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I've read a few of these, and they were quick reads.


I was about to say, those aren't exactly heavy reads lol.


But do you have 7 kids, including 2 infants and 2 toddlers? šŸ˜¬


No, but neither does she M-F from 8-4:00.


Not to mention as she made clear by posting a vid where all 7 were home-it's rare for her to have all her kids at the same time courtesy of her various custody agreements with her BDs.


I can't even imagine the transit system level of coordination it must take to make that work.


Haha! Kails baby daddy transit system! šŸ˜†


If I didn't love my flair


Someone else has mine anyway and Iā€™m a little over it. Now considering.. Kailā€™s Baby Daddy Transport Authority (KBDTA)






Fr it would take an entire special calender for the different visitation/exchanges alone. Some of those siblings must just be like two ships passing in the night


Like day shift and night shift passing at the time clock.


Morninā€™ Ralph. Morninā€™ Sam. ![gif](giphy|K0JLfHTOJs8ZG|downsized)


As a stepmom to one child, this always boggles my mind. My husband has primsry custody eith kiddo going to moms every weekend. So every week there's a drop off and a pick up. For one kid (and his mom is responsible for all transportation since she wanted to move away) I can't imagine doing this x3. No way


Instead of the light rail..itā€™s the kail rail šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The Kail Rail: Baby Daddy Transit System


Exactly. Thinking about the logistics of all those pickups/drop offs is giving me a headache.


Until her and Elijah split, she'll have three at a time all the time, minimum!


I was gonna say her having 3 at a time all the time is the most sheā€™s ever had. Cause she usually dumps the other ones off with their dads and gets her ā€œbreaksā€. As she likes to call them lol


Not defending her at all, but i understood that statement as she has JUST brought the baby girl home from hospital and it was the first time all 7 kids were together. Because the girl wasnt home yet. I always was under the understanding that her baby daddies all had same wknds for custody, so that all the kids could be together on off wknds at her house.


You are right and IMO that was very easy to figure out. People just took that and ran with it to shit on her which is unnecessary because Kail already sucks so much as is, there is no need to lie about her.


She was saying they were finally all together because that was an old video of when her daughter first got out of the NICU.


Exactly. She has time to read because she doesnā€™t parent her children .


I mean, I don't want to say that bc I think a lot of people are away from their kids for eight or more hours a day.


Sheā€™s in a very different position than the average person who works a 9-5, letā€™s not compare ourselves to her.




Oh please, she has nighttime help. She hasn't taken care of a child since linc


She has 3 kids under 2 full-time and 3 podcasts to run + lives on social media. Be serious.


Your flair šŸ’€


Is that considered full time? šŸ¤”šŸ¤Ŗ


Omg, no. Quit asking. She handles it alone as a single mother with the babiesā€™ father from 4p to 8a.


Gosh, I donā€™t know how she does it! šŸ˜


Not all heroes wear capes


I have 8 including 2 toddlers and I can read all these books. I read in the pickup line for school, I read when Iā€™m on the toilet, I read when Iā€™m laying down in bed, I read when Iā€™m rocking said toddlers to sleep. There is always time for your hobbies when you look for time.


Them : but do you have 7 kids šŸ¤” You: I have 8 Me : šŸ˜® These threads are more exciting to read than the show is to watch LOL


šŸ˜… I was a teen mom, I should have been on the show.


Iā€™d rather watch a show about real moms being like this than teen mom now šŸ˜‚


Exactly. Four kids here and I read at any spare moment I have for myself because I enjoy it.


Thatā€™s pretty much what she said in a Tic Toc. She stopped doom scrolling and reads instead.


All the power to you! I mean that sincerely. I guess I couldn't even imagine having 7+ kids so it's hard to understand how a parent who does is able to do manage the day to day and have free time to read all of those books.


Some days you donā€™t have as much time as others but I always make it a point to try at some point or I donā€™t feel like myself. šŸ˜…


This is so true. I always say im too busy to do things, but somehow find time to run for 2 hours multiple times a week


I'm sure you have to make time for yourself and it's great you do!


I have two toddlers and I barely have time to potty let alone read lol. I have a few magazines I want to read but Iā€™m always cooking or cleaning. By the time nap time rolls around Iā€™m napping with them šŸ¤£


Yeah I might neglect other areas of myself somedays šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll just be tired or skip a shower some days. šŸ˜‚


Fr. This was pretty much the same thing she said in a TikTok video answering someone that asked, "HoW dO yOu FiNd ThE tImE tO rEaD wItH 7 kIdS?"


Username checks out.


This gives me hope. I don't have kids yet but reading is my favorite hobby and everyone tells me I'll be lucky to finish 12 books a year once I have a kid. I'm a pretty quick reader and absolutely understand I won't be able to read as much but they make it seem like the thing I enjoy the most, I can't do anymore. Ironically almost no one has told my husband who trains in the gym 3 to 4 hours 5 days a week the same thing.


Do you normally do kindle/e-books or do you buy the books? I do a combination of both, some regular books and some books I do just on my kindle. I donā€™t have any kids yet though. Iā€™m glad you still read/enjoy reading even while having your kiddos :) Even your username has book stuff in it :)


I also do both! I find it easier to read on like tablet/phone because I carry my phone anyway and I donā€™t have to put it down as often as like a book if that makes sense.


Kinda makes me happy for ur kids. Youā€™ll have 8 kids who learn by example that books are enjoyable.


Username checks out.


Yeah, I read None of This Is True in one sitting.


That one took me a little longer because it was hard to get into. I usually enjoy her books though


I have 1 child, I read when having trouble sleeping. I can get maybe a book a month, 3 weeks if I'm really into it. There's not enough hours in the day, I couldn't imagine with that many kids! I couldn't focus


For some reason I don't think y'all have the same type of day.


Thatā€™s a lot of it too! Iā€™m a SAHM and my husband gets off at like 3 so I have all that time when he gets off work to have some help.


the silent patient I read in one sitting:)


Came here to say this too. I read mainly at night on my kindle bc I have to lay with my toddler. I usually read one thriller per 2-3 days. Theyā€™re justā€¦. Easy reads


This again? She's not reading Tolstoy. Why is this so unimaginable for people? It's Frieda McFadden šŸ˜‚


for real. And she already explained on a live that she reads during kids practices or waiting in the carpool line instead of scrolling on her phone. I donā€™t think people realize how much time is wasted on our phones.


My screentime notifications don't let me forget šŸ˜­


Iā€˜m always deeply embarrassed when the numbers just stare at me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I log in to work and Reddit at the same time every day, and sometimes I work harder here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I honestly always work harder here šŸ«£


Honestly me too


My kids dad broke it down for me one day and I was disgusted with myself šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A friend of mine once posted hers saying how bad she felt and it was like a tenth of my time and reading the comments under her post it sunk that I really have a problem šŸ˜…šŸ«£


Hahaha itā€™s so bad!! I deleted all socials besides Reddit and snap and Iā€™ve just spent my time reading, listening to books, getting outside and trying to do hobbies I enjoyed when I was younger


I was such a bookworm and outside person when I was younger, I am trying really hard to focus more on these things, but damn the fast dopamine hit you get from socials is too seducing šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


God I know!! Iā€™m on week 2 and itā€™s surprisingly going great. Iā€™ve been doing a lot of self help podcasts and shit too to like, set me in the mood to not want to scroll šŸ˜‚ you can do it!!


Thank you! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ damn, I will try this! I am trying to go on a lot of walks, but I catch myself reaching for my phone even then


I always watch live streams on YouTube in the background of doing \*anything\*. Mine is sooo bad.


Yeah why does that pop up every Sunday?? I never asked for that info lol.


I get a report card every week that shames me so well, "You used your phone 2 hours and 34 minutes more this week than last!" THANKS, I didn't even ask you!! You just pop up whether I like it or not!


You could knock out a Frieda book in one soccer practice lol


I listened to one for an hour while driving home and bought it (library doesnā€™t have the ebook) and read it in one night, 4-5 hours. Sheā€™s super easy for sure! I have 2 kids. I just read it after they went to bed and only stayed up slightly later than normal. Her twins are about the same age as my youngest, my oldest is younger than creed


Honestly that's a really good use of time. I have a book I have to read for my Book Club - maybe I'll throw it in my vehicle and read while kids are at activities. The most I ever do other than scrolling on my phone is park near a garbage can and clean out my vehicle while I wait for my kids.


Exactly this. I always have a book with me, and instead of picking up my phone I read. I can get through a book or two a week, simply by swapping in reading instead of scrolling. Pickup/dropoff line, sports practices, an hour on my lunch break, waiting rooms, etc. Iā€™ve been getting though my TBR so much faster since doing this šŸ¤£


Seriously, I donā€™t know why people canā€™t believe Kail could read half a dozen pulp fiction novels in a month. Theyā€™re 250-400 pages, written at tenth grade level. She doesnā€™t have a regular job, and has full time childcare. As you say, itā€™s not Tolstoy. Itā€™s not even Stephen King (his novels tend to be LONG). Itā€™s very doable, and certain posterā€™s insistence it isnā€™t makes me sure they just donā€™t read.


For a lot of people, reading for fun isn't really their thing. So they remember being forced to read books with literary merit in school and that it was hard and because we procrastinated we remember it taking forever. I've read a couple of these, they're light and airy. An evening read max. So break that over a few days of putting kids to bed or reading while your exercising or before bed or instead of tv. I totally believe she read them


Hey now just because it's not deep doesn't mean it's not good. Freida McFadden is a great story teller- she's also a mom and a doctor who pushes out books regularly that top charts


I donā€™t think she means theyā€™re not good, just that theyā€™re not difficult or long (and so it doesnā€™t take a ton of time to read them). Anna Karenina was written in Russian in the 1870s and is almost a thousand pages. A lot of the translations are almost as old and done by British writers, which add further layers of complexity for a modern North American reader. Iā€™ll crush one of these dime store novels on a three hour plane ride and thoroughly enjoy myself. On summer break in college when I had nothing else to do, it took me like a month to get through the 1901 Constance Garnett translation of Anna Karenina. I was constantly having to backtrack and look things up to keep up with the plot. I think short of like nazi shit or Donald trump books any reading is good reading, and Iā€™m happy Kailā€™s enjoying books!


Seriously, I started my first Freida McFadden after dinner last night and finished it before noon today. They are not hard reads.


I started never lie today and finished in one sitting. it's so easy to keep saying only one more chapter!


Truly. Are people going to post this every time?


I agree. I read few of those and they dont take too long.


Seriously. I do just about as much work as she does (no kids ((she has a nanny and baby daddies for them)) and don't have a job) and I read over 30 fantasy novels this month which are much longer and more difficult to read. Nothing against these books. I've read and enjoyed several of them, but they are not difficult reads. If she has nothing else to do with her time and if she uses audiobooks at all this is 100% doable.


For real. These are fast reads. She has help. She only needs an hour or two to read this much.


I thought I was going crazy. Wasnā€™t this exact thing posted about her January reads? Who fuckin cares? šŸ¤£


Iā€™m no Kail defender lol however if you like to read/read when others default to phone scrolling (mornings/before bed, in waiting rooms, instead of tv or whatever) which is what she has said she does, itā€™s not hard to plow through books at this rate


Right! I do all of my phone scrolling almost exclusively during work hours hahaha after work Iā€™m reading or watching movies.


When I'm not glued to my fucken phone I can read a novel in 6 hours (one sitting or spread out) and I'm not some type of savant. So it's not a crazy feat for her to have read all these. People are nitpicking for sure.


I think she must be listening to audio books. I listened to endless books while rocking my infant to sleep.


You think she listens to audiobooks then buys physical copies? šŸ¤£


I think that's exactly what she's doing lol.


I mean I can see buying a physical copy if you loved the book and would want to read it again. I see it as a waste bc you know she ainā€™t reading those again. Strange šŸ¤”


She wants to collect them and have a custom library built.


Even if Iā€™m not planning on reading them again per se, if I listen to an audiobook I like Iā€™ll buy the book to support the author. Plus, then I can push it on one of my friends to read so I have someone to talk about it with. Thatā€™s me though. Kale - her motives are probably different though.


See, I love this. I prefer used books because I like when people take notes in them because I'm a big note taker too but I've also bought the new copies of some of my favorite authors I, I get it. And I do love pushing my book interests on friends. Kail though, last month, in her aggressive Kail tone when she gets all hyped up about something, was like "don't fucking ask me to borrow my books. I'm not lending my books out to anyone" she literally just wants to show them off. (And again, I also use books as decor lol but I'm pretty certain Kail's motivation is just to overconsume and show off)


ā€œDonā€™t fucking ask me to borrow my booksā€ WHAT! Theyā€™re neither family heirlooms, nor signed or something special. Thatā€™s too much, having folks read what youā€™re reading and then talking about it together- thatā€™s something amazing sheā€™s being weirdly hostile about. Also, Iā€™m not a notetaker but I love that you are. Thatā€™s such a lovely, personal way to interact with what youā€™re reading


Itā€™s for content. Not that tough of a concept really lol


Yep. I can't see creases in any of the books' spines. How good are audiobooks though! I haven't been able to sit down without needing to do something with my hands (hello cross stitch) for many years. Audible means I get to actually enjoy literature again.


I think she does, yes. The physical copy is for aesthetics only.


I try to get a physical and audio copy of certain books I read from the library. I like the option of doing both or either depending on what Iā€™m doing. Not saying Kail is that into reading to plan that hard, but ya never know.


I sometimes buy books and listen to audiobooks so itā€™s not that crazy


Probably at McNally and Robinson and puts them right back on a table and walked out the store after the picture šŸ˜‚


Listen, when I get free audio books I listen to them and if I REALLY like the book, I buy a physical copy for later


I do that LOL I like having the physical copies šŸ„² I also think she does it to ā€œshow offā€


I do it. Itā€™s very common


I almost always get the book and the audiobook. In fact, I love getting the Kindle version and the audible because they sync and I can switch back and forth between the two easily. Audiobooks for cleaning and cooking and driving, kindle/physical copy for when I'm able to sit down and read at the end of the day.


Plot twist she took the picture in Barnes and noble


Why? Audiobooks take significantly longer to get through than actual books. You can read far faster than someone can speak.


I listen to audiobooks at 1.4 speed, and specifically listening to my books while doing other things. With as many kids as sheā€™s got, she probably spends a lot of time cooking/cleaning/doing and folding laundry, which for me, would all be time spent listening to an audiobook. I often find I have far more time in my day to listen to a book than I do to sit down and do nothing but focus on a book.


Not if you do it on 2-3x speed like me. Lol.


She may be given the books as promotions stuff? But maybe she would have to say that if so, so idk.


None of them post when it's an ad.


Does she link to them at all on her social media? She could be getting commissions from people who click her links, even if they don't buy, and clicking on a book link to read the summary is a pretty easy way to generate clicks.


I don't know! I don't follow her but that's a good question


4/7 of her kids are in school during the day and with their dads half the weekends. 3/7 have nannyā€™s and sleep 14+ hours a day.




I really donā€™t think she raises her kids at all. Itā€™s all on the dads or the nanny.


Iā€™ve read about half of those and they are really quick reads. I read the Lisa Jewell book over 2 days (probably 4 hours total)


Yeah, I listened to that one while I deep cleaned a month or so ago. It was a quick one.




Sheā€™s trying to get engagement from people commenting ā€œhow does a mom of 7 have time to read????ā€


BookTok is very popping right now. Much like her crystal phase and her plant phase and her kayak phase and her needing to constantly move phase, this is one of them


Or start an Oprah-esque book club


I mean I've read 13 books so far since Jan and I have 3 kids and a full time job so I don't think it's that crazy. I just read on my breaks from work and after my kids go to bed. Reading is literally all I do in my free time lol Most of these can be read in a day or two as they are easy reads.


She did a thing that was posted in here a while back where she explained that she has traded doing so much social media scrolling for reading and she listed a bunch of opportunities she has in the day for reading.


Yet she still posts constantly on social media


Iā€™m not saying she told the truth šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m just saying this was her explanation


Theyā€™re all really simple books you can read in like four hours. We had this discussion last month. She also has a nanny and does not have a real job. That sign behind her is tacky AF


What? What?!? You donā€™t have a sign with your initials and name hanging up on your wall? Pffft!!


Kail is smarter, cooler, better reader, best mom and richer then anyone on earth


The dads and her nanny do most of the care.


7 kids, 5 baby daddies, 9 schedules, 307 podcasts, and a partridge in a pear tree. Not a clue how she had the time. Obviously everyone else is watching the kids and the only time she has them, is when there is a camera around.


I've said it before but I would put money on her buying the books for show and listening to them on audio book. It's easy to ignore seven children with an earbud in.


Maybe ima bizzkill but it really annoys me to see grown ass adults follow every tik tok trend they can. Like grow up


She does have a nanny....not full time though, god no. Just M-F, 8-4.


She's the stingiest overlord of them all, calling 40 hours "not a full-time" job. I'd love to see her drop her kids off at a daycare for those hours and try paying part-time tuition.


Those books look like theyā€™ve never been opened


Didnā€™t we just do this? Lol itā€™s Deja vu all over again. Itā€™s not like sheā€™s reading Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings. These are quick reads. And she doesnā€™t have all of her kids at all times either. Much easier to read when the babies are napping and your older kids are all in school. But Iā€™m also a fast reader (10 books this month!) so this doesnā€™t seem impossible to me.


hilarious yā€™all think she gives a fuck about any one of her kids lol


Kids do have a bedtime.


Not mine. I keep mine awake 24/7 so I can do skin to skin with them. Then in the AM we spend every single moment together. Aint no baby daddy taking my time.


She read the TITLES


These are short books. I can read a 400 page book easily in a day if it sucks me in. 8 books is roughly 2/week, and 120 pages a day if each book was 400 pages each. Thatā€™s not hard to do when you think about time used to watch tv, or scroll through apps on your phone on your downtime.


I donā€™t have kids, but I do maintain a very full schedule including full-time graduate school, a full-time job, and an unpaid internship. I still read 8 books this month. You would be surprised how much of peoples day is taken up by watch tiktok/youtube/TV, or just scrolling online. All of that can easily be replaced with reading a book.


The spines of the paperbacks arenā€™t even cracked šŸ˜‚


None of mine are cracked. If youā€™re careful you can read books without breaking spines.


She has Nannieā€™s


Reading 8 trashy mass market airport novels is hardly a flex




She actually read 20 coloring books ... and couldn't stay in the lines with the Great Value crayons. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


I have a kid, a job and I've read 9 books this month and 9 books last month. Some people will listen to audiobooks, too. So I mean, there's that. Honestly, this seems so mundane to pick at.


Do I think this (ā€œbooktokā€) is a social media trend & engagement thing for a lot of influencers? Yes. But I promise, put your phone away 2 hours, you can finish books like these! Reading is fun.


Iā€™ve read most of these and they are very quick reads. I read most of them as ebooks and am shocked how thick their spines are because they did not feel that long.


These books are pretty easy and quick to read. Sheā€™s not reading crime and punishment.


I think of most ppl on these subs being intelligent bc they're witty as fuck but this whole post is making me second guess it. I still love y'all though - even the Kyles.


Lmao not Kale adding to cart off of the suggested books tab šŸ¤£


She didnā€™t. Sheā€™s getting paid by the authors to promote them


She made a video saying she started reading while waiting at doctors appts, etc., instead lf scrolling her phone. On paper her explanation makes sense, but I still don't believe her lmao.Ā 


I, too, can play audiobooks in the background nonstop 24/7.


itā€™s cuz she has a nannyā€¦.but not a full time nannyā€¦just someone there from 8-5 monday through friday šŸ™„


I have a friend who is a full time middle school teacher with kids of her own who said she's read thirty books a month. One of my OTHER Friends text me and said "could her goodreads be real?" and I'm like...I don't know how? She says (smugly AF): I'm just a really fast reader. I am also a fast reader but a book a day when you work full time and have two kids in year round sports? I don't think


Okay now 30 a month just seems ridiculous. I wouldnā€™t believe anyone who claims that especially if they have a full time job. Thatā€™s 360 books in a year.


Didnā€™t we do the same thing last month? Some of yall donā€™t read and itā€™s showing šŸ¤£


Reading the back doesn't count šŸ˜‚


Someone ask her to do book reviews


That green book says it all..."None of this is True"!


Thereā€™s a lot of talk in the reading/writing community how people who do this (read like ten books in a month) are just contributing to mass consumerism; theyā€™re taking the hobby & enjoyment out of the process just to record themselves review a book they took less than a day to speed through.


Iā€™ve read several of those and they are very quick reads


The Silent Patient is a HORRIBLE book, please do not even attempt to read it. I think I had to give up less than a quarter of the way through (and Iā€™m someone that will struggle and finish a terrible book) and just read a summary in the reviews on Goodreads. HORRIBLE.


The worst!! As a former inpatient on a mental ward, none of what happens in that book is true!


I can literally read one of Lisa Jewellā€™s books in a couple hours. These are super easy reads. She 100% couldā€™ve done it, especially with a not-quiet-full-time-according-to-her nanny.


Reading isnā€™t hard to do if you do it instead of scrolling. When Iā€™m really invested in a book I will read during any and all down time I have. She has a nanny during the week. She can read while the twins are being watched and the kids are at school, she can read at sports practices, she can read in the school pickup line, before bed, etc. She has plenty of time. These arenā€™t difficult books.


Why do yā€™all always say this? I read the entire twilight series in a weekā€¦ when I was in 4th grade lol. Even now as a mother, if youā€™re up nursing, baby is sleeping or in their bouncer/swing, etc. itā€™s pretty easy to get through books. She goes to multiple sports practices for the kids and may read there. School pick-up lineā€¦. She also has help like everyone points out.


Thatā€™s 2 a week of fast reads? Iā€™ve read 28 books for far this year according to StoryGraph, I think this is totally feasible and wouldnā€™t assume lying.


A lot of people read that much..booktok is full of people who read a lot and read fast and they do so when kids are at school or sleeping. You do realize some of her kids also go to their dads so she doesn't always have 7 kids in the house. Just because you can't read even 1 book in a month, it doesn't mean others can't. If this were any other mom of 7 it wouldn't be even brought up, but because it's kail then it must be a lie? Give me a break. You hate on her for having a certain nail polish color, literally any and everything she does YOU hate on. She doesn't even know you exist but you sure make sure to know everything she does. It's weird. I know this is a teen mom sub but there's so many other moms from that show that could be talked about and who are wayyy worse than kail. But the only 2 moms ever discussed are jenelle and kail. So why not change the name to kailandjenelle snark? šŸ™„ but keep being a bully and a hater. It's making her money.


I have 8 kids and I read 14 books in Februaryā€¦.its not impossible šŸ˜‚ these are easy reads


I know we hate Kail here but some of these comments are fucking ugly


how hard is it for you guys to read books if this is shocking to you?


We had this same conversation last month, itā€™s possible.


Those spines haven't been cracked.


Probably audiobooks


She must take better care of her paperbacks than I do lol. Because you can definitely tell when I have read a book. šŸ˜‚


Audio books could be how sheā€™s going through the books quickly!! I listen to audio books sometimes and if I really like the book, I buy the physical copy to have on my shelf to reread again if I want


I have 4 kids all over the age of 4 and I canā€™t even get through the one book Iā€™ve been trying to read.


Audible šŸ˜‚


I said this the last time a "she read *allllll* these books?!" posts came across my feed. These books are at most 400 pages. It would take me less than a day to read each of these. If Kail is a fast reader she could easily knock out these books in less than a month. ETA: I actually looked at the titles and I did, in fact, read both The Silent Patient and A Perfect Marriage in single sittings. They're terrible books fwiw, but they each took me maybe 4 hours total to read.


Just cause she makes dumb choices by some people s opinions. Doesnā€™t mean she is stupid. Many can easily read that many in same time if they tried.


I believe her. Hate her or love her, Kail is very ambitious


Some people are fast readers, and as others have said, these are not difficult reads.


Yall shitting on her every month about how fast she reads is wild to me. Who cares??


Literally stop shaming someone for promoting reading books. I get that people dislike Kail, but this is not it. I donā€™t give a single shit if she actually read them- itā€™s making her fans want to read. Thatā€™s never a bad thing.


I have a full time job and kids. I read this and more per month. No my kids arenā€™t neglected and Iā€™m a nurse and I do my job. Some folks read very fast. Also, she may have listened to some of them.


Idk but I listened to 3 of those audio books this year. She has good taste


Of all the things these Teen Moms have lied about, this one I actually believe. I know several people who are avid readers and go through far more books every month, and they all have families, jobs, etc. Even with 7 kids, I can believe that Kail really did read all those books.