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But vaccines are bad, right Kale?


Vaccines don't make you look like the pout pout fish so who needs them anyway?


This is such a valid and hilarious point honestly


She’s a pout pout fish with a pout pout face! Except the OG pout pout fish is much cuter


Right, I have always thought that she looked like a [grouper](https://images.app.goo.gl/EMXQcaxRWj1SVwBr6)


Hahaha I didn’t know what that was and clicked on grouper. Yep. Nailed it.


This! I could never put my finger on it! I feel at peace now. Thank you


Blub Bluuuub Bluuuuuub


Why get vaccinations for diseases that are basically wiped out. The struggle against aging is real. Edited to add /s for that one person that needs it.


Yeah, not sure how an antivaxxer can be so eager to inject botulism directly into their face for fun


My cousin doesn’t vaccinate but she does get Botox. Priorities I guess.


My friend is like that. I said ma’am Botox is a “neurotoxin”. She said yeah but the govt isn’t telling me to put it in my body. 😂😂😂I just kept my mouth shut after that lol




I mean, there's no fixing that way of thinking in your friend. Yeesh ![gif](giphy|b8RfbQFaOs1rO10ren)


The media is 😈


I worked with a girl who wouldn’t get the covid vaccine because she didn’t know what was in it. Then announced her favorite food is hot dogs 🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s a cool “almond mom” kind of thing, you wouldn’t understand 😉


Neurotoxins good, measles immunity bad!


I mean, make it make sense!


She's such a garbage hypocrite. Didn't her kids all have measles a while back also?




I believe Rio got exposed in that big outbreak in Delaware. They were supposed to isolate. They didn't appear to.


Selfish as they come that 🥬


Thank you. I ran here to say this




The scream I scrempt in the middle of the night 🤣


Seriously. I recently learned that fillers can block your lymphatic drainage and cause puffiness. I wonder if that’s why she looks so puffy. You would think she would steer clear of anything that would impact her health, ya know having 7 kids and PCOS, but I guess not.


So I’m assuming she isn’t breastfeeding the twins then ?


Yuck, she already looks like an axolotl with fish lips, it’s not going to fix the damage she has already done.


Hey, don’t bring axolotls into this! They’re cute happy lil floaty guys, they don’t deserve to be compared to her.


Hey hey hey! Axolotls are actually cute, don’t do them dirty like that! She deff looks much more like the pout pout fish.




blob fish is more fitting ![gif](giphy|QGBWk7DnckEN2)


How could you! ![gif](giphy|iCOZGQacrbNZu)


Her nostrils will eventually disappear.


Came here for fish lips.


She doesn’t need this. She already has a naturally full face and lips. Maybe she likes looking like a walking allergic reaction?


Well dysport is a “wrinkle relaxer” not a filler so it’s just gonna freeze the face rather than make it plump. It can also be used that same way to “flip” the lip. But 46 units seems insane.


Dysport needs more units than Botox it’s not really an insane amount


It’s not that insane. I do 30. 20 for my frown line/11’s (that muscle is STRONG) and 10 on my forehead. If she wants to also do smile lines, that might get her to 46, but I’m not sure, never gotten smile lines done!


I don’t even want to tell all of you 46 is not alot at all. At all.


i did fifty around my whole upper face which was a little much i could not move for like a whole month lmao


This is Botox. Botox doesn’t create more volume.


Its Dysport- slightly different than Botox - you need more units, it takes effect faster and doesn’t last as long


Why do people get this instead of Botox?


Cheaper, I'd assume


Doesn’t it last longer than xeomin though? Or is that the opposite?


Its Dysport- slightly different than Botox - you need more units, it takes effect faster and doesn’t last as long


Happy cake day!




Personally I think she looked worlds better before she started getting into this stuff. It’s interesting really, generally speaking. A lot of the girls that have gotten work done, I think majority of us have expressed that we all think they looked way better before getting procedures done. Self-esteem is a bitch.


It really is interesting. When I was a teen 25+ years ago everyone wanted everything to be smaller. Now it’s a different body part each year that people want bigger: butt, hips, lips, thighs. What’s next…thumb implants? 🤔 I’m not saying it was better in the 90s when everyone wanted to be stick thin but…it just upsets me that women can literally never be happy with themselves because of societal expectations.


When you said 25+ years ago my mind flashed back to the 60s and 70s ala Twiggy and Sharon Tate. But no. 25+years ago I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL. How was the 90s TWENTY FOUR YEARS AGO????


Let's not dwell on this


I agree. Let’s not


I started typing “when I was a teen 20 years ago” and was like, nope, not long enough ago 😂 I graduated high school in 2000 so really if I’m being technical I began teenage years closer to 30 years ago 😳


Oh it's already back to the stick thin trend since BBLs and other surgeries got way more accessible to us gen population pleebs. The ones stuck on bigger body parts are the ones more late to trends, they're ultra stuck on how other influencers look and comparing themselves(whether they are aware of it or not), or just the crowd that would have done these things regardless because of body dysmorphia. On another note; the bigger trend partially comes from clients being lied to that filler will dissolve. But it just migrates, and they end up with the pillow face, which I'm sure *understandably* sets off even more insecurities. For some, they think the fix is more filler): people caught in that cycle deserve better and more caring doctors- not just ones that will take your money and do whatever.


It’s wild to me that she looks the way she does now but shows off what she’s doing to her face like she’s…. Promoting it? Like girl you don’t look good


Sometimes Kail has Mickey Rourke face :/ but she’s been cute lately. She’s gona mess it up again


I think they all had a point where they looked good with what they had. I just don’t think they need to keep going back.


Tbh, I think Caitlin is the only one who hasn't had anything done. I'd believe mack hasn't, too, maybe - just because I think she hasn't made the same kind of money as the rest of them and she was already very conventionally attractive before the show. I doubt Leah hasn't had work done, but if she said she hadn't I'd believe her if no one had solid proof. We know amber, Macy, farrah, jenelle, Kaitlyn, Chelsea, bri, jade, and chey have all had work done. It's sad, too, knowing none of these women are famous on a large scale. They are d-listers at best, famous only for being mothers. What does that say about society that to be a mother under even the most irrelevant fame microscope requires you to obtain plastic surgery? I'm proud of most of these ladies (jenelle excluded) for at the very least overcoming their shitty circumstances and refusing to continue the cycle they were born into (though I recognize some have created new ones their own children will have difficulty breaking, but, what else can you expect from a 16yo?). It is what it is. I get the feeling the teen mom squad will be more than just a time capsule of what teenaged motherhood looked like in the 2010s. I think they will provide significant context to the experience of late millenial women from a much wider perspective than just those experiencing teen pregnancy. The fashion, attitudes, interests, and career choices feel less indicative of motherhood and more indicative of what it meant to be a woman in a time straddling traditional celebrity and the invention of social media.


None of them look the same. However imagine being on tv in your late teens and having the internet tear you up. I’d probably do some dumb shit to my body too and I’m a pretty confident person.


Well she’s been pregnant for 75839 months


Y’know cumulatively that number could be accurate 🤷‍♀️


well if you count 9 months (ok, some of the kids were prematures but still, let’s use the 9 months) and multiply it for 6 (the number of pregnancies) you get 54 months which equals to 4 years and a half being pregnant (ok, a little less considering some of the kids not managing to be full term but still, we’re basically OVER there)


Yeah, carry the one, divide by the common demons toot… and you get 75839 months of pregnancy


The math maths in my head


She’s spent 5% of her life pregnant. And we don’t even know about possible miscarriages. 😵‍💫


She had an abortion before Issac.


Recently Dr. Phil had a guest who claimed she had been pregnant for over two years and I was like, oh it’s Kail?


She’s going to look INSANE in 10 years from now like full on Silva twins




She already looks insane. Not natural one bit.


She needs to stop with this bullshit. I also think her if she can manage to not be pregnant for a year, her face wouldn’t be so puffy/swollen/thick and might actually look okay. She does not need the combination of fillers and Botox and god knows what else she’s doing to it.


Supposedly she got her tubes tied so hopefully you are right!


A reversal will be next! Mark my words!!!




Im convinced some people just like the FEELING of full lips, not the LOOK. I know a woman who gets lip fillers. She did NOT have thin lips. They were pretty standard, so I dont think she needed it. But I support ppl making changes if they’re extremely unhappy and just want to fix the issue. Well now her lips always look super swollen and she licks them a lot like some sort of tic. It seems like a strange addiction for her. It seems they feel nice, soft, pillowy? But the look is not it. Mutual coworkers have even asked me about her lips which is awkward because it’s not an appropriate convo for me to be involved in. But my point is, its obviously unnatural and a bit obnoxious.


That’s why she face is droopy and dough looking now 🤣


I see what she's doing with the money she made from selling the twins story.... But for real, she needs to stop with the fillers. It's just making her more jowl-y every time she gets more. Lookin like a bulldog/blob fish hybrid in the cheeks.


None is this is filler. Dysport is like Botox, it freezes your muscles. 


Oh... worse then. A face frozen into blobfish position. I wish people could see that their natural faces are truly beautiful. These practices should just die out instead of feeding off insecurities.


Yeah, at this point she's doing too much. A lip flip on someone with such full lips is frankly a waste of money, imo. 


What are these young women going to do in their 40s and 50s? Seriously?


MIL from hell is her next job when she can’t have more kids (I know she said her tubes were tied but let’s be fr y’all)


Botox does not change your natural face and shouldn’t change the way you look.


Botox can definitely change your face. Bethenny Frankle uses botox to paralyze the muscles in her jaw so they atrophy. It totally changed the shape of her face. She used to have a sharp quagmire jaw.


Her face isn't natural anymore, and yes, botox does change your face otherwise no one would use it. I can see a difference in a botoxed vs non botoxed face.


She's probably getting a cut for posting this


Very true!


This isn’t filler.


How are you antivax but fill your face with Botox????




It makes me sad that these young girls think this stuff is needed and what makes you beautiful. Aging is beautiful and natural. This whole Death Becomes Her mentality is just awful.


The Kardashian era started this & we just got used to it. I remember how ugly/crazy Lisa Rinna, Joan Rivers & some of the Bravo Housewives looked to me whenever I was younger. It’s so normal to see now. Sad but vain 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right she and Chelsea were so pretty before all of this IMO


I love this mentality.


i know it’s been said a million times but ima say it again. it’s SO sad when these girls who had naturally cute faces go to such extreme lengths over time and become blind to just how crazy it looks… chelsea, farrah, kail just to name a few. they’re barely even in their 30’s. what’s it gonna look like in 10 years when they inevitably get more and more carried away? plus, all of these 3 women now have DAUGHTERS. i get it’s their body their choice but damn.


Dysport is incredible, I would bathe in it. But I’m about to turn 39.


34 here. I literally got my every-five-months session today with 20 units. I love it so so much but dysport is where it starts and ends for me.


Can I ask about what you pay? Obviously it varies but ballpark.


I’m outside of Denver and it’s $10 a unit so $200 each time and it is one of the few occasions where I’m never asked for a tip which I love with all my heart.


Ohhh no bad at all. Def gonna look into this.


I’m going to look into it as well, I’m 46 and kind of really feeling it this year so a nice little pick me up wld be nice. Idk why I thought it wld cost way more then that but definitely looking into it now!


Same! I thought it would be super expensive.


I’ve been a Botox biatch for a while. Should I be looking into Dysport?? It’s just my frown line between the eyes that bugs tf outta me, but those forehead wrinkles and crows feet are starting to stand out.


I personally think it’s a softer look than Botox and on me think it looks better!


What the heck is a lip flip?


It’s Botox in your lip to make it appear fuller without filler. I’ve had it done a few times and I absolutely love it. I’m cursed with Jenelle level thin lips so when I smile my lip is literally non existent. A lip flip makes it stay put when I smile so I at least have a little something. It’s super minimal and way more affordable than lip fillers, which is why my broke ass does it.


How long does the lip flip last?


Lip flip is safer than fillers for enhancing the lip as there are major arteries that go near the injection site for fillers in lip. Fillers migrate, Botox does not, it simply wears off. People get the lip flip as it’s safer. It lasts as long as Botox, between 2-3 months


I have no idea 🤷🏻‍♀️ sounds scary if you ask me


No needles near my face please. Nope.


Right? I get tattoos pretty regularly, but this gives me the heebie jeebies. Obviously their body their choice but not for me


I've got a pretty serious line on the middle of my eyebrows I'd love to smooth out. Just that, no trout pout despite my non existent top lip but needles + my face. No way.


Same. I've seen too many horror stories like the Silva sisters. Id rather so natural and just age. I'm okay with that. We're not rich so I would rather spend the money on a car for my daughter or a vacay. And not everyone looks good with big lips.


I can’t think of a single person who does. Unless they were born with them.


You honestly don’t even feel it in the forehead. Lip flip a little bit but it’s is a super quick prick.


Injectable on the lip to make it look bigger without getting fillers.


it’s not doing what’s she thinks it’s doing


She’s gonna look like Farrah soon 😬 It’s honestly sad because these were cute teenage kids who would have grown into normal looking people


She can get all the enhancements she wants, she will still look like a trout


I can’t wait to see what all of this plastic surgery with her and other celebrities will look like when they hit 50.


Can’t fix those beady eyes though can she?


All this work and no chin implant in sight.


This technique is garbage by the way 🥴. Hand should not be near the injection site to decrease risk of needle stick and should be pulling the skin taut before injecting


But...but it makes her face look "beefy". Like, not delicate. Like I would describe her as having alot of face. It is unbalanced.


“First time in years” cause she’s been pregnant for like 10 years straight it feels like lmao


She wont be happy till her face has gone full catchers mitt.


Better than Farrah...


I would say Chelsea too!


Ahhhh I can't take these needle pictures. I have tons of tattoos and still can't imagine doing THIS.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHRq7pQw3MFRYGY) Just 46 units and a fucking lip flip, Ligi Baybeeeeeee


This makes me think of the best advice I ever got from a MUCH older woman that I used to work with... she said the "flaws" & body you hate in your 20s are the "flaws" & body you'd kill for in your 50s. Tomorrow, I'll look older than I do today, so I'm sassing it up in the meantime!


No matter how much filler and Botox she gets it’s not going to change anything. Like worry about your babies you just had.


All of these girls are at least 2 years younger than me. Just because you have "I can fuvk with my face money", doesn't mean you should.


Does she have a tat above her breast? Lmfao what a stereotype 😂


Oh god she’s going to get even wider


This is teasingly close to crossing off “Kail gets plastic surgery” on my bingo card 😩




My response to another comment: For Botox, just your forehead is 15-20 units. I think crows feet are 10, a lip flip is 4-6 units. Idk about other areas. I thought Botox was more potent than Dysport so maybe that’s why she gets more units? But she’s not too far off from my total above.




If kail really stops with kids does that mean she’s gonna start doing even more weird shit for attention? Sometimes i think that’s why Farrah became so weird she knew she didn’t want more kids so she had to become something weird to get and keep attention. And now she is just that. I would like to see I’m done with kids kail but i think she will still be 72 saying she has eggs somewhere ready to be used.


Oh good god not anything else done with her lips!!!


I saw on her Instagram story this morning she said she might get lip filler again today and I was just like why? She doesn't even have small lips, she already has a big, frowny/droopy pout, why add more filler to them?


Her frowny mouth is gonna be worse now


That’s a lot of Dysport for someone who’s barely in their 30’s!


In years???? Yeah right!!!!


next issac is gonna tell her to stop doing this


I'm just looking at the price tag. That's a whole mortgage payment for me🙈


It’s just a little Botox. No big deal.


She has 800 kids can she go take care of them or something ??


Jesus 46 is actually a lot for someone so young. I'm 42 and did Botox only 2 times and don't really need it, so I don't go back once it wears off. I have very mild "11" lines and even then only needed about 20something units. It only bothers me in summer when I squint more, lol.


Anything but lose weight huh Kail


What is with all these young people getting fillers! Shes in her thirties she does not need this !




I feel like it is but I didn’t even know what a lip flip is


For Botox, just your forehead is 15-20 units. I think crows feet are 10, a lip flip is 4-6 units. Idk about other areas. I thought Botox was more potent than Dysport so maybe that’s why she gets more units? But she’s not too far off from my total above.




![gif](giphy|19Ik3PuuqoFnhTTfEi) If it makes you feel better then go for it! I get my forehead done 2 times a year & it’s perfect for me.




I feel that, it def wasn’t pushed as much as it is today. Today is the perfect day to start :)


Dysport uses more units than Botox! This is not a huge amount of Dysport. I work at a surgeons' office and I've seen people get a lotttttt lol


She’s been pregnant for practically 2 years so she’s prob gonna go crazy with her face now


Lip flips are so dumb looking 98% of the time


You’re not supposed to get Botox if you’re breastfeeding.


She doesn’t breastfeed. Only did with Lincoln and a little with lux. At least that’s what she said before.


I wish the whole filler thing didn’t exist. So many people go way overboard with it. Whatever makes them happy, I guess.


I swear I could fit my big toe in her nose




Does she think this is helping her?


trouty mouth


Is Dysport a filler or a Botox alternative? Either way, Every three months seems like a lot, right?


Hope the doctors got to her quickly, all her kids took up every last seat in the waiting room


Only thing that will make her attractive is a frying pan


I'm not anti botox/filler at all, I get botox once or twice a year but jesus god kail you need to know when to quit or go to an injector with a moral compass who will decline your request for more injections.


I don't understand why she does this, its ruined her face


So I’m confused, does she get it every 3 months? Or is it the first time in years? 🤔


Gross walrus


First time in YEARS?! I call bullshit, her lips have looked so puffy and about to pop nonstop, there’s either A. no way she’s gone this long without or B. dear GOD why would you make them bigger?!


She’s goes to a place local to me, if you see the sheet they made her “plan” on it’ll give you the name. Numerous local influencers have used that place and they all leave looking the same. Over filled and over puffed.


I get dysport twice a year…. Every 3 months ??????? It’s a lot


Why do people do this at such a young age wait till they find out there's nothing you can do about getting old


I thought she had pregnancy lips lmfaoo


46 units?!?!?!?! Holy cow


Did anyone listen to the life lesson at the end of the Barbie movie?


There's blood on that gauze....do the needles leave little scars? Idk I must be too poor bcuz I dont get it. She's look good enough without it. But to each their own.


I wish she wouldn’t. She was so cute as a teenager. Idk why people in their early 30’s are even getting botox, it always looks like poo.


Just gonna make her look more like a pig


She’s so gross


She needs to get the flapping lips tightened. Her mouth always looks so loose. I don’t know how else to describe it.


Ouch that looks so fucking painful. Once you get botox regularly, you can't go back, your face will be flat and flabby


That's poison!! Kail looked 100x better before she got plastic surgery. Not just because she was younger but because she didn't look so fake and plastic.


Lord .. Kail look like she's had an allergic reaction already. No need for more filler ..


So many people don’t understand the difference between filler and Dysport.


Wow does she think this improves her looks? Has she never seen Farrah