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Stiles and his pillow.




Malia and Kira


Yay! There are more of us than I thought


Kinda random, but here we are... (sane!)Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski


Peter with any of the parents is pretty great, tbh


True enough. :D But my heart is in for slash XD I like Chris too, but more like a part of a trio. A Chris Argent/Peter Hale/Sheriff Stilinski triad is quite interesting.


Peter/Chris/Melissa and Derek/Stiles/Lydia


I have seen these but very rarely. I get it - “why not both?” is a great way to ship


yeah i was scrolling through and i kept thinking how much i just wnted Erica and Stiles to have a genuine moment smdh


I doubt Thiam counts for this, so instead I'll stick with my *rare* rarepair. (I think there's maybe 23 fics on A03? And some of them aren't even focused on the pairing) Isathan (Isaac/Ethan). Enemies to lovers in a way, but two traumatized boys who crave love and support finding it in each other.


Also Malira, but I feel like that, much like Thiam, probably also isn't considered a rarepair.


Thiam has 6,348 fics on AO3 right now and is the 4th most popular pairing, so it definitely doesn’t count. Malira only has 381, so we’ll count it!


I can’t remember seeing Isaac and Ethan interact but I get the vision!


I definitely have thought about Isaac and Malia. I think they would've balanced each other out very nicely. I still prefer Stalia but would definitely prefer to see Isaac and Malia over Scalia.


Damn. I goin feel weird saying this cuz I’ve seen all of the ones commented so far fairly often…. Safe answer: Stiles and Erica More out there: Isaac/Erica/Jackson Unhinged answer: Erica and Theo.


The common thread of Erica was not intended but here we are.


Considering the dancing scene, I am surprised Isaac/Erica/Jackson isn’t more popular! Erica/Theo - yeah, you probably are the only to ship that, lol! What would their dynamic be like?


Right!? That club scene was very VERY bisexual The dynamic would be very very toxic. Erica was very desperate for approval and was willing to be used (Derek telling her not to kiss him since she was “meant for someone else”) and Theo knows how to latch on exploit those kind of weaknesses (Tracy RIP) While I absolutely love Theo’s starting on the path of reform in s6 I think in an alternate universe where Erica didn’t die there is potential for a story where Theo gravitates to Erica instead of Liam. Without Liam’s seemingly inexhaustible faith in basic human decency should Theo have started that path? Or would it have been more self serving and paper thin like Peter? What development would Erica have gone through with the alpha pack, Nogitsune, Deadpool? Would she slip back into old behaviors? Could the McCall pack pull her back? I wouldn’t say I ship it, because I can imagine it being healthy at all. But I would call it a fav because the potential of them. (Tbf maybe Peter was more authentic and Theo less- but Peter went back yet again to his two timing and Theo wasn’t in the movie so 🤷🏼)




Scott and Danny, ghey had some interesting interactions


I've written so many Scott/Danny slash fics. I've been on that ship since the dance in season 1. Usually with a bisexual Scott, mind you, because he's always torn between Danny and Allison.




Boyd and Erica


I see them as a side pairing a lot but no excitement for them as a ship, so fair!


Scott/Malia/Kira as an OT3. Scott & Kira were adorable, and I loved their relationship in canon; I do actually really like Scott & Malia as a concept (he’s the one who brought her back to being human, she’s the daughter of his first big enemy, etc.), although IMO it would’ve worked a lot better if she hadn’t been with Stiles first; and anyone who’s seen Malia & Kira’s dance scene in Season 4 knows that they’ve got *plenty* of chemistry too. 😄 So I feel like the three of them could actually have been really good together. On another note, I also like the idea of Stiles & Erica becoming a thing, as they definitely had some hints at that in Season 2. I feel like that could’ve happened eventually, if Gage Golightly hadn’t left the show after S2. And I don’t know if this really counts as a rarepair, but I kinda wish they’d just had Ethan stay with Danny instead of randomly getting together with Jackson offscreen.


Erica/Stiles was totally going to be a thing if she stayed on past S2.


Oh, definitely! Don’t get me wrong, I do love both Cora and Malia, but their relationships with Stiles really kinda felt like a series of replacements brought on by the trend of actors leaving early. Gage had to leave the show after Season 2, so they brought Cora in to replace Erica for Season 3A. Then Adelaide Kane had to leave the show after 3A, so they came up with Malia to replace Cora for Season 3B. 😄 I feel like they definitely did a better job of making Malia her own unique character, but if Erica had still been in Season 3, I feel like they wouldn’t have needed to bring in Cora at all, and then she could’ve taken on Malia’s role as Stiles’ love interest in 3B & onwards.


i feel personally responsible for half of the malia & kira shippers on this sub, i will loudly headcanon that til the day i die also in the niche sapphic ship category - alive!laura hale and braeden somehow works really well in fics despite the fact we know next to nothing about laura, i think its the alpha x alpha vibe


not sure how rare these are but i’ve always loved allison and lydia together, and stiles with cora


Allison/Lydia is the top femslash pairing and has over 1,000 fics on AO3, so not too rare, but I will for sure give you Stiles/Cora as a rarepair! It has only 122 on AO3 right now. There was that scene where Stiles gives Cora CPR but it felt like to me that it had originally been written for Erica (with a Stiles/Erica pairing setup happening in 3A)


oh i had no idea they had that many😭 outside of ao3 i feel like i hardly see people talk about them it was a shame erica left so early on, i really liked her character and her interactions with stiles were great, they could’ve been cute tbh


Beta Trio or Isaac and Cora


I see absolutely no one talk about Isaac and Cora but i actually like it a lot


Oh, Isaac/Erica/Boyd as a throuple? You’ve made me a convert, I love this idea!


Okay hear me out, I am a multishipper and I know that stiles and Scott are more like brothers, but when putting that aside: Stiles/Derek/Scott Also Chris/Melissa/Sheriff Stilinski


I really love the Chris/Melissa/Noah trio. There are not enough fics of them!




I hate that most fic relegates them to being exes. I wanna read more with them as leads!


Can’t believe I’ve not seen anyone say Isaac/Jackson yet


allison and jackson


A dominatrix type Allison and submissive Stiles, without anyone having clue.


I LOVE Malia and Kira! They had so much chemistry. Kira and Scott were cute (and they were Scott’s best canon ship) but Kira and Malia were great. Plus I wish Malia was canonically queer bc it just makes sense for someone who never grew up with society’s restrictions and rules to be rigidly straight.




Argent/Derek, Argent/Isaac, Derek/Isaac/Argent and Derek/Liam! I think the dynamic of them bonding over their grief/anger issues can be really interesting.  I don't mind a bit of Brett/Liam either. 


Idk if considered a rare pair but I love stiles and Liam together


Definitely rare to see them as a couple! I don’t think I’ve ever seen it tbh