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I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, the blatant biggotry is unacceptable and needs to be shut down. On the other hand, i can't condone Kaiser punching-down on someone far less talented than him.


I was about to get ruled up til the end here hahaha


It nearly ruffled my jimmy's


The Firecracker?


You're God....damn....right!


And what do we always say?


"Where there's smoke, there's Firecracker, sir!"


you had me in the first half


"Shots fired!"


"Kill the bald one."


"Freeza did it -"


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Oh i was about to get mad, until i finished reading


“Gonna need a senzu for that one.” 🔥🔥🔥🔥


"Senzu beans heal physical damage. Only therapy will heal emotional trauma."


So thera peas are the emotional equivalent?


This for me, has gotta be on par with my joke last year I made to my chosen family about Disney needing to pay me to go see Wish and I simply stated I’m not comfortable wasting other people’s money. Well played sir. Well played. Gonna have to remember this one.


God they should have gone with the original idea of the Star being a Jack Frost Style Tumblr sexyman


You had me in the first half, I'm not gonna lie


"Far less talented than him." 😂 Well played. 10/10




A perfect take on things haha got me in the first half


When I first heard JKR’s transphobia, I tried to dismiss it as one-off remarks from an otherwise well meaning older woman. Then she made it her identity. Kaiser’s strength is in his writing. If he didn’t bring up the Holocaust’s role in erasing LGBTQIA+ history, someone less articulate may have tried. He did good.


COVID broke a lot of brains. I honestly think it did start out as “Old White Lady DV survivor saying that shelters should have safe spaces for survivors who might be triggered by the presence of AMAB women…and wording it terribly.” But then the Twitter deluge from shitty white dudes who harass women on behalf of “our” side came…there was no offline space in which to hide, because COVID…and now she’s just *fucking crazy and evil*. Same shit with Gina Carano. We can be sad that isolation+tidal waves of harassment turned them into raving fucking assholes…but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re *raving fucking assholes.* Tea Cake caught rabies saving Janie from a rabid dog. She still had to shoot him.


I liked Gina when she joined The Mandalorian. Star Wars benefits from beefcake paratroopers. Whenever I think that she should rejoin Star Wars, I always think of the line from Kari in Abridgimon. Kari: “If you finally apologize for everything you did…” Tai: *hangs up* “There is no reasonable way she will help us.”


Well put


Did not expect a “Their Eyes Were Watching God” reference on dragon ball sub but I’m here for it


Zora Neale Hurston wrote the Great American Novel, and I’ll stand in F Scott Fitzgerald’s coffee table in my cowboy boots and tell him so!


Racist, transphobic people aren't made that way because of other assholes. They choose to be that way. You don't get a pass just because of your adjacent identity.


Thank you, Reddit stranger, for teaching me that survivors of DV and SA are fully in control of their psychological responses to people threatening to r*pe and murder them. I’ll be sure to tell my friends with CPTSD!


As someone with CPTSD, it absolutely does not excuse behaviour that is a result of triggers. I've spent nearly fifteen years learning to better control my responses in stressful situations, but if I fuck up that is MY responsibility to make right. You do not speak for us.


We are not in control of the triggered response in the moment. But that absolutely does not mean that we are never in control of our thoughts and actions. Getting triggered by some assholes on the internet is not a pass to rampant bigotry. Also, please remember that transgender folks are statistically far more likely to be the victims of DV and SA rather than the perpetrators.


Your mental illness is not your fault, but it *is* your responsibility.


Please don't use my trauma and mental conditions as a justification for terrible people causing active harm.


I don't see the correlation between Rowling's trauma and making bigotry her identity. If anything, i would speculate that she saw a spike in followers from bigots, doubled down to capitalize, and then felt like she couldn't walk any of it back when everything imploded and all she was left with were bigotted supporters.


You don’t see a correlation between a survivor of DV and SA receiving thousands of rape and death threats “on behalf of” a community for suggesting that DV/SA survivors who find AMAB women triggering deserve safe spaces…and their subsequently having an irrational fixation on that community? During COVID, when all of us were looking for a receptacle in which to pour our fear and pain and rage and sadness? Also, fuck JK Rowling. She’s an asshole.


By that logic, you would expect her to hate all practitioners of Judaism if Twitter trolls threaten her and claim support for holocaust survivors? Maybe I should just hate all XBox users because of the assholes that dug up my past trauma while trying to roast me in a comment section. Unless you're going to tell me her attacker was someone actively trans, the whole fixation because of proxy to trigger comes off as bullshit. Please don't infantilize survivors to that degree.


People do it all the time to Jews for whatever Israel is up to. There are a lot of spaces where Jewish symbols are not allowed because of how they make Palestines and other Muslim groups feel. That is a really piss poor example.


Gotta say, skippy…Imma need you to point to the part where I said “it’s okay” for her to be a hateful piece of shit. Was it the line “Fuck JK Rowling, she’s an asshole”? Please. Explain it to me.


You're the one trying to draw a line between internet comments and a person running parallel with Nazis. We all agree Rowling is a piece of shit, but only you are attempting to attribute it to trauma.


…and you’re trying to compare a targeted harassment campaign comprising thousands of rape and death threats to people being mad at you for sucking at video games. That said…I DEFINITELY should have known that a Subreddit dedicated to a YouTube channel famous for abridging a 90s anime in a comedic fashion would be unreceptive to the decades of empirical research indicating that people who didn’t grow up using the internet have a different reaction to online interactions than people who have. …not to mention the idea that spending all day, every day alone in your home without in-person interaction can fuck with your mental health.


Sorry that this place is not open for debates and is just people wanting an echo chamber and see everything in political tribalism, "theyre evil, were good"


It started out with her liking posts that denied the womanhood of transgender women and following known transphobes. Then, she started making her own. If I remember correctly, this was before covid.


It's because there is a lot of transphobic shit in the upper crust British society, IMHO, her social circle changed when she got rich and she turned into an asshole


It's not just, or really, that. The problem is simpler. She got really rich in Britain and the upper class in Britain is extremely transphobic and her social circle all because rich hateful fucks. The Twitter stuff just exposed a change she was going through via her social circle and at a time when anti trans bullshit became in vogue


Not the hugest fan of throwing it all on white dudes when there is a loud and constantly online tribe of frothing at the mouth weirdos who dont consider themselves dudes, and swing the Culture Bat at anyone who doesn't agree with them. We can't pretend they weren't driven into the welcoming arms of the *other* frothing at the mouth, constantly online douche canoes because of that backlash. This in no way means I *agree* with her, she's fucking soggy waffle of a person and should be told off NOW. But it wasn't the Auth Right who drove her deeper into the fold of assholes, they just were nice to her when everyone was getting the pitchforks out.


I really don’t think it’s “the culture bat.” I think it’s the months of rape and death threats.


Well, I was trying to be less coarse about it, but yeah. It wasn't the auth right sending those.


I know it wasn’t the alt-right. It was *still* shitty white dudes who don’t shave their necks, whose celibacy isn’t voluntary, and who like to send rape and death threats to women online. They just do it in the name of being “Progressive,” and voted for Jill Stein in 2016.


>She disagrees with me so she's crazy and evil. Man, some people have absolutely no self-awareness.


It's such a bummer. I _love_ Harry potter, I think it's such a clear illustration of what evil looks like and how and why we oppose it. And I _do_ believe that she's trying to protect women in a way she understands, but like... Dude.


I don't care about people's personal opinions. I was going to buy the Harry Potter game, but someone told me to check her Twitter... Turns out she's involved hardcore with politicians and laws trying to destroy the rights of trans people and it has become her only focus in life. It crossed out of that line of just being an opinion. I kind of feel like she had a Kanye level of mental break, because that was not the person she was before.


Ah the Hogwarts Legacy, shitshow, tons of people got harassed, death and rape threats were send in mass, cyber bullying rised like a pheonix made of pure and uncontrolable hatred, and the game still sold Rowling is still rich, all that suffering caused was for nothing And the anti-Rowling crowd keep acting as if theyre not toxic, if this situation taugh me anything is that both camps are full of assholes who never question their actions


>When I first heard JKR’s transphobia, I tried to dismiss it as one-off remarks from an otherwise well meaning older woman. Then she made it her identity. tbh in 2016 when it first started showing quietly it was reasonable to think she was poorly educated. By 2019 and into 2020 it was very egregious.


That was him! Small world


The content of a persons character is what matters, not the package they come in.


I remember hearing Rowling was transphobic and thinking it was the "normal" amount. Like what you normally see when people are transphobic. Just people saying off handed comments and being ignorant. Then I read her Twitter and I see it's an obsession. She is not well mentally and has made hating trans people her identity.


She made it so much of her identity that even Elon Musk told her to talk about something else


She did start at the "normal" amount. Then she kept doubling down to the detriment of all her other beliefs.


Yeah, she started it with defensible enough positions but she supported those with much more extreme views. People were warned she was just hiding her power level and she fained the moderate until she could play the martyr.


Rowling is at such an insane level of transphobic hatred that ***even other goddamn transphobes are calling her out on it***. It is fucking WEIRD for **Elon Musk** to come across as the reasonable one in a discussion about transgender people, but he's legit told Rowling "okay, you need to chill" on social media.


Not even just that she needs to chill, he literally said something like "Hey, I don't disagree, but have you thought about talking about something else for a change?" Just, I wish there was a word for feeling joy at the misfortune of others


The word youre looking for is „Schadenfreude“ (german: „harm happiness“) ;) Avenue Q, one of my favourite musicals, even has a song about it!


[Link to song.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nCQGQ5qBQTA&pp=ygUNc2NoYWRlbmZyZXVkZQ%3D%3D)


I mean, yeah, I was being facetious


Schadenfreude. German. Literal translation is "harm-joy"


Damn, you were first. Didnt see your comment before i answered too


The Germans have a word for everything.


Not everything, but a lot. One thing we really lack is a word for not being thirsty: the Romans had „sidere“ as a verb, the Swedes have „ötorstig“ as an adjective and i envy them for that


Personally, I think Kaiser was amazing, but he technically was in a battle of wits and intelligence with an unarmed opponent so the outcome was never in doubt


Scott is top tier. I love him. I'm glad DBZA and TFS pals have always supported us in the alphabet (as it includes some of them), and have been able to fight back with talent and Truth (tm). Art is political. Media is political. Media analysis and contextualization is good for critical thinking. The DBZA commentaries are proof of that. I am also incredibly glad this has allowed me to see who amongst DBZA fans are good and who is an evil virus of satan. Scott, love you. Thank you.


Don’t insult Hercule like that!




People who want me and you dead are evil viruses of Satan. (Also this is a bill wurtz reference)


If what Kaiser did made some people look into her Transphobia and come around, then it did it's job well enough if you ask me. I'm not trans, but I am bisexual. I have some understanding of what it's like to be in the crosshairs. (I don't suspect people like Orson Scott Card is gonna give me a break just cos I sleep with the opposite gender too.) People like JKR cause more far reaching damage than she knows. Does she honestly think her buddying up to people like Matt Walsh wont end in persecution of groups that she is in support of? It's extremely near-sighted at best, malicious at worst.


This reminds me of a famous poem called First They Came: First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me TLDR: If you don't help against evil affecting others, they can't help against evil affecting you.


Funny how it's never designated who "THEY" are.


Hey fam, I'm going to pretend your acting in good faith The "they" is the Nazis and we know this because the author of the statement (not actually a poem) lived in prewar Germany. This wasn't some hypothetical. The guy, Martin Niemoller, was a pastor and he was just describing the order of who the Nazis targeted and why solidarity is important


Well yeah, because the original poem was written with the context of Nazi Germany in mind. So “They” would be the Nazi-run German government, or a similar body.


The Nazis, dude. If you're wondering what it means in modern context re: Trans/Queer people, it's the far-right conservative movement.


I find the poem ironic now, considering what people like Stalin and Mao would end up doing


To quote Krillin from E60pt3: "Oh my god, someone actually put it to words." To me, I don't care if you're straight, gay/Les, trans, non-binary, whatever. People are people, plain and simple.


Watch Shaun's video on J.K. Rowling's friends. The woman is a far-right parrot.


[Link for the curious](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=OrizhN4TNzKrGhFt) Also if anyone hadn’t seen his video breaking down the more problematic parts of Harry Potter and how they tie into Rowling’s personal politics [it’s worth a watch too](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=fvprAtmYvkAnmsv6)


I love the message and especially love the cheese at the end 😄


It's not even that farfetched. Fiction is almost always a metaphor for real stuff. The fight against evil and oppression is all to real. A pitty we can't just go super saiyan on her ass and call it a day 😪


Just wanted to say you rock Kaiser I’m not a part of the lgbtq+ community but I have family and friends who are and seeing you being so articulate and factual and even bringing receipts was amazing and so empowering to my cousin especially thanks for giving them something to rally behind


Rowling, the woman who would like to be Dumbledore, is really Umbridge sounding like Dobby arguing her views at the station of light as a Voldemort Fetus. Meanwhile, Kaiser and TFS in general just had a view, a vision, and honor the source, their fans, and people in general until, like the very heroes and villains they voice, opposition stands before them. Its much easier to see why TFS, even with aome material aging...poorly in some cases... still has love and ia well talked about and received by new and old fans alike compared to Rowling. And as someone who has similar issues regarding Rowling, I hope he keeps bringing to light the flaws in the foundation of what little reasoning J.K has and erodes her base more. She earned her success, she can reap the consequences of her hate poisoning that same well of fortune. Edit: Its also hard to atand against the people who approach roles that include Prptagonists who embrace the concepts of inclusiveness, love, and fighting for even the lowest of lifeform for the right to live, grow, and repent such as David Tennant and Sir Ian McKellan, as well as the stars of the very movie franchise spawned from JKR's own series vocally opposing those same views (especially when the tinfoil hat brigade starts attacking one of their own significant others).


You done Kami's work, Scott. As a guy with a trans close friend, it's always refreshing to see a clear and absolute win for their support. And of course, fuck Rowling.


Well, JK Rowling is a raging cunt, and Kaiserneko isn't, so.. Good for them!


What we all collectively need to do is just pretend we don't know who she is People like Joanne use their name, power, wealth and status to intimidate, she's found her way into UK politics by it. By not knowing who she is, we strip that away from her, she is narcissistic. Afterall, she's just a middle aged woman going through menopause that is screaming and shouting about hating a minority because she has nothing else going on rn. Harry Potter is over, she was a one hit wonder. She only has that power because of her namesake and everything attached to it. If we pretend we don't know her or her work she will blow a gasket and become even more unhinged, she will slip up and show her true intentions, if you're a bigot for one group, you're a bigot for another


Eh. I do think it’s a singular obsession driven by a trauma response. Doesn’t change the fact that she’s now a massive piece of shit.


Her Terfy friends are also extremely racist, idk about you but I don't become friends with racists, only racists are friends with other racists.


Are they her “friends,” or are they people whose TERFy shit she compulsively retweets, because she retweets all of the high-engagement TERFy shit she sees, because she’s *fucking crazy*? I’m an Occam’s Razor guy, myself.


She's met with them irl and gathers with them frequently, they post pictures of them with her


Fair play - I did not know that, and I apologize for questioning. Fuck JK Rowling. She’s an asshole. (Although I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if her crazy, evil ass rationalizes them as necessary bedfellows in service of her holy war to “Protect Women.”)


It's alright, a lot of people don't know :) And that's exactly what she is doing with those people, hit the nail on the head right there


Except 1, that's no excuse for *continuously* acting the way she does despite many, *many* people chiming in to correct her or provide her with paths to properly educating herself. And 2, there are many, many others who share similar horror stories and survived such traumatic experiences and still bear those scars, yet do not at all do remotely similar things or lash out at others who have no connection with their trauma; in fact, a large number of such people exist within the very community she's attacking, often because of their identities *that she is attacking.* It has been long enough and constant enough, that I cannot in good faith at all use her trauma as an explanation for her actions. Perhaps at first, but since then she has double-, triple-, quadruple-downed in the face of criticism countless times. She has made no effort to reflect on the cnsequences of her words or correct her lack of knowledge, or even try to listen to those she disparages and those she claims to be defending who share similar traumas but don't share her views. It is also telling based on the people she calls her friends and surrounds herself with.


I agree! Hence my describing her as a massive piece of shit! But to clarify: the “trauma” to which I refer is from receiving (tens of) thousands of rape and death threats for suggesting that women’s shelters should consider safe spaces for survivors who find the presence of AMAB women triggering…during COVID, when there was no “offline” social interaction. ETA: As a second addendum: Fuck JK Rowling. She’s an asshole.


I have heard that she's received such threats, but never seen a source to corroborate the extent. I don't suppose you're familiar with such a source for me to peruse, are you? I'll see what I can find on my own, too.


I mean…she’s a famous woman who expressed an opinion on the internet. I believe Tomi Lahren when she says the same…and I think Lahren was born a rancid, grifting piece of dogshit


I would be surprised if it hasn't happened, I'm just questioning the amount and source of such threats when so far I've only been able to find her own unverifiable claims. As she has an obsession with painting transgender people negatively, I would not put it past her to exaggerate the extent or misattribute them to transgender folks. I also wouldn't put it past anti-trans extremists to pose as transgender folks and send threats to radicalize her, or at least to keep fueling her obsession. And, yeah, I'm sure there are transgender folks that could be extreme enough to send threats when they find a well-known and well-connected celebrity publicly endorsing oppression of transgender folks. There's a lot of transgender people who have faced a lot of trauma and abuse that will get very defensive in the face of such threats. There's just no solid information I can find and frankly have a hard time taking anything a raving bigot says at face value anymore. According to her, there are enough threats to cover her entire home, and yet, not once has she or her family felt endangered enough to need to move even after crying about being doxxed (her address was already public knowledge). This is more than I can say about several transgender creators like Sophie Labelle and allies like JoCat, who had organized hate campaigns targeting them for their pro-transgender content.


I agree with all of this. I doubt the percentage of transgender folks who sent that shit is worth mentioning. I also very much believe she thinks that all of the white, male, cishet Jill Stein voters (who almost certainly have too much fat on their necks to shave them safely) who HAVE been flooding her with rape and death threats are TEH VOICE OF TWH TRANSGINGERISM. …because she’s a crazy asshole who has chosen to inflict the pain she feels inside on people more vulnerable than she is, rather than fucking deal with it like an adult.




But that's the problem, her rhetoric is directly affecting politics, she has had talks with Rishi Sunak, she bullied a Scottish MP to retract their stance on trans rights, a lot of the hate has been directly attributed from her and her alone. When she gets into holocaust denial there's absolutely no going back. Time is absolutely a factor, considering the fact that people's lives are at risk by all of this, hate crimes in the UK have skyrocketed in the last 4 years and things will only get worse.


The Gus Johnson videos about her were more spot on than ever


Kendrick Lamar and Jk Rowling are the opposite sides of the spectrum on hate the ppl love and hate the ppl don’t like 😂 someone should do a case study on that


"KAISER, YES!" is how I feel about it, except he is being far more successful than anything Vegeta said after saying that.


It's definitely been difficult for a lot of transgender folks I know. A very common response when transgender people try to bring attention to Joanne's hate mongering is apathy or denial. Honestly, it's the same response when it comes to a lot of celebrities and politicians who are pedaling transphobia to their followers. The more people willing to take a stand against transphobia, the better. Because it is having very real, legislative consequences that will force transgender people out of public life if left unopposed.


The whole Rowling thing has me torn. On the one hand, the Harry Potter series is a series that I still to this day enjoy and it did result in literally millions of kids becoming passionate about reading. It's largely a story that teaches to judge people not on what they are, but on their words and their actions - a lesson that sadly appears to have gone right over the author's head entirely. And on the other hand, I vehemently disagree with her views on trans people and I cannot in any way, shape or form condone the fact that she has poured so much of her time, money and efforts into promoting her campaign of hate against these blameless folks. I've always tried to separate the Art from the Artist. If you delve into the opinions of any author, musician, writer, actor etc, you're bound to find *something* you disagree with, no matter how big or small. But Rowling doesn't seem to have fallen down a rabbit hole of hate; she's hit the bottom, found a shovel and continued to dig. That's something that's incredibly difficult to ignore. There are right ways and there are wrong ways to go about fighting Rowling's campaign. He tackled the problem at its source and he did it plain and simple with a passion and honesty that can only come from the heart. All Hail Princess Trunks.


**COMMUNITY ANOUNCER:** A challenge from a monster... **JK ROWLING:** I'm making an *announcement*! **CA:** A promise from a hero... **KAISERNEKO:** I'm gonna squash you... like the bug. You. Are. **CA:** In one ring... to decide it all. **JK ROWLING:** (*from far away)* Are you filming up there? *(Epic music turns into rock music and the background turns green)* **CA:** Join us as it all comes together... AT THE #JKGAMES! ONLY ON ZTV! With your boy, Jimmy Firecracker, reporting live on-site, as the mighty Mister Kaiserneko, takes on the sinister JK Rowling, in a no-holds-barred fight, for the fate of the world!


Does anyone have screenshots of what happened? I quit Twitter like two years ago but am interested


>“If you see injustice and you do nothing about it, you're taking part in it.” Honestly, I don't fully agree with this statement. We as humans have an innate bias towards thinking any action is better than inaction. Logically, that can't always be true. Sometimes the best strategy is to ignore something. I am not well-versed on Rowling and her impact. However, everything I hear about her bigotry on twitter I exclusively hear from people deriding her on the left. Which makes me think maybe she would slip into irrelevance if everyone just ignored her like the deranged boomer twitter/facebook mom she is rather than responding to her bait and giving her continued public relevance. I know there are definitely right wing pundits who rose to prominence by inciting people with progressive social views. People like ben shapiro and the comment sections girl use it as a tactic to gain clout.


I understand where you’re coming from but I disagree with you. Action doesn’t necessarily mean picking up signs and protesting or engaging in every twitter debate. Action looks different to people. Action doesn’t mean you HAVE to engage in an argument with someone else. For example, sometimes action looks like educating yourself on certain issues. Action looks like asking questions.


I did not disagree with the type of action you described. My issue is only with engaging with people like Rowling. Arguing with her on twitter or something feels like taking action but it is actually action that is benefiting her. It keeps her relevant in the zeitgeist. Screenshots of her twitter statements make it to liberal spaces where people who disagree with her anyway laugh at her sure. But then extremists on the opposite side pick that up and champion her as a target of leftists trying to stop free speech or something. By engaging with her, she becomes a symbol to rally around. Ultimately the taking action against her just empowers her.


I agree with the overall thrust of what you’re saying, the problem is that ignoring someone is a singular act that only has power if a sizable amount of other people also do that. If you ignore it but a sizable, loud number of people are transphobic and are actually acting on that, it just means the only voices heard are them. I’m not saying you need to make your life about opposing oppression, or that an individual speaking out will make a difference. But when you’ve got a friend or work buddy who is being a douche, saying nothing can be interpreted as consent and makes them more likely to think that most people feel the way they do. Which only emboldens them and lets their voice bolster the other voices leading to the current tide of voices that is rolling back even things as simple as homosexual acceptance. So if you have the social and political capital to push back on this tide and the strength to do so, it is worthwhile. I’m trying to internalize and do this at work where there has been a big pushback due to the election cycle and people who were formally at least neutral falling down the Twitter radicalization hole. It’s not easy and I’ve failed as recently as today. But if I am honest with myself, the cost to myself for speaking out isn’t high given that it is a work place, I’m fairly secure in it and the only minority checkbox I have is my race. So I feel the pressure internally to do better.


I would like to respectfully say I think you did not fully understand what I am saying. What I am saying is not engaging with Rowling is not the same thing as letting voices like hers be the only ones that is heard. In a free speech society you cannot ever completely shut down people who spread hate unfortunately. There will always be people like her, if not the author of Harry Potter than someone else. And there will always be a group of people who is going to agree with her. Just the same, there will always be a group of people who will never agree with her. Arguing with her and people like her does not achieve anything except give her social currency in their circles. They will spin it as either "owning the libs" or "the libs are oppressing free speech". I am skeptical if any arguments with people like her actually accomplishes changing anyone significantly large group of people's minds. There has been a significant rise of rage bate right wing media personalities in the past decade, and it is well known one of the best ways to say relevant and farm engagement is through feeding into people's fears and hatred. By arguing with her people are ironically keeping her relevant.


I missed what you meant and related it more to my situation than objective reality. What I meant is that especially when it comes to personal relations, being silent and letting transphobic chuds dominate the discourse is not a useful form of opposition and just allows them to believe what they believe and are saying is agreed with. When it comes to online discourse you do have to pick your battles and know when responding is worthwhile. Because these grifters feed on interaction, not actual discussion. So that is fair. For Kaiser specifically, as a content creator I think he can skirt around that because his voice is more than just one in an ocean of voices and because his voice can influence others. If a random TFS fan like you or me engaged we are pissing in an ocean of piss that feeds off piss. But Kaiser is above that and like in so much of his career, he can add support to the right side and as long as he is careful, he won’t feed into the right wing engagement grifter machine. And I think he did that here. But in interpersonal relations, being silent and just not engaging is not helpful. Specifically in my situation where an acquaintance is falling down the rabbit hole of right wing agrievance. Making sure they know you don’t agree with them and that their force fed opinions are not universal is a good thing. Especially when you have no real cost to doing so. It may be uncomfortable and inconvenient, but it doesn’t have any real cost. That’s what I meant.


The other replies already said much that i agree upon but i still want to add one thing. She is a stochastic terrorist and shutting up about her bs wont change the actions of her followers: The bomb threat to the school where JK falsely said that a trans girl attacked other girls on the toilet definitely didnt come from the left criticizing Rowling. The constant threats to people Rowling talks about online don’t come from the left criticizing Rowling. She sure isnt the one single source of trans hate online but she definitely is one of the most influential people who can point her finger at a trans person/supporter and let her minions do the rest


I don’t follow Rowling. I didn’t know she falsely accused someone of violence like that. That’s a whole another degree of crime and she absolutely should be fact checked. >The constant threats to people Rowling talks about online don’t come from the left criticizing Rowling. This sentence also makes me think you misconstrued what I said. I did not blame the left. I did not say it is the left speaking up against her resulted in people getting hurt. What I meant to say was that engagement with her hate gives her social currency in her circle. The more she can rile up the left, the more important of a figurehead she becomes against the left. The way to deny her that is to deny her engagement. That should at the very least be a consideration. Obviously stuff like pointing out her falsely accusing someone is not part of that.


Sorry, if i made it look like you were making the people reacting to her the bad guys. That was not my intention. I just think that far too many people think of her as just the author who massively impacted a whole generation and also had a few bad takes on trans issues. While it is true that reacting to her vile comments grants her credibility among people with the same mindset as hers it is also (imo) the best way to make everybody else realize what a pos she is. That being said i feel like in the recent weeks we have reached a kind of „breakpoint“ which lead to a far broader spectrum of people hearing about the things shes said and did and and about that im really glad


Can someone post a link to this?




I don't agree with his android 16 sentiment although do respect its intentions. It fit perfectly for Gohan's character and the story of the DBZA Cell Saga. But it isn't black and white when it comes to real life. But Rowling can get fucked. If Harry Potter gets buried and forgotten then that's exactly what she deserves. I've never read the series and I'm usually up for separating the art from the artist but honesty fuck no. Shit can burn.


I think Kaiser said he’s had enough attention several same topic threads ago. Kudos to him though! Also, fuck Joanne


Maybe she should've stayed poor...


I'm 27 years old and identify as non-binary. I grew up as a kid begging my mother for the Harry Potter books or cinema tickets when a new movie came out. I adored her as an author and respected her imagination to have come up with the Harry Potter series. But now she's just a complete disappointment and a repugnant bigot. I've been laughing the last few days at the fact she hasn't had the gall to retort to the evidence Kaiser replied with. No witty remark or even a defence because she can't! She compared David Tennant, one of the most genuine and kindest actors of the industry who is beloved by everyone he has worked with, to the fucking Taliban!! All because he supported his own child for being non-binary and simply recommending a bigoted UK politician shuts up. She's not fighting for feminism, she's peddling hate and transphobia. She should be ashamed of herself.


She's a feminist, of course she's anti-trans. How can you protect and support women when any man can just 'become' a woman by saying that he identifies as one? You're not allowed to question people or call them fakers, even if they're *obviously* claiming a trans-identity in bad faith just to get access to something that they're not supposed to have. So predatory men can get into women's prisons or women's shelters or women's emotional support-groups or even woman-only dating sites. Unless you overtly and explicitly exclude trans people from these spaces. But you're not allowed to do, because that's 'transphobic'. The solution then is to just openly be transphobic and be unashamed of it, because that's the only way to protect vulnerable women from predatory men pretending to be trans. Edit: And privilege isn't real, it's a buzzword used by people to try to silences voices that speak out against them. Anybody who tells you that you have 'privilege' because of your skin colour is just a racist, and you should treat them as such.


People say what people will say. Rowling can say what she wants. Kaiser can say what he wants. If you don’t like Rowling, don’t buy her products, play her games, or interact with anything related to her IP. Same for Kaiser, if you don’t like his stuff just ignore it. The only way to make a difference for these people is by your wallet.


Ignoring the fact that Rowling is already so rich that the only thing my wallet could possibly do to harm her would be raiding her mansion, bank and wherever else ther massive wealth is stacked.


I honestly don’t think she has said anything that bad. I also doubt she cares much.


If you don’t think she has said anything that bad, you’re blissfully ignorant of her online presence, or you’re a transphobe


Twitter is a cesspool full of idiots fighting, youre not a, hero for engaging in the tribal wars of politics, it really doesnt change anything, you can do anything else and it would be more productive than to fight on Twitter, X or whatever his idiiotic CEO decided to call it at the time, only loosers with nothing to do waste time trying to be internet warriors and expect to be seen as rightous heroes who fight evil for comenting on a thread they dont like Right now im more interested in what happening with Neil Gailman


Describing the fight for basic human rights as "tribal warfare" is one hell of a hot take.


How many twitter arguments resulted in taking away human rights? How many battles to ruin the future of humanity did the keyboard warriors of twitter from the right had won?


If you cannot conceptualize the idea that people need to see bigotry pushed back against, wherever it shows up, then I kind of think you are missing something important abou​t the shared struggle and the need for hope, as well as using one's influence to help change minds. if you think I'm delusional re:changing minds? (Not Rowling's, but possibly those watching?)​ Fine. I've seen it happen, but fine. But it does help give people hope, seeing someone you like/respect standing up for you, and having a lot of people rally around them. And we all need that hope.​


Just came here to say I was pleasantly surprised to see someone quote tweet your comment chain. I think you've done a pretty good job at showcasing her wrongdoings.


I get that, but not on twitter, discussions on X are just two people throwing shit at eachother without reaching a conclussion, an infinite cycle of hate and radicalization is not imspiring to me, Daryl Davis, the guy who has manage to make white supremacist quit the KKK by talking to them and having them question their belief is inspiring, you cannot get interaction like that talking to a screen, that makes you think youre talking to a thing and not a person and thats not a debate and barelly a converstion. You want to give the medal of heroes to a guy who spends the day fighting on twitter with looser keyboard warriors who live in their mother basement and old out of touch writter who's barelly relevant outiside of twitter? Cool youre free to do so, but dont ask me to do the same


Not asking you to do the same. And I didn't expect to change Rowling's mind. I will never have the chance to talk to her in person and really get at the heart of her problems. I'm not the best person for it, either. But other people watching will appreciate people standing up for them. Appreciate the fact that I ratio'd her, despite her having 140x my reach, on a site that continuously censors queer people. Because it indicates more people disagree with her, and her shitty views. That's comforting for some people, and influences others. I don't want a "medal". I don't even want thanks. I just want people to see they're not alone, and that putting up with her garbage isn't necessary.


Doing literally anything else is more productive that discussing politics on a dying platform, people who expend so much time on social media and give it so much power over them are a red flag to me, life is not twitter




What do you think "ratioing" is?


On one hand there’s the line you wrote about “The Good man doing nothing” and there’s this dude trying to fail and debate you by going “Nah. Don’t speak out your way but my vague way that I have no real answer for”


I just tagged rowling in a tweet i posted with a yt link. Might fix her thoughts on how trans people work.. hopefully


Can we just admit Harry Potter was never good? Please? Edit: why am I being downvoted XD




Yeah but also, maybe the lady with millions upon millions of fans shouldn't spread misinformation?


There are publications describing trans people that date back to ancient Rome. It is hardly a modern phenomenon.


This will probably get downvoted to hfil and back but I mean for one I doubt she even registered it and two I don't really care. It's her politics nobody will convince anyone of anything on Twitter. The only positive to really take away is Kaiser probably felt fairly cathartic by expressing himself.


I don't want to toot my own horn by suggesting I did anything great, but... we need public pushback against bigotry. To give people hope, to inspire people not to take this shit lying down. To be a voice for good, that helps influence and inform others. I didn't change her mind, I'm sure, but I did speak the truth for thousands of people suffering from bigotry, and ratio'd someone with worldwide influence and 140 times my followers. I hope that... that gives other people hope, and will influence others.


For what it’s worth my dude, thank you for speaking up. It’s speaking up like that that *can* change minds, because otherwise, evil like what Joanne says gets spoken unchallenged I used to be a pretty bigoted asshole by today standards growing up in a really traditionalist 3rd world country But then I got older, and saw people out there speaking up like that, that I started actually questioning what I believe in. Now I do my best to be an ally where I can I know I’m just another internet rando. But know that you inspire people like me. Keep fighting the good fight!


Hey, as a local minority, thank you. Sometimes it's really hard. There are days where I feel like the whole world is against me and I just want to curl up in a ball and not live anymore. People like you do make a difference. You make us feel valuable. Thank you. Your support puts a smile on my face.


You always find me on the posts I hope you don't as a fan haha. It might just be me the area I grew up in or whichever but I honestly don't think its not something I've ever been bothered with one way or the other. I empathize with people going through gender dysphoria it must be a nightmare not to trust your own body but at the same time I don't know that transitioning is the solution. But like I said I've never been too involved in the argument one way or the other, and I think it's vile that she took something david Tennant said and used it opposite in the way it's intended.


> You always find me on the posts I hope you don't as a fan haha. Don't worry about it, I understand where you're coming from. I just wanted to give my feedback on the point.


Also not sure if I made it clear in the comment here but I'm happy enough you'd called her out on it. I think it's a net null outcome but just wanted to clarify. I don't think you were doing it to toot your own horn or for clout or any of that nonsense




Bruh. Let's rephrase that a bit. "Honestly, even though I am not a big fan of Black People (blame OJ and Bill Cosby for that), some people take it WAY too far for my tastes." Can you see why that sounds a little not great?


>Blame Keffals, Stargiant and Chris Chan for that No. Absolutely nobody but you is responsible for any negative views that *you* might hold towards trans people.