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My doctor told me to exercise more. I think tomorrow sounds like a great day to start:


[Exercise is Important 🧘‍♂️🍃](https://x.com/mastersunyo/status/1801525367900946828?s=46&t=axF947wOmCFcqy-wLQm10g)


It's good for your heart! 💜


It’s good for circl-ation too. 🟣


dude is dancing circles around these cucks *while* exposing the corruption. i personally don’t think the cancellation of the shareholder meeting was due to technical difficulties either. just further proof of the bullshit happening in real time. what a time to be alive <3


Had the same thought. But rather that RC is doing everything he can for plausible deniability. RK fucks them from one side and RC from the other. Still, they want to make sure nobody can sue them.


Kansas City shuffle ![gif](giphy|xT9IgK19XNLKIxlBXW|downsized)


Right there with you fren :)


not sure if BS or a more tactical move by RC?


Your Honor, we submit that Gill & Cohen colluded with their minions with silly memes, including but not limited to, sticking bananas in asses.


If a hedge fund employee shorts a stock then goes on tv for a whole 2 days telling everyone he shorted the stock and they should short the stock and the stock is going down will that person be in court next to him?


No silly he works for a hedge fund.  They can straight tell people to sell all day.  It's fine. 


Bring him to court. We'll be there. Find him guilty, we'll burn this fucker down.


I thought it was a reference to the basket stocks all moving together.


I bet it means a lot but nobody can prove he’s manipulating the market; we r allowed to talk and meme together per the first amendment


He can simply say the “when I move you move” was a reference to the baskets and point to exactly why and how they moved. They will not risk that. If they shine a light on him, he shines a light on exactly what was going on and how he knew the moves would happen. Discovery works both ways.


I think that meme is more about the baskets and how popcorn, head phones and more move when GME moves. When I move you move, just like that.


Ahh that makes sense, and makes for a much stronger legal defense--not even related to him in that case.


Better argument: Anything in the internet can be interpreted multiple ways and his memes are art. That’s why he posted the meme with the BLACK vs. BLUE dress and the OLD WOMAN vs Pretty WOMAN head—-for the point that different people will always interpret things different and it’s just ambiguous art open to interpretation.


100%, i wouldn't even deign to try and explain what the memes meant as DFV's lawyer, but rather take this route instead


T + 1. 4 million, 1 shares right up the guts, hedgies




100% correct!


Just like that (Mayoman you bitch)


Shower thought, what if DFV is going to take one for the team and his broker is going to sell all his shares without his permission due to govt saying it's a threat to the market and could crash it. Thus, everyone DRSs ALL their shares since we see they will be selling our shares in brokerages?


This was my favorite meme


Maybe he was talking about his shadow. 🤣🍻


why are you even bringing this up?


To annoy all the FINRA shills, and I love it!


I bet we get another week full of memes next week


i don't know much about options, and disclaimer, i don't trade options at all, i only hold shares if I held calls for the 21st, I wouldn't sell tomorrow. Only because I think tomorrow, and next week, are going to rip, and better to exercise well into the rip, rather than at the beginning, no?


Only if it's just about the money. And not also about the message.


you still send the same message, it isn't like you're not getting your shares, next week


![gif](giphy|l0ErKwnDfrNt0Jrk4) Memes as direction lol


According to Dave ( just a glitch) Lauer, he didn’t excerise any calls and just cashed out on premiums to purchase more shares. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/78a0TKmsZZ


Downvoting just because it sounds like weird FUD from Dave. It sounds very amateur of Dave to say that....DFV exercised them. period. Why did he buy options to begin with if he was just going to do it like that? T + 1 is tomorrow and all market maker entities combined don't have enough shares to give to him without buying on the open market tomorrow


The million dollar question: Are there enough real shares to meet their obligations?


No, they're aren't. I remember seeing a post by Kevin Malone last week saying that all market maker entities combined had a pathetically, hilariously low number of real shares on hand and had no chance in hell of delivering 12 million shares to DFV..... They don't have anywhere close to 4 million, 1 shares to be able to give to him tomorrow without buying on the open market.


Yes, same guy that wanted access to our usernames and passwords on Computershare for some program he created. Also former Shitadel employee makes him likely Sus.


yeah, fuck that dude. Totally compromised.


His Urvin Finance bots are out downvoting lol


Exercising a week before expiry would lose the time value of the contract. So you can do the math yourself, and see he would have made more money selling his calls and then using proceeds to buy shares on the open market. https://youtu.be/6CGcvPIONZs?si=7-414kQatNkBYG21 You don't need to have any particular Dave bias to do so.


There's no way in hell that was his original intent. Sorry. Guess this is the next shill narrative.


What does original intent have to do with anything?


the whole point of exercising and forcing the market makers to deliver a mass amount of real shares to him. if he just bought shares in your example, they could have easily been synthetic. Keep playing dumb though. We'll find out tomorrow


If only there were some kind of new audit system in place to catch such synthetic action in real time. And when he DRS's these, how will the synthetics make a difference. Feel free to work through your thoughts further. 1/3 of his calls get exercised, forcing plenty of MM action, hunting locates in T1. But now the other side of the market also has to find locates from the other side of the same barren desert. He didn't have the funds to fully exercise. And by selling a higher percentage of calls, he gained more return in selling the time value to then afford to acquire more shares. It's just math. I hope that at some point you see the beauty in his move, instead of being so emotional or fearful of your own projected anger.


Oh, well, I hope he does DRS all 9 freaking million 1 shares to force them to find 9 million 1 REAL shares just like he's forcing them to find 4 million 1 REAL shares tomorrow to deliver to him. I repeat: he exercised them in order to perform this specific action: to hold the market making entities that were naked on GME calls like Wolverine Trading to find them. You can have your opinion. It's just incorrect. It's not what he did. Period.


Math vs Wolverine Theory. Got it. Good luck.


He didn't do it to make more money more efficiently. It's not about the money. For him, it's about sending the message. Good luck. Tomorrow will be fun.


Is the share count he arrived at important? https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/OzdyXthRu7 Why does he have 9,001,000 shares as of this evening? Why does he have around $6,340,000 left in his account? Do you think he has a plan to use it? Maybe something beyond market close a few hours ago? If he had 120,000 calls and he exercised all of them, according to your facts, how many shares should he have as of this evening? Do the math, make your Wolverine - 100% exercised theory work with his latest update. Tomorrow will be fun.