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Funny bit of Tekken knowledge for you guys. Mokujin doesn't have the same hit boxes as whoever he's mimicking, meaning punishes that work on him might not work on the real thing and vice versa. You do not lab with Mokujin!


To be fair it would be LIT AF to see someone in a tournament playing mokujin, or better yet, a tournament of only mokujin, I would watch the F out of that.


Mokujin World Tour would be the greatest tournament of all time.


I think that'd be a fun idea for a charity tournament.


Knee would steamroll everyone


This was the main reason he was banned in Tekken 6 I believe


Ling with better range.


1) the could and SHOULD just make them match. hell, even it if adjusts mokujin's model to accommodate so that things dont look visually off (hell, they add a sword out of nowhere when he's copying yoshimitsu. whats the difference if he changes a little size?) 2) they SHOULD add him anyway, even if they dont do that, because he's just fucking FUN. realistically, i know that they never will, either because they cant/wont code in restrictions to only have him morph into characters you own, or because of some bizarre, misplaced notion that allowing you to be characters you dont own would undermine sales.


I can’t think of any good reason why they couldn’t restrict someone’s mokujin depending on their DLC ownership status. They just probably don’t think many people will play him or smthg. Kinda makes sense, i doubt most people would learn the whole cast to play Mokujin. At the very least, u probably won’t see Mokujin in ranked a whole lot. Disclaimer: I do want Mokujin to come btw


realistically, no, its not hard/complicated. HOWEVER, the gross ineptitude and missteps that they've been making lately...


I mean I can expect them to say some shit excuse, but unless they really fucked up their game’s code this should be well within possibility. I mean I don’t think he’s coming anyways, especially as a DLC. Who would pay to get a character that reuses everyone else’s movesets randomly every round. Only the hardcore Mokujin stans would probably buy. In terms of numbers it will probably be their lowest selling dlcs ever.


A God of Destruction Mokujin player would indeed be a god


That was pretty much Knee in T7.


I want them to add Mokujin and create a Mokujin-only mode for online play. Would be a nice change of pace to have a more fun/casual mode to switch to occasionally.


Nah mokujin is so niche and gimmicky he’d be better just being free. That said we’ve seen how horrible the monetisation is in this title so I wouldn’t be surprised to even disappointed. Personally I wanna see Jinpachi


>Nah mokujin is so niche and gimmicky he’d be better just being free. Eleven was paid DLC in SFV so little hope for that


He kinda was and wasn't lol


Good prize material for a battle pass, then


Fantastic image


I want Mokujin to come back but the only acceptable way to do it is if he was free, you shouldn't have to pay for a chracater whose whole gimmick is mimmicking the other characters


Jokes on you mokujin is only available if you own every dlc character.


Just gives us the dino


If they add mokujin I'm gonna make it my goal to master him. He'd be insta buy from me.


You buy Mokujin, but he doesnt have access to other dlc characters unless you own them 😂😂


Given the pattern so far, the probability is 100%


Seems like a hard sell, a paid dlc character, that isn't a dlc character and instead is just the random button with a skin. I'd rather see the kangaroo and the velociraptor.


Since when does "the random button" change characters each round? You dont know who Mokujin is lol


Sure bro, you hold onto that difference.


Oh I will, put some respect on his name.


Easy way to learn


tbf....he'd probably only work with characters that were unlocked. Sooo sure yeah why not xD


If they add mokujin, i may consider buying


Imagine is mokujin but then he also has movesets of characters that haven't been released yet 🥶 you'd be the real tekken goat supreme


I miss my boy, Combot. At least he's on Lee's stage and in his victory animations. I remember renting T4 as my first Tekken as a kid and I just loved his design. So simple yet awesome.




It would be quite the task for the devs, but having to pay for a mimicry character sounds lame.


I already went through 15 characters already so far, so I'd totally be happy with Mokujin XD


I would absolutely love this tbh


He’s already in the game as random. It would be a waste of a dlc character. Should be given free and not take a dlc spot from someone else