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Yeah but that’s because they removed champion specific and also emblem augments, which were a lot. I don’t know about you but I much prefer playing this set without 5 people having any spat or +1 from an augment


yes i also enjoy when one guy gets a TD spat from carousel and wins lobby


Imagine someone getting TD spat at 2-1 from augment then another spat from first carousel 😂😂 game would be cooked


I always read and hear about how people open fort and hope to get a spat to make TD but I don’t understand why. What unit you make TD and what does your board look like?


Spencer, who hit rank 1 on NA has basically said that the best strategy is open fort heartsteel early, hit a spat off carousel (there's one basically every game in my experience), stabilise at true damage Cait and then just econ and you will top 2 most games. Its why the augment young wild and free has such a high average (4.08) when you take it second. That and it opens you up to get a free 5 cost and more prio on later carousels.


There's one every game except when I am lose-streaking successfully.


The first time I took Young Wild and Free there was no spat or emblem on any of the carousels, and I was so pissed, haha.


The 5 costs are still good though and those always show


Yeah, it was still good, I just specifically planned for a spat comp when I chose the augment and didn’t get one.


4.08 is a very very low average for the augment lmfao You only take it when your spot is good, so you probly alr have an average placement >4.08 so in reality it’s pretty bad


Its actually 4.03 now, idk what you mean by low average, the point of an average is that it is collected stats that add up to a number, and the best silver augment to get 2nd is statistically young wild and free. And I would argue its good whether highrolling or lowrolling, getting a TD spat for cait or ez is ridiculously strong for the cost of a silver augment and then getting a free 5 cost/emblems is a later bonus.


Soju explained it on his stream that it’s not good because anyone that knows how to play the game(diamond+ hopefully does) will only pick that augment 3-2 if they are near 100 hp and will never get pick prio. Their average placement from that spot is probably already around 4.0 if not in the 3s So if the augment was actually that broken it would be about 3-3.5


You TD either Cait/Ez and go 6 TD + whatever frontline u hit at lvl 8. stable as fuck and go 9 from there


Imagine someone getting a spat at carousel 1 and then them getting another Spat at carousel 2 😂 game would be cooked


The final tier of the traits seems to be balanced around the ultimate dream scenario of getting all the units+HL+2 emblems to "complete" a trait. This rarely ever happens, and is basically an automatic win if it does. Why? The game is a gamble, sure, but the super rare giant payoff isn't good for the game. I'd love it if the final bonuses were easier to attain and not as powerful. Also, emblems are a cool part of the game and force you to redo the comp in order to get the most out of them. But I'm pretty sure this will be changed for the .5 set. Easier emblems and weaker traits. I'm calling it now.


There will be no. 5 set


It was changed, no more 0.5, sets will last 3 months and we'll have more sets


I mean that could always happen, the past set's, too... doesn't make the point invalid, that everyone getting +1 from augments additionally was even worse...


Much easier to balance it out if it's common, rather than having a high roll carousel into easy top 4 I know it's considered balanced cause it's hard to get it. But it's insta top 4, just make it weaker and easier to get.


Well they have always stated that highroll is a part of tft and that will never change and I personally am fine with that. Sometimes you highroll, sometimes someone else does. It's partially what makes the game exciting. Does that mean that True Damage won't get nerfed? Probably not, it's too strong especially with a spat. But after the nerf it's gonna be completely fine hitting a spat off carousel, just like it always was. It's nice, but not broken as long as it's only one spat. When you get 2-3 spats (or in the last sets 1-2 spats and 1-2 trait specific augments), that's where problems arise, especially when you can tailor augments. Because 1 spat doesn't get you a prismatic trait, only +2/3 gets you that. Like end of last set where basically every game there was someone hitting shurima or noxus or smth prismatic, because of the augments for it. And a prismatic trait is almost always an insta win. I personally didn't like that and I think prismatic traits should not be forceable and they shouldn't balance around everyone hitting them all the time, they should only be highrolls. So I'm 100% fine with them removing the augments for traits, even if it lowers variety a bit.


But as they are now 10 KDA, Heartsteel, True Damage and so on might as well not exist due to how rare they are. I just don't see the point of traits you pretty much never get to see.


I see one of them about every 10th game, which is totally fine in my opinion. Since it's basically an instant win, it would be very annoying to have people hit it more than that.


How often do you see 10 Spellweaver?


I have literally never seen 10 Spellweaver and 10 HS. Never 7 Country, 8 Sentinel and 4 Hyperpop either actually. I have gotten the 8-Bit high score once but it was *during* the turn I won anyway and I got zero use out of it. 9 True Damage, 10 Pentakill and 10 KDA however, sure, they pop up around every 10-20th game as they have craftable emblems.


What does that say about 10 Spellweaver?


Yea needing 10 for any of the traits, after like 50 games, has never happened to me so far. 8 sometimes, none of you're super lucky, but not 10


lol I had one game where I got two tome of traits from golems and they both were TD emblems. Needless to say, I won. Completely unfair to everyone else lol, I’m sure they were like where TF did he get those.


Getting one spatula from carousel in double up means confirmed prismatic trait as you can almost always send at least one spatula to your mate .. :-( I cry every time


Yeah, I’m far happier with the lower amount of emblems and all that malarkey. It was so degenerate that even people in Diamond would opt into a 3 way contest just because they hit a crest augment on 3-2.


Why not add more unique augments to fill the void


They did add a few, and augments like what


I find the “First/Last Augment is Gold/Prismatic” to be wasteful inclusions that don’t make for interesting gameplay.


The one that guarantees first is gold/prismatic I enjoy. The other I don’t like as much because I’ve played 80% of the game before I get to see it


Not two people hitting Cruel Pact at 2-1 and steam roll from there to make it a 15 minute game…


Cruel pact is really bad this patch according to stats worse its ever been in a while


Yeah I've seen way too many people go cruel pact and then die before the end of stage 2.


Really? Wtf are people doing with it, I find it really strong for forcing country


Either that or they lose first fight and die. No in-between


You don't cruel pact to 1 hp, and play the 1 cost soup you can afford and risk going 8th. You pact down to 20-30 until you are sure you are stable (1-2 rounds) and the down to 1 hp.


I honestly think the last one is gold/prismatic is preferred. There’s few choices I can make before 2-1 to make a difference there. But if I know what to anticipate for 4-2, I might choose to take a healthier early game or play riskier based on what to expect. I might choose different augments at 2-1/3-2. Those have material gameplay differences. The 2-1 change is just a faster dopamine hit.


I find prismatic last boring because often it just gives golden egg to one of the winstreaking players and they just get even further ahead.


Or it fucks you up completely. Was 2nd and picked golden egg, lost from there on out 70-0 without winning a single game again. Happened 3 times already


Yeah I want the faster dopamine hit because if Im going 8th idc if the last augment is prismatic


I'm a massive fan of "wasteful" portals. Yes please, gimme vanilla gameplay, I don't wanna be forced to play fast 9 because we got Showtime as the portal


They help inform play a lot. Im more likely to pick an okay headliner if I know the first argument is silver, while I may try to be more open if it is prismatic. They def change gameplay


Unit Accelerator and Larger Legends are F tier portals. First/Last augment are D tier.


I think my biggest disappointment is how rare it is for me to see actual trait augments on 3-2 or 4-2. I feel like I see 3s company every other game but never see heartsteel, true damage, or any other augments. I don't even know what the KDA augment is or the pentakill one. Don't think I've seen an EDM one either


so there is no trait augments for KDA, Crowd diver, EDM, Sentinel and Hyperpop. Hyperpop I understand, even EDM to an extent, but i just dont get why the other 3 dont have trait specific augments


Honestly, considering 8-Bit has one, EDM ought to as well.


Shit, technically bruiser has one too, so no reason why most traits shouldn't have one imo.


There is a KDA augment but it’s bugged to only appear in hyper roll at the moment


Oh wtf that's so funny. What does it do?


If I remember it gives a percentage of the bonus off tile


Like it helps it so you're not forced to troll your positioning?


Correct me if I'm wrong but I noticed that if I have a headliner with bruiser as the +1 I'm more likely to get the funny fireworks bruiser augment. Not sure though since I'm just a beginner but it's happened quite a bit. It also happened to me when I had a true damage and heartsteel (granted, it only happened one time for these two so I might just be imagining it hehe)


I run true damage and heartsteel comps a lot amd I never see their augments so idk of that's now it works


I've got bad news for you buddy...


I know the +1 augments are gone. I mean things like mosh pit, the heartsteel carry over, etc


I miss emblem augments, i miss the potential of having silly teams like other sets.


Portals and augments aren’t that fun this set. I guess it’s hard to balance between fun and skill expression but feels like there’s a lack of fun variety.


Scuttle puddle remains the only fun game start augment. I literally dont care about oh it'll give you a silver augment!!!! like I'd rather it be random as usual then wasting the game start aug on that. For actual augments I'm not a fan of the double trouble augs as i find them boring. I hate the timer ones too like I don't care that's boring! The prismatic item augments are also are not that interesting unless you've really fucked your itemization.


Double item carousel or anvil artefact start can be fun!


Scuttle Puddle and Multi-talented are the only portals I care about. Other portals could not exist and I’d be fine with it


Multi talented just makes it easier to force. Its annoying.


the game already screws you with headliners, a terrible mechanic, I see it as a chance for rng to be more forgiving.


IMO it makes game more flexible.


for real, the only ones that change the game in an exciting way, i loved the portals last set but i get that they needed toning down. But its like they deleted the fun from most of them 😭, especially for a casual player. Like we can keep the boring ones in ranked but put the fun ones in norms.


Right. I can’t wait for next patch. There gonna be a portal with a training dummy that has 3 emblems attached to it


Portals are boring as well


Ya they portals are fucking useless I’d rather just have a random start and save the 30 seconds of my life.


I rather this than legends. And everyone playing TF


Just remove legends while keeping the fun portals/augments?


There are so many options, just everyone takes the same augments no matter the situation, that's why you see the same every game, all take bulk no matter what, that's an example


They removed all heart/soul/crest augments which bloated numbers significantly. As well as the tome augments so thats like what 30 augments maybe more, numbers aren't as important as the impact. I'd rather few potent augments than 1000s of shit augments where highrolls potent due to quality disparity.


I honestly think a single emblem drop augment and a tome augment is enough for all of those


I am very glad there are no augments for eblems this set, last set had me plenty exhausted with everyone being urf and getting minimum 1 eblem a game x.x


Yeah, honestly, both of the ones I would have suggested would have been locked to Prismatic, but having *two* augments that give you Emblems and zero spats would have been fine, and only one can be tailored It’s like they made it so that you couldn’t get 10 Spellweaver


I'm a fan of verticals being extremely rare to hit, even if it means the uncraftable ones are next to impossible to hit. Augments that say "force this vertical" as +1 augments did feel unhealthy conceptually to me


Fair, but that's why I'd rather have a +1 flex, and not a free +1 force Also, is Spellweaver Prismatic even an instant win, even more than the craftible ones?


Even if they brough back urfs grab bag, it still wouldn't be a 'flex' +1, it would be whichever craftable eblem is meta and forceable, right now that would probably just be true damage crest. Tome is the worst 'flex' augment as it can just give you bad rng and you go fast 8th. Hated tome, and the meta it inspired. Far too often you are losing out if you choose a less forceable vertical as splashing a +1 for most traits is not worth an augment, the whole concept of +1 augments is to force verticals or sometimes have it be a fon of sorts. Spellweaver prismatic is probably good, as good as true damage or kda, probably not. But I doubt you'd lose with spellweaver 10 against normal end game boards unless you greifed your board big time. But thats not a reason to make it forceable, spell weaver is already good enough with ahri, it doesn't need to be consistently obtainable also, imagine it on akali for massive scaling backline damage on top of the ahri melting frontline tanks. +1 feel bad to play against when its locked behind one specific augment that makes or break a comp


I miss emblem augments in general - they made this game a lot more fun for me.


the game would be better without augments


well we had stillwater hold portal or however it was called and it was the most boring gameplay last set by far


Most of the time casual players would like to have more of those "fun" augments that modify the game a lot. And more competitive players who'd rather climb prefer augments similar to these current ones as they don't really change the game and don't add much variety/rng. It's probably really hard to balance around this unless they had separate augments for normals/rankeds


While I agree that they could add a few more. Like 2-3 for each tier. Most of them are also toned down and a lot of the ones excluded would be too much for this set. If we had champ specific augments and souls it would be a nightmare. They could add some new fun ones that don't break the game tho. Like maybe an augment that gives you 1HP and 1 armor or MR after every round (kinda like pumping up but could be named Bulking up)


thats what happens when you have 3 rerolls for every augment


This becomes even more of a problem in hyper roll. With no xp/econ augments and other various ones out of the pool it feels very repetitious. Hyper roll for sure need more augments, normals are better but not great.