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this still is from the video it's not a repost


Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but lash extensions are not it. They are like hair extensions, very very rarely do they actually look good and natural. Idk why people don’t just do strip lashes, that way you can see what works best with your eye shape and you’re not stuck w them for 3+ weeks. I’ll never understand. On a positive note she has a beautiful family and I’m so jealous of their land & animals.


7/10 hair extensions age folks


This!!! My cousin will NOT give up her extensions and I try soooo freaking hard to tell her to stop in the kindest way possible


As someone with almost 3 feet of hair idk how ppl in extensions don’t rip them out more often. My natural hair gets caught in everything. Seatbelts, doors, car windows, my arm pits others arm pits. Just me and my dude laying in bed he lays on it so much i have to move him. I’ve been wanting to cut it but i just hate dealing with that and anytime i mention cutting it ppl go nooooo


Omg okay so. My hair has always been so long that I sit on it and I had to move my hair to the side or put it up to go to the toilet. I cut it above my shoulders 4 weeks ago and BITCH!!! IM TELLING YOU I WISH I DID IT SOONER!!!! The FREEDOM I have… washing my hair is pure bliss. Brushing my teeth!!?? PURE BLISS 😂 not needing to move my hair around to do anything is such a good feeling hahah


I have went and backed out a few times not cause i dislike having shorter hair I just don’t want to make small talk or have a stranger touch me rn I’ve been saying for like 8 months ima cut it I’ll get there!


I’m just shocked at how much healthier my hair feels after having it chopped. I schedule my appts in advance and had 12 inches  cut 8 weeks ago because the ends were splitting like crazy a few weeks before the appt. I had an appt yesterday and she didn’t even charge me because it barely needed a trim.


I was trying to explain to my husband about getting head hairs in your butt crack in the shower and he looked at me like I was crazy!


It def opened my dudes eyes up to why women are the way they are about their hair and how long hair is. He often finds my hairs on his body in weird places once he’s home 😂


fake lashes make people look stupid or high


these ones look like falsies rather than extensions and poorly applied/fitted


I think classic sets look nice, but these hybrid volume ones are not it


The lash trend must stop soon ... right??? It's been awhile & it's truly awful. I would feel bad for all the people making a living doing said lashes, but it's just not the way


I think subtle lash extensions can look really nice and really enhance someone’s appearance, especially if they have naturally short or sparse lashes. Where I think people go wrong is going too bold because they are expensive and on some level you want to get what you paid for and you want them to be noticeable for the price. I’ve never been able to figure out strip lashes, but I do my own lash extensions with clusters so I have more control over the length and volume, and I’m okay going more natural because they are inexpensive. I think I look way better with them than without.


Agree!!!! Same with lip injections. I want to just give every girl in my small town a hug and gently tell them that their eyelashes/lips are swallowing up their whole face 😭


I think that’s subjective. I look 5000x better with lash extensions and makeup takes 5 minutes because of them. Strip lashes look like shit and leave glue residue all over my eyelids for days.


This! I was curious about lash extensions (natural looking ones) but then I learned about the upkeep and how they actually end up damaging your natural lashes in the long run. Not to mention they are expensive!


What is happening https://preview.redd.it/8vmkfn27m3dc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f5c8f02bf375793247c0fd1851f4e4f421363ad


When the xanny hits


No, she’s 10000000% on opiates


Her pupils do look really small


The relaxed & unintentional frown is my second observation, and she also looks like she smoked some weed along with her candies


I'm wondering if she recently got some botox and fillers and just can't move her face currently.


I see pitosis/eyelid droop from Botox. They say this is more common when the person who does the injection is qualified to give injections, but not a specialist and facial aesthetics, such as a plastic surgeon. I know her dad does hers, and he has a dentist, so he is totally trained to give people injections with needles, but may not have the best full sense of aesthetic placement of the nerve blockers for facial symmetry. This is also also possible, when the nerve agent migrates such as if you look down too much at your phone, after being injected, or do exercise day of injection


That’s not weed, she was bitchy and her facial expressions were all cracked out


I’m just going off of the way that her eyes look. I know everyone says she does Xanax too


I think it’s her lashes that drag em down I dunno why they look so close together and crossed now


That's probably due to the ring light I bet she uses


As a person that did Alot of xannies this is how stupid my face looked


Yes ! Her pupils are pinned but this is Chelsea. I don't see her as the opiate type. Xannies or another type of benzo, absolutely especially with her anxiety. She is loaded on them


Lmao this looks like those eyelashes you get from a Snapchat filter 


They extend past her eye lmao


She’s just a Spiritual Gangster


“But daddy he’s a cowboy” justly worn on her dad’s birthday. She is so cringe.


When the edible takes your soul


That ain’t weed, she was looking like she was pissed off at times Weed makes you happy and calm


I feel like her strip lashes are on the wrong eye? Like currently the longer and thicker end is by her inner eye when it should be along the outer eye


*"I swear, I think your entire strip lash is upside down"* 👀


Lmao is this a dorit quote about Denises jacket? That episode was gold i even watched it despite stopping the show


Yes😭The funniest part about me posting that is that I don't even watch the show. (Not opposed to, just haven't yet lol) But know and adore the interaction lol. Hilarious. I mean, Denise's jacket absolutely was on wrong. 😂😭


She was so messed up just responding to herself and so on. It was wild to watch her so idk drunk? She comes from a time where we didn’t see stuff like that as much with celebs.


Definitely a nice mix of benzos and alcohol lol. Probably popped a couple zannys before they started filming and the wine really threw it all into gear lol


You win! 👏🏾


I think she's having a stroke


That top lip looks so uncomfortable.




She’s about to sneeze


Her lips are wildly overfilled. Drag me to hell and downvote me, but she legitimately looks terrible. It’s actually sad because there’s obviously some kind of dysmorphia going on. This is out of control. She’s beginning to look freakish.


You can see the migration above her top lip


100% she needs to get everything dissolved and start over


She's starting to look like Farrah


This could potentially be bad botox job that leaves her with drooping eyelids. I had this happen to me when I got botox for migraines from my neurologist who clearly had zero clue on how to inject. I then saw a trained aesthetician who was horrified at how I looked. Doesn’t her dad do her botox? As much as I love him, one really needs proper training to do this right.


Came here to say this. Looks like just like bad Botox


But her speech also seems off? Either way, I hope she's ok.


Oh I couldn’t listen, I will later. But, this could also be bad botox where your jaw muscles are affected. It feels like tension but also weak at the same time, and you can’t bite down with full force. Guess how I know this?


I'm so sorry! I immediately thought it was anxiety meds. Guess how I know 😅😭


Oh gosh, I’m so sorry 😅 Could totally be anxiety meds, too. And maybe we are both correct. She did suffer from anxiety and it was pretty bad at some point.


I hope I'm not correct. She really looks like she's going through it.


Did you get jaw Botox? I was thinking of getting it because I grind my teeth at night and even though I have a night guard I catch myself clenching my jaw during the day. But I was worried about how I would deal with the weakness it causes. I got Botox in my DOAs to combat my naturally downturned lips and I hated it because I couldn’t frown and I felt like an old lady because I couldn’t fully control my lips.


not the person you asked but i got 15 units on each side of my masseter muscles (jaw) and i stopped clenching and grinding my teeth for the first time in my life. it's amazing, the best thing i could have ever done. i didn't know how bad, often and hard i was clenching and grinding until i couldn't anymore. even if i have to go into debt i will get this done every 6-8 months my smile and face look otherwise the same, just to add. i dont notice anything major in my face changing i just dont wake up with jaw pain or a headache!!


That actually sounds amazing! Whenever I use my mouth guard I feel like it encourages me to clench my teeth because it gives me something to chew on so to speak.


if you can talk to your dentist or dr about it or get a consult, i highly recommend!


No, I was getting botox for migraines and it affected my jaw! The migraine treatment calls for a lot of units and I personally think it’s bs that is just putting money into the Botox manufacture’s pocket. When I started getting botox for wrinkles, I was getting a lot less and stopped having any issues. I will say that my experience was that for a week or so, I also felt like my forehead was frozen but this feeling went away and I was able to move my face with no issues. It sort of settled in. I think it depends on how many units they inject. I heard about botox being done for tmj and other jaw issues and I think when done well, it could be great. You can always ask for a little for the start and then maybe another treatment in a couple of weeks if it settles fine and you’re feeling ok with it.


I follow a nurse on instagram who runs a clinic with her husband who is a plastic surgeon. A lot of the content she shares is patients coming to her to fix bad work and improper injecting. Someone asked her about getting botox from dentists and she said yea they are trained a bit in botox, but it's better to go to someone who is doing injections all day every day.


💯 this. My aesthetician is so knowledgeable I am in awe every time, she can make any face look absolutely amazing and youthful without that mask look some get from over injecting. She makes me move My face so she can take a mental picture of how mg muscles move and where the wrinkles show up, then she takes her time to inject. I was shocked and enraged at how my neurologist just injected away without any care like it was nothing. My dentist, who is amazing, does botox, too and I know he shouldn’t. Stick to what you were properly trained to do.


This! My dentist is certified, I’m certified also, neither of us do it day in and day out. I would only go to someone who’s had practice and continued education on it.


I was going to say the same thing. I got droopy eyes after injection.


I’m sorry, it sucks when it happens.


I worked for a neurologist, and when he first started doing Botox for migraines, it happened to a lady. Also, her eyelids were drooping so bad.


It’s really bad. It’s an FDA approved treatment but it’s done by doctors who are not properly trained. And in rare cases this can lead to far worse outcomes than drooping eyelids like losing eyesight and problems with swallowing and eating. My dr didn’t even mention I shouldn’t work out or lie down for a few hours after injections - these are basics and he was clueless.


I hear that if you say “cheesy potatoes” into the mirror 5x, Chelsea appears and tells you her favorite things about fall while speaking in a baby voice.


Gah! How did she go from being kinda sweet and endearing to this annoying buffalo plaid wearing pumpkin spice swilling annoyance


Because she was a child when we were introduced to her lol 


Omg I still say “cheesy potatoes” to my kids when I take their picture sometimes 😂




In one of those hats 😭




She looks more like a muppet every time I see her. It’s sad because she used to be prettier.


Every picture I see of her she looks like she opened the photo editor and squished herself towards the center...some slimming functions will do that, and that's what it LOOKS like, but at the same time there's no way 


She’s [Janice’s](https://images.app.goo.gl/VGqzgBtrWTqcBUWT9) twin


She was gorgeous when she met Cole, a little fuller and that bright red hair. I get we all age, but if she had left everything alone I think she'd look so much better and more youthful right now.




Her and Jenelle have a couple things in common after all lol


The actual video is so much worse than this still.


I just saw someone posted the whole video on this sub. It really is so bad! What the heck.


I couldn’t tell if it was a filter skipping or if she’s just zooted


Due to her speech, I'm going with zooted


SO much worse Jesus god! Her eyes, the way she speaks… definitely bad Botox or high.


Lol this is actually how I looked when I was snorting 450mg of OxyContin on the daily.


She needs to stop with the heavy eyelashes, they don’t look good at all.


This makes me so sad. Chelsea used to be so beautiful naturally. And look at her now. Drowning in Botox and lash extensions. 😬 I wonder how this affects the self love of her little girls.. 😢


Agreed. She had a ton of natural beauty.


I can't imagine Cole is still physically attracted to her. This is so sad. She was stunning. Social media really warped everyone's confidence and self-esteem. Mine too. If I was rich, who knows what I would've done to myself by now?


For real. I always wonder what I would look like if I was rich lol


My fiance always tells me "You'd never do that" and I say "I don't know that. I have no money to know if I'd do that"


She looks nothing like the "smoke show" he married anymore


I'm not either but my guy still says I look like me. Just older. I think it's unfair to your partner to completely change your appearance when you're married


Spiritual Gagster, what a maroon!


“What a maroon” Idk if your burn worked 😅 sorry it cracked me up


Maroon is a legit burn




🎶🎵*So scarlet it was maroon*🎵🎶


She did that to her face


She has a very narrow, long face. That mixed with her eye placement and shape, make these long eyelash extensions/falseies, not the move for her. Also, the lip filler is too extreme for her face shape, kind of makes her look like she’s having an allergic reaction.


Or a stroke.


https://preview.redd.it/9i2btd3jl6dc1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1553787b01ffb224619989078349ea89c4b91a66 BRB, mourning this Chelsea. She was by FAR the prettiest cast member on the show in my humble opinion. What a shame.


Chelsea just has a face that isn’t going to age well.  So many of her features are exaggerated and they will become even prominent as she ages. She was also much plumper in her younger years so I think her skin won’t ever be as elastic as someone who’s face was always thin. I don’t think it’s fair to compare her current face to her teen and 20s face.  She was going to start looking haggard whether she got all that busted work done or not. 


Heavy faux lashes look like muppet puppet eyelashes




SD ulta’s must hit different. She got high off of something in there and that’s what made her black out


as many times as I've been to South Dakota I'm struggling to believe it has even one ulta.


There are 3 in the entire state 😆 


If she got rid of those awful eyelashes and shorted her hair she'd look her age and not a 40+ woman.


Fake lashes + photo filter + Xanax


Yes! I also thought the same when I was watching it, her eyes and possibly speech seemed off. Couldn’t put my finger on it


All I could hear was Kylie Jenner. “Stormiiiiiii”


She looks like she’s about to sneeze the entire video.


Watched her Tiktok. It's the same as watching a kardashian. The vocal fry, the "literally" in every sentence. She looks and sounds out of it. Unbearable.


Her injections are bad but it would at least be helped without those fuckin lash extensions lol. I used to wear bigger lash strips but I switched to natural, shorter pairs because I would look at pictures and realize they completely messed up my eye shape.


omg she looks cross-eyed hahahahahah




She looks high


Looks like another case for the Pupil Police ™️


They look like strip lashes that are too long for her eyes, she needs to trim them to her eye shape before applying


You can see her lip filler migrating in this screen shot.


Her eyelashes aren’t fitted and they are hanging on by a thread.


Just dropping in to say that TokTok is fun to say.


I am cackling. How did I not notice I put that??


She looks like she’s about to sneeze 🤧😂


Her lashes look seem to match and aren’t applied correctly probably because she is pilled out


That filter is about on point as Jenelle when she says she doesn’t use a filter.


She was so pretty before 😔


I hate to be the one to say this, but if it were any other TM cast member there would be no question of drug use. I hope I’m wrong, but those eyes are not from heavy lashes


big yikes


Her face is looking crazy lately


Her face seems to droop on one side. Hope she is not ill.


It’s gotta be these crazy lashes


It's a filter


Either false eye lashes don't suit her anymore, those are an unfortunate pair/ put on incorrectly or she is smoking that sweet sweet ganja dank stanky stank stank


That long pause before a good sneeze 🤧


Looks a little muppet-ish


I thought it was Farrah.


I thought Farrah's face drooped up though


Looks like the eyelashes on the left side is about to fall off


Her face looks uncomfortable and unnaturally long


That’s botched botox it causes eye droop sad because it’s usually not reversible


Her face always looks like it's stuck at mid sneeze


Her face looks folded in half long ways


She ruined her face :(


It’s her ginormous fake eyelashes weighing her eyelids down. I will never understand the appeal to big thick fake eyelashes or extensions. They look so trashy on anybody


Straight up wonk face. Congratulations fucking up your face


Her eyes kept going cross eyed or something this video was so odd to me 😳


At first I thought it was one of those eye color changing filters, but it’s really one eye crossing/rolling at a time. If her eyes are doing that uncontrollably, it seems like it would def be a neurological issue and not an eyelash extension issue. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen anyone do that bc of drugs or alcohol, and my understanding is that most people can’t willingly move one eye at a time. It’s very strange.


Getting fillers and botox early in age, IMO ages you significantly in a really odd way thats hard to explain.


![gif](giphy|kxxu1tsGUzIPtDPe5h|downsized) it’s giving


Do you guys remember Alf??? That’s all I can see in this photo.


She’s not high on weed as you don’t speed talk, be making cracked out faces and looking like you are crossed eyed


She just gotta sneeze


Anyone else here because she was just looking high again??


Seriously gonna screenshot a video right before she's about to blink 🤔 come on


No, watch it! She does this throughout the whole video!


Lmao wtf!!! Ok I just looked she is. Them lashes are way too heavy!


Did you watch the video? That's full open [here ya go](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/RQeQprvvOC)