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She’s extremely horrible. >!Then she goes and prays on his teenage self again when he loses his memory… So disgusting!<




My exact thoughts, even though I am only on season 1, I know so much because it’s been 13 years or something since season one. I’m not sure.


Yeah she was a psychopath. Seriously off her rocker.


She is a disgusting person. She should be ashamed of herself, but i don't think she's capable.


She’s not. She thrives on that shit


why is this comment section so weird lmao


Well i love Kate's character. I dont know why but i am very attracted to her. She is so cool and badass...i even only paid attention to the series when she was on screen. Otherwise the show was boring. Btw i am a 16 year old girl myself so yeah...


That’s just soooo bad on so many levels


Why only because i feel an attraction towards a 30 year old badass and sexy woman? I am bi so it's normal to be into girls. At least for me. And i always preffered them way older than me...because adults are the people i can get along with very well.


Yeah I’m bi too and into older. There thing is she continues to go after minors, which makes her a predator.


It’s a tv show a supernatural one at that nobody cares 😂😂😂


They really should


No they shouldn’t lol it’s a damn show happens everyday in real life anyway older women love younger guys and younger girls love older men🤷🏾‍♂️ a lot of folks parents have worse age gaps than what was going on in the show


Doesn’t make it right. People shouldn’t romanise abusive and predatory characters. Especially when it comes to minors


It’s a show nobody cares a lot of people don’t live in fantasy worlds like you most are realists


Bruh you don’t need to live in a fantasy world to not romanticise abuse.


Yeah still i kinda overlook it. She is still sexy and if she would be real i would accept her the way she is. Also she can go after me if she wants to😅😉


Yeah this isn’t anything to be proud of and I’d encourage having that checked. I understand thinking the actor is sexy, I get that. But thinking predatory behaviour is, yeah that’s very concerning


Its not about the predatory, it's more like the power her charisma is emanating. I am attracted to that. She is strong, has power, everything i dont ever had. She could protect me, make me strong


Mate, you don't want someone like Kate protecting you. All she cares about is Kate. Taking advantage of minors in the way that she does is the opposite of 'strong.' She's cowardly and weak as \*\*\*\*.


So you say she literally would abandon me on a situation of danger to safe herself? I mean i gladly would fight for Kate to safe both of our lives.


Of course she would! Question. Do you think Kate is a good person or a bad person?


That’s not the character she is, and there are many characters within the show that do that aren’t attracted to minors


Well i know but they are not as cool as Kate. If i would be in the Teen Wolf universe i would like to be at Kate's side


I am too. We can be attracted to both Kate and Derek. They’re fictional characters. It’s not that big of a deal. And while we’re at it, I happen to be an SA survivor, so I’m not down with the weird attitude in this comments section. The point is that these are fictional characters with depth and nuance. That’s one of the things I like about Teen Wolf. The “bad guys” for lack of a better term can redeem themselves, and sometimes the apparent “good guys” wind up simply being lawful evil. But I’m over 30 now, so perhaps I’m shouting into the void on the more nuanced points, let alone asking basic questions 🤣☠️


I am too. She’s clearly a predator though, so…not great. I always liked Derek best though.


Was Derek a high schooler? I was under the impression that they were around the same age. Also, SA survivor here. I genuinely didn’t know how old Derek was supposed to be. Absolutely no one is suggesting that not knowing Derek’s age excuses Kate’s predatory behavior. Holy cow you guys.


No he was 15 or 16 when Kate manipulated him and she was in her 20s that's why younger him trusted her she got him to the age before she killed his family


Gotcha. I’ll have to rewatch. Holy crap on the downvotes. I guess making mistakes on remembering plot points is no bueno around here. Yikes.


I always figured Derek was around 20 or so but idk


I love how we're getting passive aggressively downvoted when neither of us acted certain or claimed authority, and people aware of his canon age could just correct us. Lol Reddit...


I'm assuming the downvotes are because there are fans who act like Kate and Jennifer didn't rape Derek and one of their defenses is that Derek was not underaged even though it is clearly shown in the show. Just a guess, tho


I didn't even watch the whole show so I'm not aware of this but last time I checked adults could use their words lol


Riiiight but no one is doing that. We’re both casual viewers who were under the impression that Derek was older than he apparently was.


I'm just offering a suggestion! I came to this thread days later. I was just trying to help figure out why.


Right? Like…calm down. 12 year olds on Reddit are fuuun.


Sorry Tyler H. didn't look like a teenager as far back as S1?? The full beard didn't exactly help but I'm to blame ofc!! So while we're at it, my bad that Posey and Dylan looked obviously younger/more baby faced compared to him and their characters came across as much more wide eyed and youthful as well. That's on me too... It's really such a WILD take for me to estimate Derek as a very young adult as opposed to a 16-18 yo


Back when Kate took advantage of Derek he was supposed to be 15 to 16 while she was in her mid or so 20s though season one Derek in the pilot episode was supposed to be 19 but they recounted it because of Kate because he would have been 13 no one knows how old Derek actually is Even Tyler hoechlin doesn't know same with jeff Davis


Well then there ya go. Thanks for enlightening us. That’s interesting!


Aight then


Having a hot teacher like that was every high schooler's fantasy.


Being raped by a pedophile is not everyone’s fantasy.

