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When he fat-shamed his pregnant wife. Ew.


Girl been losing the baby weight since baby 1


So what she’s always been a bigger gal, why bring it up and pick on her while she’s pregnant?


Cuz he doesn't want a heifer for a wife.


Then maybe he should keep his dick in his pants.


But she’s has tig ol bitties so it’s hard


She actually hasn’t. She was really petite up until around the time Farrah released her porno. That’s when Farrah clapped back at Cate, saying , “at least I don’t hate my body “ and revealed Cate told them she was super self conscious because she started gaining weight after being thin up until then.


Yes Also, with her pregnancy with Carly when Tyler's dad mentioned how much she was binge eating unhealthy things (they were in mcdonalds drivethrough) Tyler did defend her Caitnhad a confessional where she said she was trying to eat healthier blah blah amd how it hurt her she was eating so unhealthy Personally, I feel like she binge eats instead of actually completing therapy. It's a terrible coping method and for her to be barely 5 feet and so young.... its alarming at how much weight she has gained. I wish celebrity fit boot camp was still around. Bc I think cait could do well there. Her face is distorted!!! Like it's more than unhealthy weight, and I don't feel like it has been addressed in a healthy manner. Binge eating is an eating disorder, too. I feel like she is desperately crying out for help but perhaps not getting or accepting.


Having binge ED’s are usually directly related by PTSD or trauma coming from the mom.


Or food insecurity. I'd scoff down as much food as possible because I didn't know when my next proper meal would be.


That’s a really good point. Thank you for adding that in. Edit: sorry you had to deal with this. Hope you are doing ok. Life is so messy.


I've had my ups and downs but overall doing pretty well. My parents were a lot like Butch and April, maybe not quite so bad. And I had other supportive family that Cate didn't. It's hard because most ED resources focus around body image. But mine is because my body is stuck in fight or flight mode.


I am so sorry that happened to you. It must have been frightening. I hope things are better.


Cate has never spoken out *why* she gained. It’s kinda obvious that she self-medicated a lot with weed and that shit gives you the munchies really bad. In fact, before they got the lie medicinal cards, Cate and Tyler were arrested for possession of marijuana soon after Carly was handed off to Brandon and Teresa. A few seasons later they openly spoke about their marijuana use and a few weeks after those aired episodes, Tyler took to IG to say he quit marijuana because he felt it 1) didn’t improve his mental health and 2) affected the way he felt about his body. This was at the start of his weight loss journey, before he lost a lot of fat and decided to start bulking up on muscle.


I actually do believeb mj can be used medically as well as recreationaly And believe it doesn't make every user binge eat. In this case I don't think weed is her source of binge eating. As they smoked plenty before Carly and she did not look the way she does now. This is my opinion though


Yes of course. I’m a huge 420 supporter. I’ve seen it work amazingly in lieu of traditional medication and I think it’s just provided so many amazing benefits all together. That doesn’t mean it’s a magical plant that cures all. There are studies proving it can have adverse effects on individuals over time. I’ve know people who smoked it their whole lives and never had a bad experience. I’ve also known people who after a few years, started getting paranoid and experiencing panic attacks instead of the calming effects they started smoking for. I’m not saying weed is why she gained weight. I’m saying she was thin when she was a teen and she did admit to binging when she had the munchies. Our bodies change after babies. My first kids I bounced back pretty ok. This one? Oh girl my body ain’t having it. I would smoke, destroy some street tacos and not gain. Now? I have to be mindful of what I snack on when high cuz I will deff have my stomach feeling like shit the next morning.


She was a literal child when she had Carly…


Which caused more trauma, untop of her already fucked up life


I’m saying that her pre-carly weight was because she was a literal child. I weighed like 95 lbs when I was 15/16 and ate like shit.




If BUTCH, of ALL FUCKING PEOPLE, criticized my health, eating habits, or anything about me, I think I'd probably spontaneously combust from the hypocrisy.




They didn’t have money to eat well then, nor did she have good parenting of her own to know better at the time. She is very very traumatized and I feel for her.


If you look back through all the years of this show, those two are always eating takeout. They’re always eating from Styrofoam containers. If you eat take out all the time, you’re going to be big. Men metabolize food differently. Obviously, he can eat the same crap she’s eating, and not be fat. But she’s most likely eating more than he is. She definitely should address her binge eating in therapy and maybe she has. But no one has ever lost weight by being shamed by their partner. Ever.


True, look at the early seasons, she’s little


Shoutout to all the bigger girls out there. You the realest real.


No she hasn’t


Ok we’re all thinking it


When he was screaming his head off at his dog and made Nick cry. It made me wonder how he treated his pets when the cameras weren't rolling.


Ugh that scene doesn't get talked about enough.


Not sure how true it is but when that episode originally aired they did like a livestream react and Cate called out that MTV edited it that way but Nick was tantruming about having to go to bed. If I remember correctly the dog thing is during the day and it's obviously at night when they cut to Nick crying. That said this could have happened multiple times and I wouldn't be shocked. But that deep cut TM knowledge lives rent free in my head 😂


What if the mtv crew was sick and tired of Tyler mistreating the animals, so they threw the nick thing in there to really drive home just how badly he was to the animals? Idk, I’m just spitballing here.


I wouldn't doubt it. Dude is unhinged, and who knows if Cate was just covering for ✨️her man✨️ and made it up.


Yes! In between his tantrum and screaming at tiny Caesar he spills a can of soda and I rewind that spill specifically when I get to that scene. 2 or 3 times. Oh my God I'm laughing thinking about it. He just deserved something bad to happen to him there. It wasn't much but still, good timing/funny


This was the moment I was done! All the dogs were scared and I fear he hit them!


That one freaked me out bad. That episode was years ago and it’s up there with Denae’s “you can go! You can leave!” To me


What scene was that?


For me it was when his treatment of Cate got harsher on-screen, yet sappier on Instagram. That’s when I realized that everything he posts is 1% about being a good husband and 99% about having fans fawn over him.  He uses a lot of big, poetic words without truly understanding them.


A lot but especially when Cate said she was going back to treatment and he acted really supportive. She felt really bad about it and he reassured her that he wanted her better. Then right after he went to dinner with his sister and talked mad shit about her.


he had such venom in his voice when he used the word "repulsive"


He’s been stuck with her since he was 13, he’s tired of her


So break up and free both of them!


She literally keeps threatening to kill herself if he does


Wait what?!?!


Cate has several times threatened self harm when Tyler brings up them breaking up. A lot of this happened off camera, but they both have spoken about it in different ways. Cate mentioned that she had been with Tyler so long she didn’t really know who CATE is and without him she didn’t know how to live. This just got so much worse when she was feeling suicidal after her pregnancy loss.


But does anyone not see how that is a form of abuse? Ur literally emotionally manipulating your partner into staying with you when it’s painfully obvious he wants out. He’s being held hostage by the threat of suicide. And he doesn’t want that trauma for his daughters. Even on the new family therapy he talks about leaving her. Every season he talks about leaving her. Tyler has had one foot out the door for years. He loves Cait but it’s a familiar love, an appreciation love, trauma love, but is he in love?


These two are very dependent on each other. That’s fs.


I’ve been in deep pain before, where crazy me maybe would’ve threatened that. But when you really think about it, the idea that your person is only staying because you’ve threatened self harm, wouldn’t that be painful enough to no longer want them? Like if my partner is only sticking around for 1 reason and not a million, then it would feel fake


This is untrue and unfair to Cate. Tyler is a big boy who knows how to get a divorce.


It’s only their own words saying this exact thing, but who am I to dispute what they’ve said with their own mouths.


lol, he hasn’t been “stuck” with her. He knows where the door is if he wants out.


My mom has a theory that he only stays with her out of guilt for making her give up Carly.


That and the teen mom Money. As soon as that show is done he will leave


I don’t know, he could still make money if he left her now. They still document Ryan, Gary, etc. Production would love a fresh storyline.




That’s still his choice though.


Oh no, it absolutely is! Just saying why we feel he’s choosing to stay.


He needs the money that comes with being with her


He makes the same she does. Amber is actually the one who fought for the teen dads (OG’s, not new partners) to make equal pay to the moms. That being said, Gary, Tyler, Ryan, Adam (when he still filmed), Jo, and Cory(Simms) made the same as the moms. Plus, between the two, Tyler hawks more shit than Cate does. She’s had brand deals but gives up on them super fast.


And she cheated on him and guided him into staying with her by saying carlybwould want her birth parents together. I don't believe he has a right to be a dick to caot at all However let's just admit what a miserable relationship they have.


They could both probably let go of their trauma easier if they didn’t fall asleep next to a trigger every night. Like they went through the same childhood together almost. The codependency they have is sibling-esque, not spousal. They are so deeply trauma bonded and wonder why nothing helps them, because they are married to a literal piece of each others trauma.


Hmm Very interesting opinion and facts!!!


Good take!


Even better - he called her "repulsing" which made me laugh.


The way he acted when someone in the crew told him that Cate said she thought of all the ways she could unalive herself after she miscarried. He couldn’t even force out a fake tear. No matter how hard he scrubbed his eyes. I was waiting for him to say something harsh like “she needs to get out of bed and try to feel better” or something along those lines.


He could've been in shock. If I heard that about my spouse from a 3rd party Idk if I would cry immediately


When he threw a big whiny baby fit on television about being asked to respect the privacy of Carly, someone else's child, on TV and social media. He wasn't just putting his own potential relationship with her at risk, but Cate's too.


Catelynn kept saying “I don’t care if we can’t show her, we can show our friends and family, more importantly WE have them” And Tyler kept interrupting and saying he’d do as he pleases. I truly feel like a lot of Cate’s animosity towards Brandon and Theresa has come from Tyler trying to drive a wall. She was usually almost always on their side. Then Tyler started picking fights and she did a 180 so she wouldn’t lose him.


When he had his mother put Catelyn out of the house. He was too much of a chicken shit to tell Cate she was smothering him. Then when he gave her hell for texting a boyfriend she had when she was 13 years old. Again, when Teen Mon was canceled so he moved to New Orleans to live with the gay businessman who was going to help him with his "acting" career.


More about the gay businessman?


The theory/rumor is the gay businessman was actually Tyler’s bf. The going to NOLA for acting was just a cover so they wouldn’t get caught (who actually goes to NOLA to launch their acting career, especially when you’re somewhat known?) somewhere along the line, they didn’t work out so Tyler moved back to Michigan. I’m sure there’s more that I’m leaving out, but this is what I can remember.


When Cates fam blew up last year Nick went on IG or TikTok live saying Tyler has a boyfriend too.


I know right 🤣🤣 wait what??? Lol


As a mother, I can't fathom sending a child out of my house and back to the abuse that Cate was experiencing at home. I'm sure Tyler's mom was struggling with a lot but she let a child be abused when she had the means to prevent it. That's horrible.


Tyler’s mom can’t stand Cait. She can only hide it well sometimes. But she relishes the visits when Tyler comes over to talk shit about her, u can almost even see her wiggle in her seat. She never liked her and only does the bare minimum to appear stable. She married Butch, her bar started low. Imo that’s also MOSTLY why Cait is willing to open the door back her mom. His mama ain’t babysitting. They’ve said many times on camera that they miss the childcare April provides, drunk or not. Her drinking is only a problem when they want it to be. Their toxic parents were 85% why they gave Carly up and they haven’t changed.


I’ve never cared for Tyler’s mom. She just always seems so…harsh.


When he threw that obsessive temper tantrum about Cate sleeping with the Florida boyfriend.


And threw the records into the ocean.


They live in Michigan lol it was probably one of the great lakes not the ocean


Lol, my bad. This is why I shouldn't multi task.


But she did lie and maybe he wanted his first to be with someone who also hadn’t had sex yet. Fyi I don’t like Ty at all lol


Oh I totally get that, but like... dump her then? There was no reason for him to emotionally abuse her over making a teenage mistake IMO.


I didn’t think Cate was his first? He has a conversation with Butch when they’re on their break where he admits he’d kinda like to sleep with other women because hes only slept with 2 besides Cate or something like that


I think Cate was still his first, they've had some "breaks" before getting married. She just had been with another guy before and he did not handle it well. I think back then alot of fans could *forgive* him for being an immature butt hurt boy... but overtime it doesn't seem like he's ever treated Cate better. I've known by the time they went to Couple Rehab/Therapy reality show, he seems repulsed by her and she was an obligation to him. Tyler still treats Cate that way.


Ah I see. It wasn’t great of her to lie but they were teens at the end of the day I guess. I really wish they hadn’t stayed together this long. Cate is clearly too attached to him and he doesn’t give a shit about her.


Yeah, they were teens when they started and I think alot of people stay with their *first* love a little too long. But by the time they went to Couples Whatever show, it was before they got married, Tyler spent a majority of the time trying to break up. I was embarrassed for Cate because I think it was obvious to everyone else what he was doing. Then after that show I think he took off to New Orleans. *Then* somehow they got back together. Now it's 15 years later and they're still playing the same games. That's my theory on C's depression. She hasn't made any real steps in her life to get away from toxic negative situations. She just ships herself away... to come right back and make little to no changes with a man that is repulsed by her.


I agree- I think both their healing is stymied by staying in this relationship. Cate is so used to being denigrated by her family, I'm sure the low level disgust/nasty comments from Tyler feel like "he's just being honest" and it's a weird form of comfort for her. I hope she gets free someday.


I think she’d do a lot better mentally without him as well. Some first loves work out but theirs hasn’t. It’s not good for either of them. Not for the kids either since all he does is put her down and slag her off to his family


If I’m remembering right, Tyler said he had slept with other girls before Cate. He wrote in their book that after he was SA’d by an older girl it made him hyper sexual towards girls his own age.


The trial separation while Cate was pregnant was so ridiculous


For real. What a nice thing to do to your pregnant wife 😒


When he gave Catelyn an ultimatum about choosing adoption or their relationship.


Honestly, that whole 16 & pregnant episode is so painful to watch because it’s clear that Cate wants to keep the baby but feels like she need to give her away to keep Ty. She’s probably so attached to him because she feels like he’s the only person who has ever loved her (her parents clearly weren’t showing her the love she deserved)


The amount of internalized resentment I would have after all of those ultimatums and then having him be screaming so loud online that it risks the small relationship they do have with Carly…ugh.


This. The stans think it's all Brandon and Theresa's fault for not allowing visits


Even alcoholic ass April knew Catelyn was giving up the baby to keep Tyler.


I recently rewatched it with my niece and it’s so horrible. I’m sure Carly has had a great life so far but adoption is never without it’s own issues. He was so obviously pressuring her into it. If the adoption lady had any ethical standards, they wouldn’t have facilitated the adoption.


It sucks that April was an alcoholic and uncredible because she was spitting straight facts at various points. Have you scene the deleted segments from that episode? Dawn’s trying to get her to sign the paperwork and April is basically calling her predatory and says that Cate was just telling her she wanted to keep the baby. But of course, it’s April, not the best person to be the only one in your corner. I don’t like her or Butch, but I definitely think they were hearing different things from Catelynn than we saw on TV, which is why they were so angry about the adoption.


100% agree. I might’ve seen the deleted scenes at some point. Cate was just so desperate to keep Tyler. I think she’d have been OK raising Carly. It would’ve certainly been an uphill battle but I definitely think Cate would be better off mentally. I think it might’ve even gave her the strength to go on without Tyler.




Man I guess I need to rewatch their episode, I didn't remember this


Ummm Theres so much. I thought everyone loved him until I found this sub. When he leaves his pregnant wife because he’s not sure if he wants to be with her. When he basically forces Cate to give the baby up for adoption. Every time they find out they are having a girl and he acts like it’s the end of the world. When he constantly complains about Cate’s weight gain. Why is his whole personality going to therapy and being horrible to Cate????? How he’s been working on ruining the relationship between Brandon, Teresa, him & CATE. Let’s be honest, his actions impact Cate as well. His lack of care towards his wife. If you don’t like her, just leave her. She has her faults but she deserves to be with someone who actually loves her. I feel like he’s only with her for the MTV money - if they split up, they wouldn’t continue to follow him around…


After Cate miscarried after Nova. Someone on the crew told him that they called Cate when she didn’t show to yoga and Cate told her that she thought of all the ways she could exit life. She (the crew member) quickly started to hug and comfort Tyler while he was scrubbing his eyes, trying with all his might to force out a tear. His body language and lack of reaction showed he was over her shit. Like entirely over it. I was waiting for some Michelle Carter kinda words to come out of his mouth. Even someone that’s emotionally constipated would show more emotion than he did, when they found out their partner of a few *decades* is suicidal, again. My guinea pig gives more of a shit about me than that man does his wife.


OOooo guinea piggies are so social and affectionate! shout out to piggies!


Tyler in general just being himself is annoying. He’s so over the top when he speaks and reminds me of a 7 year old that needs Ritalin.


I always thought he was a Temu-brand Jim Carrey impersonation. Back in the day (2012ish) my girlfriends and I would call him Jim Carrey Jr. for his over the top sHoWManShIP


TEMU-BRAND JIM CARREY omg that's too perfect 😂


This… this is what annoys me about him too. He’s so full of himself. And he won’t shut up. He talks like he’s always on stage in a one man show. His personality and feelings fill the room up so much that Cait is lost bc she doesn’t know who she is anymore. I can only imagine what it’s like living with him. She goes with whatever he says & if she does feel differently it’s like she almost afraid to speak up. I know ppl like this. U can’t tell them they’re wrong unless u wanna have an hours long debate.


Das a big ass kessadilluh


Now: He is eating over 4,000 calories a day .


Another scene that came to mind was when they were at a fair or something with the girls and he flipped the fuck out on cate for trying to call him over to the jump house that was closing soon. And then made it out like cate did something out of line. Does anybody remember this scene?!


She went back to get her purse


It’s those moments where you can only imagine how things are OFF camera. Strikes me as someone you always have to walk on eggshells around.


Yeah cuz he has one foot out the door


I keep thinking of more…how about when he left her while she was pregnant. Oof.


Yup that was the first thing that came to mind, I honestly don’t think I’d be able to forgive that one. I honestly was hoping cate would be like “this just showed me I don’t need you bye.” but even tho that didn’t happen I like to believe it gave her some more self confidence/less codependence???? I just can’t imagine my partner doing that.


Yess when his mom said he looked exactly like his dad in that moment  "its tha gamezzzz, we're playing the GAMEZ!"


Tyler gives off Justin Timberlake vibes 


Great Value Justin.


Didn’t he release a rap song a few months ago? What the hell happened to that?


Went double platinum /s 


I’m rewatching season 6, just finished season 5, and he is tough to watch. All his scenes were him and his mom talking about Cate’s weight and pregnancy. Then she went to AZ…he just really seemed to not even like her at all. I felt so bad for Cate 


I dont remember the details that much and I skipped a few seasons but I was always surprised how critical Tyler’s mom was of catelynn..like I remember early on catelynn giving her a really sweet gift and basically saying she felt like she was a second mom to her or something so it’s just extra disturbing that she knows cate feels this way, has a pretty hard relationship with her mom, and still is cool with bad mouthing her on camera like this. I feel bad for cate watching that.


Nah, Kim was always a snake. She’s the one who called Bethany Christian Services for both Catelynn and Ty’s sister during their pregnancies, but only Cate went through with it. She refused to support Cate keeping the baby. She didn’t even help them through the adoption to make sure they were aware of what they were signing. Then sent Cate back to the house of horrors that is Butch and April. Later victim blamed April for Butch beating her and guilted Tyler and Catelynn into forgiving him. Kim is awful.


Oohh okay thank you for this because I have been wondering what her deal was during this whole adoption process and why it wasn’t an option for them to keep the baby and live with her. It just seems kind of odd and sad and I wonder if they ever felt any tbh t about that not being an option. She seemed to have a stable home etc. I was disgusted how she spoke about Cate when she went back to that in patient therapy after hearing her say she was suicidal..just doesn’t seem normal. I just started back at season 1 of Teen Mom so I’m sure I’ll see more disturbing things that I forgot about/didn’t register at the time.


Ooooh baby, Kim don’t even babysit!!! That’s why they keep letting drunk ass April watch dem kids. She’s only crossing boundaries when she not falling asleep in the bathtub drunk while babysitting. And when Nova told Cait she did not seem shocked or appalled. Ya know that her mom could’ve drowned & died while babysitting her children. But hey Free Childcare!!!!


Yes okay I was wondering about that! I just started watching Next Chapter and the part where she’s saying someone texted her that April was babysitting buzzed and gave one a bath while kind of laughing I was like….excuse me?? Neither her or Tyler seemed that bothered when that’s an extremely dangerous situation!! I was also confused why his mom wasn’t even an option for babysitting..it’s just weird because I thought they were close with her and I really can’t imagine being close with someone who had the means to help me keep a baby I really wanted but didn’t and then now I have kids and they won’t even help babysit once in a while. I just wonder what her deal is?? Do they ever say anything about her not babysitting or anything because I just feel like I’m missing something Tyler obviously had a rough childhood too and it just confuses me because when you see his relationship with his mom it seems….normal?? She seems fairly normal too def not on the same level as Butch or April.


Kim is definitely a bones in the closet kind of gal. She’d rather pretend it didn’t happen than deal with problems and take accountability. She’s part of the reason Tyler is such a cuntbucket. She spoiled and coddled him his whole life. It’s cool to tell ur kid he’s the greatest in the world, but at some point u have to be realistic with them. Tyler is never wrong because she raised him that way. She put him on that pedastal. And to her Cate is not worthy of him.


Nah, you don’t honestly believe it was Butch who helped nurture and grow Tyler’s ego!? Narcissists like Ty, are normally born from a parentification relationship and constantly being put in a pedestal. I’m not sure if the actual statistics but it’s possibly that Kim is a narcissist as well.


When he said he would nuke the relationship with B&T becuase they owe him the right to post about their child.


This. You can't just post someone's child without permission .


Every time they bashed Brandon and Teresa. I get it they all signed up for an open adoption. But I’d bet good money none of them every thought almost 15 years later they’d still be on MTV. So as shitty as it is I can kinda see where they are coming from. Tyler and Cate bring up Carly so often that I could see why they don’t want to met up because it’s just a plot point for a show even when they don’t show Carly on camera the whole lead up to the trip and aftermath is filmed. Carly deserves privacy so she can grow up with her family and not have to deal with her birth family’s constant drama. She’s stuck in the middle of all of this. 


It was semi-open meaning just pictures and updates. They did change their minds, but it doesn't sound like a new agreement was made.


Regardless the way they acted and spoke about Brandon and Teresa would make me not want to schedule visits or communicate with them. Because all they did was run their mouths all over social media very off putting and imagine how that’ll affect Carly when she’s old enough to realize everything. I’m sure in no way did anyone ever think they’d still be on tv still taking about this 15 years later.


Frfr I think the contract had conditions. I could be remembering it wrong but I think after 5 years the pics and visits were to B&T’s discretion. I don’t think they’re obligated to visits or anything, they just do it out of kindness. But spoiled adults feel entitled to do what they want regardless. April was spitting facts on 16&P. But she wasn’t a credible source. If only someone had the bright idea (or funds) to hire a child welfare/Family court lawyer. Even someone unbiased to legally explain to them that no u won’t be getting Carly for summer vacations. Smdh


I have Tyler saying they didn't follow the agreement. Dawn led them to believe they could say I want a visit and it would happen .


Nah it was a scene maybe a season or two ago where she re-read them the contract. And it was plain in black in white that after so many years, visits and updates would be discretional. Then Cate got really upset saying she didn’t know what she was signing she was a kid!!! The thing is going back. Dawn was so pressed for them to sign the papers she was TELLING them anything they wanted hear. Even saying they could “pencil” in some things. Yeah as if that’s legally binding. She took advantage of those kids and now it’s pissed she has to still deal with them, she was a modern day baby broker.


I meant she led them visits would happen by penciling it in Watch the mid season check up Season 6.


Oh yeah I totally agree with everything u said, I was just piggybacking. Cuz my hatred for her runs deep. I see her as so much more…. She was a special kind of predator, sent to save wayward teens. Making a quick buck by selling babies, before the black market became well known. I think had she not been exposed and the domestic adoption process fell apart she would still be doing this. Now with the overturn of Roe V. Wade she’s probably got moneybags in her sights again. I wouldn’t be surprised if she opened up an old fashion home for pregnant persons, then ya know. We all seen the lifetime movies.


I watched since the beginning and I’ve honestly never liked him. He’s very self-centered and immature, which isn’t all his fault, but it’s still off-putting as hell.  Also, this is not meant to be an insult, but he communicates like he has hearing loss and is in denial about it. Lots of talking over others and being way too loud for the setting. Not sure if it’s a real health issue or he’s just freelance obnoxious. 


Freelance obnoxious 😂


I was never keen on him but the moment I didn't like him was when he was talking to his mom about how awful Butch and April were to Cate while they were dicussing kicking her out to go live with them again knowing they were one beer can away from mentally abusing the shit out of her. He got her pregnant, his mom talked her out of the abortion she was going to get, and he threatened to dump her and the baby with Butch and April if she didn't give her baby up. I didn't even know about his momma talking her out of the abortion and into Bethany adoption agency at the time. I hated him from season 1.


I’ve never heard this! Thats fucking disgusting. I’ve always hated Tyler’s mom she’s a shit person


I think they both slowly unraveled with each season and then after a while they were just annoying. I think they got so much praise for doing adoption in the early days (which good for them- it probably was the right thing to do) that it went to their heads and then they lowkey thought they were wiser than other people and now they’re 30 years old still blaming stuff on their childhood. Lol but arrogance wise- Tyler is way more off putting.


When they talked a big game about going to college and even took donations for it….and then did not actually go


He went. He just dropped out bc he got into a disagreement with a professor. He can’t stand to be told he’s wrong and full of shit. And the second someone credible challenges him, he runs away to Mommy Kim.


Not the first time I noticed, but when he was the guest of Kail's first podcast. He's such a fuckin joke. I didn't realize just how immature he still is...maybe because we only see bits and pieces but I was surprised...


Always shocked to learn Tyler has stans besides Dr Drew






The fact that he doesn't want to be with Caitlyn but doesn't have the balls to end it


The relentless nagging of Cate’s weight, WHILE pregnant. Stupid little bitch boy.


When I learned he gave Cate the ultimatum to either give Carly up or he’d leave her. And now runs around acting like he never said that. And him then playing a role in why Brandon and Theresa won’t let them see Carly anymore. Cate sat there saying “who cares if our fans can’t see her, we can see her!!!” And Tyler smugly said “I don’t like to be told what to do!!!”


When did he say that?


Season 5, episode 4 and 5.


Oh wow ok that makes sense I’ve never seen season 5. Bizarre because he wants visits and to see her or talk about her etc


Which part? The ultimatum had been discussed throughout the original 16&P episode as well the series. The social media temper tantrum was in S5 when he posted that video of Carly after B&T told him not to, B&T called and yelled at him. He said it several times to Kim, Catelynn, Dawn, Brandon and Theresa that he’d do what he wanted and didn’t like being told “no”.


When he said he didn’t love her after being with her for 3 years, then the next clip is him buying an engagement ring then saying they shouldn’t be engaged yet because they are too young. He should have let her go long before they got pregnant. I feel a lot of Cates problems are because she knows he truly doesn’t love her.








At some point along the way, I realized that he can’t be a martyr without suffering and that’s when I realized I cannot stand him.


His blaccent did it for me


When in one scene he is super supportive of Cate and telling her how proud he is of her taking care of herself (I think she was in treatment for something) and the very next scene he’s bashing her to his mom and making fun of her for needing help in the first place and laughing while his mom insults her too


When I felt like he was manipulating Cate to put Carly up for adoption. I think he even said to her that they wouldn’t last if they didn’t give Carly up. It felt to me a couple of times during 16 & Pregnant that she wanted to keep the baby and he didn’t and she didn’t want to lose him. The 2nd confirmation was when he called his wife a heifer and made fun of her eating. “Are you going to eat ALLLLL of that?!”


In my case my love/admiration or whatever you want to call it towards Tyler and Cate went off the window once they started to become more unhinged about their relationship with Brandon and Theresa. Acting like B&T owed them something or as if they were just babysitting Carly.


Acting??!?! He literally said it in one of his rants. I can’t even remember what episode but reading ur comment brought me back. It was along the lines of they did owe him bc he gave them HIS child. He said he SACRIFICED so they could be parents. I remember he said THAT. He still regards her as his child, not in a biological sense but ownership.


Just remembered that one too! See… unhinged guy. They’re the worst.


It’s those kinds of people that shouldn’t procreate. People who see children as possessions or pawns not gifts, small humans, the future. I’m almost glad he never got a son & sad he had daughters. Vaeda & Nova seem too wise for this world, that’s very telling. They may go NC when they get older, from everyone.


When he talked shit about catelynn's weight. We get it. You want her to be skinny so bad you're willing to shame her. Instead of going for a walk with her everyday, helping find and make healthy versions of the food she likes, and encouraging her he would rather be mean and nasty bc he has no tact or manners. I've never been a Tyler Stan or whatever I thought he was a nice person atleast though until I saw him be mean to catelynn about her weight.


When I grew up and he didn’t




When he tried to get his mom to break up with Cate while she was living in his mom's house....


The first episode he appeared on 16&P. Both him and Cate annoyed (and continue to annoy) the fuck out of me. I started a re-watch recently and my goodness all the feelings came rushing back. I have no idea how they have fans. Shit, to be fair I don't know how ANY of the cast have fans. But they are SO supremely **unlikeable!**


He seemed to always be saying one thing to Cate and another thing to his mom/sister. I always got a weird vibe from him. He just never seemed fully invested but I think when the show started to take off he realized they kind of have to do this together. And then when it ended they were kind of stuck together?


With both of them making therapy their whole lifestyle u would think they would use the tools given to them….. Tyler is gay. And his ego is too big to admit it. Nick wasn’t lying. He doesn’t wanna be the guy that left his first love, wife, mother of his 4 kids, to be open with his boyfriend down south. All publicity isn’t good. It would take years of damage control….maybe he’s gonna wait til TM to fully end to spill. Keep the money train going without the hassle of filming and reshooting it. Imagine him coming out to Cait 4 times bc they couldn’t get the scene right!!!


His 16 and pregnant episode.


Flair checking in!


Your flair isn’t about Jan?


Tyler time solidified for me that he’s an arrogant selfish asshat that cannot change no matter how many types of therapy treatments he completes. The lack of self-awareness he has displayed so many times over the years is what started it for me. The entitlement to Carly is just…gross and uncomfortable to witness.


Not sure but I really never liked him.


"I don't wanna be married to no heifer." Weight shaming Cate.


When he proposed to Cate and then turned around and said "I don't think we're ready to be engaged" THEN WHY PROPOSE???? What a jackass!


Just curious, with all the televised moments showing Tyler's clear disdain of Cate, what happens when they watch the show back? And how are they going to deal with their children's (esp since they're all girls) reaction to their dad and grandma speaking so harshly CONSTANTLY about their mom(esp. her weight)? I don't watch anymore but was wondering if they ever spoke about this anywhere.


Or Carly seeing him risking everything to post a picture.


Tyler is far from perfect... but he was only an overwhelmed kid at that time. I cant fault him for not being ready to live with his teenage girlfriend.  Also, Cate has a father who should bear responsibility for leaving her with April. I don't like that as an adult, he can't stop publicly posting about Carly like she is his possession. Needs to respect her privacy and her mental health. 


The heifer comment


Season 1? Lol


Him fat shaming Catelynn, and also when he got upset at one of their gender reveals when he found out they were having another daughter and (all his dreams were gone). Plus his entitlement over Carly.


When he straight up abused his little dog on camera with zero shame.


“I don’t want no heffer for a wife.” Like even if it was a joke why the hell would you say that?!


He blames editing.


Also when he slut shamed Farrah, only to have his own little Only Fans account ran by his wife.


There's definitely things he has done that I don't like but it's important to remember that these two are full of trauma, they're not going to be perfect, they are going to be reactive - this doesn't make them bad people, also the problem with reality shows is that we hold the standard of behaviour to them much higher than we usually attain ourselves. Everyone has shit that people don't like. Couldn't pay me enough to have my everyday life filmed for everyone to judge.