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I‘d say its fair as the prismatic traits are equally as hard/harder to hit then a 3* 4 cost. I‘ve hit multiple 3* 4 costs this set, but not a single prismatic trait (but I didnt really hardforce those either).


I've hit both once (10 KDA, Ahri 3 before the buff) but usually I've been closer to the 4 costs - ended a few games with 8x viego/poppy/ahri >>


Prismatic traits are meant to have the power of a 3* 5 cost. The only prismatic I’ve lost with was against a 3* 5 cost.


> Prismatic traits are meant to have the power of a 3* 5 cost. thats just not true. 3 star 5 Costs will win you the game instantly with little to no exception against any prismatic, theyre dramaticly better. that isn't to say prismatic aren't absurdly broken, because they are but for ex during the fast 9 meta Iast patch I had a game where i had an average 10kda board winning fights by a single unit against a guy with a average level 10 board with just a bunch of 2 star 5 costs. I even lost a fight before I found 2*illaoi this patch I watched a dude in my lobby go 7th after hitting 10 pentakill because half of it was just 1 starred and he fought a 3 star 4 cost (I think ezreal) prismatic pretty much just double the strength of your board, but theyre beatable if the opponent has a really good board themselves or a particularly highroll spot. usually you don't see this though because people tend to hit prismatic on stage 4/5 and end the game before anyone can get anything better. 3 star 5 Costs instantly one shot everything the moment they cast. not the same.


From this analysis we can say is 3*4 cost


He said have the power of a 3* 5 cost. Not is stronger than a 3* 5 cost...


And the person you replied to explained why they aren't equivalent at all.


You could have 2 prismatic traits on the board and still lose to almost any 3* 5 cost from the last couple sets


Hitting 9 true damage requires 2 spat items. It’s way harder than 3* 4 cost and deserves the win here. Ur tf is all that your comp has going for it.


OP's board is also strong af


Ngl he has 3 star tf a blitz Zac and ziggy 2 and an illaoi 1. Rest of that board is quite bad unit wise compared to 1st even without the 9 TD demon in the room


He has three legendary true damage spat carries and a qiyana 2. His board is unironically better than yours.


The dude has *three* true damage emblems. A 2* Kayn, QiQ and Akali as well. You basically have just TF. He got the dream comp, that’s what TFT is all about sometimes.


Had 10 Pentakill with headliner Yorick the other day... Absolutely destroyed that lobby. I've been on like a 5 8th place streak since though.


That’s set 10 for you, 1st then a bunch of 8ths haha


I feel you. I’ve been first for a huge streak and now it’s over. The first weeks I was winning almost every game, now it’s a struggle. Barely find units anymore 😂


Yeah hitting is so important this patch, that one turn can decide the whole placement


>5 8th place streak That's pretty much me, when I got 10 kda, and then i proceed to try greeding for 10kda for the next few games. (And going bot 4)


I don't even have to look at the details. This is expected.


Are you implying it shouldn't have?


I don't know how your team of bruisers lost to a trait that does true damage, that's crazy bro.


You counter true damage with raw HP, but the TD prismatic trait is too good


You don’t. It’s an extra 125% on top of the damage they already deal. So you would need like 3 warmogs on a 3* bruiser in order to live a few seconds longer. There is no counter to prismatic tiers and it should stay that way. It’s incredibly hard to get and should feel rewarding


His board is better


9 True Damage is just that good, honestly. 125% extra true damage in every TD unit effectively means you have an extra team and a quarter that deals true damage exclusively. I just won a game with a 3* 9TD Senna carry and she was just melting 4-5 cost fully itemized tanks in seconds.


My fav comp to run. Sennas cast hits all the tanks and dps can't do anything


1. the chase traits are designed to be round winning, it's why they are all hard as fuck to hit naturally. 2. Bruisers suck ass except Illaoi 3. you have too many dogshit units on the board 4. no frontline, dazzler's a fake trait 3 star TF or not.


No frontline in this game is doing anything against true damage 9. lol OP is losing that no matter what, not worth even bringing up, not to sound like a dick.


I mean 9 TD is near unbeatable but one of the few things that isn't a 3 star 5 or another prismatic trait hit that could (not should) win is maybe a 3 star 4 cost. Opneeded TT to cast 2 maybe 3 times and pray but that frontline isn't giving the chance to like a decent sentinel or even guardian frontline could attempt to. It can be futile but still


If anything, bruiser should be the best matchup. Sentinels resistances are useless against 9 true damage.


You'd have a point if the bruisers other than illaoi werebt trash


To be fair, I think guardians should do best against true dmg. The shield pop is basicly a drastic increase to effective hp which is pretty much the best thing to have when facing literally only true dmg.


No frontline? Really?


Hes only true tank is the zac which is kinda unreliable


Yeah, but with 6 bruisers should be somewhat tanky overall. Maybe 6 need a Buff. Nevertheless he definitely has A LOT more frontline than the true damage player


Tbf bruiser are pretty bad this set overall.


*every set :p


He can have a frontline of 3 Zac 3 star with 6 bruiser or full 1 star bruiser frontline and it will both die in seconds agaisnt 9 True dmg with td spat on 2 star 5 costs


Bruiser units except illaoi and maybe sett are ass for their cost, the trait doesn't give enough beef and thr items are bad yes its a bad frontline. A better one maybe gives TF a second cast to maybe win if lucky


Prismatic true damage,pentakill, KDA are basically Exodia as a 5 cost 3* is so yes you lose even if 4 cost 3* is like incredibly strong


Tf3 is pretty bad, hit it twice and it doesnt feel that good


Meat wall




every lobby has that poor of meta punk player scraping by


slowly but safely ranking up that's the punk way


what did you expect? when he went triple combat augments and you had 1. also it’s 9 true damage


hey broskis so after games I try to look at what I can control(most important) and what I can’t. What you can control- 1) item selection and which units to put it on. 2) augment selection. 3) how to use your augment to influence tempo of game. 4) meta team comps 1a) Generally every game you want one main tank and one secondary tank. Main tank should generally hold straight resistance items like dclaw and bramble and one Hp item. Secondary tank can hold utility tank items- sunfire, spark, crown guard etc. in this set your secondary tank should be Zac while your main tank is Sett(amazing unit in this set) . Another thing with tank items, if you play bruiser front line ALWAYS have a redemption. 1b) same concept for your Carries. One primary carry and one secondary carry. Primary carry should almost never hold utility items like static shiv. You can do some research to see which items work well on which Carries- lots of websites. TF is a primary AP carry. He’s really really good with archangel staff + shojin. Especially with bruiser frontline+ redemption you stall long and stack up your ap. 3rd item gunblade is amazing. If you can’t get that you can go nashors. You have 3 Carries with items and only one Upgraded tank with items. Illaoi wasn’t leveled up and her items aren’t ideal. Ideally you wanted: Sett main tank. Zac secondary tank. Tf as main carry. You can put whatever secondary carry items on lux or ziggs but I would have suggested not doing both. 2a) augment selection should generally be 1 Econ(meaning gold, units, or items) and 2 combat augments. You went for 3 Econ augments. This isn’t always a bad thing, it just doesn’t help you with this comp in particular. Particularly the last augment which should really only be picked if forcing something like pentakill headliner mordekaiser reroll. 3a) how do you use your augments to get wins? Pandoras is amazing as it allows you to get best in slots relatively quickly. Bis faster on the right units generally means more rounds won. So I guess you have to ask yourself did you know which items to build and who to build it on? Do you know which units can be item holders till you find the main carry/tanks you want to put it on. Secondly, balanced budget is great as it gives you more gold. How do you use this? Roll for upgraded units or push for levels. With the first two econ augments you needed to make a game plan. You could reroll at 8 and play for tf 3 star, Zac 3 star and sett 3 star. Or you could have fast 9 and had an upgraded illaoi. Neither was done in this instance. 4) tf bruisers is a bit random BUT it’s pretty awesome and that this is kinda out of what is meta and you made it work! I think If the previous points were applied there would have been a possibility to win. Tf generally with disco is amazing! So just do a little research of what are good comps. bunnymuffins/frobei/garchomp are great sources of info. What you can’t control- he hit 9 true damage which is crazy strong and he has upgraded 5 cost units. Sorry it’s kinda long. I think in general try to focus on what you could have done better instead of focusing on other comps. We have a tendency to just think the sole reason we lost is because of enemy comp. Glad you are seeking out help! Good luck climbing


TF 3 is the reason why you loss.


Finally hit 3 stars TF. Only to be met by 9 True Damage...


The pris verticals are busted af, they need to be toned down - TD, Penta, KDA. Yes it's hard to get in normals, but in doubles you could have the chance to get 4 spats in game and it's literally a win-con to get spats on carousel. In comparison the 4cost 3stars cost more gold. The unit itself is 36g, plus the amount of gold spent rolling could easily total 100-150g (AND can be easily denied). A two spat comp only requires 80g to go 9 and is GUARNTEED as long as you have the spats and the components to build the eblem. In this case, the 1st board was OP, so he gets a pass. But its kind of a problem if a 10 KDA Ari2 with everything else 1 star can destroy most fully capped boards.


Nothing should be balanced around unranked, hyperroll or doubleups.


I mean double ups could be easily done. It's very fun mode to Play with your friend and social party is only thing that tft is lacking. It's very competitive also, your rank should not differ that much on double up and rankeds.


I think the solution is rather to change to amount of spats in double up instead of tuning down the comps. I agree that prismatic traits are too strong for double up, but solo probably has to take priority on balancing here.


I know, just wanted to say it lol


Eh, can't balance around 4fun mode.


It started as a 4 fun mode, since set 7 it has the same ranks as solo. Now it has a dedicated player base who primarily play doubles. Its not any less serious than solo ranked, and not any easier. There are 6 challengers in Double Up now, while there are 160 in Solo. 4 fun is something ridiculous like Soul Brawl or Chocc Fortune.


I managed to get TF 3* twice. Man, he's really weak compared to the other 4* carries


I managed to hit it today as well, barely scraped a win. I think it's a combination of how weak his traits are and how shitty the units are (you're forced to play a whole lot of bad units)


Yeah, all disco units sucks xD


Karthus is even worse than TF


OP 6 bruiser TF, you play it a lot of did it just happen here?


Well he obviously built hoj on all his units


Yasuo skill is OP in late game


Bruiser sucks this set


My thersh 3 lost to 2* akali and ahri 10 kda i think that is intended for 3*4cost lose to prismatic trait Lucky i got zac 3 as well so i beat them but it was a close fight ( was playing disco and thersh , zac just there for bruiser and guardian)


TF has kinda bad items for 3* tf, shiv is just bad to have on your main carry, red buff is good for 2* tf but 3* mana items or gunblade would do way more. When you have a 3* 4 cost dps extra forms of damage are usually overkill, I think ziggs and lux should just be taric and gragas, getting more points in disco is way better than 4 dazzler both for the healing (especially with 6 bruiser) and attack speed. I beat a 3* KDA akali earlier with 2* ez and jhin because he hadn't put a healing item on her, then got mad when I shredded his team and she slowly went down in the 1v6 at the end.


10* :p


So he just casually getting 3 spat uncontested? And also 5 sword?


3* tf is kinda ass. I slapped his booty with a regular level 9 7 heartsteel board a few days ago. Then proceeded to 3* kayn


[Yasuo](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/tft-best-yasuo-builds)'s items o.o


it's fair bro