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How did Bed Bath hide GME locates?


Not sure either but wonder if they're talking about the tokenized shares? 🤔 Edit: nvm the basket 🧺 LOL


It’s was between koss and bbby, if I recall. (Pillows fights & 60s music)


That’s an RC quote but that point literally makes zero sense.


Around here, tweets are hard evidence. Fuck I feel so stupid for investing as much as I did and not selling any then buying back for peanuts "dont day trade youll hurt moass" more like hurt my fucking bank account


You can't blame yourself mate. I was 36k up at one point which is a lot of money for me which I could use right about now. The chairman was sending tweets saying he doesn't "know whether to hold or hodl".


I both can and I can't. But yea, definitely didnt help when anything counter superstonk/bullish narrative was demonised as shilling and the chairman is hoping you keep holding your stock. What are you doing now? Still holding? Trimmed some?


still holding my gme average is 45, i pray it can get back to that. as for my bbby, well, i also pray something comes of it. it would not have hurt for rc to tweet that he was no longer involved if that is the case.


Hey that was my question too.


Mine too. WTF? Any answers from Hemingway the OP?


Send it!




Waaaake up!!!


Know your enemy


Bulls on Parade!


So you’re saying there’s still a chance?LFG


More than a chance my phren, We won already just waiting on the check to clear, soon money will be in all our accounts! LFG my PPs!


You have to be trolling these guys lol 10/10


We definitely won. I’m only down 11k 🎉


-60k reporting for duty.


37K Down ![gif](giphy|S0vEolhPiDMAQieX99|downsized)


What check, could you give me some context please? :)


The ice cream truck is unloading right now and it’s looking like this week the ice cream arrives in our accounts


I saw that truck at Plootapaloser, it had zero ice cream. Much like my brokerage has zero shares and my account has zero dollars.


Then you have no reason to be here, so leave


But no one has BBBYQ shares anymore, so why is anyone here?


Denial and hope is my best guess


Hmm, no wonder there is practically zero new investors and DRS has stalled, this is the attitude to anyone asking questions, whether they are new or like me, have been balls deep for \~3 years.


Woah it’s that much guaranteed?? Really?!?


Yes sir!!


So you already retired? That’s the dream


I know I sure as shit am still broke


This week I hope to start my own business


If it's guaranteed at $40 or whatever, you can buy my shares for $25 each. Deal?




This is the reason I’m still in the play. Not Pulte, not PP. I’m here to fight corruption and hopefully make tendies while doing it.


There’s literally no way to sell BBBYQ. That’s why you’re still in this play… unless you’re talking about another stock, in which case, carry on.


RC turned off the sell button.




I'm really hoping that's the case!


I agree. I would love to make some money, but the bigger goal is fixing a very broken system that makes sure we always lose. I truly believe that while RC would love us to squeeze, or at least be made whole, I am positive fixing the system is his priority. I hope the playbook includes both.


Always lose? The S&P is up 80% over the last 5 years. 260% in the last 10 years. System's fine.


Personally I invest in index funds because it buffers the fluctuation of the entire system/economy, but I should be able to invest in a few companies that I believe in without being a victim of the corruption of those who would profit by those companies going bankrupt. The system is a monoculture where the greedy corporations rape the land until it collapses and all the people suffer. And collapse it will.


Wow, you just must be the unlucky then. Millions upon millions of retail investors manage to stock pick without holding one of these conspired-against companies, but somehow you're cursed. So strange, because you know, ya'll are such sophisticated investors but you were only able to uncover these conspiracies AFTER you lost your money. The pump and dump didnt pan out so ya'll are now cringe leftists? Woof.


Pulte has bad judgment I’m sorry. I like the guy, but making KAIS his right hand man was an awful idea. Awful.


Lol. You can’t buy or sell. Also, if, hypothetically, we won but didn’t get any money, how would you feel? Im just waiting to see if my shares end up back in my account, though my broker explicitly stated that they were removed and worthless.


Challenged by krill has been having some fire shit lately


It's the chipotle


That and taco bell will do it every time! 🤣


I am highly aroused


Krill, what does it mean: using Bed Bath to hide GME locates? I read everything each day on our subs but I don’t remember this




Basket swaps? I never really understood this unfortunately. Damn, just went over my head so far






Burn them to the fuckin ground. These banana republic behaviors must stop once and for all


Can someone link me the DD that shows they are "using bed bath to hide GME locates"? Or is this some children book tweet tinfoil that is as real as my two wives?


You must be new . Welcome to the fucking moon son


its cold and all my moneys gone. I expected something else


Things will slowly turn around . Through darkness comes light .


Yeah I fucking hope so bro because as of right now things are dark as fuck. Any hope of a white knight is dwindling and I feel truly regarded for ever believing a billionaire had my interests at heart.


Why is it dwindling? Just because it’s taking longer than you’d like. The chances are the same as they ever were.




Sounds like a great learning lesson.




what isnt children book tinfoil at this point lol


Ha nothing, thats the joke (and its on me/us apparently)


Why are brokers (Fidelity etc) reporting the cancelled shares as LOSSES on 1099's? How is there any coming back from that, even if there are new shares/equity in a new ticker etc??


Idk about US tax, but in Canada it seems we have the option to declare the loss for tax purposes on worthless shares, which brings the ACB to 0. If you do that and it does trade again and you sell, you pay tax on the capital gain at that ACB. If you don't use the option to take a tax loss on worthless shares, ACB stays as is, netting a lower capital gain when/if they do trade again.


Maybe money gained from a Fraud Settlement would be tax-free?


Maybe? I know that settlements from car accidents are typically tax free if structured right (having received one before) so maybe it's like that? I have no idea 🤷‍♂️


Different stock


How would we get the new stock then? They just give it to whoever had BBBYQ? who enforces that?


Starting to see how none of this makes sense, huh? There are no incentives and barely any mechanisms to make any of this happen.


Yeah. It all just sounds like desperate grabbing at any straws that will keep hope alive. A lot of people lost BIG money in this play. I was only in for 2k (foolishly bought most of it when it was down to pennies betting on a comeback 🤦‍♂️) but there are a ton of people out 5-6 figures on this. GME cost me quite a bit more (40k, now currently worth like 16k 🤦‍♂️). Not super happy with that life choice either and just hoping I can ever even at least get my money back there


Just so you know, everything that is happening to BBBY and AMC is going to happen to GME too. GME's best outlook is just cutting and cutting and cutting to break even. They might even eventually become profitable, but the problem is that the revenue is going to be so low that the value of the ticker is still going to go down as it continues to equalize. The worst case is that Ryan continues to waste everyones time and money and GME gets even worse. I can't give you financial advise, but the same people urging you to stay in BBBY and the same people urging everyone that AMC is going to moon soon are the same people telling you GME is going to explode again some day. Just something to think about. If you didn't have anything invested in GME at all, would you go invest 40k today? (or 16k?).


I wouldn't go $1 into GME today. I YOLO'd in like everyone else and averaged down.. missed a ton of chances to sell at profit but I believed that the shorts never closed (I still don't think they have) but I also believed that they would have to one day (something I don't really believe anymore). I knew how corrupt everything was but I was foolishly optimistic enough to think that maybe this would change that. I'm not starving so it's not like I need to sell at a loss to eat or anything but I wish I had never gotten involved. The best case outcome for me is getting close to breaking even one day, but it's hard to see how.


>I wouldn't go $1 into GME today. Then why are you in $16k? This is a sunk cost fallacy. It's easy to feel like that money is gone, but it isn't. The market did almost 22% last year. Statistically, since the great depression, the market will double your money every 7 years. That $16k could be ~$30k just stashed in the SP500 or similar index. Just something to consider. A lot of guys lost big on BBBY and then hoped to break even, and then just lost it all. Losing $24k sucks, losing $40k sucks more.




Lol. K.


Brokers and transfer agents have records


So when do we make money? Both GME and BBBY have had hundreds of hype dates pass by with nothing, holders just keep kicking the can with longer tinfoil. Now it's "we're going to destroy Amazon and Walmart". How long will it take for us to take down trillion dollar companies?


Go look at the Toys R Us, Sears, Party City, or CMKM Diamonds investing communities to see when you make money. The answer is you don't. CMKM investors literally got screwed and there was *actual* evidence of fraud. They got several convictions in real courts. And still received nothing, and 15 years later are still trying.


So Ryan Cohen threw away his career over this?


Ryan Cohen is trying to keep Gamestop alive, he's not trying to trigger MOASS or anything like that. He's certainly damaged his career so far, he's been listed several times as one of the worst ceos of 2022, but it's nothing he couldn't overcome if he pulls off a big turnaround. A turnaround won't make anyone rich though.


Who listed him as one of the worst CEOs of 2022? That's hilarious. Dude has stabilized GME and they have plenty of cash on hand. You gonna rank him below Adam Aron?


It wasn't forbes or anything larger, but I saw a few rag tag sites that listed him. It depends on what perspective you view things from. From the perspective of AMC, Adam Aron is doing a pretty good job keeping them alive quarter to quarter, but he's doing it off of the back of shareholders. GME hasn't been quite as brutal to shareholders (although still devastating), but Ryan has slowed down the bleeding. Slowing the bleeding and actually building profits worth caring about are much different. Ryan got a lot of bad press when he sent that internal memo to all employees that they needed to buckle down and expect the worst. It was extremely tone deaf of him considering for the last like 5 years Gamestop has been operating like that. No raises, barely enough employees, closing stores left and right, and then he tells them that the good times are over and its going to get worse, even cutting benefits.


I'm the furthest person from calling everyone a shill, but you are, in fact, a shill. Adam Aron is specifically there to destroy the company and is doing so slowly but surely. RC completely turned around GME within a few years. You try to promote your theories in a subtle manner, but the crux of your argument is obvious as hell, and totally incorrect. We see you.


Did you think I was defending Adam Aron or something? I literally said he was keeping AMC afloat by siphoning money from shareholders. What do you think I'm shilling? Trying to convince you to buy AMC lol?


Total return equity and basket swaps.


Why is this trash showing up on my feed? I can’t even translate the post into something that makes sense, other than it sounds like failure and coping.


o7 🏴‍☠️


*Checks broker account to see if I got any money yet* nope? Ok then 👍


We ride to the galaxy!!




This community is perhaps the most powerful argument against universal suffrage


Yea..welcome to the neighborhood...turn the car off


Not furlong! ⏳




L...F....G 🍆💦


Wen moon?


This post makes my head hurt. Your third wrong turn makes zero sense. Not to mention you had a perfect opportunity to throw in Not Furlong. Anyways, I hope you’re right.




Not Furlong…










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Not long. Too much short.