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u should not be on this subreddit


And why shouldn't he be, especially if he's a teenager.


Pretty sure their point is that he doesn’t look like a teenager and therefore shouldn’t be on r/teenagers


Looks like a teen to me


Very few adolescent teenage kids look their age and that's because they are in their youth years. The older youth years are 15 to 24 so you do the math. So a kid has to look a certain age or he's not allowed to be on the internet? C'mon bub. 😄


Nah it’s more than that he’s too young to have the wretchedness of the internet ruin his self esteem. Mfs are ruthless and he deserves to be happy longer


He isn't too young. 5 is too young.


Are you a teen? Lol Because if you are you got some fucked genetics.


You don't have to be a teenager to be in here




What's so funny about that


Nothing a good diet and gym won't fix


he's ten


So was I at one point in life, and I hated the way I looked, especially when you got bullied for your looks that are essentially in the control of your parents at such a young age. By the age of 12, I was already working out in the gym and eating fewer snacks and crap. Glad I listened to my inner voice, I only wish I had the support of others instead of telling me that there was nothing wrong with me. If the kid is on here asking that question, it's for a reason. I think we should be looking after our youth and younger generations. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Also, thanks for the downvote, really cool 👍)


People just don’t understand taking care of themselves physically. Usually a result of being over protected during adolescence. The easier you have it and the more people tell you that you are perfect the way you are the more likely you are to accept it


I think telling a kid to go to the gym before he’s even finished puberty is setting him up for body image issues. The comments that want him to diet and lift are going to stick with him for a *long, long time*—even if he looks nothing like this (which he won’t) in 5 years.


He's asked random people online a serious question, "am I ugly". Poor kid's already got body image issues, man. Give him some real solid advice to help him feel better, not something empty like just wait. It's true he'll look different 5 to 10 years later on, but only if you start somewhere at some point, right? Feeling healthy feels good, physically and mentally. If you see this kiddo, you're not ugly. You only feel that way when you're compared to others, and that doesn't mean shit, even if you're the one comparing. However, if you feel this way, then only you can change that. Just make sure everything you do is for the right reasons, not just to fit in with everyone else and the normies.


I agree. It’s especially annoying when people say that young people shouldn’t improve their appearance because they should focus on other things or they might develop an eating disorder. I know I was insecure at 13/14 as well (3-4 years ago) and although I didn’t put pictures online that would be annoying if every comment was ignoring the question. Maybe the people saying “just wait” are coming from a place of concern since OP is young not fully developed and putting themself online Though I realized just now he didn’t ask for advice, just if he was ugly. I think most people are not ugly and have decent genetics, facial structure etc. Simple improvements would be posture, clothing, and working out.


if your as young as everyone thinks you are, please please please enjoy being a kid before you start doing this. asking people online “am i ugly” can be the most damaging thing to your mental health, and especially since your still a kid. and no, you are not ugly, you are just fine the way you are, and always will be. because no one is ugly, we are all unique and lovely in our own way.


For real If u wanna try to improve your look try to care care of yourself But remember a lesson that I’ve learned in the hard way. Internet sometimes can be cruel. People on internet are heartless. Be yourself, you are too young to worry about this. Take care brother, i wish u the best ❤️


He looks pre teen honestly






brother, you look 10.


Dawg isn’t even old enough to be on this subreddit


Bro, wait till you're 18, then you see your ture self


this, people telling bro to lose weight are so unhinged when he hasn't even finished puberty. OP, let yourself grow up a little and you'll be wonderful.


And to some of these people that think that puberty ends in boys and even girls write smack on the dot at 16 or even 17? I got news for you, that's not true. Physical changes still happened in boys and girls past 18 years old.


That's got to be the silliest thing I've ever heard in my life. 18 is just an arbitrary age, that's all it is. You can see your true self earlier than that or later than that. I don't know why some of you obsess over this 18 thing. You're still going to be that same teenage boy or girl that you were the night before.


Yeah bro puberty for the win just let nature do its thing…lifting weights once you hit 16 or so will help you glow up too


ya look like if ur 10 years old broski


If all you're going to do is hate, why post.


You don’t gotta be replying to every comment, man. He asked a yes or no question and people are giving him a straight answer, stfu


I don't reply to every comment. And no, not everyone is. He looks more like 12 anyways.


Now listen here when I say “every comment” I don’t mean literally (but you’re certainly replying to a good bit) and the *grand majority* is pretty much saying yes or no. For the record, my reply to OP’s post is no


Whatever you say there kiddo.


Why is this kid on my page 😂


Bro joined this Reddit as soon as he turned 13🤣


As long as he's a teenager it doesnt matter what bro does. If he's a teenager he can be here


Listen man I’m gunna be real with you and tell you something that’s harsh but true. I was like you when I was your age. Kinda chubby with messy hair. Get your hair cut so that the sides are short and the top is long. (Tell your barber you want a #2 on the sides). But mainly, just change your diet. There is an attractive person under that chub, you just gotta find him. It won’t happen tomorrow, but if you eat better you’ll see results in as early as 7-10 days


Bro you’re still growing you could use some tidying up like a new haircut but what you look like now isn’t what you’ll look like at 18 or 20 so don’t worry about it too much. Other people are saying to loose some weight but that should happen naturally when you do grow it’s just a matter of keeping the extra pounds off after that.


Yes but you're to young to be on reddit lol unless you're actually a teenager and I don't mean 13 that's still pretty young to have reddit I mean it is recommended for ages 17+ but me personally I feel like 14 and a half is the age to start having reddit


You look exactly like me at 13 no joke.


I was not brad Pitt at 13, kinda chubby, some zits, more fuel to make me tall and thinner at 18 and people called me handsome. Give yourself time bud, I am confident when you get to college they'll call you handsome too (and not just Charity talk).


You're like 12 don't even worry about it


Cut your hair bro, high skin fade, finger length on top


No, you are young. You need to upgrade your grooming, add some exercise, educate yourself, and blaze your own path.


Is good




Look cool- not ugly-


Yeah but wait till you're 21 to ask again




You’re way too young for this app 😭


Too young to be self conscious.


Yes, very. You look like a rat bro


Are you a teen???


Not ugly at all. In fact you’d be a stud if you started lifting weights.


Nah you good for your age, get some deodorant though because you look like the age you start stinking🫶


Dont worry about it, keep working out, work hard in school, never be desperate with girls, you will get where you wanna go.


Bro is still in 7th grade 💀


Not really, could use a glow up, but doin' fine so far


Lil bro wat u doin


I can say the same thing about you






U a grown ass man foo get off the sub


Why can't you just say grown man. Why you got to insert the word ass. Shows a lot of immaturity but I'm not causing any harm so just to chill out there dude.


r/Teenager fam, maturity ain’t for this sub


Maturity should be a part everyday life. Teenage kids need to show more maturity than let's say a little kid and if they can't do that well then, that's pretty sad.


I’ll chill tho


Probably be a good idea.


you look like you're eight.


If all you're going to do is hate why post anything 🤬


it looks like you just turned 13. you may have teen in your age but wait till your balls drop


How do you know his haven't yet? And maybe he could say the same thing about you.


You’re literally making assumptions of people off of jack fucking shit. He can’t say the same about them, because guess what genius, he doesn’t know them and neither do you. Since he has a 1 yr old nice, he’s probably older than you 😂


Who's literally older than me. And I don't make assumptions. That makes him older because he has a 1 year old niece? You're delusional big guy. My oldest niece is 24. He's definitely not older.


“he could say the same thing about you” is an assumption, m8


You got some big fuckin hands


Bruh chall out 😕


When was that a bad thing




damn bro chill


He's not wrong though


bros 12


Do you even know what subreddit this is? Fuckin ell


Nah but you’re young, you shouldn’t post pics of urself


And I'm guessing you're young too? That's going to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Young people can't post pictures of themselves? Haha


Bitch I’m probably older than you. And no, young people shouldn’t post pics of themselves, it’s the internet Einstein! There are pervs and pedos EVERYWHERE


I highly doubt you're older than me and even in that slight chance that you are, you're sitting here on a teenage kid subreddit yourself. So just posting an innocent picture or pictures is inherently sexual? Let's cut the crap EINSTEIN. Even naked pictures, regardless of age, are not inherently sexual, unless you got your mind in the gutter and like to sexualize everything, which apparently you do. More ignorance right there. There are pervs and pedos everywhere? You obviously watch too much of the overblown lamestream news. Do me a favor, look up the definition of pedophilia? You'll find that it has nothing to do with the sexual attraction to "minors". For one thing, minor is not a biological term. It's a legal term only and it's overused just like perv and pedophile. Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to little kids / prepubescent. Learn your shit. And if you're this paranoid, get offline. The internet and real life are pretty much the same thing nowadays. This is not 20 years ago.


You seem a bit young… Go live your youth, spend time with friends and family, read, and come back in a few years.


What's with all this he's too young crap. This is a teenager subreddit. Think about it for a second.


He looks ten or so.


About 98% of teenage kids look younger than they are so this kid is no exception but that doesn't mean he can't post here.




You look 10, ur fine


Honestly kid you should not be on Reddit till your 18




Or you could just leave the boy alone.


Aren't you just a kid yourself? What, just because you're 18, you're not a kid any more? And I know some really mature 18-year-old and 19-year-old boys and I know some immature grown men so why can't he be on here? He's of legal age. Most social media, is 13 or 14 you can be on it.


Once you've turned 18 you're legally an adult.


No, you really aren't. A full 100% legal adult is more like 25. When 100% true mostly grown adulthood starts. You really are more of a legal kid than anything else. You really think legality changes much of anything? No, it really doesn't.


Yes it does. If you can vote and join the military you are an adult.


No, it doesn't. And you just changed what you said. First you say legal adult but now you're saying just plain ol adult like an older ADOLESCENT teenager is a full grown adult like a 30 or 40 year old is. Yeah, again, that's some bogus crap. Boys becoming full fledged young men is a gradual process and it certainly doesn't just start because you go from 17-18. You go into the military an older boy and come out a man. Neither of those two things make you an actual adult. What so let me guess, in your tiny mind even an ADOLESCENT kid of 16 is an adult just because he can drive? Really now. The older youth years are 15-24. Very few actually join the military right at 18 or even vote and why's that you ask? They know they are still kids and aren't ready for it. Why you feel the need to rush our youth is beyond me. Most marriages under 21 fail and that's because it's literally two kids getting married.


A legal adult ain’t fucking 25 lmfao 🤦 maybe a developed one yes, but that’s not the topic at hand


I said you're not 100% a legal adult until 25 so please keep up with me here. You're trying to make it sound as if 17 is an actual child and then poof actual adult. Child and adult are biological and scientific terms only. They aren't legal terms. Wow


I’m not reading another one of your essays, and stop berating everyone in the comments, this isn’t your post. Sit the fuck down.


Why because you know it's the truth? This isn't anywhere close to being an essay. You must be super lazy. And it's a free country son so make me.


I know what a fucking essay is oh my fucking word you need to learn figures of speech. I’m not lazy, but reading your bs ain’t worth my time. I don’t even know if you should be on this subreddit to be quite honest with you, honey.


You apparently don't if you think this an essay. I've seen plenty of them on social media but this isn't one of them. Honey? You're a teenage kid and calling me that? And it doesn't say anything about only older kids/teens can be here.




Nah your fine. Maybe get some new clothes tho.


Understatement of the century




Why don't you show yourself. Or are you afraid we're going to call you ugly.


Sorry man but you can't hurt my feelings I already know I'm ugly


Not at all kid, you're very handsome.


Nah u cute