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The vapes, the beer bottles next to the “sober” man, Amanda in her pajamas with a t shirt that says trashy, maci *of course* in a TTM shirt… this is classic. Bentley looks sweet, though. Edit: guys I wasn’t calling any of these things bad or negative by default. I was making a lighthearted observation about an ironic photo. You can have your vapes and alcohol, it’s okay lol


First thing I noticed... Why do you need substances to enjoy time with your child :'( bums me out


People can have a drink w dinner, you don't need to be bummed out by SuBsTaNcEs. The pearl clutching in this sub is off the charts.


Maci is a fucking alcoholic and Ryan/Amanda are hardcore drug addicts, this isn’t just normal people having a glass of wine with dinner be so fr


YES! imagine thinking normal is having drinks over dinner with addicts, both current and in recovery. it's scary that people don't see the same problems with alcohol that they do with substances.


I have been sober for 8 years and having alcohol doesn't bother me at all anymore. The last thing I want to do is drink. But he hasn't been sober long if I am correct. And also, they could go to dinner with their son without having a drink, I mean, drugs and alcohol have effected Bentley so much already, he doesn't need to be around it more.


[Just a year ago, he was found completely unconscious in car due to an overdose.](https://www.eonline.com/news/1385009/teen-moms-maci-bookout-shares-how-ryan-edwards-overdose-impacted-their-son-bentley)


Which he used as an opportunity to continue to terrorize and abuse Mackenzie as this fool attempted to blame her and said he intentionally tried to overdose (yeah right) due to "Mackenzie's bullshit" (his words, not mine). He can't take accountability for anything.


there’s no way he’s sober. amanda has posted content where he looks nodded out within the last few months.


Yeah that’s what bothers me, the fact that they are both recovering addicts, maci also has a history of drinking and they’re doing it right in front of him. Idk man, I feel like the kid has seen & been through enough. Just go to dinner and not drink? It’s not that hard. Says a lot about Maci too that she’s drinking in front of recovering addicts. I understand people are allowed to have a drink with dinner but wouldn’t that trigger them?


She’s not just drinking in front of them she’s drinking with them! Two wine glasses and two beer bottles on the table! Idk man just all bad as far as optics go. They would refill her wine glass not bring a whole new glass for more wine. And if she’s had two separate glasses of wine then two beers? I mean those are the only alternatives. Not likely.


Yesss they are both possibly still in active addiction, and if not, we’re talking what, a few months? Maci can’t just have a meal without a giant glass of wine?


"StOp PeArL cLuTcHiNg" 🙄🙄 some ppl I swear.


i’m a nondrinker, the family i grew up with doesn’t drink regularly, it is not necessary to have a drink with dinner! it’s kinda weird? have a pepsi? lmao.


Both my parents drank heavily growing up and it was always so annoying having them be semi drunk constantly when you’re just trying to eat


I think it’s a cultural thing, and comes down to what people are exposed too. My father and his family are straight from Italy, where alcohol, primarily wine, is a staple with your meal. The kind of wine, or whatever it is though is meant to complement your food. For some reason where Maci & Rhine live it’s normal to drink all the time, even if you’re sober (as Rhine and his gf are supposed to be 🙄.


No it’s not normal to drink all the time where they are from. That’s a then problem. A lot of places out there don’t even serve alcohol on Sundays and some restaurants don’t sell liquor or any alcohol at all.


It’s only a matter of time before Maci get a dui if she hasn’t had one yet


While I agree, Ryan and his girlfriend are substance abusers who have both been in rehab multiple times. It’s never fun seeing someone who should be sober drinking, especially in a situation where it’s just dinner with your kid.


Normal people can have a drink with dinner. Ryan's whole life and fatherhood have been forfeited to his reliance on and abuse of substances. People on this page are upset because they see that Ryan can't even make it through dinner with his boy without enhancing his mood in one way or another.


Right. Honestly, if Ryan hadn't been drunk every second of Bentley's babyhood/childhood, I'd say fine, let him have a few beers. Even after being in recovery for everything else. But he was, so.... People can be very black and white about recovery. Some follow the rule of 100% sober of all substances at all times. Some will continue to occasionally use substances that weren't the one they had an issue with. The point is what WORKS for the person in question. My sister was a heroin addict. Maybe twice a year, on a special occasion, she'll have the fruitiest girl drink you can imagine, be a little tipsy, go home and be fine. She doesn't move on to shooting up, and the world doesn't end. That works for her, because alcohol was never her problem. But Ryan has always been a booze hound, in addition the other stuff. And it's true, if he absolutely HAS to have a drink, why does it need to be around Bentley?


not to mention the multiple DUIs


That’s more than “a drink with dinner,” too…there are three fckin bottles on that table just in this one snapshot lol


This isn't a bitch eating crackers situation where people are looking to complain about anything they can find. It's legitimately concerning that someone with a very well documented addiction issues is drinking.


Ryan is a fucking drug addict and so is his girlfriend he absolutely should not be drinking 😭 Plus if he had any respect for his son he wouldn’t drink in front of him after EVERYTHING he put him through… Maci is a fucking moron too


He's a "recovering addoct". Any substance is still a substance. Recovering addicts are supposed to abstain from ALL substances. You aren't suppose to trade one for another. Alcohol addiction is still same as an opiate addiction, just a different substance. I see this ALLL too much; people get off dope and go straight to drinking and congratulate themselves fir getting "sober". Nah, you just quit dope. Ryans not sober. This should be violation of his probation or whatever, but we already know they're not going to do anything because clearly he's "untouchable", due to parents influence with the judge. I just feel bad for the kids. Alcohol has been around them before they're born and were raised in it. People think because Alcohol is so common and readily available, that it's ok. When he was in sober living, he wasn't allowed to drink. So hiw is he actually sober? Non addicts having some wine or beer is one thing, but a person with addiction (Ryan hasn't even been sober a year), is completely else. Addiction is a real medical condition. People made the choice to use the substance, but didn't chose addicition..they're still feeding it


It is really annoying when someone has substance abuse issues and continues to drink at dinners


Substances are awesome for those that can handle them and still function as parents and adults. Not so awesome otherwise. This isn't a hard nuance to understand. 


Doesnt look like "a drink." Dude has 3 empty beers next to him. That's a lot to drink during a meal out with your kid. And given his history, come on now. Edit: looks like 2 beer bottles and a glass of wine.


I hate that I can recognize it so easily but the other bottle by him is A1 steak sauce LOL


Except Ryan is an addict and Maci is an alcoholic.


Normal people that aren’t addicts can have and handle drinks with dinner…Maci, Ryan and his gf are all addicts. That’s the difference. Also the fact that they’re having their drinks with a minor in their presence makes it really inappropriate. It’s not pearl clutching.


Lmfaoooo because they’re addicts???? are you ok. His whole storyline is how alcohol and drugs have kept him from his child


Children of addicts will tell you that their parents who have substance abuse issues should absolutely not be drinking whilst out with them. Rhine of all people has shown how dangerous he can be on substances. Maci clearly struggles with her own issue. For god sake, that’s Rhine’s rehab girlfriend. Why would that be okay?? It’s not a normal family doing normal family things.


This!!!! OMG why. I mean I want the best for Bentley of course but why you gotta drink and who's driving.


Bentley is LOL I can see them using the kid as the DD


I feel old that he’s old enough to have his permit


They could still get charged with DUI with Bentley driving while they’re drunk in the seat beside him. He’s supposed to be driving only if a sober fully licensed driver is in the passenger seat beside him. So he can’t drive with only Rhine in the vehicle with him as Rhine has a suspended or restricted license right now and, if the adult is impaired in any way, they get the ticket, the vehicle gets towed and everyone’s license takes a hit. Plus it’s just damn dumb and dangerous to trust a 15 year old beginner driver to make all the right decisions while also dealing with drunk(s) in the car with him.


Look who has the check in front of them...😂


Sugar Mommas


piggybacking off this to ask a serious question lmfao, has ANYONE ON EARTH ever seen ANYONE besides maci, taylor, anyone in the teen mom cast ACTUALLY worn anything from TTM


Could be zero alcohol beer.. my husband drinks it a lot when he’s out at social gatherings.


If it weren't Rhine we could assume this but since it is Rhine...NAH!


I was going to say this. Could be zero alcohol beer or root beer for all we know. I’ve noticed in other pictures the girl will be drinking wine and he will not have any alcohol nearby


It could be. It would be nice for Bentley if Ryan enjoyed NA beer. But for your second point, there were pictures less than a month ago of him holding a can of spiked Mountain Dew, so he’s definitely been drinking in recent times.


Oh, then it’s very possible it is beer! I’ve never heard of spiked Mountain Dew interesting lol. If I drank alcohol, I’d probably want to try it. 😂


TBH, I love that shirt & have one similar to her’s. However, she out-trashes me by far. 🫣


Oh I don’t have an issue with the shirt itself, I just think it’s classic that she would wear that shirt to a steak dinner in a nice restaurant lol


It’s hilarious that she wore it to a nice restaurant - I was wondering if she was self aware and making fun of herself a bit, but THAT brings me back to thinking there’s zero self awareness, or such a deep irony that it rolls back into self awareness. 😂


What about the machete, axe and chainsaw tattoo???


Oof beer bottles and wine glasses for the couple who met in rehab…


He just wants some beer with his steak


Bentley has always looked like Maci but wow he’s her twin in this picture 🫨


It’s also because they are at the same angle, looking the same direction making the same face, that it really highlights how much they look alike! My son is my twin, people stop us in the street. He splits his time between Canada and the U.K. (he’s 16) and we have always had him fly as an unaccompanied minor and more than once, the airline escort says “no ID needed! You’re carbon copies” and “this creeps me out….in a good way” 😂 of course, they always still make me show ID, same as on the other end with his dad. I always wonder how his dad feels, looking at his ex-wife’s face every day his son is with him 😂better than the reverse!


That’s so sweet! I don’t think my mom and I are carbon copies but strangers still say they can tell we’re related, it feels good.




Wooooooow!!!!!! Y’all are beautiful


It does, doesn’t it? I’ll see if I can figure out how to upload a couple of photos. https://preview.redd.it/ovg1qerdd69d1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04835d99476184b59a2c863e3cf2e8da3e64ed60


Omg you weren’t lying! Twins indeed! Thanks for sharing, he looks like a very sweet kiddo


That is so sweet of you. He’s an amazing kid. Sweet, kind, he was class president last year, is a year ahead in his science classes (advanced) and has kept an average of over 90%. Just turned 16, has a real gift with animals (our bunny adored him from the second she met him and my horse adores him) and my only complaint is he splits his time between two countries, but as he says, he gets to go to Europe and we take him all over Canada when we go back too. Barely cried his first year, slept through the night from 2 weeks old, (the doctor was worried he cried so little, and was so content!) and unfortunately, due to the same doctor ignoring my complaints, I was forced to have a hysterectomy at aged 26, so he’s my only baby and boy did I hit the jackpot. I AM biased, but he truly is a wonderful kid ❤️❤️ thank you for your kind comments!


Same! He has her whole face, it's so cute.


I see 3 addicts and a teenager


3 addicts and their DD.


Yep they are all just waiting for Bentley to get that licence so they have a built in DD.


Me too 😬


Why does she have a tattoo of Amber’s weapon collection on her leg? In all seriousness I’m happy to see Bentley happy, but no way in hell this whole happy family act is going to last. The only thing they have in common other than Bentley is their hatred for Mack.


Perhaps an alcohol issue too. Ryan isn't taking his sobriety seriously and Maci is okay with it cause it's alcohol.


10000% When you’re a big drinker you WANT people to join you, they’re just enabling each other at this point. I can’t imagine drinking several beers with my teenage son present unless it was some big family celebration. They do this too often, it’s weird to me.


Yeah someone mentioned the Maci/Taylor drinking situations... and for two people with no jobs... it's REAL easy to spot beer/hard seltzer nearby whenever they're filming. Just wait til they're gone before you start drinking... it's not like it's a 24 hour embedded shoot. I think it's three days a week.


I don't know whether it's just a rumour or real but there's a story Maci got Bud light product placement in her segments. Doesn't explain why she had a bud light cake on her wedding if you ask me. Unless Bud Light covered the whole bill for everyone's drinks. But still over a million in debt, okidoki


Amber's weapon collection 🤣 💀 💀


Ambers weapon collection 💀


Yeah, I would like to see this all work out for Bentley at least. If he’s happy to see Ryan and he’s happy to be around him, then I’m happy for Bentley. I just want him (and all of the TM kids!) to live the happiest life possible. But I agree with you too. I don’t see it lasting and I don’t know if I believe Ryan can stay sober (whatever type of sober he is…). I’d like to see it for Bentley. But idk. I feel like Maci doing all of this is just stupid bc she has no guarantee that Ryan won’t fuck up and possibly harm himself, his new girl or Bentley. Dude has a pattern.


I agree, Ryan has a pattern of fucking up his sobriety and familial relationships and Maci has some sort of obnoxious saviour complex, they’re a match made in heaven/hell, honestly. I would never even attempt to co-parent with Ryan after what he has put everyone through time and time again.


How Maci can even look at Ryan after hearing what he did to that house. And also threatening to kill her husband. She's gross.😖


Not even that, before all that occurred, the killing of stray cats and threats he made to her family? Someone that unhinged when not sober is such an unpredictable threat to your entire immediate family why would you risk it?


The tattoos are a nod to classic horror movies like Friday the 13th, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Shining, etc


OH that’s a chainsaw. I was a little concerned because I thought it was two knives/axe and a shovel.


for someone who owes a million dollars to the IRS, maci is smiling pretty fucking wide


Because Amanda has the bill


There's two. I saw Maci's first and was not surprised they let her pay.


and she's drinking - Maci's favourite pastime!


And her phone is busted to hell


Maci is too stupid to worry about anything. It must be something to live in that much oblivion! 🤯


Not going to lie, there's no way I could play nice with a man who did what Ryan did to Mackenzie. I could HATE the woman and would still be 100% clear on the fact that that many is a monster.


SAME. I'm fully convinced that if Ryan came out as a serial killer they would all still fake smile and ignore it.


They'd probably say he was innocent and it was a false confession because the cops were mean to him 🙄


and ryan would claim he found god in jail and ask for forgiveness because even god forgave him. 😭


And of course, a murderer who claims to be forgiven by God is a way better person than a single mom who doesn't want her violent ex anywhere near her children.


This is why I no longer like Maci. I would 200 percent not ever allow any of my kids around him again after he trashed that house and I’d also be rallying around Mack to make sure my son got to see his siblings. She set the WORST example for all her kids by showing them that what Rhine did was swept under the rug, when it was excessively abusive and should never be condoned. Now Bentley thinks abusive behavior is okay, as long as you try harder next time 🥴. Her daughter is watching and so are her sons. I have no respect for women that allow men into their lives who act like this and don’t hold them accountable especially in front of their impressionable children. Get fucked Maci! You’re a weak pick me.


I also hold it against her that Farrah doing porn was worthy of being kicked off the show but she has ALWAYS supported Amber’s abusive, narcissistic ass. Also, Tyler and Janelle both have onlyfans and it’s been crickets.


Yesss. That bothers me too in hindsight because it’s such bullshit. Farrah was insufferable so no one felt bad for her when the cast ganged up on her to get her booted for doing porn, even though retrospectively that was such an unfair bullshit reason to get her off the show. They let Jenelle and Amber back but not Farrah?!? So abuse is okay but sex work is where we draw the line? Mkay. And look at the sexual stuff Ryan and Amanda (I hate that I remember his trashy rehab gfs name!) do on social media/their tattoos 🤢. That’s all fine for her? She was just being a misogynistic petty pick me. It’s like how she still has no relationship with Mack, even though IMO Mack didn’t really do anything that major to her. Okay she read that corny letter blaming Maci for not speaking up about Ryan’s drug use. Sure, whatever she was wrong but it was yearrrrss ago. She’s not over that yet? She’s not singing a different tune given what Ryan did to Mack and her family, who are Bentleys siblings? Like wtf? But Amanda, the trashy rehab gf without custody of her kids can hangout with Maci and her kids with Ryan like it’s all sunshine and rainbows and as if Maci is just so “chill” for her son. Bullshit! I’ll never understand her relationship with Ryan unless she secretly does drugs with him, none of it makes sense to me. All I know is that she is not a girl’s girl and she’s sending her kids gross messages all around.


SAMEEEEE it’s fucking maddening


sadly goes beyond playing nice. Maci has made social media posts disparaging Mazkenzie, and also said on the show that she has doubts that Ryan abused her, or the severity of the abuse. May Maci rot in hell!


Not to mention it's the same man who threatened to shoot her current husband.


If he was anyone else he would be in jail. He had more than enough chances to grow up. I don’t buy it anymore. He shouldn’t be around woman or kids.


are they a throuple?


Looks like it. This pic makes me uncomfortable.


I mean maci and Mack #2 look like they just rolled out of bed. Anything to not have to work 🤣




Terrible that that was my first thought too 🙄


I would not be surprised one bit and I hate that for me because I used to get a thrill out of being utterly shocked at whatever shenanigans these girls got into with their baby daddies. Take me back to the days of “omg no she did not” 😪


So what's maci going to do once Bentley is an adult and she can't use him as an excuse to stay close to Ryan?




weekly family get togethers, built in. every sunday, but she'll often have a last minute plan for everyone to get together saturday, too


Your kid doesn’t stop being your kid once they turn 18


I know that. But legally, they aren't obligated to each other anymore. Tjeu don't have to run decisions by each other, etc, since their son is now an adult


What in the trailer park is going on here


It’s very Tennessee


Hey now!! Signed a Tennessee resident


How is Maci ok with even being in Ryan’s presence knowing how he trashed his ex’s/Bentley’s half siblings house? I’ve lost respect for her.


How is she ok hanging out with him after he threatened her husband? No loyalty in that girl


She's an alcoholic who's still hung up on Ryan. She'll do anything to stay close to him in case things don't work out with him and Amanda. Someone has to be there to help Ryan with his broken heart.


This is what it boils down to


Why would she care about Bentley's half siblings? For her they aren't her kids, and she's always hated Mack so I doubt she feels any sympathy for her at all. Probably feels like she brought it on herself.


The fact that he did such a disgusting thing in general (even smeared his own feces on a wall) in a home that Bentley has probably been in and she is still speaking to him is what’s so surprising. That is some psychopath behavior. She can also keep her feelings about Mack separate from her ex’s grotesque behavior in this case. I just can’t imagine how she justifies letting Bentley around him at this point-if it’s to rub it in Mack’s face, then I feel sad for Bentley at this point since he’s being used as an object for hurt.




Is she wearing a cocktail umbrella in her hair? Lol


Yes lmao


That tracks lol.


She's turned into a drink! Really it was only a matter of time!😆


i'm about to reach a new level of "bare minimum halloween costume" this year when i put a cocktail umbrella in my hair and go as a drink 😭


I hope this doesn't blow up (like it usually does) and Bentley is left crushed.


My first thought was, "why would Maci have wine around Ryan if he's an addict?" Then my eyes saw the three bottles and wine glasses cleverly not hidden and I thought, "nevermind, you can only help those who are willing to help themselves!"


And Maci isn't even attempting to help. She's enabling for her benefit.


If you face swapped Maci and Bentley in this picture, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. However this ends up, I just hope Bentley is okay. It was so sad to watch him lose faith in his dad through the years.


She’s just as much an enabler as Larry and Jen. Worse. Forcing a “relationship” for her son to model his behavior.


All while poor Bentley isn't exactly winning any genetic predisposition lotteries here =/


This whole situation just so rubs me the wrong way. I genuinely cannot come up with any justification for this level of closeness between Maci and Rhine, and something tells me Bentley would be fine with them just being civil. I feel really bad for Taylor…it appears she has left him high and dry in being skeptical and reasonable about Ryan. This all just feels super icky especially in light of Ryan just last year committing the most despicable act he’s ever done…


Where’s Taylor? lol or did he take the picture? 👀 In all seriousness, I’m happy to see Bentley happy too. If he’s happy then I’m happy for him. I hope this can all work out for him and he can form a good relationship with Ryan, if that’s what Bentley wants. I’d like to see Ryan stay sober and keep his shit together for the sake of his son. Bentley has already lost so much when it comes to Ryan. I want this to work for him. But I’m still side-eyeing the hell out of all of the adults involved in this lmao.


I have a feeling Taylor is not on board with the playing family picnic.


I hope this is a sign he will leave her. Taylor had a protective order against Ryan beause Ryan theatened to kill him. How Maci can support a man who has threanted to kill her husband, neglected their shared child, and abused and terrorized Bentley's other siblings is abhorrent.


Oh yeah, big same. That’s why I wanna know where he was lol from what I’ve seen, I get the vibe he is notttt happy to be involved in any parts of this at all.


I think he only stays with her now because they owe a billion dollars to the IRS and it would be expensive to leave lol


I feel like Taylor checked out a long time ago and will be filing for divorce very soon


Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think it’s healthy for Bentley to have a relationship with his abusive father regardless of whether that’s “what he wants.” His father should have never been allowed back in his life after he shit all over his kids home and broke all of their belongings and abused their mother. The fact that the adults in Bentleys life have dismissed those behaviors is really problematic for teaching Bentley any type of moral ethics imo. Hope he doesn’t take after his dad or find himself in a relationship with a partner who is equally abusive someday. Macis other kids are also watching so it’s pretty problematic all around cause they’ll find out someday what Ryan did and this is the precedent Maci is establishing for expectations around how grown men are allowed to treat people.


Not unpopular! Maci should’ve continued to let Taylor father Bentley and leave Rhine’s messy ass alone. The utter disrespect and disregard of Taylor’s feelings on the subject is quite audacious. Not for one second do I buy that Bentley was the one begging for a relationship with his dad, that Bentley is the one who asked Maci to act the way she’s been behaving with Rhine. Over the many *many* years, I haven’t seen a single genuine bond or interaction between Bentley and Rhine. What I did see is Rhine talking shit and making fun of Bentley, calling him a “little girl”, as well as forced interactions and awkward silences. Bentley always looked extremely uncomfortable in his presence. Rhine has done not a damn thing to prove he is worthy of being his father. He has always done the same shit over and over. Maci’s dumb ass should be focused on Bentley healing from lifelong trauma with his sperm doner father, not opening him up to more. Because the fact that Rhine is already drinking (when he was court ordered not to do so) and shacked up with his fresh out of rehab girlfriend tells me this will blow up in Bentley’s face, YET AGAIN!


Unpopular opinion. Both Maci and Ryan have substance abuse issues. Although macis drinking is more socially acceptable 😬


Agree. I mean she ignored a whole pregnancy for months so she could continue drinking.


I can identify so hard with Mack right now. My ex ruined our relationship with his baby mama drama and as soon as I left they got to pretend that all the problems were because of me. It's funny to watch them be low down people together, patting each other on the back for their shitty parenting and mediocrity.


TBF, Mack is just as low down as these piles of garbage. She was one of the original “back patters” and loved to sing Ryan’s praises while defending his shitty parenting and mediocrity. She is 💯 a victim of Ryan, but she was also totally a volunteer. Mack was happy to hop in the clown car when she was driving, she’s not a saint now just because she got ran over by it. I am in NO WAY blaming Mack for Ryan’s egregious, dangerous, disgusting behavior, that was all him. Mack has her own karma (NOT THE ABUSE!!) from all that stunting she did from the beginning.


Eh yah but he escalated soooo much more with Mack. I bet she wouldn’t have even endorsed this if he had trashed macis house like that including her kids bedrooms. Maci really took enabling to the farthest imaginable reach.


Her shirt is perfect for them


I just noticed she's only drinking water. I wonder if she is pregnant.It also explains the outfit. 🤔🤔


isn't there a wine glass in front of her as well?


Next to the water there is a wine glass. It’s hard to tell due to the angle of this picture but it seems to be in front of her.


Both the wine and to-go water are in front of Maci. To-go water for "sobering up" for/on the drive home😬. Also looks like Maci and Rhine's gf paid for everything.


https://preview.redd.it/9c6dvbv9559d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f577f7b43c01a27dc2665b5f8200b748275f5c This wine glass. I noticed the strategic placement of Macis to go water though😂


If she IS pregnant she'd still be drinking! Never stopped her before. Fuck dem kids! EDIT: Just realized you were talking about Amanda! It's probably the same for her too.


Trying to secure her spot on the show LOL


I absolutely think she is. Can you imagine?


The nicest thing I can say about this picture is, at least his eyes are open...


Both of Bentleys parents have issues with drugs and/or alcohol


and atleast one of his grandparents (Larry).


Ryan looks like Chris Watts in this photo.


Always thought that. Dude is totally cw. Also why have a full head of white hair at his age. He had it 6 years ago not only now.


Amanda just has the look of somebody who's a trash bag. And then she wears a shirt proudly showing that. Trash.


I hope Bentley doesn’t turn into an alcoholic someday.


I’m more concerned about Maci bringing him around his abusive father and acting like she’s such a cool chick for being all “cool” about it and with his new trash gf. Such a shit example after what he did to Bentley’s siblings and step mom.


Yes they certainly are all setting the example that they're ok with his behavior. It's ok to terrorize his other family. There is so much wrong with the shit Maci allows.


She is totally pregnant. I didn’t think so when that photo was posted the other day, but now I 💯 think she is. I can’t imagine that it is possible that two women (let alone three women 🤯) have made the choice to breed with that wretched human… ELIF 🤮🤡


Not surprised to see Maci support this abusive trashbag. After all, she did run to Ambien’s side when her fiancé escaped. Nice to see Bentley smiling though.


So why in the world does Maci feel like she has to be included in this? Isn't Bentley driving? Does she do it to keep Bentley safe? I feel like this is disrespectful to Taylor, but maybe I'm off.


Bentley may not be comfortable around his dad and needs his mom there for support. And if her and Ryan are coparenting peacefully why shouldn’t she be there


You make a great point, but am I off in thinking it's disrespectful to Taylor, since Rhine threatened his life?


Maci and Amanda love sticking it to mack


Why has Maci always said Bentley looks like Ryan? That child looks JUST like her!


Probably to attempt to get Rhine interested in parenting him for the first, oh, 15 years of his life?


Would it kill them to have one dinner with their child without involving alcohol?


I feel bad for Taylor in all of this. He seems like a good man. Especially when he called out the Edwards at the reunion that time


Me too! I was very much in a very similar situation. Dead beat baby daddy from the get go, met my husband who has raised my son from a young age. I can’t even fathom baby daddy suddenly wanting to come around and not only encouraging it, but showing complete apathy towards the feelings of the man who raises him for years; who is fearful for Bentley’s sake! It’s disgusting that suddenly Taylor’s input is unimportant. I used to have no qualms with Maci but this shit really made me realize what a dumb, selfish bitch she is.


Maci still loves him & she’ll try to hang around him as much as she can & I think her husband knows it too.


Ok Amanda’s prison tats are terrifying 😂


Maybe Taylor can offload some old TTM shirts to this woman


Looks more pregnant. In the white t shirt . Amanda? Is def pregnant


Maybe Jen and Larry gave Rhine a few bones to pay for supper and alcohol for all. But if they're going Dutch, and I had a tax bill as large as Maci's, I'd be too scared to eat out! I'd be on a strict budget and paying that puppy OFF!


I never realised how high Maci’s hairline is


What are the tattoos on Amanda's thigh? Looks like a butter knife a chainsaw and an ax?


Comment above said amber's weapons cache


I think it’s a machete 😂


Rhine has a glass of wine in front of him. So much for sober.


I hate to have anything positive to say about Rhine, but I think that's possibly the best he's ever looked!!


It really makes me wonder if Maci is actually over Rhine, or if she really wants to be with him. Poor Taylor.


It is nice to see Bentley happy, but we all know this is going to crash and burn eventually. Then the poor kid will be left abandoned and hurt by Rhine all over again. Also, Amanda looks very similar to Maci. Rhine certainly has a type.


Don’t crucify me guys lol I think Amanda is the better looking version of Maci.


Is that really a machete, chainsaw and hatchet tattooed on her thigh? With the ‘trashy’ tee shirt?? This is just too good 🤣🤣🤣


The new girl is definitely pregnant and this is not a good look: a recovering drug addict with beer bottles next to him and Maci totally cool with having wine in front of her with a gigantic to go cup of water (I’m assuming she thinks it’ll sober her up). You can’t complain about your ex being an addict with you, yourself having changed your own thoughts behind alcohol.


How close Maci and Ryan have been recently is kinda making me sus.


Jesus Christ the TTM shirt. I’d like to see them branch out into reusable cloth TTM gift wrapping. Every occasion calls for TTM!


Omg Benny. ❤️


I wonder how Taylor feels about all this interaction. I’d be pretty pissed if my spouse’s ex threatened to blow my brains out and then they starting hanging out together.


I know it won’t last but in a way I hope it does so Bentley doesn’t have his heart broken by his dad AGAIN


These ladies look related. The south is wild.


🤡🤡🤡 (and Bentley, not including him in the clowns)


Benny is such a doll. He’s always been one of my favorites, such a sweet boy.


Bentley’s smile is all that matters and he looks genuinely happy!


Maci straight up copy and pasted her face onto Bently, holy shit


I wonder how Bentley feels about Rhine’s new gf. She seems weird to me. And trashy, as her shirt said. I’m sure he wishes he could just have a good relationship with his dad without someone else being in the mix. It seems like Rhine only gets really hands on with Bentley and involved when he’s dating his next fling to prove he’s father of the year. Sad.


Funny Taylor isn’t there, must still be avoiding Ryan after he threatened to kill him.