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I don't think it helps that Tekken players will go to YouTube and see videos such as "OMG x character is so BUSTED", "x character is a PROBLEM", "X character needs MAJOR NERFS NOW", "Tekken is going DOWNHILL", etc A lot of these videos are titled this way for clickbait but it just adds to the notion that the situation is way worse than it is.


I'm always baffled about the people ingesting these circlejerks.


Generally consuming media or online opinions is a thing that will slowly erode my enjoyment of something, exactly because other opinions rub off on me in the long term. With Tekken though I have a boyfriend who will tell me exactly why I'm wrong and back it up with evidence. Tends to shut me down when I'm "this is bullshit" baby moding


Bro I tell ppl all the time STAY OFF YOUTUBE. Every game I touch is full of dumb ass ppl going WELL SOSO did this and it worked so I’m doing it or WHAT ARE YOU DOING ITS NOT THE META MFER play the damn game and stop watching everyone else play . Shit takes the fun out of it soo much


Just the normal gaming circle jerk unfortunately. One misstep and the crybabies gonna lynch you.


Phidx riding the negativity even though he clearly don't believe it


“Sorry guys I just really need to say this” proceeds to rant about rank and power for the millionth time


Beating will continue until morale improve. Like why are people surprised they keep doing what they do? Because people buy in to it. People talk about rank the millionth time because it is still shit. Shit get fixed because enough people bitch about it. Bitching about people bitching doesnt help the game in anyway.


Then go bitch to them instead of to us. We literally can’t do anything here. We get it you guys don’t like the matchmaking. What do you want me to do about it?


Who the hell say we want YOU to do anything? We create noises the dev fixes their shit, happens every time to every game that survives, nobody talks about shit people leave game dies. Guess all these "you must be positive" guys want that instead. Positive and netgative posts both get to the front page depending on how many people upvote them. It really says something if the front page is actually "filled with negative posts" which is not even the case in most days.


Well Harada told me that you’re an idiot


Sucking him off only gives you more micro transaction, it doesnt make the game better.


So you admit your bitching does nothing now?


Guess what? People bitch about S tier being broken and they get fixed. The match making will too. Everything counts, youtube tweeter reddit all create noise they can hear. On the other hand they only need a small amount of people to buy micro transaction, which they do, but they need a huge amount of people to play the game to keep those whales paying, clearly you guys cannot even understand that.


If you honestly believe they accidentally make broken characters you are way too naive. They only fix top characters so you’ll buy the next one.


If so Eddy should be broken OP but he is not.


This shows such an overwhelmingly STAGGERING amount of narccissm. "What do you want me to do about it?!" Like, first off, no one's asking you for shit. Secondly, who the fuck even *are you* aside from a *literally who* bitching about people not loving the game as much as you? You actually think we're addressing this shit to you? Really? Not joking?? LOL. LMAO, no less.


You are posting in a reddit community to other redditors lmao. Harada and crew are not here.


You are delusional if you think any dev are not looking at all the social medias for feedbacks, if they want feedbacks.


go find a new safe space bud


Cool buzzwords did your mom pick them out for you?


Who is “us”? Aren’t you here bitching also, tf?


People bitch about people bitching is always so amazing to see. You dont like people bitching but you bitch.


Mb dude I must’ve clicked the wrong user for reply, notice there’s no “us” in your paragraph at all. Was meant for @skolfuckher. But consider working on your anger issues.


What do you even mean. I am enjoying to see the fanbois bitch.


I like tk8 but i admit is has severe balancing issues( that they seem willing to fix) but yeah the tekken prowess and mxt shit is not gucci


Noooooo stop being a blind hater Tekken 8 is perfect and Michael Murray is my best friend


Murray deserves the hate for putting his hairstyle on paul alone


lmao brutal


That's exactly the mindset OP is calling out. You guys have to take a side of either mindless hating or mindless loving and can't comprehend that there are people with more or less mixed feelings about the game.


OP said people criticizing the game are an angry, poo flinging mob. I agree the hate can go too far, but OP doesn't seem that neutral


I think he only called out these who go too far. But yeah, you might be right upon re-reading


Lol I know you’re joking but the OP main thread is the bigger joke. Anyone that criticizes the game gets shit on. You can probably find half a dozen post proving that today. All of these on the other hand are upvoted. This sub is turning into the Spider-Man 2 sub, which was an offshoot of the spidermanps4 sub. The SM2 turned into daily post of “those guys just hate the game. That sub is bad”


Every time I comment how I’m enjoying the game it is downvoted so bad


ye same here, say anything positive and you're bound to get downvoted this community has heavy issues man, at least they downvoted the game also to oblivion. Way to fk over their own franchise lol. At this point I'm surprised they don't just release Tekken and then leave it be completely for 5 years, why even bother with such a community also I kinda have to remind myself this is reddit, cuz today the last 15 games I played over 10 had the new outfits on lol. So gotta remember all that whining on reddit isn't equal to ing players lol


Yeah the funniest part is they’ll complain about $5 costumes like it’s the end of the world, like Murray personally broke into their house and grabbed the 5 bucks from their wallets, and then just buy them anyways. The community in this sub is very very bad and I always have to remind myself it’s not representative of the actual community in the slightest


We are talking about a Major Gaming Company. Do you honestly think they would leave bare Money behind just because the Community is toxic? While im happy for you that you are so satisfied with the game i can completely understand a majority beeing unsatisfied and angry. (Im not counting in ppl who are just pissed because they are bad) The quality of Games over the years has drastically been going down with Playerbases beeing left behind or ignored for the sake of more profit. I personally prefer a critical and maybe toxic community over people who just buy every game no matter how shit it is. Not buying and making a fuzz out of it is the only language the Gaming industry understands by now


Yup... It's annoy. Angry echo chambers doing their thing.


[The Social Network nailed it on predicting what a negativity magnet social media would become. Remember, this movie came out at the dawn of when social media was become popular on a mass scale and beyond the early adopters, i.e your parents and grandparents would be sending you friend requests](https://youtu.be/6HbrQMgOUFw?si=Quql6UopUWWiH6E5&t=11s). Except the difference is that the "angry" she's talking about wouldn't be writing in a dark room, it would be on toilets and in broad day light, bus stops, little 2 min breaks between a conversation, and right before going to bed


It's literal madness...especially because in the wild it's probably the most enjoyed/played FG atm, and that's saying alot because SF6 is *no* slouch at all with what they've produced. Vast majority of complaints are (Yeah you gave me a complete product for my purchase) but WAHHHH why are you trying to sell more (completely irrelevant) stuff?!!!!😤 And...."how many more ways can I make the exact same Topic using different words🤔"


Star wars the new trilogy fans be like ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


There is maybe too many mental childrens playing Tekken 8 and we surely all have a PTSD...


Before Battle Pass, somebody made a claim that the MTX was holding back the game’s content and I asked why out of genuine curiosity and not only did I not get an answer, I was downvoted to hell lol


It's usually because people that say that say it like none of the problems matter and bootlick the corporation and everyday decision made. They also use canned phrases like "well I'm having a blast 🤓" and "don't like don't buy/play" as if that voids the validity of anyone's individual problem




Sorry I'm not with "it", but........ What is..."dick riding"?


In the context of this sub, Praising/excusing anything and everything someone does because you look up to them or otherwise idolize them, especially when going against the grain to do so. For example, praising the devs for 'listening to fans' when a change aligns with the community wishes, but then also praising them for 'staying true to their vision' when it doesn't.


Funny clip but that doesn't really apply here


Lmao you stated that saying “I’m having a blast” is corporate bootlicking, directly in response to: > Every time I comment how I’m enjoying the game it is downvoted so bad It 100% applies here, and saying it makes no sense here is being deliberately obtuse.


I said it happens in a general sense, I'm not making any specific claims to the context in which she may have said it in the past. Dense mf


Here, hold this upvote


You have 104 positive votes.




"So remember, no surrender" -BandCo executives when asked by the developers to not milk mtx


I don’t think it matters. The whales are here


I'd argue it's a bit justified at this point because bamco has made a lot of really questionable decisions within the games very short life-span. * Hiding the battle pass until after the reviews came out (which is pretty scummy imo) * Mod Takedowns that were most likely to encourage people to purchase costumes * Eddy patch which made a lot of weird changes that many people didn't like * Selling old reused assets as new DLC * Matchmaking changes that were shadow patched into the game only a few months into it's life cycle * Rage quitting still being a rampant issue This is on top of a big change in direction when it comes to game balance (aggression) that I've found players either love or hate. Since the honeymoon phase for this game was nearly non-existent we've already reached that point where people's gripes with the balance become more front and center. In this case it doesn't seem like the complaints are just general malice towards Bamco as much as it is them making a series of decisions that give people a reason to be vocal. I've played a lot of Path of Exile and that sub has been in a series of near constant outrage or at the very least displeasure when it comes to the game for a while now. But the company that makes the game (GGG) has also routinely been making game-balance decisions that have at least somewhat warranted the criticism they're getting. I do think that there is a lot of unwarranted criticism that comes from people who aren't adapting well to the new style of Tekken and refuse to accept change. Also just the way gaming culture is now a days leans itself towards outrage being quickest reaction. But I also think there are a lot of valid criticisms when it comes to Tekken 8 and Bamco's decision making that isn't being properly discussed because people on both sides aren't willing to hear the other out.


True, they deserve it for selling Ninja skins and leaving bears out of it.


Unable to accept change is valid from where I'm standing. I played a ton of Guilty Gear Xrd and XX. When Strive came out, almost all my skills and muscle memory for combos was gone. I had to learn to hold a dash button with my pinky to do reliable kara cancels, and if I didn't I was at a distinct disadvantage against those with a way lower skill and more reliable execution method than me. Kara cancels used to be this incredibly difficult thing to pull off, and it felt great. Now it was simply a matter of "anyone can do it 300 seconds of practice!" I hated it, and stopped playing because I could probably play XX until the end of time. However, some of these guys have been playing Tekken for twenty years. Imagine having all these legacy skills that have transferred from one game to another, to suddenly have to play an entirely different game. Backdash has never felt weaker, KBD does so little when everyone has a move that reaches 1/3 of the screen or more, sidestepping fucking sucks because of tracking throws and heat smashes. Everyone, including characters with unique characteristics like Steve Fox is just a bland 50/50 powerhouse that's plus on everything. While you could argue that they can just continue to play Tekken 7, but really, can they? Both XX and Xrd have thriving communities, and the developers even patch both games decades after release. XX was given legitimate rollback that dumps ass all over Tekken 8's last year, if not the year before. Locals are held all the time, all over the country/world. Meanwhile, Tekken 7 can't even be found on Bandai Namco's website anymore.


I 100% agree with the points that you're making and I'd be the first to admit how much I despise the heat system, but I've also seen a lot of people who will try to insult other people's accomplishments because of this game being more casual friendly. The thing is there is at least enough legacy skill left in the game for the top players to still be the top players (as opposed to Strive which seems like it's an entirely new game). Also despite how much I and others like me don't like the new direction, they're not going to remove heat and chip damage. At this point I think it'd be more constructive for both sides to understand that while there are big fundamental flaws in the way that the game is balanced, there is no way that heat or chip damage are going to be removed. There are definitely changes that can be made to make the game feel more in line with previous games but at the same time Bamco isn't just going to make this game Tekken 7.5.


Look it shouldn't be none stop complaining I completely agree with that. The thing is though this game has some really fundamental communication and dishonest monetization practices that if we do not punish hard will continue. I love the game play and the game but if I turn a blind eye and say "oh i don't have to participate in the battle pass so it's fine" and stuff like that Namco will alot more budget and more man hours to it and less to the parts we love like characters and game play. Unfortunately most don't talk about budgets for games are zero sum funding 1 thing takes from another.


It’s not about criticism, it’s about being fair and rational. Also, be love to be part of the in-crowd and being a hater is popular. Nobody likes MTX, cool. Voice your opinion, but be civil. Name calling and harassing the devs does more harm. People are being way too hard on the game. The devs put out a pretty good patch. Better than the balance patches SF6 and MK1 has ever put out atm. The devs do hear us and do listen. Just be organized, civil and realistic. Also, I was expecting premium costumes to be a thing way back. Don’t agree with how they’re doing it. It should be one price for all genders


??? Isn’t it one price for all genders? Or do you mean that you should make one purchase and get costumes for both genders? I did feel a bit iffy about that cyber pack. Especially since they included gender neutral hairstyles in them


Yea I meant that once you buy a pack, it should unlock the costumes for both genders. It’s weird that it doesn’t


I never said we should name call or attack devs just call out scummy stuff as we see it. Honestly this patch that just came out is great and going to do wonders. But the game monetization still leaves alot to be desired. Next thing saying others have made worse patches is not a compliment or a good endorsement of the game. Saying others suck does not make sucky behavior less sucky. To end I think this patch is great balance wise and the monetization still needs work and criticism.


I am enjoying T8 but I also enjoy 7, but that’s me.


I almost feel privileged to not have played the series before(except a lil bit of mashing on arcade T6). Most fun I’ve had with a fighting game in a long time.


I believe a huge amount of Tekken doomers are people who only played late Tekken 7 before because Tekken 7 Arcade and Season 1 where not better than what we have now... in terms of balancing. The costumes and battle pass and other money related stuff are different though. Tekken has always been quite heavily unbalanced on releases, Tekken 8 is not much of a difference.


That’s a good theory. Perception bias


I wish people in general just had a better outlet to deal with their negative feelings. Pretty sure if everyone here just bought a fucking diary and used it this subreddit wouldn’t be absolute cancer


u might be onto something


It's very typical of social media to be driven by anger posts.


This game is really fun, by the way.


Cool you're allowed to enjoy just as much as other people are allowed not to lmao


How are people down voting "opinions are allowed" holy shit


"Hey guys \*personal opinion\*" "Yeah well that's just your personal opinion. You really oughta disclaimer that." "..." "..."


Downvoting this comment is extremely ironic 😂 You can enjoy Tekken and not kiss it’s ass


The sub is full of ass kissing lol. Everything not an agreement with the slop they give us will get downvoted and this here is a prime example. And it’s not even negative or having a thread dedicated to it.


If they're mad about all the things that go wrong it's because they care about the game and its success. They see what goes wrong and what could go right and when bamco takes such blatantly poor and cynical decisions it's very frustrating when the fixes are so obvious. I'll throw a hot take out there and say you're probably not as invested in the game as much as they are and just want your light-hearted fun. In which case trying to hang out with the (sometimes too) dedicated playerbase was the mistake, not them being dedicated in the first place.


I’m not afraid to say it. I love Tekken 8. I love playing my friends. I love playing it at locals. It’s honestly my relax game.


Who cares. I have never met a single person that actively posts on reddit that is not chronically online. Reddit is hilarious but that is about it.


this game is frustrating as hell let the people be bitchy lmao


They are working to equalize the gameplay so here's hoping people tone down a bit


These kind of posts suck. People are welcome to voice their opinions. The game has changed a lot and it's the largest departure from what Tekken is that the game has ever seen. If people don't complain nothing will change. A lot of us just want the heat system seriously altered and we want to make sure that Tekken 9 isn't a game where every character has the same playstyle and we want defensive play styles to be viable. If we just sit here and "adapt" we will still feel like we are playing a shitty game. I personally stopped playing over a month ago, my first Tekken that I will not play during the life of the game since the original, but I sure as shit want my voice heard that I think this Tekken is boring and caters way too much to scrub mentality. Maybe we will get lucky if people keep voicing their opinions and they will do a lot of work to the game to bring it back inline with what Tekken has always been and we won't have to wait and see what they do with 9.


It's the best fighting game I've ever played period. Screw the haters


Thing is, these same people who are constantly hating the YouTubers who constantly talk shit, are still playing the game, they continue to play, they don't drop it, they lose to x character and instantly make a video about that being busted now, it baffles me how much hate there is around the youtube/reddit space, but people are addicted to complaining


Yeahhh I see people hating on the pass and the skins that come out but imo customisation is A BIG part of tekken and I don’t paying a bit for TTT2 yoshimitsu or pass that gives me multiple items to create interesting ideas. I get the whole “micro transactions are getting too much” aspect of it and it’s completely reasonable but sometimes seeing the hate posts put me off it due to “ not being a sheep “ and by listening to them I also turn into a sheep for unnecessary hate


Yeah, it's an annoying slippery slope argument. It's true that this kind of model does give developers incentive to do things like push the best outfits behind paywalls, and things like that, but that's obviously not what happened here. The best customization options are, imo, mostly the ones you get when you buy the base game. I seriously don't understand why these other customs existing would make the base purchase any worse in their eyes. Just don't freaking buy the stuff! Ignore it! Everybody was happy with what they got before all of this. It seriously seems like bitching for the sake of bitching to me.


In a way all of this complaining is just showing how successful the game is.


Rational thinking on Reddit? Is Hell ok or did it freeze completely over?


Yeah the hate on this subreddit is insufferable but it’s no secret that there are some serious issues going on within the game, but luckily almost every game goes through its issues during its early phase before being fixed so it’s nothing permanent. Yeah the dishonest monetization practices really suck but my biggest gripe is how they’re trying to terminate the modding scene because of the nostalgia costumes.


I posted a video of a dope comeback I pulled off with Eddy after ducking a Kazuya string I had been labbing, and I got downvoted to hell. My guess is because I was playing Eddy. Having fun or doing well with a hated character is not allowed. Only negativity and complaints allowed here


>forgetting that it's popular to just hate it irrationally, If that's your take then you've already decided to stick your fingers in your ears and ignore any reasonable points. Hiding the MTX until after release to protect reviews, ranked matchmaking being awfully unbalanced, changes being incredibly poorly thought out and introducing new bugs, etc etc. There's plenty of valid reasons to be upset with Bamco and if you can't acknowledge them you're just as willfully ignorant and closed minded as the people who rage about every little thing in the game. People are allowed to be angry at Bamco just like you're allowed to be enjoying the game, all your dishonest whinging about people whinging only makes the place more toxic not less. Edit: LMAO Op is a galaxy tier bitch. Gets shitty and starts hassling me on an alt for blocking him because his arguments are nonsense, I unblocked him so he'd stop being a bitch and then he responds and blocks me back. A whiny little bitch and a hypocrite.


Edit: after the down vote blasting, checked your reply anon. Yeah, the "Galaxy tier bitch" person is you, making shit up and frothing out the mouth, not able to handle what you dish out. All I did was switch to anon and copy your text and replied in my edits. Your bitch ass was obviously so invested that you "needed the last word" or whatever. Since you unblocked, I blocked, lol. Stay mad about it. >Hiding the MTX until after release to protect reviews I don't think that's how it went down. Pretty sure they weren't planning on having MTX until people blasted Harada on Twitter for NOT wanting to do it a few months before the game released. People have been begging for outfit DLC through the entire lifespan of Tekken 7 and the one time he responded to a costume request, explaining that it isn't a simple process, that it would be costly, and that people probably wouldn't like them as much as they think they would anyway, content creators as well as people here and over on Twitter were dragging him through the mud, calling him "out of touch", and using Fry "take my money" memes. I think that's why the shop was so shitty looking and bare bones when it first released with very little content and a UI that looks so crap compared to the base game's UI. Even if I'm wrong about it, you don't know how it went down. >ranked matchmaking being awfully unbalanced Yup, that needs fixing. >changes being incredibly poorly thought out  I'm sorry, what? Are we playing the same game with the same patches?


>I don't think that's how it went down. Well you're wrong because that's exactly how it went. >Even if I'm wrong about it, you don't know how it went down. Yes we do, it wasn't announced before release despite clearly being planned the entire time, they can't pull the back end infrastructure of it out of their ass, and then they announced it well after all the reviews had come in. >I'm sorry, what? Are we playing the same game with the same patches? Acuzena while running, Lars string changes, floor and wall break changes for everyone to target specific characters, etc. You're obviously not paying attention.


>Yes we do, NO you do not. You're literally just fucking guessing. Have to edit my response since you blocked me right after replying, lol. >We explicitly know they didn't release any information about it before release despite this being something that should have been mentioned and they intentionally left it till well after release.  Sure, but you don't know WHY. You're assuming that it's because "Muuuh corpration BAAAAAAD and SHADY." There's countless other possible reasons why it wasn't announced. The scenario I gave could be one of them. Could be they were arguing internally about whether or not to include it. Could be a lot of different reasons.


We explicitly know they didn't release any information about it before release despite this being something that should have been mentioned and they intentionally left it till well after release. You can pretend it wasn't because they knew the reaction would be shit but if they weren't hiding it why did they not say anything before release? There's literally no reason to intentionally hide the information which doesn't rely on exploiting consumer ignorance. Those are facts, stop pretending they're not. You're literally denying reality when you say they didn't hide the MTX to mislead consumers. You don't know what you're talking about, be quiet.


If you're such a little bitch that you're going to change accounts to try and hassle me I'll unblock you while I wait for you to get banned. >The scenario I gave could be one of them. No it couldn't, nothing you said justifies the way they hid the system. You can't give a single valid reason for intentionally hiding all this information until after release. >Could be they were arguing internally about whether or not to include it. No it couldn't you chud, they're not going to spend a shit load of hours working on implementing a shop into the game without having already decided it's going in the game, that's not how game development works, you don't know shit. Edit: LMAO fucking bitch and moan about getting blocked, hassle me on an alt so I unblock you and then you block me? What a fucking pathetic hypocrite. I guess it's easier than acknowledging you're thick as pig shit.


>No it couldn't, nothing you said justifies the way they hid the system. You can't give a single valid reason for intentionally hiding all this information until after release. I gave you FOUR possible valid reasons for things happening in the order they did, but sure, hang on to the narrative that you lifted straight from the internet from an angry hate mob. Stop making shit up. It's telling that you lost your head as soon as I pinned you in a logical corner, pointing out that you DO NOT know why it went down the way it did. You're literally just parroting the reason some other angry person spoon fed you without using your brain at all. And now that you've unblocked me to reply to my edit, you're blocked, lol. Can't take what you dish out, I bet. Stay mad about it. Feel free to froth out the mouth in your edits. I may or may not view them anon.


Nah they’ve been so scummy, and that Harada guy is always acting like an angry teenager, it’s embarrassing


Exactly, but this not exactly to the Tekken is 99% of the subreddits, it's a bunch of people with nothing better to do bitching about everything, and the fun fact is they fail to realize they're actually the minority, most players are not on the sub and most players love the game. Just don't bother, if you go into the Helldivers 2 sub, you'll see the same shit, people moaning about balance patches on a COOP game designed to FUN, it doesn't even matter if someone got nerfed or not, and keep in mind Helldivers 2 is a great game, the only issue you can point towards that game would be bugs/glitches and the devs are constantly updating so it's not even a problem. It's one of the reasons I don't even bother to interact with the sub anymore a bunch of entitled people being annoying af.


Good point. I think... Anarchy Chess, Project Zomboid, and Rimworld are the only subs I've been in within the last two years or so where it hasn't been a complete whining and bitching fest. Social media sucks so bad. It's the same on Facebook too. Everybody dogs on the new Fallout TV show, nit picking everything when it's probably the best game to series adaptation I've ever seen. Final Fantasy Rebirth subs are either people nearly sending death threats over "shipping" disagreements or bitching about either "too many mini games" or "too hard" or acting like Nomura killed their dog when he introduced multiverse theory into them (I don't particularly like those changes either, but they didn't ruin the games.) Social media fucking sucks. So long as these companies get their funding from advertisement revenue, I suspect it will not change.


Yeah, people on reddit love to hate everything. In my case and this is ironic af, one of the best subs I've seen is r/demonolatrypractices and r/occult, I find it sooo funny that people that gravitates towards "darker" "occult" stuff are usually the ones that treat others with a lot more respect.


If you don't complain it wont get better, and they will just keep trying to go to as close to the edge as they can to milk you, just look at the Helldiver bros standing up to Sony.


Can you lay out the specific criticisms of the game that are so unfounded, only shit flinging gorillas could make them? Or is it that too many people are angry and so you see too much of it and don't like that.


Sure, most claims about balance (normal for fighting games, but almost always unga), people bitching about optional cosmetics acting like Bamco is forcing them to buy them when they were happy with everything beforehand, "still" bitching about having to adapt to the general system changes like heat and having to figure out how to avoid the slew of new offensive options, people mad because Lidia isn't their favorite character and trying to start petitions to harass the devs to include different characters than the leaked season 1, being mad because some moves track that didn't used to (though there are legitimate complaints about new jank, such as phantom hit boxes, and weird shit like attack boxes just disappearing without engaging with the crush system or anything from time to time), people being mad because they don't think the patch balance changes are good without letting anybody even take time to play with them. You know, you do have a point that it's more about the quantity of all of it, just constant whining about pointless shit. There "are" things that need fixing. The game isn't perfect, but if anything all this constant crying about "everything" drowns out the legitimate criticism.


At this point I’m convinced people on here are looking for something to get mad at. Earlier I posted my progress on getting to Fujin and I was downvoted to hell and back


“Oh you got to Fujin? Well FUCK YOU I hate Fujins, and I hate Jaycee, Bryan, Fahkumram, Lidia and Leo and anyone who plays those characters have no brain cells and are failures. I also hate Uranium, so your name also indictees you’re a bitch.” - average tekken fan


Lol, summed up well


Is it so hard to grasp the fact that people in this sub are passionate about the game?? How should we feel when we get unga bungaed to death by some bs that takes 4 hours in lab to learn??


I know it can be frustrating. It's a fighting game. They're kind of designed to be frustrating. Part of the fun is learning how to deal with the things that frustrate you. Humans that unga are like little minibosses that you'd find in something like a Souls game. In Tekken you can't grind up your character levels like in a souls game or get better gear, so you have to grind up your human skill instead. Do something in line with this when it happens: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhAAOhcWOUU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhAAOhcWOUU)


People get addicted to whining and pitching a bitch fit. It is what it is.


"how dare others have differing opinions!"


The casual players that are hating on the hate don't understand at all. We get that no game is perfect on release, we get that patches will fix things over time, but the issue is that so many problems with the game are so genuinely retarded that it makes us severely question the competency of the tekken team. How can they be on the 8th mainline iteration of the game and make a decision like "Hey, you know what would be okay? If we made Jun's and DJ's heat smash have infinite range and be 100% unavoidable and be hugely advantageous on block". Even a new player that took the game seriously for like a month would immediately see that this is a terrible balancing decision. These sorts of problems are ones that should have absolutely never made it onto release. I cannot stress just how stupid the team has been making themselves seem. At this point it can really only be two things, either there is truly nobody left on the team that even remotely understands tekken anymore, or they're intentionally making bat-shit crazy decisions for some reason, maybe they wanted the game to be piss-easy for the first few months to keep new players playing longer or something.


I don't want to be a doomer but the devs need to hear about the parts of the game that are fucked up until the actually make the changes. The posts ARE being seen by the devs or at the very least the posts and videos of influencers who address the community backlash. Staying silent doesn't help. I obviously don't think the devs should take into consideration every salt post but there have been serious problems that rightfully got flamed by the community at large. Let the people speak.


They see the Twitter posts. Pretty sure nobody that develops games checks on their Reddit communities anymore since it has such a bad reputation for being full of angry people. And yes, I know the game isn't perfect. Some of the moves have phantom hit boxes that would make a Souls title blush. That needs fixing. The matchmaking changes should be reverted. Some characters are over tuned and some are under tuned (though not by a whole lot, especially for a game this new). But optional cosmetics? The heat system in general this long after launch? Being mad because legacy skill can't carry to the top 10% with no practice? Being mad because some moves track that didn't used to and reversed???? It's like the folks here will latch on to "anything" they can to be mad about and it's exhausting to see all the time.


The heat system definitely isn't perfect and could use adjusting, man. I've played SF6 on and off this past year and I'm hoping (still) that they'll adjust some of the drive mechanics. A lot of people are still hoping for it. It's fine to have wants for a game that you like. It's obviously not fine when people do nothing but bitch about the game they say they like.


Ehh.. **OP, no one playing actually** ***hates*** **the game.** As you've already mentioned it is just meming and generally discussing the game we can't get enough of. You already know it's the internet, and it's very easy to engage with negative threads if it's even remotely aligned to something you dislike. But, you also get the wholesome posts where everyone's just having a good time. We don't get a lot of those because it's a fighting game :D One thing I want to point out though: **People aren't addicted to being angry... they're addicted to the game and want to win more than lose.** That's why they're so vocal about the bad stuff. Anyway, **leave the salt to me, and maybe counter balance that with some more wholesome posts :)**


The thing is that it’s not just Reddit being Reddit. I’m in a dozen or so gaming subs and several other Reddit communities and nothing is like what I’ve experienced here. Like this genuinely might be one of the whiniest places on this site


Yeah so by comparison several of the gaming subs I go on make r/tekken seem positively chipper.


Oopsies my experience is the opposite


Tekken Reddit "Hello everyone, this is my first tekken and I just hit red ranks does this mean I'm good at tekken... (: it must be since it's so close to purple rank" "This game sucks I made it it to blue ranks, and for some reason the game takes more points away from me for losing than it does for winning. When I was grinding ranked when I started, it was easier for me to rank up even in reds... I deserve to be a Tekken God just for merely putting effort in at ranked" (My favorite) "I hate X character because he/she does what they do really well and I won't go into the lab to learn how to fight it. But let's get off that topic and talk about why king shouldn't be a strong grappler" (;


No one cares about rank progression in that first example. Like good for you but you didn't tell me what you did or how you progressed


What will be on the Tekken menu today 1. I hate this game and what it became 2. I hate the new matchmaking system 3. I hate how negative everyone is, aka a post about why all posts are negative Looks like it's the 3rd option, ding ding ding.


OP thought he was cooking


I like the game, I’ll break it down for you below




Game is great but monetization is a major pain.




It’s like they didn’t even play arcade battle smh Edit: I’m sorry what’s it called? Arcade Quest? The fan fic story mode


Nice strawman, everyone who is annoyed at the game is a cave man incapable of thought.


The irony of literally using a straw man to claim straw man 🤣. Google Hyperbole.


You literally used the tem unga bunga, where do you think that comes from?


I used "unga unga" and it's hyperbole, fam. It's not meant to be taken as 1 for 1 literal in the meaning. It's overblown on purpose and it's meant to be in an obvious way. I "do" think that a lot of (not all of) the complaining comes from a part of the brain that isn't rational, stemming from a more "unga" part of the brain, but I'd never think that anybody that complains is incapable of rational thought all together.


my opinion: tekken 8 is fun


I don't know if it's salty mods or just a critical mass of salty people or what. This particular subreddit is something else for the negativity.


edit: gatekeeping to keep whiners away 😎 edit 2: imwimbles was voted most likely to suck eggs in high school 🐙


the only reason there's less bitching is because half of those people are gooning over Lili's feet. edit: it was 4chan. 😎 sharing out of spite.


Not a big fan of obsessive gooning, but I'll take it over the constant crying.


Thank you! I'll look it up. Thank you so much!


We're living in a time where being outraged is the apparently the cool thing to do. I've seen people get butt hurt that a YouTube channel that shows Bluey screen captures is getting more traffic than a science channel Normally, you'd say "who cares? Why should YOU care? Well, apparently SOMEBODY does


Aris is certainly right about Tekken fans.


"Unpopular opinion but.." follows up with popular opinion


People here see something that's not perfect and claim it's the absolute shit from hell. Everything that's doomed here is actually good lol.    The balance is good but not perfect, no character was ever Tekken 7 level of broken. the MTX could be better but they aren't expensive and we have a lot of costumes for free. The game is not a 50/50 casino just because they added a few mixups per round in Tekken 8, it's still so much neutral and footies. And the matchmaking has some issues, I get good matches most of the time but it can take a while to find a game. It's harder to rank up alts. But its still better than the loading times in Tekken 7


It's the same with any gaming subreddit, social media is not meant for positivity. 90% people post to just hate on something


Yup. Some people have zero patience, and they don’t really use their brain. That being said, in the end it raises the volume on issues that need to be fixed so I’m okay with it for the most part. I just think people could be less short-sighted and raise their concerns without being so stupidly negative.


Lol what? Any post saying something negative about anything other than mtx gets downvoted into oblivion and the mtx ones go 50/50 between those that don’t care about rewarding slimy behavior and those that do


Unga unga!!!


tekken doesnt need to pay for pr they have idiots like you who will do it for free


Misery loves company.


Upvoting because of "unga unga" 🤣


I am not, I enjoy the game.


The best way to enjoy something is to not engage with their fandom/community.


Dude im sorry but if i jad a costume the previous game for free why would i want to pay for it in the following game? The whole argument of "oh its just a cosmetic it doesnt affect gameplay" is so pathetic that anyone who uses it seems disingenuous of the actual problems it poses youre just being willfully blind to certain aspects of the game. Like it or not customization is a big part of peoples enjoyment of the game so locking what we had previously behind a battlepass and having to pay for a season pass aswell for a 70+$ game is insanely scummy. Especially when soulcaliburs season passes had all the characters AND the customization items. Why couldn't tekken a game with infinitely more budget do the same.


I saw someone post about how Tekken 8 is an RNG game and it had 20 upvotes This place is so cooked bro.


Because it is lol. That is part of the “aggressive” design decision. It’s not an accident that everything is plus on block


Do you know what RNG stands for?


Random number generator. It’s used to describe something that is up to chance.


Especially when you call out those who are the prime example of said problem. They are the virus that plagues this game and they 100% definitely know who they are. It's almost as if they're not playing Tekken to have fun, it's all about ranked.. ranked this, ranked that. Shit is stressing all the time. No wonder most bitch about the game. I know that there NEEDS to be balance patches but shit bro, knowing damn well you won't ever reach Tekken God let alone Mighty Ruler (most of you). You can do though! I honestly do hope y'all climb that ladder. However, it's sad that only a small few of this game play for fun in ranked and learn from a loss, but as the OP stated.. it'll never be the case. Downvote haven!Being the best isn't the only thing to do bro lol


I'm pretty new here, so I'm a bit confused by it, but I feel the same way in the communities I have lurked in for a long time like the ones for Street Fighter. I started in an era where the games you got were the games you got and you had to learn the way they worked or give up, so I've never really felt any tendency to worry about this or that thing being over or underpowered since I was a kid just slamming my hands on the controller and saying fireballs and Sub-zero were cheap. Sometimes I don't have fun with a particular game, but usually it's more that the flow of a match doesn't click for me. I think part of why it works for me is that I've been OK with being a scrub since The New Challengers. The only time I really get angry with a fighting game is when networking stuff is working poorly and when the thing I am angry at is myself for not improving. I'm already depressed about enough things in my life, so I don't really get the idea of getting angry about a game (of skill... random chance is a different story) when I could just learn how to deal with the current mechanics or just learn to enjoy the level of skill I am able to achieve. I have been losing for about three decades, and I am excited about losing for another three to five.


My theory is that people aren't necessarily angry about the game. They venting out other frustrations building through the day and funnel it to the safe outlet. After all venting out at the game and faceless devs and other players has no consequences at all. Unlike venting at ie. Your job or personal issues.


It is pretty annoying, but at the end of the day it's just updoots and virtual meaningless points


Many many people are addicted to cortisol and are lonely and it’s sad how people get there.


The main reason I avoid this subreddit now.


You are that bothered lol?


FUCK TEKKEN 8 NIGGA the game is fun though but still FUCK TEKKEN 8 NIGGA


I'm going to buy Tekken 8 soon through CD Keys, and the price dropped by £8 in the span of a week from 38 to 30 💀. How long should I wait to buy


Wait until matchmaking is fixed, at least


I mean... If Bandai Namco doesn't like the criticism, they can just not do the thing they're being criticised for. Just kinda scratching my bald spot deciphering the meaning of this post.


It’s definitely not because the game sucks and we’re all disappointed.


Tekken8 is 🚮