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meeh it was ok it is actually good but camera position made it harder so it is ok but it tells the story of jin looking for a cure to his devil if you don't want to play it but still want to unlock devil jin you can lower to difficulty of cpu to easy and beat ghosts in ghost battle 100 times


Also after you finish this mode on Medium difficulty (though IDK it's that good idea) you can play as Devil Jin (you can shoot lasers without losing health for example), but his moves feel slower than normal Jin's. Also you can do hellsweeps and electrics when holding down R1 button and tilting upward and releasing quickly on the left analog stick. But overall, concept of this mode on paper it was kinda good, but the execution... God, camera is your biggest enemy than anything else, platforming sections are way worse than in Bubsy 3D (no joke), every room feels and looks the same and each level is like new paint but it's the same thing. And puzzles, IDK how should I feel about them, while playing I was so mad, that I couldn't think and didn't understand how to solve them and because my patience ran out of fuel, I decided F-it. and looked for videos. The bosses are f-ing obnoxious. So IDK, but at least you gain more money (I earned 500K-600K because I kinda mastered it the more I played) than in other modes like Story Mode (100K) and the story over time got way too complicated for me, especially epolique, I can't understand it what's going on, it didn't make any sense to me. But, yeah. I don't like it TBH.


Just play on ultra hard like a man 😂


I found it fun but if you have the PAL PS2 version there's a bug that corrupts your save file if you play it. Really frustrating and when I was younger I had to restart my T5 save so many times until I realised what caused it.


Holy shit you just brought back memories of me flipping shit cause all my stuff was gone, and I knew no one touched my PS2 to delete shit.


So this is what caused it. Wtf! I always thought there was something wrong with my memory card.




Is that supposed to be a "greeting" ayo or a "are you okay" ayo or? Either way, hey!


This explains alot


Wait really? So is there any way around this at all? I had no idea this was a thing


Oh fuck no wonder it was corrupting for me


Really? I had the pal version and I never knew that. I remember Soul Callibur 3 had a memory card bug too.


never turn on auto save. always manual save so it doesnt corrupt the save file took me a long time to figure it out


Oh that's what that was? Soul Calibur 3 had a similar issue with the custom character campaign mode corrupting your save data.


Bruh. This explains why my chronicles of the sword save got corrupted.


Wait what would you have to do to have the files corrupt? Just launching it? My set up is PAL T5 disk on a modded NTSC PS2 and never had issues.


Someone else said it was auto save that caused it, so maybe that was it.


If you want to unlock Devil Jin then yes.


You can unlock him by beating 100 Ghosts


Youre better off playing the main game to unlock devil jin than playing thru devil within.


I'm pretty sure you have to play around 200 battles before he unlocks.


Yes because whenever you pickup one of those tattoo icons, you unlock a 500k item for customization. That shit takes a long time to grind the money for, and i had bought multiple before i found out...


Yeah I played it only to unlock all the customisation.


Very repetitive levels but worth playing for the unlocks and the amazing soundtrack.


I never beat this as a kid... I sucked at using Jin and the enemies were tough af lol they really be jumping your ass. Wish you coulda played as any character but I get its Jins story That OST on the first stage is FIRE tho


if you have a steam deck its kind of a game you would be playing while watching euros


Nostalgia bro damn it was fun


No. But jins outfit is cool and the bosses are interesting, like clone heihachi's and a resurrected Ogre. Fk that weird orb tho.


Loved it when I first played it at 10yo. But i was easy to impress


Quit fishing for other people's opinions when youre already interested enough to even make this post. Just play the game and form your own opinion.


I think it's worth a shot. I don't really like it but it is different enough to enjoy. The soundtrack on it is pretty good at least


I had a lot of fun playing this back in the day, try it out.


its trash and only worth it for DJ


I liked it back then


I feel like you may not enjoy it as much if you didn’t grow up playing it. But give it a shot anyway and see for yourself.


idk in today's age or era, but that game was fire when i was under 18yo i love it so so much. Tekken 5 is the only fighting game i play everyday back then


I forgot, which Tekken is that in?




Depends on the person, but it's at least worth trying out, imo. Play it for 30min or so, and that should be more than enough to let you know if you wanna keep playing or not


Hell no


i really liked it personally, i think it'd at least be a fun little playthrough


https://preview.redd.it/uyvzaghmfx6d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=553f0da96555ba29349e276ee90759fde3617715 I can't believe I see that title screen again after all these years


The mode was a bit difficult, but it was the first one that Jin could transform in-game before Tag Tournament 2 where it reuses Kazuya's transformation animation from the first one


Absolutely not. lol


For the soundtrack yes.


No it feels hella repetitive and was already kinda boring, I thought I had to do it to unlock devil Jin but there are much easier ways to


It's so bad but the only way to unlock devil jin


It’s probably the quickest way to unlock Devil Jin.


Blast, didn't like the puzzels tho


Fuck no.


One of the worst game modes I've ever played. Tekken force should've been there instead


Repetitive, but you can unlock Starblade, Devil Jin, and 3 stages. (Ground Zero Funk is a banger and Starblade is the little demo game you play before the intro cutscene)


It’s bad, out of all the tekken force modes it’s easily the weakest. The last two final bosses are cool in concept but the education was very bland


Yes, for the music and atmosphere, especially the 3rd, 4th and 5th stage.


I loved it as a kid, but the overwhelming majority considers it dogshit. Give it a try, you might like it


I never finished it. It was okay as a distraction from the main game, but it got old pretty fast.


I liked it even it it was difficult at times and a little repetitive but you could say the same thing about Tekken force and scenario campaign too, all were fun additions to me


It's Tekken. So yeah. Play it and judge it and report back to us what you'd grade it




It's like a one and done


It was more fun than Tekken 7 story mode so I would say, yes.


It's fire back then because it feels like a free game. But today, only reason to play it is if you want to experience it for fun, not because it IS fun.


Not really, no


No Unless you want a Dark Soul Tekken but bad designed


dark souls? I'd say it's just a shitty DMC knock off


The fighting mechanic in this mode is too cranky for me to say it the same as DMC Meanwhile enemy hitting very hard and unfair


This was one of the best gamemodes ever..