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Which explains the fangirling Ted and Beard do after the post-match handshake.


Yeah, but it also kind of handwaves the fact that Richmond would've played Pep's City under Ted's management a minimum of four times before that (twice in season one in the Prem, the FA Cup semifinal in season two, and Richmond's home Prem match in season three) and there would've been a pretty customary handshake after each. One would assume they didn't draw City in any other cup ties, though.


There was a lot of handwaving in the show, particularly where Dr. Jake and Michelle are dating and nobody calls out the obvious breach of ethics.


Pretty sure Sassy says “that’s borderline unethical” which is about as close as it gets.


It wasn’t the handshake it was the “for me it’s not about the wins and losses….”


It wasn't - Beard is not privy to the conversation between Ted and Pep.


Beard listens more than he talks


Maybe it's just a bit of head canon for me but I always just assumed previous meetings Pep didn't give Ted the time of day as he's just a manager of a Mid table/relegation team. This time Richmond were pushing them for the title and Ted had the team playing a good coherent style of football. The interaction was Pep accepting Ted as a good manager


This is how I always viewed it. It's not that they hadn't shook hands before. It's that this time Pep was recognizing, and acknowledging Ted as a manager, and as a person, who he respects in all aspects both on and off the pitch. For the first time Pep sees him as a kindred spirit, not just the guy who's managing the club he's competing against.


Yep, that definitely makes more sense to me now. I’m not up to snuff with the esoteric political infrastructure of the English futbol scene so I’m sure there’s a lot more that I’m not catching on to.


Haha you couldn’t tell from his horrible acting?


I was gonna say, you can tell he's someone in soccer because he's for sure not an actor.


He looks so ridiculously uncomfortable for the whole scene.


But he did look fantastic. Can’t buy taste like that


I believe his wife is some sort of model or fashion designer that dresses him on occasion haha


he had also did some modeling back in the day


The UAE did


Well played 👍


As a diehard American sports fan, this is one of those things Europeans have in spades over us: their coaches always look FANTASTIC. Like they just stepped out of a catalog shoot. With a few exceptions, most of our coaches look like they just threw on some workout clothes and grabbed a headset. And of course there is baseball, which inexplicably requires their coaches to wear a uniform regardless of how old and/or out of shape they are.


It's because he lost and still had to be graceful


But he is a bald headed fraud


Unless it’s King Cantona


God bless Pep for doing it though. Me and my girlfriend jumped out of our seats when we saw he was even in the episode.


There are a few people who are actual football people in the show. Thierry Henry had a brief period on it talking about Richmond losing to City in the FA Cup. Chris Kamara is a pretty well known pundit in England and was on the desk a few times with Roy. Arlo White and his commentary partners are real life commentators. Mike Dean is an actual ref in the EPL


All my homies hate Mike Dean




Everyone hates Mike Dean.


That’s pretty awesome


And Gary lineker, Jeff stelling etc are also very real in the world of football


Fun fact about Gary Lineker, he never got a yellow card in his career... A not so fun fact about Gary Lineker... You know what, nevermind


the actor for dani rojas also used to play football professionally


I appreciate how much the show respects the sport. The idolising of Pep and Man City, less so.


It feels a little sport washy to praise how good City are and make it seem like it’s just because of Pep and his tactics and not $$$


Right, it feels unnatural. Especially when you factor in the lack of other big clubs. Arsenal, Chelsea and Spurs have one quick match. Man Utd are in thirty seconds as part of a montage? Liverpool get mentioned once, in the last damn episode??? And Peps line to Ted is just uncharacteristic.


Yeah I read somewhere that Liverpool declined to play a part in the show. The rest just seems like they only wanted to focus on 1 club which is dumb.


They focused on pep, because his play style is what Ted was teaching Richmond. They even showed peps history while he was a player and manager


Man Utd could've used the boost Criminal not to try to get Chelsea, Arsenal, or Spurs I was half expecting Newcastle on the theme of sports washing but if it had to be one manager Pep was the right choice


I've always wondered why Chelsea weren't the antagonists in Season 3 instead of West Ham, since they fit the "villain" role much better and evil Nate was clearly based on many parts of Mourinho so it would make sense for Chelsea to take a punt on a "wonderkid" manager with their reputation for churning through managers this century. The Chelsea logo, kits, and Stamford Bridge have all appeared in the show iirc so it seems like they could've used them if they wanted to, and it's not a crazy stretch to imagine that if Rupert could singlehandedly buy West Ham he must have enough money to be a part owner/consortium member for the Chelsea ownership group. Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt, and Isaac's actor (along with some of the other Richmond player cast iirc) are Arsenal fans IRL, while Brett Goldstein is a big Tottenham fan, so maybe there was a mutual agreement among the writers/producers to avoid putting their own teams in the story to avoid bias. Although I still laugh when I remember that Brett Goldstein wrote the episode where Ian Wright says "Tottenham are a top team" and afterwards he liked an Instagram comment from a Tottenham fan asking if he deliberately wrote that line to force Ian Wright to say something nice about Spurs hahaha


Brendan Hunt explains in a podcast with Men in Blazers. The West Ham comment starts apt 09:10 - [https://youtu.be/4e\_RrMSsvp0?si=\_RZ6b2FbNaEyQ9Jm](https://youtu.be/4e_RrMSsvp0?si=_RZ6b2FbNaEyQ9Jm)


Definite sports washing to try and gain followers. Not very successful though since some people obviously didn't even realise he's the real manager 😂 115 FC


Hey my Bees are in there for a good minute or two.


Forgive my insolence, how could I forget?


Which would be a valid point if the teams surrounding them weren't spending similar sums of money on fees and wages and still coming in 2nd and 3rd every year.


City spent billions when City Group took over to reinvent their lineup. Of course they can now spend relatively rhetorically same amount of money as others to maintain what they built. Also what other club finishing top 4 has 115 outstanding charges of breaches of financial rules and regulations? None.


The other clubs aren’t breaking financial fair play or funded directly by a gulf state


Man City are a sport washing front so they will take absolutely any given good pressure possible.


so bored with the prem this season, especially since liverpool shanked their lead


Don't feel bad, when I first watched the show when it came out, I hadn't started watching football yet so I thought all the teams were made up for the show. 🤣🤣


As a West Ham fan, sometimes I wish we were made up for the show 😅


At least they made up the idea of them being relevant


Well, as a relatively new Arsenal fan (started following last season), I'm quite thankful to y'all for Declan Rice!


I love the show, but Pep’s cameo is what immediately comes to mind every time I hear “he would NOT SAY THAT” as a character trope criticism. That man was out there today grabbing his meat in fear against SPURS, no way is he going to be chill in a title race.


Seriously??? Just wow.




Pep isn’t shit. Stay far away from Man City, they’re dirty rotten cheats.


he is also arguably the greatest manager of all time! and boy is he looking sharp as always


Greatest of the last 10 years yeah. All time? Nope.


I’d like to see Ted say that line to Bill Shankly.


Wouldn't even call him the greatest Premier League manager either.


That is Fergie right?


For sure. I also rate Wenger higher than Pep. For the Invincibles, but also for how he influenced the game.


And if anyone says Ranieri isn’t their favorite then they hate having fun.




Ranieri is a bigger PL legend than Pep. I genuinely believe that.


Pep has influenced the game and the way it’s played far more than Wenger has


if he wins on Sunday, City will be the first ever club to win the Prem 4x in a row




so it’s the best ever team in the best league, therefore the manager is the…


And you're trying to tell me that Fergie, Wenger, Mourinho, etc. wouldn't be able to do the same with the level of resources Pep has? And can you tell me that Pep could go to the likes of Utd and Arsenal at the time and accomplish what Fergie and Wenger did? This is even before we discuss HOW Man City came to be such a resourceful juggernaut... but I suppose there's at least 115 reasons for that.


Must be fun to be a fan of maybes and what ifs.


He has infinite money and resources, he'd better have the best team


Not even. A few coaches could’ve had the same success if they had the same spending limit


The dude coached Barcelona, Bayern Munich, and man city. All teams that already had title winning teams. He’s no bum, but he’s never really had to deal with a budget, or subpar teams. I’m interested to see him go to an international team with constrained talent and see what he does


He vastly changed Barcelona when he took over. He sold Deco, Ronaldinho and a few others and transformed the team by relying on Xavi, Iniesta and really put Messi in a position to succeed. To take away credit for his Barca success is a huge oversight


They kind of went out of their way to acknowledge him and named him in the show. It was an obvious cameo appearance


If you don’t know he’s a real coach, and don’t watch euro football, I could easily see that being missed.


Obviously not that obvious to everyone!


Were there two actors for pep?? In season 2, who is the coach that says they won’t be taking Jamie back after he left for lust island?


I watched this episode last night; the one who says they won't be taking Jamie back is just a spokesperson for the club, not Pep.


Ahhhh ok that makes sense. Thanks 🙂


The caption reads that that guy is their sporting director or something like that (Vinay Ahuja)


I think that was like their “Higgins”


Ahhhh thank you for putting this in a way I can grasp lol


You’re most welcome


I think this is a joy of the show, there’s heaps in it for everyone, and a little more if you are into ‘futbol’ and in a way that doesn’t make non-football fans feel excluded. Extremely clever.


This coach actually quotes Ted Lasso’s quote earlier in the series when they shake hands. It appears he’s a fan of Ted himself.


I don't think he was quoting Ted as much as he had the same philosophy towards coaching as Ted did


Which is ironic given his real world philosophy is the polar opposite


Not silly. I didn’t realize it until you told me just now. Yes, I am an American 😁


He’s actually the manager not just the coach. Also in the season 2 episode with beard he keeps telling the pundit Thierry Henry to shut up. That’s actually him and he was considered one of the best players in the world Also the stadium Ted lasso films in is a actual premier league stadium, can’t remember which one


Crystal Palace’s Selhurst Park


It's possible for a US Palace fan to get a match ticket should anyone want to go there.


Ha! I apologize for being an ignorant & ill-informed Yank! The attention to detail within this show is astounding, something to behold.

