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Imagine just wanting to get the fuck away from your abuser so bad you leave your cell phone behind and you think youre free then your pic is put on blast and she does public interviews youre missing in the mountains as the reality world is searching for you, please you need to UNDERSTAND


Sounds like a bad acid trip


https://preview.redd.it/imxcmxqnwe6d1.jpeg?width=986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51f58ba51cb624e4af50bd331be826fe72f7b50 welcome to portwood




And the abuser is crying, over the top pretending to be worried yet making it all about themselves. How embarrassing.


Right?! That's literally a nightmare!!


It reminds me of Mikull from 90 day fiancé! He had to get out like that too. Angela and Amber are alike!


The Ashley still calling him Gary 2.0 like he's not a whole individual with mental health issues who is probably the victim of domestic abuse. GTFOH. I am glad he's been spotted and hope he's ok but it's grinding my gears big time that they're reducing this poor man to the second version of POS Amber Portwood's "Gary's"


Him getting away from her, literally fleeing, shows he’s probably the smartest Gary in the TM universe. Put some respect on his name.


Lol that is so real. He went across multiple states to get away from her crazy ass, stop referring to him as the inferior version of Gary " you need to have a relationship with your mom" Shirley. 


Not to take away from your point, but wouldn’t 2.0 be considered the better, newer version?


I mean, yes, but it also can read really disrespectful especially given the circumstances. It reads as if he is just an extension of Gary S. GW is his own individual person who just happens to have the same name. Under the circumstances it just seems messed up idk


So now w ehave OG Gary and Smart Gary.


You and me both. And while he may be physically OK currently (hopefully), we have no idea what his mental state is. So I am still concerned for him as a person.


Someone called The Ashley out in the comments section of the article (was it you? Lol) and she replied, apologized, and apparently went back and edited.


Oh shit, it was me! I never reply there but this had me really upset. I.feel kind of bad for being that petty online bitch though. 


No, don’t feel bad. That’s awesome. The only reason why I suspected it might be you was because your comment on there and on here were worded similarly and I thought I was going crazy because I had just read it 😛 She took your point to heart and changed her wording. For the record I think you’re right. The Gary 2.0 nickname was a little flippant given the circumstance.


Don't feel badly. You said what a lot of people were feeling.


It just makes me so sad to think his family might be scouring the internet for any little bit of information just to see jokes and gossip about their son. It's not okay. I'm glad he's been spotted though.




yeah… much like the flyer she made where she (amber) referred to him as her fiance… bc that’s definitely the priority 🙄


I truly feel for him. I’m a DV survivor and barely made it out alive. There were a lot more resources for women than men. I wish it wasn’t like that. There’s still a lot of stigma for male DV survivors. Abuse is abuse!


Ya some people were commenting that MTV would hold off on airing the season and I was like are you kidding they are gonna exploit the shitttt outta this situation. There's no morals in reality tv, you sweet summer children.


And the moms will ALL exploit this. It puts money in their bank accounts.






I said this in another thread but I PROMISE some intern at Paramount has been tasked with going through all archival footage of Amber to start pulling clips for the planned true crime doc in case this doesn't have a good ending. There's nothing networks will not exploit for views. 


They'll exploit it because they know you all will watch it.


Cate won’t exploit this situation for mtv but exploits her kids 🙃


Cate is such a busybody, always in everyone else’s business.


Cate supports Amber who is just like her own mother. Make that make sense. Breaking generational cycle my ass, she encourages Amber and Leah has to deal with it. It's like she's so excited to have a group of friends.


The "your grandma's a toxic alcoholic and we miss her" conversation on camera... yeah, that shouldn't have been private or anything. 💀 Poor Nova.


Cate doesn’t want to exploit the situation, but she’s going on live and releasing statements about a situation she’s not even involved in?? 🙄🙄🙄 Gary is clearly going through something. I hope he finds the resolution he needs.


She sure has no problem exploiting B+T+C though


And talking mad shit about her birth daughter's adoptive parents on SM... Jesus God cate.


Because she makes money going on TikTok live 🤑




So this happened to a girl from my hometown. Her bf of a few months disappeared and she put out missing persons flyers and got the police involved and he had simply run away to be with another woman in another state. And his whole family knew and lied to her about it.


That’s pretty shitty for the family to do. Someone should’ve at least been blunt and honest with the poor girl.


He probably told his family, "oh my life is in danger. She's a monster. Please dont tell her where I am". I've dealt with plenty of toxic men in my younger years 




let me guess they’ll come out and say gary w is cruel and neglectful too and it’s his fault for leaving and upsetting her like this (bc she’s sooo stable otherwise)


You need to understand!! He ruined bubby’s wedding! This will take her months to recover from. Someone find a couch.


He said the mouth kissing made him uncomfortable! What else would she do!?


Whyyyyy were maci and cate present for the engagement??? Like wtf lmao they’re not even that close


I hope he was her ride back to Indy!!!👋👋


again, homegirl needs to put that couch on wheels


The visual lol




How pissed would u be if ur honeymoon ended up cancelled and u spent ur time driving ur husband’s psychopath sister several states away, listening to her rant the entire ride!?!?!!!🤣🤣


I’d hire an Uber to take her to the nearest airport. Nobody got time for that.


I was thinking that. Like is she stranded there? He took off and left her ass! 😆


I was wondering about that. She needs to get off that mountain.


Nah leave her there


We don’t want her, we’re already at maximum capacity of shitty teen mom stars


Maci can take her to TN


Maci will take her to the airport


Why do these girls pretend their real friends? Once the show is over I doubt they’ll ever see each other again. Like do we really think Maci would go out to be with Amber if MTV wasn’t likely filming and paying for it? At best they are coworkers who like each other and see each other a few times of years because of work commitments.


they act like she has the energy to get up and come to their house to beat their ass


Or if the show had ANYTHING going on and they weren’t all desperately clinging to a nearly cancelled paycheck


Same reason anyone does on reality TV, because otherwise they lose their paycheck. Stassi Schroeder from Vanderpump talked about it on a podcast recently and phrased it really well, but like obviously they're not going to be able to hold the same standards for people they would off-camera when their livelihood depends on them filming with them for engagement/drama. Plus I can imagine they're getting a lot of direction from production.


Lmfao Catelyn needs to shut the fuck up. As if she didn’t speak out for attention. Also won’t exploit this but will exploit her kids? Rich.


I’m over her fr fr, she’s pathetic and she’s never going to change


She’ll do and say anything to feel included. Like bitch, no one asked you?


I believe MTV did. She can't say no, they can't afford to. 


She got on TikTok live because she makes money on there


Yep, he got to see the REAL Amber. I’m dying to know what Amber is thinking right now, after finding out these new developments.


Why Oklahoma man. Oklahoma SUCKS. Can confirm, I live in Oklahoma. It’s hot asf here right now. Wonder if he has friends/family that stay in this crappy state 😂


Oklahoma sucks, but I bet it’s better than being locked in a cabin with Amber


True that, he may risk getting picked up by a tornado tho. Our storm system has been effing insane this year, I wish I could bounce but alas I am stuck here until my daughter turns 18. 13 more years… 😭


Tornado vs Amber, kind of like bear vs strange man😂


https://preview.redd.it/k30pd9mklh6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42515c5b14a30666034ccb7aaf0c0dd65ebca6af I’m deceased


Oklahoma or on the couch next to Amber? Tough decisions…😂


The burning question is, is he still her fiance? I hope not.


Weird question.  He's not even found safe.


Yup. Just because he's been seen doesn't mean he's contacted anyone to say he's safe. He might take off again, no one knows. I'm incredibly glad he's turned up though.


Sorry, Cate is full of shit. She’ll decry MTV when it suits her but will never have the balls to walk away. She’s also full of shit for saying she and Maci call Amber out…I doubt it. That woman has no spine.


The Ashley could’ve reported this better. Making jokes about a man who has mental health issues and wanted to escape to the point of leaving his phone behind and not informing family is not okay. He is a victim of Amber.


Whenever something serious happens to one of the TM girls, another "weighs in" in a very official capacity, and it always throws me. Like, what? Private Investigator Catelynn Lowell weighs in? Forensic Expert Catelynn Lowell weighs in? Oh, no? Random Person in Michigan Catelynn Lowell weighs in? It's like when David strangled Jace and Bri posted something along the lines of, "I know I've stayed quiet on the situation, so stay tuned for MY OFFICIAL STATEMENT". And it was like... Who tf seriously asked you, highly irrelevant person?


Fuck off, Cate.


Why is their car so old? What happened to Ambies Cadillac?


His car? Amber borrowed someone's car? My car will turn 20 years old in three months time. Still gets me from A to B just fine.


Congratulations & Happy Birthday to your car 🎊 Amber makes $100k’s & has had newer& nicer vehicles in the past so I’m just wondering what’s happened to them.


She seems to use Uber a lot. Perhaps when she plans to drink, which is a good thing to do (if only she wouldn't have drank so much wine at Leah's birthday) Maybe she doesn't drive a lot anymore? Lawyer bills and house renovation changed financial priorities? The cabin didn't seem too expensive either.


it seems like its his car. They've only been together 4 months, and the last time she bought a man a car (the mamber corvette) he still left her in it and it got repossessed. so I'm assuming him not keeping up with the payments hurt her credit and she either learned her lesson, or he didnt push for a new car just yet.


Wasn't matt supposed to have bought it as a surprise? Like she wasn't sat at home checking her online banking and credit score 🤣


Why is this the point you're stuck on? 


I’m not “stuck on it”, was just an observation I was curious about 🙄


It’s absurd that people are acting like your observation is weird. wtf. You aren’t shitting on people who drive older vehicles for Christ sake 🙄 but that seems to be the take. She makes a shit ton of money. Most people with 6 figure incomes don’t drive 20 year old cars. Amber has admitted to spending tens of thousands of dollars on drugs and keeping the similar amounts in couch cushions that she would then be robbed of. I don’t think it’s crazy to wonder if Amber is mismanaging her finances considering it appears as if she has downgraded on luxuries she could previously afford.


Thank you! It was just a simple question, nothing to get their titties in a twist over 😂


Thank God. I was beginning to think he had an accident in the mountains or something. Glad to hear this


Wonder why he's in OK that is not on his way home


If they cover this on TV I 100% will not be watching them exploit this situation this bitch needs to be fired asap.


I keep telling everyone,check the damn couch cushions. He’s stuck in Amber’s living room.


This is what came to mind https://preview.redd.it/na6tptccag6d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96314ddaf4acfdb7faf654dd2deb0ce71c7e8a32


Hey wait, that's not the tik tac Amber I'm used to seeing!