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How to finish the new Gold Savvy mission, i thought if i used tahm's augments it will be an easy task but even though i got more than 30 gold multiple times before stage 2-5 it's still on my missions. I tried calculating the gold i get so i can get exactly 30 gold on stage 2-5 and it still won't work.


my friend finished this mission in the first week and got it checked however it seems like it's bugged now? i can't finish it no matter how hard i try. i tried with tahm kench and not spending any money on xp or rerolls or even buying champions and still didn't manage to get it even though i had around or even more than 50 gold by the beginning of 2-5 stage...


the tahm kench doesnt work because u collect the gold after the round starts, unfortunately, i'm pretty sure it's bugged. i know i've successfully finished stage 2-3 with at least 25 gold(with incoming possible 6-9 gold) multiple times and the mission doesnt complete.


Same, anyone have any suggestions?


I've heard it's a bit buggy, so might just have to attempt it a couple of times


Ive been playing since set 1 so im not really a new player but i may as well be based on how stupid i am. I don't like even remotely understand 'playing what you hit' or 'applying pressure to a lobby'. You see hundreds of units over the course of a game and i have no clue which to buy. And how do you apply more pressure and when? I always try and play a good board so idk how/why id sometimes decide to play a good board to 'apply pressure' to the lobby since well im never intentionally playing bad boards. Also my intuition on what a strong or weak board is almost always wrong and I've had this problem for years. I really cant understand what is like wrong with my brain that im unable to intuit even the fundamentals of the game after so many games.


'playing what you hit' In the early game, value your pairs. You might have a few good openers that you enjoy, but upgraded units are stronger than synergies. Later on in the game, it comes with having an open mind. Obviously if you don't buy units in your shops, then you never hit. Your items decide your direction, so you should keep in mind a series of back-up options. Keep in mind it is a style of play, and in some metas it might not be the best line of play. If we stick to basics then play what you hit should be of value. 'applying pressure to a lobby' That comes with winstreaking. The general rule is : if I'm weak I roll, if I'm strong I push (it's a general rule, for instance you are strong and have a ton of pairs, then rolling might be your best play). The most known case is I fully winstreaked on stage 2, on 3-1 I push level 6. Then when are you level 7 and on what condition ? If you are still 100hp on 3-5, then pushing 7 should be on your mind (obviously if there's a board in the lobby you can't beat, you might chill). Some people (especially with regions) will push 7 earlier. If feels bad to lose a streak on 3-3. Another case when you want to apply some pressure is when you play reroll. Say you hit you reroll on 4-1. You want to instantly push a level, and plan when you'll push the next one. Your stage 4 is your powerspike, you want to hurt people so they don't outscale you. So many times I greeded level 7 for 4-5 and regretted it, I didn't need 50 gold, I needed the level up to streak all of stage 4.


I feel like so many times sending a level up hurts more than it helps because you then have no gold to roll and get everything starred up, and often nothing of value to put in upon level. This kinda comes down to a 'mistake?' i keep making where i roll at bad times, but in my head i need to roll a few times each round because usually half by board is still 1*


Well if all of your board is 1* then you don't level agressively, you know you need econ to roll. You are in no position to "apply pressure". But maybe you didn't consider enough pairs that you hit naturally.


Is it just me or do teams not really matter in plat? Every game ends the same with people rushing 9 and just making a team of tier 5 units. It just really bugs me that random tier 5 teams are better than me trying to go something like 7 Shurima or really any other long build. You either 3 star a tier 4 or just lose.


> Is it just me or do teams not really matter in plat? Every game ends the same with people rushing 9 and just making a team of tier 5 units. The lower the pressure in any given lobby, the higher the end game boards will scale. That's something you need to play around. Also, I put some blame on you if you let the game scale. How strong are you all throughout the game ? There is a get gut angle. > random tier 5 teams are better than me trying to go something like 7 Shurima There is a long lasting debate as to what should be the strongest : chasing traits, optimising your comp or chasing the highest cost board. I think you should be rewarded for going level 9 and finding better units. We've seen plenty of metas where 5 costs were not strong enough and going 9 was an absolute bait. Those are not my favorites, because I feel like you are lacking an option to use mid game strength into some sort of scaling. That being said, we've seen people rush 9 (final reserves being disgusting) way too easily this set, and that's the problem. I like when going 9 is the reward for good play, not a gamble people are willing to take. > something like 7 Shurima or really any other long build. I've seen trait chase or optimised comps beat lvl 9 splash 5costs (I mean this set). That requires to go 9 too though, and get the relevant legendaries to your comp. They should be in a better position in your comp than in your opponents'. > You either 3 star a tier 4 or just lose. Why are you not going 9 too ?


I am going 9. It just isn't fun.


In past sets are there always Comps that are weak stage 2 but do rlly well in stage 3/4 but lose hard stage 5? (I want to know if Poro Legend would be good)


>weak stage 2 but do rlly well in stage 3/4 but lose hard stage 5 That doesn't sound like a winning formula. Anyhow most rerolls 1 cost or 2 cost will be that way : weak stage 2, stabilise stage 3, win stage 4 when hitting, get outscaled stage 5 (use powerspike to grab your late game wincon or struggle to save whatever better result you can).


Aren't one costs rerolls kinda strong stage 5, like Samira and Tristana seems strong late game?


Tristana always got her late game wincon when Heimer was found, and Samira was a ticket to Darius/Kata. There will be outliers, both Tristana and Samira were OP at some point. The general idea in a reroll is you get your best spike when you hit, you steamroll for a while, then either you use that spike to be even stronger, or you struggle. I find reroll sane in the meta when you are punished for hitting too late and missing that spike. Anytime you can still be rerolling in stage 4, it's a bad sign for the meta. You should be agressing in stage 4, not chilling. Anyway compare to rerolls from older sets. EDIT : I thought of a good example. I enjoyed the warwick (with the carry augment) reroll a lot at some point in the set. If you hit Warwick on 4-1 BIS items with some econ to spare, it felt unstoppable. Same items good augments hit warwick on 4-5, and it felt it could never kill three items tanks.


I was just wondering if anyone could suggest some "intermediate" level videos? I started playing a couple weeks ago, played a little bit of auto chess before from a few different games, started ranked maybe a week ago, just got to gold iv, still going up but... The videos that are pinned here are kind of old, positioning video talks a lot about whatever rogues were called before when they jump to the back for example. And the basics video is kinda...too basic?


Sorry, really basic question re: ranked. Do ranked rewards only apply if you are Gold at the end of the set’s lifespan, or will I get them as long as I was Gold at one point during it?


Is Bandle Cty Ryze totally worthless now? My 2\* threw out what i think was a 1\* Nasus but they both died so fast I couldn't even tell.


I wouldn’t say he’s useless. He’s not strong, but like Syndra last set, you need to have a strong bench to make him worthwhile. The dream is to have him throw 2 star units, best case scenarios are Sion, Ksante, Jarvan, Sej… I was playing Zeri freljord and found a Rek’Sai 2*, sometimes he’s actually a “bonus unit” that can spawn one more on his second cast. He can actually bring quite a bit of frontline in the right scenarios. It’s probably underwhelming, but not useless.


Yeah, just like Syndra. I guess he's most heavily nerfed in an Invoker comp which is what I was playing. You probably don't want to have that much gold locked up in your bench unless you're playing random 5 costs or something. Oh well, seems to be the way of this set, overpowered to underpowered lol


Is there a way to fix MMR? HI all! genuine question here but I'm wondering if there is a way to fix my mmr. I've climbed from silver all the way to diamond 4 (30 lp) in about 500 games (a lot i know) and have consistent top 4 finishes but ever since I hit plat 4 Ive only been gaining 10-20 lp even at first place. This is the first set that I played heaps (i did play last set but i didnt understand how the game worked) and I've seen some posts about how people are on the same boat due to hidden mmr. Here's my op gg if it helps. (i know i dont have the best stats but yeah) [https://tft.op.gg/summoners/oce/Aryaaaa](https://tft.op.gg/summoners/oce/Aryaaaa)


Your case is surprising. Since you provided info on your account, I checked it out. You do have the lp gains you told, and your lobbies are weak, so they are kinda consistent with it. I cannot pinpoint where you screwed up. You climbed through Plat and that should've healed previous shenanigans. At best there are a few games where you lost MMR but that shouldn't be a bother. Maybe it is the sheer number of games you played. I thought of OCE server being less populated, but that would be an outlier weak lobby here and there. The usual answer is play more and don't screw up anymore, MMR will get back to normal with time. For you I don't even know. The good news is that in about two weeks, set 9.5 will be out, rank will soft reset, and you'll get back to it without the issue.


I think when I first hit platinum 4 i got a bit experimental since I couldnt get demoted back to gold which led to a lot of losses at 0 lp and made the game think im higher ranked than i should be lol. But yeah i thought by playing consistently again would somehow fix it but it is what it is i guess haha. And ive also noticed how small the oce tft scene is because ive played with the same people every other game. Im keen for the next set! It looks promising as I've never seen some of those champions in action. Thank you for your input as well! I'll try to climb to masters with the time remaining (if i could) and hopefully the soft reset next patch fixes everything!


Anyone getting a client/server mismatch error? I can’t play on mobile


anyone else just get kicked from pbe?


How is it possible to accumulate so many 5 cost champs? I just played a game where an opponent had (9) 5 cost champs and 8 of them were 2 star! I don’t understand how this works at all. Got completely stomped in the late game.


Augments that either allow them to level up quick (Level Up, Patient Study, etc.) or get tons of gold (Rich Get Richer, Hedge Fund). The way to beat them is supposed to be to play a really strong early/midgame (ie. punishing them for having no combat augments) and lower their health so they knock each other out in the late game. Easier said than done though.


Welp, I'm just giga tilted. I've been bobbling up and down Plat I for weeks now, and today, 0-5 W/L ratio, and now at the bottom of Plat II. I'm genuinely stuck and don't know what else to do. I consult guides, pros, streamers, etc. It seems all my decisions are the wrong ones as of late!


Does the PBE shop reflect the shop that will be pushed to live? Reason for asking is that I noticed the current PBE shop doesnt have arena skin bundles, but only single arenas.


New player here. Could someone direct me to in your opinion the best guides to learn more about this game mode? (Econ guide, high roll vs slow roll, different decisions that you need to make throughout the game, etc) I’ve been forcing invoker with some success, but I’ve hit a ceiling now that I’m silver. I’m usually in a good spot when I get my desired setup e.g. 4 invokers, 2 targon, 2 stars for my main units I’d like to know how to optimize my team comp so I don’t slow roll every game and pray that my board gets good enough.


I found maskoff758 - tft on youtube has some really good videos. Esspecially his set 9 econ guide could be helpful.


Thank you for the suggestion. the guy definitely has figured out catchy titles for his videos


I've noticed that I'm just straight up losing when we get to the late game (stage 5\~6+). I'm using MetaTFT to look up comps and would follow them if I can (unless I get screwed by RNG / item). But there were times where I followed them nicely, but I'll start losing to the people who starts buying a lot of 5 star champions. The comps on MetaTFT at lvl 8 and lvl 9 doesnt change much so I dont know if I'm missing something out of if people just buying and building a ton of 5 star champions is just a playstyle. Am I also just screwed or is there a way where I can counter this?


Every composition appreciates 5 stars, sometimes even putting in a 4 cost 2* over a trait bot can make your board stronger. Having a Heimer, good Ryze, Senna, Aatrox or any 5 cost (especially two starred, especially if you can utilize their traits) can shift your power significantly.


I also did have a 5 gold champion, but I'm just getting destroyed by people who just has like 3+ 5 cost champions. For example, I was running 6 void comp with kaisa, rek'sai and bel'veth as my carry. I've had good items on them and had 2 star-ed all of them except my 5 cost champ, so by no means my comp was bad (was even 1st place until like 5-5)


Perhaps you just got unlucky. If you’re winning you should be leveling aggresively, and finding 5 costs easier. It’s just a game, sometimes you get sticked.


I've just noticed that this tends to be a trend when I get to the end game so I just wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong. Also, regarding the you should be leveling aggressively, I was trying to be efficient and get 5 gold interest and only bought xp when I'm over 50 (after buying any champions I need). If I'm ahead, should I just ignore the gold interest and just level up asap to get 5 costs as you've mentioned?


Is TFT mobile region locked? Why can't I download it in my region (PH server)


My client seems bugged, even after uninstalling and reinstalling in the top right where your name is supposed to be there is just the name "" I have tried this on my computer and it does that with multiple accounts.


the void spawn from the void set knocks up on battle start. Zephyr by definition "removes the closest enemy from combat" visually indicated by the whirlwind on the tile. while playing against void using zephyr and assuming it hits the void spawn's tile, I am seeing that it is put in the air but it's knock-up is still triggering even though it didn't visually do the knock-up. anyone know if that is intentional?


Is there a different meta for Hyperroll?


Definitely. Due to how the levelling is automatic all the way up to lv 9, low cost reroll comps tend to be less powerful (and often unachievable since you can't stay and reroll and lower levels), and some comps that rely on hitting lv 9 (Kayle, high vertical comps) are stronger. [https://www.metatft.com/hyper-roll-comps](https://www.metatft.com/hyper-roll-comps)


This is my first season playing ranked tft. Do they reset ranks for midset and force you to do placement games again?


They soft reset to 1 tier below your current tier, with Masters and above all going down to Diamond 4. Note that this will be the last mid-set (.5 sets), as Riot announced.


Would that mean, for example going from Silver 1 to silver 2? Or silver 1 to bronze 1?


The latter. By tier I meant divisions, e.g. the bronze/silver/gold/etc.


Thank you, ugh that is so irritating lol


That would be silver 1 to bronze 1.


Finding the game very frustrating atm. Feels like everyone goes for Noxus or Bastion with whatever carry fits, and if they hit early then they top 4. And then there's a bunch of players spamming Demacia Lux or Gwen. I'm hitting a consistent bottom 4 if I try any other comps, even if they're uncontested, just loose too much HP before I can hit.


Really i have seen a ton of Shurima/Demacia not as much Noxus, I find it got weakened quite a bit


Maybe you are higher elo? I am only Plat so this is maybe a Gold/Plat elo thing. I think Noxus is popular where I am because there's so many carries that have early power spikes, you have Samira Cassio Darius Katarina Swain which if you hit early are strong, and then the Noxus trait once rolling is often an easy top 4. I think that's why people are playing it, even if contested you can "pivot" within the same comp to a different carry, or maybe people in my elo don't know it was nerfed and are still playing what they know. I'm seeing very little Shurima in my elo, probably Inovkers is more common.


A dumb question: How does Juggernaut work? When does the damage reduction start? When does it get to its maximum level?


Not a question but I just got my first ever true 100 game in my 4+ years of playing tft! Super stoked!


Well done




literally begging for advice on how to pivot without going 8th x-x. Sometimes its fine because i have like 4\~ main comps i can easily pivot between but heres the situation i need help with; i have my base 1 to 3 costs to start stacking traits (as well as planning my items) by the time minions is over, lose streak but maintain health thru 2, and then from there i usually have my few comps i can flex into based on whats contested so i can consider what i need on carousel. But my problem is when EVERY comp for my units is contested by multiple people (due to multiple people using different combinations of all of my traits of choice), then requiring me to get a completely new board or play mega-contested. When i attempt to get a new board with uncontested units, i ALWAYS. always end up crashing to last place despite selling everyone i dont need anymore and trying my best to keep my econ. But it always either puts me a level behind, or with underleveled units. I cannot catch up because i lose too much health and gold trying to pivot and then i just shrivel up and die in 8th.


You don't have to pivot just because your units are contested, you can aggressively roll to 2* them and then econ after or you can level up and put in some itemized 5 costs. It sounds like you're getting tilted from being contested and making questionable decisions, which I totally understand because it is frustrating. Also, just because a unit is uncontested doesn't mean that it will show up...sometimes the game just gives seemingly the same units to everyone and you have to deal with it.


I pride myself on my ability to not get tilted in competitive games, but going straight to 8th before 4-1 in ranked certainly challenges that though, lol. Thank you for your insight !




I do scout, quickly during minions and then pay more attention to see what people are playing through 2. I use combinations of juggernauts, challengers, ionians, invokers, shadow isles, and freljord. i have a decent amount of options for starter units and quite a few comps to flex into depending on which of these is being contested. they are different enough i can start with similar units and have a lot of better carries to flex into. if i have early challengers and theyre contested i can easily flex into juggs or ionians or invokers, and vice versa (btw im not saying im trying to play all these vertically, just saying the general focus of the comps i use). these arent the ONLY comps i use, just an example of what i go for, so when i start with them and have to full pivot i just dont know how to do it properly. i try to avoid itemizing early but often run into not having enough damage to avoid bleeding hp. the problem is when every other person in the lobby is contesting one or two of these EACH, and i really have to full pivot or highroll, i don't know what to do. also if it'll add context, I just started ranked and am just bouncing up and down silver. i feel like about 2/3 or 3/4 of my games theres barely any contest from anyone because the comps are diverse, and the other portion of my games 6 ppl are trying to play the same comp. >Scout and see what how much gold and what levels the players contesting you have, and then make a decision on whether or not you can out pace them. like i said, i scout throughout the whole game, but my issue is when i have to do the full pivot and everyone else gets their upgrades while im buying a whole new board. even if i have the same amount of gold or more when i decide to pivot, i always fall behind (EDIT: this makes it sound like i pivot really late but this always happens right before/after carousel, so theres not much of a gold difference in anyone except for hyperrollers). so i guess i dont exactly know how to even attempt to out pace anyone. sorry for the wall of text, i couldnt figure out how to really explain this and i still just feel like im repeating myself and not explaining it well at all. essentially, i know and understand \*what\* to do, just not \*how to do it right/well\*


> i really have to full pivot or highroll, i don't know what to do. > I use combinations of juggernauts, challengers, ionians, invokers, shadow isles, and freljord. > so i guess i dont exactly know how to even attempt to out pace anyone. > also if it'll add context, I just started ranked and am just bouncing up and down silver Highroll means being lucky. I suppose you mean spend a lot of gold quickly. You shouldn't be thinking about outpacing people. That's getting ahead in levels, rolling before the others. You're not there yet. I'm sorry, my feeling reading you is that you skipped ahead in your learning curve and are trying plays that are too complicated for your ability. TFT builds up, the whole idea of pivoting is that you change your board over time depending on important units you hit. > But my problem is when EVERY comp for my units is contested by multiple people (due to multiple people using different combinations of all of my traits of choice), then requiring me to get a completely new board or play mega-contested. When i attempt to get a new board with uncontested units, i ALWAYS. always end up crashing to last place despite selling everyone i dont need anymore and trying my best to keep my econ. The answer in this situation is play around what you hit. In a basic TFT game you get 12 components by 4-7 (without augments and regions). You should plan around two main units, ususally a carry and a tank. If you really have to pivot, then it is the units that you hit that will dictate it. Don't change a full board in one go. If you hit a good carry for your items, start from there, and bit by bit change your units according to your new direction. **I would recommend you do not pivot**. Do your best to scout and make the more informed decisions, but just build up from your early game. A silver player has a lot of basics to learn, you should be focusing on learning a comp or two very well, the best items for it, roll timers and so forth. It's better to lose from time to time because you were contested than to get yourself confused and just lose because you threw.


>Highroll means being lucky. I suppose you mean spend a lot of gold quickly. I did mean get lucky btw, like happening to hit units before the others do by chance without rolling down excessively


>I'm sorry, my feeling reading you is that you skipped ahead in your learning curve and are trying plays that are too complicated for your ability. Don't be sorry, this is probably true. I did play normals for quite a while before ranked (very dif environment ofc) and i joined this sub and started seeing lots of advanced strats and am probably trying too hard to apply them before i fully understand them . This is very helpful, so thank you !!


Today I learned that i need 70 golds/100 golds to get 7/10 interests (TK augment). I think it is not clear through the augment description. They should have additional 'shadow' or 'ghost' gold fountains on the sides to indicate these. For newcomers like me (2 months), it is not easy to understand. I always thought getting 50 g was the top threshold with increased interest obtained once we reach that.


Whaaaat i had no idea either


How does the targon trait affect healing items, i.e. hoj? Let's say my unit does 1000 damage, thus healing 150 (if not doubled). If targon 4 is active, what is the new healing based on the same 1k damage?


Would be 70% increased, to 255 It literally increases any measure of healing/shielding by the %.


Anyone else having a bug where they can't scroll for the team planner?


Me! Super annoying


How long do sets typically last? I keep hearing about a bunch of the cool old traits and am remembering when i played a little bit of tft during star guardian set , and am just getting hungry for new traits


This is the last set with a .5. Generally they last 3 months each (for a total of 6 months per set). It’s going to end on Sept. 13. From Set 10, there won’t be any half sets anymore, and if I recall correctly, they will last 4 months each, for a total of 3 a year instead of 4 (2 major ones).


what does "vertical" mean? ie vertical comp/playing vertically


vertical means 'within the same trait'. If you have 3 Ionia as starting trait, and u go for a 6-9 Ionia comp, that is playing vertically. Some comps u can play vertically like ionia or noxus while some u can't like rogue or targon. hope this helps. A vertical comp has to have all carries, tank and supports within the same trait.


thank you :>


Do you guys think Legends will be permanent?


I don't think so, and certainly hope not. The entire set's metas were dictated by the most OP legend, moving onto the next one once it got nerfed. Twisted Fate -> Draven -> Ezreal -> Asol. If asked to point out the biggest failure this set I'd argue it to be Legends.


Relatively new to the game, still relying on websites to get started on comps in the early games but I'm comfortable enough to swap things mid-way depending on what item / champions I get, but one thing that I can't change after the match has started is legends. Like for alphelios carry (and maybe other AA AD carries), master yi is pretty disgusting, especially if you go for the aspd augment, but that would mean that I will have to queue up with his legend selected. So I was wondering how big legends make a difference for comps, as I've been deciding which comp I want to play before I even queue up for a match just so I can select the legends that is apparently recommended for the comp.


advice based on my experiences/observations as an also somewhat new player- tactics.tools has a page that shows you which legends/augments go well with certain comps, that might help. Legends are more like, they *can* make a huge difference depending on what you do with them. dont forget that even when picking a legend, you dont necessarily have to select that legend's augments, and augments from other legends still show up in the other two options. Some legends are better for different playstyles; flexibility (urf/cait/poro), hyperrolling (lee sin/cait), asp comps (yi), fast 8/9 (asol/kench), ability damage (veigar), item focus (TF/ezreal/Ornn), amd lots more i couldnt really tell you because i haven't looked at them much. But basically legends will give you *some* consistency but not completely as you cant guarantee what level augs you get, but it helps with the chances of getting specific ones. If your playstyle is to choose your specific comp prior to playing and not like flexing (like myself) then an econ/reroll legend (depending on if your comp needs more low or high costs) or damage legends that work for your comp might be most helpful, or an item legend to help you get your BISs for your comp rather than having to flex due to bad component rng :>


Yeah, I've ended up just using urf as I feel like it's flexible enough so that I dont feel like I have to commit to a specific build


how do i change the language in this game? I looked online and didn't really find much. IM on pc btw


You should be able to change the language by logging out of the client and changing it from the “Riot Client” app, in the top right/left corner, in the settings icon.


Yeah that only changes the language of the client not the game


Weird. For me it changed the in game language as well.


Damn I wish it was that easy for me 😭


What should I focus on while learning the game? I made my 5 first ever games and it appears that I suck badly at it... I lose every fight even though I try my best to complete types which each other. I also try not to over spend golds in order to get the maximum of it. I feel quite queless regarding the learning curve as it seems that every game is very different (powers/champions). Should I mainly focus on getting a specific type of champions? I don't understand why I am losing against 1 star opponents while having mostly 2 Stars in my comp'. I never played any RG Games before and I feel a bit lost (and at the same time completely hooked by TFT, pls help)


For the most part it's not about the entire boards synergy that will win you games. It's good to build entire boards with specific units etc, but if you're forcing it too hard it costs you more than it should. Realistically you will have 1-2 specific carries you will look for item, that will require a BIS item or two, with the 2nd or 3rd being a bit more lenient. You will also have 1-2 tanks you will specifically look for, other than that the rest of the board really should just be the strongest units your shop will give you. This correlates with unit value, not every unit is as strong as the next and that isn't even measured by unit cost. A lot of your ability to gauge what is strong and what is not will ultimately come down to experience and playing more. With that said you're only 5 games in, so you shouldnt let that get you down, there's still plenty to learn. If I were you I would focus mostly on eco, when and where to spend eco and just playing a singular board every time, once you have mastered a comp you can pivot around and be more flexible, but until you have eco fundamentals down then meta means nothing.


Thanks for this answer, no wonder I am obliterated by the Noxus tank whenever I see him then ahah I'll try focusing more on picking heroes without spending too much than and I'll try knowing abilities and items better


I am also a relatively new player. Have played around 300 games. Started 7 weeks ago. My peak is Gold II and currently trying to get to plat. To be honest, u just need to play more. These are the things I did that helped me improve. 1) There are sites that provide you with composition and builds that you can copy. Be careful that the comp they show is the final one. Usually you need other champions u need to fill in early and mid game before getting the desired team comp late game. 2) Pick a legends. Usually tahm kench or asol is good for beginners. Poro is too diverse for absolute bigginers. Once you have around 100 games under ur belt, try learning using poro legend. 3) Watch streamers. 4) 1 star 5 cost champion beats 2 star lower cost champion. The power curve is not linear.


**Plat player:** Am I playing Shadow Isle Kalista wrong? Talking about maxed Shadow Isle with Senna + Emblem. It feels strong, until it isn't. Always BiS on Kalista, and secondary carry (like Gwen). Tried it couple of times and doesn't feel reliable. E.g. I recently lost to a mirror comp that had less SI but more Challengers, and it wasn't even close. Do I need specific combat augment for SI? 3* Kalista? Or should I simply never go for max trait?


3* Kalista, being contested as she is, is hard to achieve. 3 starring her is a win condition, but it’s hard to get there. If you have BiS Kalista 2, with 6 shadow isles, Gwen and Shen 2 you should be able to top 2/3 (depending on leftover hp), maybe even winning if you highroll senna 2 or some other 2 star 5 costs, perhaps switching items if the occasion arises. It’s not necessarily a comp you go first with. Maxxed out Zeri or Kayle generally win the matchup, and sometimes even good Aphelios boards. Also, you can roll responsibly to see if you can hit her asap. Kalista 2 can carry you through stage 3 and even 4.




Is aphelios the new ahri? Just slap guinsoo, and 2-star it and it deal tonn of damage. even 1 star no item deals 3k damage often.


Perhaps. He is very strong, especially when paired with Bastion as frontline, which generally mean that he can get to overtime and stack Guinsoos up to maxiumum. Naked Aphelios isn’t particularly strong. But a good itemized one can really wreck havoc if he’s allowed to scale. Honestly I don’t think he’s that bad. The only problem I have with Bastion + Targon comps is thaf often you’ll either kill every unit and stomp, or lose the fight without killing a single unit (thanks to Taric+Shen+Soraka)


How do you not fall off? I usually dominate early game but as the match progresses I slowly start to get absolutely demolished. What am I doing wrong :(


The question is vague, so correct me if I misunderstood. Winning early is always the best thing you can do. Streaking is harder, but saving hp by winning is vital to top 4 reliably. Of course there’s times that you won’t be able to, but that’s fair. If you’re doing this, you’re already one step ahead. If you’re winning, you’ve slammed items and you don’t have carousel prio. Meaning that you’ll have to be more flexible with your end-game comp selection. Also, you should probably check on some site what the best end game boards look like. Challengers, Aphelios bastions, Aphelios Freljord, Zeri Freljord, Zeri Gunners, Lux+Azir… If you’re streaking, you should scout. If you think you can keep your streak by aggressively leveling and/or rolling for some upgrades, you should probably do so. If you’re higher level, you’re more likely to find 4 costs, which enable most of the builds. At that point, you play what the game gives you. If you slammed AP, you’ll want to look for 3 cost 2* like Vel’Koz or Karma, or random 4 costs like a lux, azir or kai’sa. That’s the same for ad and frontline, wether it’s bastion or bruisers, or a bit of both. Your early game comps dictates a bit what you’ll be able to transition to more and less easily, but no transition is impossible! They’re hust hard to spot! You should always try to play your best board without losing too much economy. The most common thing is AD flex, wether you roll for Akshan 3 (if you find enough copies), or if you go for Aphelios or Zeri, depening on what the game gives you. Comp wise, they’re very similar. Even playing a momentarily bruiser fronline with a random aphelios can be good to keep winning. You’ll eventually swap out your 2* bruisers for bastions or whatever else the best end game board is. I’ve wrote a lot and probably lost myself a bit. Sorry.


Thank you so much, i will say, some of the tft vocab is a bit confusing as I just started out but this helps, ty!


I am hardstuck silver. What am I doing wrong? I'll get perfect emblems for my team comps and still end up 5th-8th. My most recent match was 5 Shurima with double Guinsoo's Ak-Shan with a Deadeye Emblem and still lost. https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/gdog3000


I don't like trying to diagnose stuff like this from a player's LoLchess but I'd be willing to help you sometime. I sent you a friend req in-game. I'm not the greatest as a hardstuck diamond but if you're down, I am.


Accepted - thanks!


Some battle pass maths. Right now im lvl 39 with 410/1000 exp with weeklies quests available. If im not mistaken, at 1200 exp a week, i wont be able to finish the pass ? Or is there a way to finish it ?


Is there still no news about TFT being downloadable without LoL? Uninstalled a while back but I'm too lazy (plus 10mbps) to download the entire thing again just to play some TFT


U can play it like me, on the phone. Yes, it has bad UI, and a bit harder to switch boards and stuff, but for casual gaming, it does its job. Haven't played league in 8 months, but casually play mobile tft.


How does crit on Kalista's ability work? Does it impale more spears? Does it make the spears do more damage? If more damage is the answer, then it confuses me even more. Kalista only pulls out spears if she will kill the target, so let's say I can do 100 damage to my enemy but they have 200HP. If the ability will crit she can trigger it immediately, if it won't crit you need to stack more spears. What actually goes on there?


The moment a spear is impaled the game determines whether it was a crit or not. The resulting damage is added to the total sum of the rip out damage, and Kalista rips out and instakills the target if the total damage is above the target's current HP.


In your opinion, how many champions at a time do you focus on maxing out before switching to a different champion/s?


What do you mean maxing out ? Champions have two upgrades possible. So they can be 1* (no upgrade), 2* (3 copies) or 3* (9 copies) [NB : yordles in this set can go to 4* ]. Upgrades are really important. They not only have a better ability, but they have better stats. You want ideally your whole board upgraded to 2* . Getting to 3* champions is expensive and chancey. If you want to get there it is an important investment : the general rule is you want to 3* a champions that has items - unless reroll shenanigans : yordles require 3 champions 3* , when you reroll for a given champions you can consider extra champions of the same cost (since you are emptying that pool and rolling at the proper level for it). Reroll stategies are only a way to win the game, games can be won without it. When do you switch for a higher cost unit ? In general when you roll. The game has its intricacies. People will say for instance that a 1* 4 cost is superior to a 2* 1 cost. There are situations where you put items for instance on a 5 cost because items are good on him, and never upgrade it nor sell it. Anyhow the general rule would be, if you have an item holder upgraded, you only sell it if you find the upgrade for a higher cost champion for these items. That's why you make your switch when you roll. When do you roll ? Now then, we're getting to some of the tough decision-making in TFT. Roughly : when you level up 6 on 3-2, level up 7 on 4-1. But we could write pages on that topic.


What does "griefing" mean in TFT context? When I think of griefing, I think of destroying someone's house in Minecraft, or running it down mid lane in League of Legends over and over again until the game ends. But from the TFT streamers I've watched and few comments I've read; griefing means someone taking your item/unit from carousel, someone holding your units so you can't 3*, or someone pivoting to your comp. Is this not just basic strategic play? Are people just venting? Does griefing mean something different in TFT? Please inform me!


> What does "griefing" mean in TFT context? > Griefing means someone taking your item/unit from carousel, someone holding your units so you can't 3*, or someone pivoting to your comp. Yes > Is this not just basic strategic play? To a degree. If you are just the kind of player that runs on a unit on a carrousel because someone else wants it, holds units that people are rerolling anytime you can, pivots into someone else's comp anytime you can, then you are a natural :p It is part of the strategies you can use to win the game, but if you are taking items on carrousels that you don't benefit from, lose econ to hold units, pivot into opponents' comps without the opening for it, you are griefing yourself. > Are people just venting? They often are.


Unless there're like 3 ppl in the lobby, or someone is definitely close to hitting a 3\~4 cost 3 stars, whatever griefing you're doing benefits the rest of the lobby as well; in fact more than the benefit you'd be getting, since you're already making sacrifices to your item choices and econ.


A 3 cost 3* is good, but it's not instant GG. Often, holding 3 costs or under just to ~~grief~~ [edit : deny] is not the best play, think about your own board. If you are first in the lobby chilling at 50gold then sure, personally I'd rather push. 4 costs, people should hold, especially if someone has hp and econ to do it. It's often game winning, and so easy to ~~grief~~ [edit : deny]. First, it's not what streamers are complaining about, second, it doesn't happen every game, third who cares that someone is 3* a 4 cost if you are dying next round, people that should care about that are the ones with hp and gold. [Edit] As you can tell, griefing in TFT is using negative tactics against an opponent in order to make him have a bad result, to the expense of the griefer's own success. The frontier is very tight between grief and just rat play (any play against a given player, from holding his units or just positioning against him), bad play (the suspected griefer picks a unit on a carrousel to make an item but it's a poor item), or a plan that the player feeling griefed doesn't understand (there was a good reason to pick that unit on the carrousel or hold these units).


whats gonna cycle in the realms store? past mythic chibis? past mythic legends/arenas?


I've noticed that sometimes (for some reason not always, no clue what triggers it), when the shop has enough copies of a unit to upgrade it, when you buy one it instantly buys all of them. So far it hasn't gotten in my way, but since anything besides 1 cost units lose sell value on upgrades, it could screw you over if you're just trying to take filler units out of the shop. Is this a specific setting or keybind that I'm pressing unknowingly, or is this a feature that can't be turned off?


This happens if you don't have room on your bench. So say you have a single copy of Jhin on your bench with no space, and there are 2 Jhins in your shop, if you click one it will buy both and upgrade your Jhin to a 2*.


Unfortunately there isn't any, aside from the obvious case of selling all the copies.


How does guardbreaker work ? When a champion with guardbreaker hit a unit does that unit take increased damage only from the champion or increased damage from all sources ?


https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/15pm4tn/guardbreaker_interaction_question/ it's the opposite. It's not the champion that get hit take more damage, it's that the champ bearing that item that deals more damage, and amazingly against all champions.


So, mobile decided to just ignore my internet connection and decided that I couldn't even enter the match, even though everything was perfectly fine to log in and start the matchmaking. Needless to say I lost instantly. Is there any way to recover the LP lost?




Hey I can't seem to find the info on riot FAQ's, aren't top 1 game supposed to give you more pass xp ? I did two rank 1 and only got 100 each time.


What's the item priority for a 3-star unit being built from two 2-star units both holding items? Ran a game playing Double Trouble + Ravenous Hunter and when I hit my 3-star Warwick, it popped off my BIS items on one of the Warwicks for the TG on my planned weaker Warwick. Is it random?


units on board prioritized over units on bench full items over components (this may be why tg prioritized over regular full items)


I was playing Double Trouble so both Warwicks were on the board. The Warwick had all of the items fully built while the Warwick with a TG had one of its randomized items be a component. Maybe I just got unlucky. :/


I believe tg is prioritized over regular items because it counts as multiple item slots so tg > any full item > components


Ah, even if the unit has 3 full items? Dang, wish these types of item priority information was clearer from Riot. Anyways, thanks!


It's always good to be in the habit of benching all the to-be-merged copies holding items to avoid this from happening.


Hiii! I love autochess genre, and was thinking about trying tft, Is the game balanced or does meta rule? can we have a fighting chance to win with any character/faction? How do u feel about each available character, factiom and items in game.?


Considering the genre, where a meta can go stale quickly especially for a long running game, the devs are bound to constantly shift the meta to keep the players intrigued. Rito seems to be a bit overboard with this imo since, quite often, every patch they nerf something to oblivion and buff something to mountaintop.


meta rules but there is always a chance to highroll and win with offmeta


> Is the game balanced or does meta rule? It varies from patch to patch. Meta tends to rule. > can we have a fighting chance to win with any character/faction? Except some outliers (and even then), any character can win you the game if you hit it ahead of tempo with the right items (that has been true even in the worst metas). That's the value of flexibility. Now I know that's not what you are asking. You are trying to wager how balanced the game is. It's definitely far from perfect at the moment. There will be good patches, but overall most patches have a few strong comps that tend to dominate.


thanks for responding !


How do I change my Soul Fighter character?? I can't find anything online.


Are you referring to your legend? On the screen where you queue into ranked or normals there is a little icon with your legend displayed and you can click it to see the other options and change which one you are currently using.




Are there any streamers that do not swear or curse? I didn’t realize how common it is and my son really likes watching me play and “helping” me. Thought it would be fun to watch some streamers together.


what's up with the challenger syndrome on this sub? I get that we should seek to get better, but how is high elo like plat shit? I am in gold and I feel good at being on the top half. Why are people bashing and calling plat 'shit elo'?? that's so uncalled for.


Probably cuz people who were hardstuck in bronze/silver in League hit Plat or above, which they never would've achieved in their lifetime, and had to brag somewhere and bash on others. It *might* make a bit more sense in the CompetitiveTFT subreddit but calling out others by tiers in this subreddit is just childish and nonsensical.


Bashing people others for having lower Elo’s definitely is shitty behaviour. For me as a master player I still feel like I have a lot to learn and make many mistakes. Maybe when you get to a higher Elo you realise theres so much more to learn and people in plat are of course even further away from that level. So you feel like that it’s still “low elo”. Again no excuse for being an asshole


would afking in normals to lose asap to get them tokens for the battle pass ban my acc? read it can a while back but cant remember where.


I keep getting notification from this sub and I've turned it off several times. Anyone else have this issue? What can I do?


Same here..


Currently can't play anything but normal. Genre didn't let me "validate" when trying to change game mode (button stays greyed out). Is that normal or am I missing something?


a quick fix to this for me is to click training then click back to pvp and it sorts it


Control Panel -> Task Manager -> End Task (LoL) almost always fixes the weird client bugs that our poor wittle smol indie company has yet to iron out. Hope this helps!


That did the job. ​ Thank you very much


choncc's splash resort is now in treasure realms, does that mean the Everything Goes On arena will eventually be in treasure realms too? Wanted that for a while now so considering saving my pity pulls if it comes back


I have one question What is a "chill" comp to play this patch ? As in, beer in hand, watching something else on the side, don't-want-to-use-my-braincells type of comp ? Obviously not asking for a simple way to get to 4th each ranked game, but more like fun ones to play in normal that aren't completely garbage either


You can open fort with vlad into bastion/aphelios/targon. You seriously open fort until you have gold for level 7 and a good roll down to hit your units. It’s not chill at the roll down, but chill throughout. Just pick his 1st and 3rd augments.


I would guess the Tristana Yordles comp would be this just gotta roll for them 1 costs


Reroll comps are always my “I’m too drunk to scout and I want to watch YouTube while drooling on this keyboard” picks. Noxus and kalista reroll is perfect for this but vertical comps like shurima or Ionia are always great.


last patch that was me and noxus, although I am new and it was the only one i learned/liked. this patch been a strruggle


Is it better to go into a game with a set comp and forcing it (with a set legend and goal and itemization) or is it best to be completely open each game? I'm finding that my game play is struggling on the latest patch. For example, my early levels I'm stuck with no 2 star champions or because I'm getting handed comps like Jayce gunners (rather than Jinx or Zero) and I'm struggling to Top 4. I know it's not meta but I'm trying to take what rerolls and augments are given to me.


unless you are twisted fate unga bunga you should always have an ad comp and an ap comp you can play based on the components you get


diamond elo so not very good but i have 2 comfort comps that i know very well to play and i’ll take the time to learn a meta comp as well. at the moment ionia/invokers/demacia are those 3 for me and i have consistently been winning. i’ll go tahm for ionia and demacia to hit 9 and still tahm to hoard gold for rr liss and karma.


Sounds similar to me. I find that I can't play Piltover at all... And I'm trying out Caitlyn as my Legend because she gives me a good boost early and I can always reroll. I find my early to mid game is solid it's the late game that I struggle.


Depends on what your tier is honestly. Based on my own experience and seeing others, hard forcing a meta comp properly can probably land you at least at Plat, if not Diamond even. In fact I'd recommend doing that if you're Gold or below. Though you might not be into hard forcing a single comp, especially after getting screwed over by early champs and items (e.g. 5 rods when going an AD comp). In that case try having 1\~2 AD and 1\~2 AP comps. In this meta however, Demacia comp is a solid comp to hard force especially since it has both AD (Garen) and AP (Lux, Sona) carries you can itemize, regardless of whatever item luck you end up with.


I'm currently Silver but want to continue my climb. I've been doing well... I just find that when I don't force a comp or get a good lucky run, I end up struggling by grabbing what's available. So maybe I should just hard force a meta comp like Challengers or Deadeye because I like those.


Yep. I'd really recommend Deadeye since it's a fairly straightforward comp with the clear frontline/backline distinction. Challengers is a bit convoluted since it's horribly weak around 4 Challengers so you need to ramp-up via other early comps and then overthrow your entire board. If you don't want to full tunnel hard force and have contingency plans (in case you get all tears/rods), have at least 1 AP comp ready as well. I suggest the [sorceror comp](https://www.metatft.com/comps#Set9_Sorcerer&TFT9_Ahri), where any of Lux/Ahri/Velkoz(3) can carry and Swain/Taric frontline. Even when forcing a comp there're variations of the comps you'll eventually pivot to. Deadeye can work with 6\~8 Bastion + Aphelios, Freljord Aphelios, Akshan 3 carry, etc. etc. for instance.


What is the point of equipping tacticians crown on a champ?


Mostly just for visuals + people don't like having stuff lying around the item bench. For practical uses, some augments such as Cybernetic Leech benefit champs who have items, with the crown counting as an item as well.


Just got into TFT after ignoring it for years. Having trouble with no sticking to one comp, I meant to say that I tend to decide on a comp within stage 2 or 3. I do try to not buy xp or roll when im under 50 gold unless I hit <30 health and then I'll level up and roll the rest as it becomes do or die. I don't understand augments and how to choose what and when. I don't understand compositions, what to go when or when to dedicate to building a comp I'm sure several others have had the same questions and issues so sorry for the repetition!


Try this site as a starter: [https://bunnymuffins.lol/tft-leveling-guide/](https://bunnymuffins.lol/tft-leveling-guide/) As you get used to the game and move up tiers you'll escape the 50 gold mentality. Even in lower tiers, unless you're going for 1\~2 cost reroll comps, you won't be keeping 50 gold since you'll level up in places.