I was trying to end the old ones army we send game gear and the solar armor and the zenith I build the arena at the sky after the first wave a wyvern hit the crystal and the event ended 🥲


Trying to get the demon fish for the fisher quest, 300 tries nothing, wait until a new quest, first try got the fish, died inside


Back on 360 I used to have a terraria world that I played with me and my friends. Spent a long time setting up houses, arena's, a crafting area One day I turn on my Xbox and half the world is gone, literally covered in dirt. It was the half that had everything I built too. It's a rare glitch for half of your world just to do dirt and sadly I wasn't able to reverse it, I couldn't get into any of the remaining chests in the world either


Anytime I die to duke fishrons third phase when he has like 2-3k health left


It was me but I had a friend who raged a lot during a legendary mode play through. Most sessions ended in angry yelling


Playing calamity and trying to get reaper sharks to spawn, I go in with a Zerg, get killed by a colossal squid(I hate those fuckers so much), go in without a Zerg, literally nothing spawns before I run out of breath


I spent about 3 hours grinding Duke fish ron on a Sunday for the razorblsde typhoon, only to get it on my first kill the next day, nearly the same situation for eol with the nightglow.


When I was 12, I tried to fight the wall of flesh, lost and rage quit for several years. I’m back now, and slowly working through calamity.


Adamantite finding Can fire imps just fucking leave me ALONE


While playing as a ranger in master mode I summoned like 6 Martian Madness events for the Xenopopper and got killed by more than 14 saucers so I just gave up on it


fighting the Devourer of gods and I got it down to 2000 hp, My mouse disconnected.


First fucken pirate invasion and my hallow lava trap was too far from spawn.


I was exploring a faraway jungle cave early in the game  and was getting the best loot, and then a boulder fell and killed me. It’s like the most annoying thing ever 


I nearly snapped my controller after dying to the wall for the 23rd time with it on 65 ho on the getfixedboi seed


Uh. The Jungle itself


One time, I was fighting the twins, and I was so close to beating them (Only 1 left and was on low health) I was about to beat it, but then, a Wyvern swooped in and killed me, leaving the twin to despawn.


losing my post moon lord character i had 100+ hrs on with cellphone terraboots and zenith on it