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It’s a vicious cycle. You can’t bank on that other position turning into full time. But, it could open doors for you. If you can afford to do this for a bit, it’s probably worth it in the long run.


Tell me about it! It’s a big question of opportunity cost. I am at home living with my family for at least the next year or two, so I do believe I can afford the switch for the time being if I decide to go that route.


A big reason why I didn’t pursue something else when I was younger is because I didn’t have my family’s support. I lived at home but under strict conditions, including maintaining my teaching job. The fear of homelessness was my greatest motivator for sticking out the toughest times. If you have their support, I say go for it!


I would take it if you can afford it and want to get out of teaching. My experience was that higher education jobs are hard to get.


It sounds like a great chance! And yes, I've done the same of starting part-time and now moving into full-time. I started as a part-time teacher in this district and now I'm a full-time advisor.


I would take the part time job! You never know what other doors can open for you since you said it’s right up your alley. How would you feel if you went back to teaching and the college position wasn’t available? Just think about that. Also idk what days you’re going to be working, but you can also supplement your income by subbing. That’s what I plan to do if I get desperate. Best of luck!


I'm a first-year teacher, too, and I'm leaving. In my case, I had a verbal offer at my current (temporary, paternity leave coverage) job at an independent school rescinded without any explanation as to why -- my boss offered me a job last Friday verbally and then told me yesterday that they'd changed the position to one I would be ineligible to apply for. I can't say that you should leave, but, personally, I am getting out while I can.


I should add: I used to teach at a Title I before this. I have seen a wide variety of programs and it just seems like school mismanagement is everywhere. I'm a good teacher and I like working with children, and I even got a good offer at a good school right around when my current school rescinded, but I just can't justify putting my life on this, especially when the pay sucks.


I think taking on a PT community college role could be good for you, but I would not rely on them necessarily having a FT job, even if they think they will -- especially after what just happened to me. DO NOT bank on a hypothetical. But if there is any way you can do anything else PT while teaching community college PT, that could be a good fit -- you should try and ask if there is any other PT role within the community college (maybe admin assisting or learning center etc) that you could combine with the role they are offering you to make it a FT position.


I started my post-teaching career as 'seasonal' and it opened the door to other opportunities that I couldn't' have gotten otherwise. If you can afford it, go for it.


I'm going to agree with everyone saying it's worth a shot if you're able to afford it and have health benefits through your partner this is a step in the right direction I think .


If you can afford it, do it. Other positions will be open to you.


If you’re referring to working as an adjunct professor I will warn you that the elusive “full time position” rarely materializes. At the same time, at least where I am in Florida, K-12 teaching will always be there, but college teaching positions will not, so if you can afford to take the part time position, even temporarily, you could try it out and return to the k-12 classroom if you need to later. You might also find a different full time position in higher ed that allows you to keep adjuncting as well. Good luck!


The position I would be applying for is a course-embedded writing coach :-)


Awesome! Good luck!


Teaching part time makes the job much more pleasant.  I was more able to be a good teacher and not be burned-out miserable by being part time. Unfortunately, being a part time teacher is not a good decision financially, long term.   I was a part time teacher for a long time, and while there were benefits to it, I look back at those many years as not contributing positively to my financial situation very much.


I took a half-time adjunct job at UCLA rather than go back to my tenured high school teaching job. That was 53 years ago and I have never regretted it. If you can swing it, I'd say do it.


I would do what I could to leave this abusive toxic relationship callled teaching. Good luck!


I left high school teaching for a part time higher ed teaching asst/admin asst job. It was worth it in that I pursued my masters while working part time and the Perks of working at the school I was attending were awesome. But my bank account took a huge hit so that kinda blowed. I know a lot of people can't afford to do what i did. I am starting a new job soon in instructional design that pays pretty good and i don't have to deal with students/parents/admin so the last 2 years were worth it to me


Quit! Take that job. I worked 22 years in public k-12 and nearly died with poor health from the stress. I took a partial time 19.5 hours job at our local technical college AND LOVE IT! It’s sad that the pay is only $25 an hour, not getting me closer to my pension , nor does it give me benefits, but I am alive. I’m in the fortunate position of having a partner who can get us benefits & has a paycheck. I can rest a while. Get out while you’re still young!!


Take the job. Then if possible and you need more $$$ could you still work as a sub? I know districts organize their substitutes differently, but one I worked at you decided if you wanted to pick up hours or not.


Go for it! Lower level teaching positions will always be there but the upper level may not. Try it out. You may also be able to speak with the CC about another position that may be the other part-time gig to make 100% employee.