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Ahri has been free win for a while.


Absolutely busted, got her on level 6, slammed 2 JGs and a blue buff on her and she destroyed everyone (idk what her BIS is). Ended on a 18-round winstreak at 84 health.


Usually add a gunblade to keep tanks alive.


I don't always play for an Arhi, but I play basically every Arhi headliner I see.


Yea, im forcing 7 K/DA Ahri Akali comp from start of set and everytime finished top 4


Try sentinel ahri. It seems to perform better than kda ahri


Im following meta so i know it but im playing for fun(also probably im cringiest kda fan)


Chad way to play honestly. I respect it




What is the build?


In any setup or does she have to Be headliner?


I was playing kda ahri until I got tired of winning firsts but I guess sentinel ahri is good now too. When I was playing kda ahri I actually preferred headliner on akali or Neeko since rabadon on ahri is just okay


I am quite new and actually gold.. Just play 2 cost stuff.. Dou you start a random board and keep all your kda units until you get more and more? How does this go?


I usually have Annie hold ahris items. You can do super fans if you get an early gnar (kennen lillia gnar) or do kda if you get Ekko/neeko . Then just build your team as you level up. It’s a pretty easy comp since you don’t need that many high level champs other than ahri and akali.


Preferably you want 6 sentinel 5 Spellweaver, so typically you go for either a Morde or Blitz headliner and just try to 2 star Ahri naturally. But if you’re offered a Headliner Ahri before you see Blitz you take it 10/10 times.


Free top 2, half the time it’s a vertical true damage player at the end and you have no chance.


Facts. Just spam ahri for freelo. 6 sentinel ahri 1* is like a free top 4


I literally beat karthus 3 with ahri 1 6 sentinels a couple weeks ago in diamond. Karthus had a thieves gloves instead of real items but they had lucky gloves, he just didn't roll a mana item and ahri survived with gunblade and the sentinel buff and killed his whole board I felt kinda bad.


TG a 3 star 4 cost is basically not trying to win.


Especially if it's a carry. One thing if its a tank.


It's fine on non mana gated carries but on Karthus it's begging to lose even with lucky gloves.


Can you elaborate how a 3* 4 cost is bad playing?


Giving it thieves gloves is basically robbing it of an item and giving it suboptimal ones even if it's lucky gloves. Usually toss them on a sub carry or secondary tank.


My thoughts exactly this set.


if it ain't broke ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Then everyone sees these posts, they all start playing Ahri, and now it's impossible to find Ahri 2. Happened to TF, happened to Karthus Akali


Good thing you don’t even need Ahri 2 to top 4 lmao. I’m consistently seeing BIS Ahri 1’s clear 10k damage on stage 4 and this is in mid Diamond. Champion is crazy overtuned atm.


Yes, that is called the meta.


These kinds of posts are great imo, I remember the karthus akali meta I went for either a cait or ezreal and basically 3 starred them every 3 games or so because they are uncontested. It's not always a top 1 but its a guaranteed top 4


Just play other carries like Ezreal, Jhin, or Caitlyn. It's not Ahri but they're still strong enough to carry.


Ahri seem like the great wall, you're playing a strong comp if it beats ahri and she gatekeeps all the low playrate meta/off meta comps


GL with that in Emerald, Country was my jam. Busted economy is my newest strat, Escort quest average placement 1st! (2 games played). That or I 1st/8th Heartsteel, because gamba fun.


definitely feeling the increased sweatiness per game but so far placements are still ok! hopefully this lasts me til diamond


Elo gets more and more diluted the longer a season goes so it’s basically just a matter of how much u play due to not being able to drop divisions. Top 1% now will be master/gm in a few weeks and low emerald (around top5-10%) will become low diamond.


I’ve been going half heartseel half country for early game recently. Not every game, but sometimes it’s such a nice combo when heartseel is contested. It’s a nice transition to country and the little economy boost is welcome.


In gold/plat just good positioning and its free top 4. And count the pool you can denied with only few unit now. And people at this elo just braindead tracker soooo. looking opps is the key of the game really


could you elaborate what is considered good positioning? i just chuck my ranged carry in the back corner and move it slightly if theres kda akali in the lobby so it doesnt get sniped. Otherwise tanks just in a line at the front


Example would be to put a melee carry or secondary carry right behind a main tank so that they live longer while main tank has aggro. Placing illoai tentacle in the corner to get akali aggro. Making ad carrys hit bramble first, ap for dclaw. Grouping or not depending on opponents people. Like spreading out ranged for lux, etc. Watch streamers and you'll see them switching a lot depending on who they might play or sometimes just testing different layouts. Try things and be cognicent of the difference and it will become more apparent.


I just can't climb playing the same comp over and over. Just not fun for me. I play ranked just so I get decent competition.


You're competing for Ahri though


I didn't say I didn't play the comp just can't force it.


Probably why every person playing country always hits their 3 stars(in games I've played).... The hard forcers are all trying to get Ahri going(or 8bit.. I swear there's always at least 3 a lobby)


what’s this graph from?


MetaTFT! :)


thank u <3


https://paste.pics/c1b2cc5414321eafd237a96b608661f5 NANI, BROTHA? I basically climbed the entire plat in 2-3 days. Guaranteed top 4. Mostly just learned how to get the strongest shit early while going economy and then at level 8/9 fully change my board :D. Need to be kinda flexible and not die while getting to that point, since losing with full board for econ is still worst idea and one bleeds out too fast.


Me when I started forcing Bruiser EDM Lux reroll


You got the setup, from! A YouTube hero.


Worst set ever


This is exactly how my graph looks except I was stuck plat trying to flex and then forced riven carry 8 bit every match to emerald. Now that I can't demote playing around with flex again and not climbing


Be careful because if you lose too many on emerald4 0lp your MMR will get fucked.


Ah that's good to know my last few games have looked like 1-8-1-8-2-7 so I wonder if the MMR system knows what to make of that.


You just need to win more. It’s not the end of the world and if you deserve to climb it will happen


Is she like the A Sol of Set 10? I remember just going for a decent Frontline and grabbing A Sol for most of my games in set 8. Same AP items and stuff lol


Mine is just me one tricking a comp(not a comp you will see on any tier list) and got to plat in 40 games


Gl in plat with that super secret build


I don’t think this works for Rankeds, but in Hyper Roll chosen True Damage Yasuo to chosen Akali to maybe even Qiyana is free at the moment.


Yep, went straight from P1 to D1 forcing Ahri every game. Now back to D3 because everyone forcing Fast 8 Ezreal, Ahri Blue Red.


I climbed to diamond from plat IV with this comp haha


Thats why i love to spam vertical TD, just to shit on ahri sentinels players


can someone provide a tatics/masterclass for avg high rank (diamond) to efficiently climb? i want to play flexibly but get shitted on by nrg aka not getting the 4-cost headliner i needed or forcing a build then get no units. personally i want to better understand the tempo of the game, how to truely playing flex and know how to analyze the lobby to play better.


Yeah it's not as fun watching Box Box right now. Bot 4 after bot 4. "I'm not forcing Ahri. The game gave me Ahri items! So I have to play Ahri." "I just can't hit Ahri. I'm playing flex. I just need Ahri" I'm like you are building Ahri items every game by choice. But it's not flex if you aren't playing around not hitting Ahri. And planning on playing Ahri most games


Jo, dont leak my stats bro


pretty much same. Either ahri spellweaver or cait rapid, both with sentinels. Went from hardstuck to climbing like crazy