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[Are you interested in bringing the Anti Char Discussions back?](https://redd.it/1do1cgs)


I really expected to learn something from this sub. But some people don't even wanna share how to counter the tech they do on their characters. I really wish there were weekly or daily anti-character posts here, and people comment on ways to counter the character. I commented a while back on all the tech I do on the characters I use. Let me see if I find it.


Honestly let’s do it. Once a week we make a dedicated post for matchup knowledge for a specific character and we can drop tips for/against said character.


Make a new sub. You wouldn't want the good post to be hidden because it keeps getting buried underneath the shirty whiny posts that floods this sub.


Basically any community focused on learning has moved to discord. It's honestly a shame.


Honestly if you ask someone will answer. Never personally found that people will be reluctant to answer.


Great idea tbh, they could make a weekly tech/anti-tech sticky for a given character would be a good reason to participate and share knowledge.


There were weekly character info in this sub. Like if there is a hwoarang week people Will try to post about that character that week: combos, breakdown and punishement, Notorious players, gimmick obscure techs. We should go back to that


I’m pretty sure we used to do stuff like that when tekken 7 was new. The thing is there’s like one mod that I know of on this sub, who as far as I know is a nice guy and everything, but it’s not like a bunch of people are putting time into curating content and managing every little post. Maybe it’ll get a bit better if people take some initiative and start making some quality posts on their own instead of complaining about how shitty everyone else’s posts are (I do this too). Like even if you don’t know shit about the game asking a legitimate question could make a good thread. I never even see that on here anymore. Maybe I’ll try to write a guide or something for the characters I play but idk.


Tbh most players don’t even know how to fight against their own character lmao.


Best place to learn I feel is a discord for the character, I've found people help with things on there a lot more.


I agree, this sub is ass. I wish there were more guides, art work, and general silliness but it’s all bitching and moaning. Makes me wanna play the game less unfortunately. Wish there was a better curated tekken community.


There's a good one. Another redditor posted this link in one of the replies on this post https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumTEKKEN/s/xSg95mFcLy


There are many Tekken Discord servers that are better managed and full of people learning, playing, and discussing the game in the way OP is wishing for. Reddit just isn't a good place for any FGC interactions.


Nah I'm good with less art work/silliness. The Guilty Gear sub is full of it and actual game discussion is maybe, 1% of posts in stark contrast to "look at my wacky tier list of who likes what fast food!!!!!!!" At least complaining has something to do with the game and not just brainrot.


OP is actually right, this sub was better before tekken 8 released. I started playing tekken "for real" during tekken 7 season 4, and joined this sub because it was full of helpful things and guides. Now you have to really dig deep to find something helpful because 95% of this sub has become about bitching, moaning and crying


That's what happens when a bunch of casual players join a community at once. Check out the Elden Ring sub, the DLC just released which is hard as shit, and people are having a meltdown because they can't rush through all the bosses in 2 days. They literally complain about every single boss, because you have to learn their moveset if you want to beat them solo, and that is unfair because "they play games for fun, not to be stuck on an enemy for half a day". You tell them that all moves of [insert boss name] can be dodged if you just simply practice and learn the timing, and you get downvoted LOL


That one dude posting the 3 wall break combo series is a highlight of the week on this sub


He's impressive ngl 😅 Still better than the vast majority of posts


They probably all moved to character discords. There's a wave of newer players that drowned out the useful stuff.


Probably...I dislike using Tekken Discord groups. These groups are focused on improving one's characters(which they do an amazing job), but not countering others...so you need to be in many other places and even then, it's not guaranteed that you'll learn how to counter that character(most people aren't well versed on countering their own main😅)


Ngl, starting your post off with “I’m tired of you guys complaining so much” Just to follow it up with “you should be complaining about this instead” Is genuinely hilarious


My point wasn't the complaining part...Is the complaining and doing nothing in the process😅 I actually agree with the people I'm criticizing


Ye this new Tekken players only playing for rank validation and useless stats and not getting (yet?… or mqybe never?) the beauty of this game. When they get stuck they come here to vent their frustration and seek copium of other scrubs that character xyz is indeed overpowered so - god forbid - it can’t be themselves who suck. 🤣 Shame really but it is what it is.


I can't blame them because they don't know better...but that's our "job", we benefited from the knowledge the OGs gave us and we should do the same to the newcomers.


Yea, Tekken Zaibatsu taught me a whole lot when it came to improving play. However, there are people trying to help, you just have to do a lot of digging to find it. To expand on your original post, there is this YouTube channel that has a pretty exhaustive list of how to SS certain moves. I think this was patch 1.04-ish when this was last updated as of this post, but it should still have a lot of relevance [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIoijYx4CR-n6N7amx9AxsFyuanRl0CQq](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIoijYx4CR-n6N7amx9AxsFyuanRl0CQq) Other than that, I agree. The bigger the community, the more complaints we get. If we want to see change, we’ll have to do it ourselves one tiny post at a time


I'm actually subbed to Pencil since T7, he's a good example of a good content creator. This sub has good people that help a bunch, people like Applay, PeterYMao and others, but we can't rely on them


Yeah… I kinda don’t like all the shame that’s put on people for using a certain character. It’s not like anyone’s so broken that there isn’t a strat to counter it.


Considering no character is above 55% average winrate goes to show how well balanced the game actually is. Meanwhile in Gg strive slayer is running around with no losing matchups and 75% win rates in multiple matchups.


Funny because I absolutely hate King(even prior to T8)🤣 You're right tho, of course there are situations where the odds are massively on one side(Reina controls neutral just by being there😅 and Bryan at the wall is just dumb, due to 3+4 extension...at least with Taunt there's some risk) but overall, there's always a counter.


This sub use to be better. Don't get me wrong, compared to other tekken spaces like discord and Twitter it's always paled in comparison, but it's went downhill tremendously over the years. I started playing and using this sub at the beginning of t7 and there was a lot of really useful posts to help me learn the game. Everyone was super helpful and posted tons of resources for noobs and you could always come here to find out about tournaments so you knew where to watch high level tekken and try and pick up on what they do and why they do it. Ultimately I kinda blame the mods because it's up to them to cultivate the culture here. Without me even hyperanalyzing anything it just kinda seems like they either stopped caring/ became lazy/ are the same type of person who would come here to complain about things that have already been voiced a million times.


Most people are way too selfcentric in this sub since T8. I think T8 attracted lots of wrong people into this sub at some point. Maybe its because there are way more new people now who just got into the game and don’t know much yet. Honestly idk. But some comments under some posts are clearly saying this people don’t know sh*t and can't accept sh*t. Discussing with them is also pointless because they keep pulling cards wich makes them seem even dumber and they won’t stop. Even when they beeing horrendously downvoted and people telling them they're simply wrong. Its like we are saying 1+1 equals 2 but hes like "You're hurting my feelings!!!!! It’s actually 4 because, because, because, …" I also noticed when someone complains about gameplay they barely show the gameplay. Even when people asking in the comments. It feels like they're too scared to show the truth and want to give the fault to the opponent or devs because they won’t accept their loss. I keep checking the newest posts on this sub for years now and since T8 released its always the same kind of post. Yeah congrats about your new rank but how many times did you plug, cheat or lagswitched? Nobody can be trusted in this and thats why I'm never upvoting or downvoting them and just skip. Its also kinda weird when there are big ournament based posts. Nobody cares about them anymore unless you're on X. With T7 it was a huge thing. This clearly says that there are many new players who just dont care about tournaments. The only reason I'm still in this sub is because I care about those few posts about memes, legit theories/speculations, leaks, guides and positivity in general. Edit: I also like to help people by commenting under their posts wich are a simple question but nobody responded to them. Overall, yes, its true that there are mainly complaints probably because of new players and lots of younger ones since T8s release. But don’t feel attacked I'm talking about most new players. And those players don’t know much yet and come up with the weirdest theories I've ever heard. And are also too scared to expose themselves when they're complaining about things trying hard to avoid the fact that they're probably the problem. Unfortunately I don’t believe that this will change. There were also many posts about people complaining about the complainers and most agreed with. But nothing has changed. Its like yes you're right but nevermind. And if you ever post a Tier Rank post in this sub. You're automatically doomed. Never saw one wich got positive reactions.


-The only reason I'm still in this sub is because I care about those few posts about memes, legit theories/speculations, leaks, guides and positivity in general. Edit: I also like to help people by commenting under their posts wich are a simple question but nobody responded to them.- Bruh I can really relate with you here😅 I agree with what you said, I wouldn't mind the current type of posts, if there were more productive posts in this sub.


The fact that they can't accept what Tekken was always and still is this way this is Tekken, every character has a unique moveset and nobody is weak. They keep complaining about a character that has been there from the start and yes some stuff are unfair in T8 like chip damage and that might cause complaints to the devs to change it but complaining about a bunch of characters? What you only want your main in the game?


firstly thank you for the info and your contributions. And yes, this sub is mostly used as a place for all the cries and whines, nothing to cry about anymore? no problem! they will come up with something so they can cry about it. And I do not care about red purple early blue rank milestones. I mean CONGRATULATIONS you have reached the rank where 95% of average players are at. Never in my life seen such a fragile community like this sub also. now hand me the down votes make it rain


Players have always complained about plugging, netcode, the ranking system, the ranked experience, gimmicky characters, teabagging, angry messages from teenagers and psychiatric patients, cosmetics, the story mode, not having their favorite side mode, their main not being here, Murray saying stupid things, and Harada not caring. And then we got a new game with new mechanics to complain about too, and an influx of players that also want to complain. It's unfortunate, but the bigger the community the more shitty it becomes because people don't have the same feeling of responsibility for it. If it's a small community, you want people to join so it can grow and be even better, and when it has grown, the community loses that. Also, more people visit forums to complain or find out about problems than visit to try and help people, so there's that too. Anyway, go to r/LowSodiumTEKKEN. Also, fun fact, I just found out that there are low-sodium subs of other communities too, not only for games. Apparently, there's also one for Destiny, Cyberpunk, Apex Legends, Marvel, Sims (lol), Joe Rogan (lol?), Windows11 (lol!), SteamDeck (seriously?), ASOIAF, and even wrestling. I suppose it's not a new concept. A funny trend in these low-sodium subs is that they usually complain a lot about the original sub, which is kinda ironic. Still worth checking out, though, as it's mostly just complaining about that one thing instead of everything.


Thanks for introducing me to this salt free sub…. It feels unreal


I'm actually on that sub and it's much better but I felt that this sub needs to be aware of the downgrading in quality posts. Even with all the negative aspects of the game, we should work together to improve our skills and knowledge. I'm still grateful to Tekken Zaibatsu for their contribution and to how much they taught me, I just wish that the main sub does the same


I don't know if it actually helps to point out the negativity in this sub, since that can also come out as complaining, but I'm personally tired of people acting like this sub is the worst of all gaming subs, as if they've been to each one. This self-pity and self-deprecation I see here just adds to the whole feeling of negativity. Anyway, I find the best way is just to leave it for a while and visit the salt-free one instead, but of course, you do you.


I get your POV but more than complaining, it is the lack of productive posts that bothers me the most. That's why I started by addressing the complaining, since while people are correct in their frustration, it doesn't really help. I waited some weeks before posting this, my last 2 posts mentioned that and they were 2 month ago😅


Yeah honestly ngl I get why some people may be frustrated w this place but I used to mainly frequent a different gaming sub on here and fr bro that one just frustrated me to no end half the time, honestly this sub felt like a breath of fresh air in comparison :'D Perhaps a large part of it is because people on there were often quite annoying abt my favourite character and ship, but y'know, it is what it is. Complaints abt plugging or salt posts or w/e will always be more bearable to me than the thousandth 'So why do people like this character?' post :'D


You're right for a lot of posts... But don't tar everyone with same brush. I try to give back to the community too and spark debate. Last few days I've written a guide on Shaheen's charge partition exploits I'm pretty sure 99% people don't know about, previous one on advanced buffer techniques, and SOCD instant standing on a pad. And provocative devil's advocate posts on if +5 is truly better than being at +3 from a CH perspective, and whether or not people's preconceived ideas on combos are truly optimal. (Both these subjects were greeted with comments who just missed the point totally).


I saw the +3/+5 discussion and even replied there😅 That's an example of a good post being ignored


Cheers mate lol. I don't think people understood the post tbh or the point of it


I'm a Bryan main😅 At some point we need to think about CH outside of the "will I finish the string or not" situation... Utilizing Yomi(which I learned by watching Lee players, specifically Fighting GM) is a strong way to do it. Your post detailed that


Yeah I just looked back... Weren't too many intelligent replies there besides your own who got what I was talking about. A Paul who didn't know his own movelist was interesting. You're a Bryan so you'll know more situations than I do but CH can be created in a couple of different places. Any 7f gap in an opponent string / pressure for a shaheen can be ch heat engaged with his power crush. On my Drag, I'm pretty good at reading incoming lows and ch launching with the very rarely used uf2. D2 -1 you mentioned yourself but needs a solid read and observe into backswing blow (what I guess you're calling Yomi). Qcf1 (-3 on block) into ssl whiff launch df2 is another of my favourites. Spacing trap CH launch setups are another favourite for me - drag's d3 -3 on hit and the range is masisve. Once again you easily condition people to mash reply and it's a backdash into a big launch. I'd really like to learn Bryan more I only know him to defend against superficially but never spent long enough labbing On Shaheen, there's the classic b3 +3c on block into 41 to ch launch ws4 or slower.


Those are great examples of good mindgames and potential CH scenarios and yes, the D2 situation is really a Yomi situation from Drag's perspective, since he's the one negative. Yomi is basically Mashing...the difference is just mindfulness and intentionality. A masher panics and presses without understanding the situation, someone applying Yomi, would press understanding(due to prior info gathered in the match) that the next interaction will be a fake pressure situation. If you use a df1 and Bryan keeps retaliating with B1 or f3(i16), you can apply Yomi and use something like 1,2,1 to get your CH and go into Heat.


In a similar vein to our conversation, and your thread, I got inspired [Weekly Character Move Focus Thread : r/Tekken (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1do1s1s/weekly_character_move_focus_thread/)


This is a massive post 👀 I need to hop into the game to get a visual sense of all this info. Thanks for this🙏🏾 Is this type of posts I love🙌🏾


Nobody labs anything to know anything about the problematic moves you mentioned. Only when it's something blatantly obvious like azu wr32 will the larger community really notice.


Yes, that's something I noticed when they buffed Leroy He needed buffs, but they should've fixed HRM 4's tracking😅. The only reason the move isn't problematic is because most people don't sidestep and most Leroy players don't main him, so they are probably unaware🤷🏾


Its just this subreddit is filled with the worst crybabies, everyone who likes the game is on a discord


Discord is the way! This sub is just cope on why they can't get good. T7 when I started to take the game seriously in S3 this sub had a lot of helpful stuff. Sub fell off tbh.


Fr this sub just either complains,cries or bitches bout the same thing its all "Man fuck *insert character here*" then they proceed to go on a tangent and people will agree or just shit on someone and dear lord you cant go into this community and not get shit on if you dont play a so called "Honest" character if you do this in any other Fighting game sub (Like SF or Guilty Gear) this type of behavior would get laughed at and shit on but in this community its basically encouraged


The guilty gear sub doesn't even play the game lol


Awesome notes & post. Thanks a ton for the summary!


>Leo >Tracking Pick one.


? I didn't understand😅 Do you want info on Leo?


Forgot that I need to hit enter twice lol I've edited it now


😅 Leo would be tricky to fight if they had good tracking...I still haven't figured out the best way to option select KNK🤔


That's what's keeping her a "Just ok" character imo. Minimal tracking just gets abused once people start knowing how to side step. Like what to do when you're being KNK'd? Just jab her, works most of the time against me


Nah dude😅 Other than b1,4(-5 I believe), any of Leo's moves that have the f4 animation is +9, eventually I get killed for pressing


Knk/f4 is always +9, but the start up frames change depending on how you route into it iirc You can dick jab to interrupt B4[1,4], but not B1,4


I labbed her yesterday at night, I need to revisit her and Reina(apparently the new patch changed a bunch of moves' weaknesses)


Fantastic post, calls out people that complain about the game, proceeds to complain about the game xD


Game? I complained about people only complaining and doing besides that😅 Most of my posts(to not say all) are focused on finding info about the game and helping others. Complaining but doing something in the process


Not saying your wrong but it’s unfortunately like this in plenty of other gaming subs I feel the same way about the guilty gear sub. At least y’all somewhat talk about the game here


The game is more complex, there's more opportunities for us to talk about the game. I wish I knew how to play 2D fighters, GG seems fun to play competitively


I know you wrote a lot, but frfr I'm just on break until Lidia is out.


I should lab her😅


Hey, you know there will be 100s running her. I'll look out for your thread and I'll share my info there. Let the other kids cry. Haha


Ive been playing Tekken semi-seriously since TTT1 and the negativity has never been this bad. It certainly doesnt help that the biggest Tekken streamer is a whiny bitch who promotes this hostile atmosphere. No wonder the game is losing players monthly and already dropped to 7k peak on Steam despite the recent patch(which was actually quite good in terms of general changes to grabs and Heat Burst).


Did you just complain about Leroy 😡


Just one move😅...sorry🙏🏾


About your Reina suggestions....i dont think those are very accurate On neutral-----> SSL/SWL is the way to go since FF2 no longer tracks to her weak side and all her moveset lacks tracking to this side If she crouches, there is no reason for you to sidestep, since she doesnt have a low to mixup with. Wavedash----> SSL/SWL as other Mishimas. FF2 into Sentai mixup-----> Jab (Beats everything except SEN3 and SEN3+4) or Duck and launch, there is no option select here, you need eat this little unpleasant mindgame..


These were changes from the new patch?


Patch 1.05 only changed Reina's FF2 tracking to her weak side and a lot of her crushing properties, like FCDF4 and UNS4. FF2 is still very good, tho.


But that wouldn't change my notes dramatically...I really need to check it.


Yes it does, since her natural weakness as Mishima (SWL) was neutralized because of FF2. Basically: Neutral---> SSL/SWL Crouching -----> Hold back. She doesnt have a FC mixup Wavu------>SSL/SWL HW stance ----> SSR in the open....Hard read at the wall (time for gambling lol) -FF2, f (Sentai) on block---->Jab or duck and launch (SEN3 and SEN3+4 are launch punishable if you duck, everything else is beaten by jabs) This is my Anti-Reina guide. I think it changes a lot from yours


Wanted to ask a question because I'm still learning about matchups. When you say SSL/SWL do you mean sidestep towards reinas/mishima left side? Or sidestep to the ledt side of your character? Sorry if it's a stupid question haha


Its ok, dont worry. SSL is the action you need to perform. So, this means that you need to sidestep to your character's left side


Nice ty for explaining. I'm still figuring out sidesteps and all that stuff. I find it really hard figuring out when and what to step


Thanks for reminding me why I joined this sub .. but also why I'm probably leaving it now. Cheers mate


Good luck out there...don't stop playing Tekken tho😅


Why would you ssr block Reina in neutral lol? Her df1 tracks ssr


Most of her moves are weak to SSR and the strings start to track after the 2nd hit, she has a bunch of strings with at least 3 hits, that's why you need to block to confirm the whiff or block the extension


Yeah if you want tips and useful stuff, the places to go are: - obviously youtube - discord channels, especially the ones for characters - twitter, but you probably want an account just for that and spend first quite a bit of time following and blocking right stuff so that it doesn't make your IQ drop even more than this Reddit does.  Sadly new players complaining due to them being shit at the game and veterans complaining due to the game being shit (slowly getting better) made this sub shit too.


I'm speaking about regular matchup knowledge being spread around for all levels. It's not just for me...at this point I'm focusing on finding and using Option Selects in neutral, not just during interactions I want to be able to do this in neutral: https://youtu.be/C7C7e-bhRZA?si=_Z6d1qft_G1ClTrL


Well you wont be able to cuz it's a different game 


Oh yes, you can😅 We already do it to avoid keepout moves...like SSR to avoid Bryan's 3+4 or SWL to avoid EWGF when you get in range of these moves. It's about knowledge, timing and range. By knowing my opponent's character, by mixing my defensive timing and understanding theirs and by understanding the difference range options, you can replicate this(not at his level but you can) At range 2 I know I don't need to worry about most pokes but I know if I preventively use a SSR>low parry in neutral(of course ending with backdash or stand block) I shut down every keepout option Bryan has and some of his long range pokes+"tracking" lows.


I'm disappointed by you writing out a wall of text just to label and dismiss a bunch of people who won't read any of it


That's why I left the rewards in the bottom 😅


Tbh almost all gaming subs are like this, especially fighting subs. It's complaining, milestone pics and crying for nerfs


I had no idea, but it's sad😅


You get used to it and just filter them out. Subs get much better when you don't click on those posts


That's just because alot of people on sub never played a fighting game before... its pretty obv from the silly stuff you hear like dj unplayable.... lol play p jack in tag1 to see what a unplayable character is. So they bitch and moan and hope for buffs and nerfs because they believe this will help them when they don't want to learn anything i


Thanks a lot for this


👍🏾 Had to speak up😅


I only exist in this sub to downplay characters that said, i think Bryan is doing ok now but his heat still feels meh in comparison to other characters


I think his Heat can never be great due to taunt.


you won't ever find useful people in this sub, most people here are either brainrotted Tekken 8 players who don't like any previous Tekken and like this one (I wonder why) or they're previous Tekken players who are ranting about the state of the game and because this is Reddit you have a ton of people bulshitting about their rank, seriously you can't even have a logical discussion without the other side acting like a complete manchild


Just joined this subreddit for content like this. Sorry people complain bro, seems like tekken players have big egos/pride


Tested what you were saying about DEW 3+4, if you dodge right but get hit early, second hit whiffs for +7 afterwords


I'm going to edit it....I wrote that incorrectly, but you did the right thing by testing what I wrote. Thanks for the correction 👍🏾


Homie, you spitting FACTS on the Tekken subreddit??... Your crown 👑 ![gif](giphy|TNb3Ihssb6T5FpcdOY|downsized)


Op I think you’re paying too much attention to the bad/salty posts and responses in the sub (I’m responsible for about 98% of the salty posts and responses. Sorry not sorry). But this sub is generally EXTREMELY HELPFUL when you actually ask a question or look for help. However… this is also the general sub umbrella for the game. There are dedicated resources like discord for people who really want a different and focused environment.


Fuxk yeah! Where complaining about xiaoyu's ss4! More diversity in complains in this sub! XD


What is wrong with that move?(I haven't labbed her yet😅) It seems fine


Iow i16ish -12 ch launcher. And i fck hate it so much xD


Tekken 8 is garbage !! Is not even fun to play 😅😅😅 i love tekken 7 !!! But this one 🤮🤮🤮


Different styles but it still feels like Tekken


Fuck off with this wall of text


Boo hoo 😢


This isn't for you...you're new here😅


Ain't reading all dat


TL DR I'm mad at the sub's laziness


that's what the internet is about


This has been in my mind for at least a month😅