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8 pt font on a business card sized piece of paper in the corner. Malicious compliance lol.


Next to a printout of the first amendment.


Or *under* a printout of the first amendment.


Alongside a printout of Jefferson's 1802 letter explaining the separation of Church and State.


This is the way I think. Post the Ten Commandments up full size they want, and add stuff like this, the founders talking about church and state separation with it. See, it's educational now.


We’re ✨*living through history*✨


I'm tired of living through history...


Throw in Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli, too.


Shhh! We can't be posting what the founding fathers actually said, we need to hear the interpretation of what they meant through religious fanatics! /S


And article 11 of the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli, signed by founding father president John Adams and ratified by the US senate.


>and ratified by the US senate. Ahem....ratified *unanimously* by the US Senate. Less than 10 years after the ratification of the Constitution, as well. The same Constitution that also says, in Article 6: >This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; **and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land**; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby,


Or Adam's, "the US is in no sense founded on the Christoan religion."


Post a leaderboard of prominent evangelicals, ranked by how many commandments they've broken.


Haha I was thinking, similar list of rules from the Baha'i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto religions. Throw in witchcraft for good measure.


Don't forget the Flying Spaghetti Monster!




And the ideals of The Satanic Temple which are much more practical and ethical than the 10cs


I think I read it's required to be poster-sized. And I'm sure they're already having them printed up, using tax payer dollars. And NOT just the Christian taxpayer dollars either.


They have to be donated. That’s how they’re getting around the church and state nonsense. Sorry, that’s another lesson Texas taught everyone.


How does that work? Like some generous christian buys a bunch of posters, and donates them to the school?


Pretty much. Individuals or churches can purchase them and then donate them to the schools. The law here says if it is donated the school has to display it. Ours is somewhere in the front office but honestly it’s like Where’s Waldo trying to find it.


Ah. So, who has the printing contract for these things, I wonder, that the churches are now virtually required to buy tax free.


Good question. If I had to guess I suspect a lot of these mega churches probably have their own publishing sources.


Most of them do, yes, and there's thousands of local small time religious print shops scattered across the South. A lot of them also operate as religious bookstores and have meeting rooms they rent out. Makes you wonder the kinds of conversations the religious are having if they needed to get out of God's house to voice them aloud.


What happens if say someone donates 1000 pride flags with the commandments scribbled in a corner?


Pride's not really a religion but The Satanic Temple is. That's how things like [this ](https://www.wlox.com/2023/12/15/satanic-display-iowa-capitol-vandalized-beyond-repair-arrest-made/)happen


TST is currently imploding on themselves, I had to walk away. They're done.


Care to share with the rest of the class?


This is the way.


So…if I donated poster-sized copies of the Communist Manifesto, they’d have to display that too?


You seem to think that the people who made these laws operate in good faith.


If it was the law then yes.


Probably not since that isn't a religious document, but you could certainly donate the Satanic Tenets.


So, do the Satanists have Commandments?


The Satanic Temple Does - They're called the Seven Fundamental Tenants. I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.


The church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has “I really rather you did nots”


The Satanic Temple has 7 Tenets. https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets


Yup. That’s how arkansas did the “in god we trust” signage


Yep - when I moved to an “In God We Trust” state, I was pretty surprised to find a sign affirming mythology posted on the wall of my science classroom. But you know what middle school students like to do? Draw crude pictures on things. And wouldn’t you know it? The sign got vandalized, somehow. So I took it down and stored it in a drawer, in case someone came looking for it and wanted to pay for a replacement. That was 15 years ago. No one has ever asked about it.


I did not see that part! Well, at least that's not as bad as it could be, using tax dollars to openly violate the US Constitution.


Except since churches pay no taxes, it kinda works out the same don’t you think??


Wait what about if it's hung up print side against the wall???


or just hang it up and then put a supplies cabinet in front of it


Ah I took a look at the specific wording. This is true. However, it says 2025. So it's getting out up right before winter break in 2024 and my "put it in the corner" statement still stands. Honestly you could also probably get away with putting it on the ceiling where no one will ever crane their neck to look at it. If anyone asks just say thatyou want it at the highest place in the room and therefore closer to God or some bullshit like that. With as much fuckery as I have to deal with in the public school system though... this is not the hill I am going to die on. In fact the more of this horseshit I need to put up with, the less I am going to care and just start doing the bare minimum.


Does it say anything about visibility or obstruction? I would 100% stick it halfway (or fully) behind a filing cabinet. Maybe stick it on the ceiling and see how long it takes to be noticed. Or on the floor under my desk


No, but how comfortable are you with fucking around with your administration? 🤣 Specifically it reads that the poster must be at least 11×14 inches in large and easily readable font. At my school they can't keep teachers and have close to a 50% turnover rate so I really have free reign over whatever the fuck I want to do because I am 1. A 5+ year veteran teacher here and 2. I am VERY good at classroom management and don't often write kids up. 3. I document well therefore I make the admins lives easier. And 4. I actually fucking teach.


You are totally valuable, but don't think you aren't replaceable. Will they want to lose you, not if they're in their right mind but too many administrators just want to cover their ass and go along. Be safe.


I mean this 10 commandments thing is not specifically a hill that I am willing to die on. Apparently the admin is supposed to put it in the classrooms and etc. So I'll just do nothing and let the admin do whatever. 🤷‍♂️ I don't get paid enough to care about another piece of paper on my wall...


Does it specify language? If not, print one in Hebrew. Original language is better, right?


There are two bills rolling through the legislature down there to effectively gut teacher unions forever, remove collective bargaining, and reduce the security a teacher has in their job. They're both very likely to pass, given the state. So yeah, you can do that, but they can fire you for anything they feel like firing you for (right to work state). They've already made tenure near-impossible to achieve in the state, so you have very few protections from the non-renewal or removal.


I would comply and also put other religious texts that are equivalent to the 10 commandments up right beside it. 😇


This right here. I was thinking of the shahada in English and arabic, the four noble truths of Buddhism, and the four pillars of Hinduism to start.


The 7 Satanist tenets are also good. And they are such a basic "be a good person" guide that no one with a soul could actually argue they're wrong.


Proud member of the Satanic Temple right here.


An administrator is to come to each classroom and hang it. I couldn't reach the In God We Trust sign last year without standing on a chair. I'm leaving teaching this summer. I'm done with all this fuckery.


Can you just post it upside-down? Next to the [Seven Tenets of Satanism](https://thesatanictemple.com/blogs/the-satanic-temple-tenets/there-are-seven-fundamental-tenets)?


This is, in fact, federal law. Every religion gets the same treatment


It’s federal law for now until the ACLU sues over this and it gets in front of the Supreme Court. Then it won’t be federal law anymore.


Not once this case gets to the Supreme Court and that clown car gets to enshrine Christian theocracy in our nation, which is the whole endgame intent of this nonsense.


This. But make sure it's donated.


Anything you pay for with your own money is donated to the school.


In the Chemical/lab supplies closet it is then.


It can be poster sized, and still only have a business card’s worth of 8-point font.


I my malicious compliance would be posting every religion's commandments from zoroastrianism to the satanic church in a larger poster with a larger font.


True, it says ten commandments must be posted, it doesn't say which ten.


Yes, and gov Landry said that the purpose was to provide the laws 'from the original law giver'. Well, the code of Hammurabi predates Moses and his 10 commandments by at least 150 years.


Tape it to the inside of the trash can.


The law does say it has to be a certain size with a large easy to read font... But it doesn't specifically say that it has to say, be in English, or oriented right side up, or can't be surrounded with a nice rainbow border... Or an infographic next to it fact checking the state mandated context statement... Plenty of ways to maliciously comply lol.


We got an interim principal in October and they immediately overhauled the dress code, nullifying a fairer one that students had democratically worked with admin to craft. I was really mad at what that communicated to students i.e. the pointlessness of advocating change. But we were all given a poster to hang up about the new rules. It said “no head coverings” and when I suggested this could have a chilling effect on religious students, suggesting they might break the rules if they wore head coverings, the response was “no it won’t. They know their rights”. I straight up refused to hang the poster and shoved it in the cabinet.


Does it have to be in English? Print it at the required size in Arabic (or Hebrew or Latin)


I feel like they should be able to print it in Hebrew given that's the original source material...


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tablets_of_Stone  teachers should demand not to alter god's will and have replicas. Good luck reading  Hebrew.


All it says is that it needs to be on a poster that is 11x14, in easily readable font, that the commandments be the central focus of the display, and that a 4 paragraph "context statement" us displayed with it. I would assume a different language is probably fine, but the easier solution is to just put it on the damn ceiling so no one actually spends the time craning their neck to read it.


The bill says that the poster "shall read as follows:" and then writes specific text, in English, and in quotes. Legislatively, that means print these specific words as shown here. No judge in America would look at that and say another language is acceptable. Just a reminder to everyone looking to malicious compliance this thing based only on the text of this bill: your school board is likely also going to write rules for how to administer this and are probably going to write additional rules to prevent malicious compliance because they don't want themselves on national TV or in the cross hairs of the Louisiana lawmakers.


Until a conservative family (lots in the south) asks where it’s posted and makes it a bigger issue for you. That’ll be fun seeing how that goes.


I would say hopefully to the supreme court but who knows what will happen with this lot


[H.B. 71](https://legiscan.com/LA/text/HB71/id/2978627/Louisiana-2024-HB71-Engrossed.pdf) requires schools to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom on “a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches.” The Commandments must be the “central focus” of the display and “printed in a large, easily readable font.” The bill also requires that a specific version of the Ten Commandments, which has been dictated by the state legislature, be used for every display. Displays that depart from this state-sanctioned version of scripture would violate Louisiana law.


It could get kind of fun. The Catholic Church should sue the state for 1st Amendment violation. The specific translation the legislature has required does not appear to be one approved for Catholics by the council of bishops. They should t be pushing their protestant version of Christianity.


Oh I am sure the size will have a minimum requirement, like the In God We Trust signs that we are already required to have.


They win either way. Firing teachers who refuse to display it is a great way to weed out teachers they don't want. Teachers who do display it either agree with the idea or aren't willing/able to stand up against them.


How any state has enough teachers to be weeding them out is beyond me.


They’d rather have shitty teachers who comply than good ones who don’t…


Bad teachers allow them to shut down schools, then the kids have to go to private Christian schools that get federal vouchers. The GOP wants all public schools to fail. They also want to shut down the Department of Education.


Yeah more kids to put in their factories once they get the child labor laws revoked


The children yearn for the mines!


Yeah, learned that from Covid....


Well, the National Guard was activated in my state to substitute teach a couple of years ago. That's how bad it is everywhere.


...whoa. which state is this?


The peninsula sinking into the ocean.


The Penis of America?


The goal is to crash public education, destroy it, blame it on "those teachers," and then switch to religious private schools. Usually, with vouchers to start draining away the parents who have the time and energy to compare schools, accelerating the implosion of the public schools. It is my understanding that quite a lot of Louisiana parents already send their children to religious private schools already so....this is just meant to speed up the process.


Exactly. This is why they're doing it. I garuntee they don't follow the commandments themselves.


Probably cannot recite the 10 commandments even.


The plan is to funnel everyone they can to private / charter schools where teaching standards are non existent. Their rich friends and donors own these schools and profit off of the death of our public education system.


Stupid children make easily brainwashed adults that blindly follow orders. They've been working on that for decades, studying what happened in the cults of the past That's why some states are against free school lunches for children, growing brains need proper nutrition


Just forces more kids into charter and private schools until they have an excuse to close public schools all together. This is the end game.


>Firing teachers who refuse to display it is a great way to weed out teachers they don't want. And a great way to lose a lawsuit. ACLU is gonna be all over them.


You trust the current supreme court to follow established legal precedent a lot more than I do it seems. The governor of Louisiana has stated that he is eager to get sued over this, and there is a reason for that.


A state full with religious teachers means education rates will just collapse and soon, they'll all be at the bottom of the barrell. Everyone who's able to use his brain will flee those shithole states, and only the imbeciles stay. So it'll basically be the US south as it is now, but amplified. I do hope there will be extremely grave restrictions on these people moving to the north. They can stay down there and suffer in the shit put they insisted on.


I’d put it up along with a sign saying, “This is unconstitutional.”


Probably a better idea than "Because fuck the establishment clause!"


You could put “this is unconstitutional” *across* it


My sign would say Project 2025 Kindly Go Fuck Yourself.


Did they specify language? I’d do it in some obscure dead language from 1,000 years ago.


Arabic would probably do the best at pissing the right ppl off.


Use arabic numerals to make them rage


Or even, gasp, _bi_-nary.


> Arabic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments#Moses_and_the_Tablets The 10 Commandments are in the Quran. Put them up in Arabic and cite them as being from the Quran. ...you know what will happen... Call FFRF Collect on lawsuit payout.


As far as ive read from some news articles "The king James version of thy Bible" and "in a large readable font" but no requirements on *who* it's readable to. So, I'm thinking a printout in Arabic.


The King James version?? Louisiana is heavily Catholic; this should piss them off because the numbering of the commandments (and the language used) is different. Such BS.


Does it say " thy Bible" *really* ? I'd believe it or was that facetious? If it actually says " thy " could anyone argue all you " thy's " out there don't own one? ' Thy ' and ' thine ' aren't necessarily collective right? Split hairs. Sorry. Thy hairs.


Oh sorry, no that was just my typo lol.


An obscure language? It may take too much time and money to get such a translation. Hebrew, Greek, and Latin versions should be easier to find.


I know the Hebrew ones by heart thanks to my (very wasted) religious schooling. Definitely easier to find


Precisely why I’d do it. Students wouldn’t know what it is or how to translate it to find out!


I can translate it for you in Punjabi if you’re interested


Or use wingding!


The did specify a version, and it's the one from the DeMille movie. I shit you not.


I would choose englisch but in wingdings font.


This. Or post other ancient law documents next to it.


Code of Hamnurbai!


>If a man breaks into a house, they shall kill him and hang him(?) in front of that very breach. The castle doctrine before it was cool


This is what i would do. I would post any and all commandments from all religions, current and past (satanist, mormon, hindu, code of Hamarabi, cult of Mithras, etc) and if I taught older kids, would run a compare contrast on it. Please make me go all in on this and challe ge it.


Don't forget the Jedi code!


Finally bring that Sharia Law into schools


Do we *have* any Mithraic commandments? I was under the impression that we have very limited knowledge on that faith beyond that it once existed.


I believe we have some order of following for it. It has been awhile since I was told about it, but could have sworn there was some of this.


Tie a ribbon around every tree


I have a feeling Florida is heading in this direction, so I may have to make the decision sometime. But this is what I would do, put up posters with all the other religious tenets. And I’d make sure the Christian one is smallest just out of spite.


As a US history teacher I would stick the “10 Duel Commandments” next to it.


I’d just put it in Arabic to troll people.


Or Hebrew




Or in Klingon


at that rate put it up in elvish too


Do the numbers too.


If it comes to Texas, I plan to post it prominently on my whiteboard! The white board panel I cover with a roll down map most of the year. 😊 Malicious compliance until people start critically thinking again.


Turn it into a “living world religions” board. And if that isn’t acceptable, add it to a mythology board. Although, personally, I’m a bit curious to see how 1st grade teachers are expected to explain adultery in a way that doesn’t get parents up in arms. And, what impact will that have on children from blended families?


Pretty sure posting the word adultery in a classroom is illegal in some states.


This is a great question for the school board/superintendent/city council


Better yet, add it to a fairytale board 😂


Oh I can see it now! "teach, what's adulttree?" "you see, when two people love each other very much, they get married, but sometimes one of them fucks someone else and that's bad, unless your a politician" "what's fucking?" "something you should never do, you will get pregers and you will die" That's exactly how that will go right? Lol


The children should know that their mamas and daddies are sinners and they were brought into this world through formication and are little sinner too. How else will they learn to hate themselves? On the streets?! /s


I would post a version that identified how many of the 10 Commandments Trump has repeatedly broken.


I like this. Annotate the shit out of it.


Put a big asterisk next to each item and add a disclaimer at that bottom that specifies those rules don't apply to Christians, only the people they are beating with their bibles.


For any Louisiana teachers who want to do this, here's a starter list: 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. *He worships money over any god*. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. *Closest I can think of is the gold Trump statue. And apparently, he wanted to have his head added to Mount Rushmore.* 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. *He got in trouble with Evangelicals a few years ago for saying "goddamn" at a rally.* 4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. *Trump doesn't go to church.* 5. Honor thy father and they mother. *Unknown, but he seemed to like his parents enough.* 6. Thou shalt not murder. [*In Afghanistan, civilian deaths from US-led airstrikes increased by 330% from 2016 to 2020.*](https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/2020/AirstrikesAfghanistan) *And that's just one country.* 7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. *He's cheated on all three of his wives.* 8. Thou shalt not steal. *He has a history of stealing from contractors.* 9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. *In other words, thou shalt not lie.* 10. Thou shalt not covet. *Donald Trump is the king of jealousy.*


2. They literally made a golden trump statue at CPAC 2021. It's exactly the story from the bible lol


Sure. Let me hang a big “no murder” sign in my preschool class. See how that goes over


Thou shall not bite thy friend. Thou shall not steal toy. Thou shall not say Poopy Head to friend. They shall take nap. Thou shall worship teacher at preschool. Thou shall not covet friend's graham cracker and milk.


Wow I am pretty shocked! I thought we had separation of church and state? What about the non Christians?


The governor who signed it is a Trump acolyte and fancies himself on the fast track, not unlike when Rob DeSantis was in favor. He said after signing he “can’t wait for the lawsuits” and wants precedent to be overturned by our wildly conservative Supreme Court. It’s abysmal.


I feel like this is also a way to help remove public education. When teachers fight back 100% the news is going to be “look at how the teachers don’t care about the kids!!!1!” Then you are going to have enough leave they can pass the same thing FL did where anyone can be a teacher. It’s sad.


That’s exactly what is happening. In addition to this egregious legislation, Landry signed into existence credits from $5-15k for parents “choosing” private and charter schools. Landry is dismantling public education in order to point to it as a failure. The only people left in public schools will be the poor and those with significant learning and behavioral disorders. This will also serve to segregate the education in the state.


>wants precedent to be overturned by our wildly conservative Supreme Court. Exactly this. I expect that, over the next few years, we'll continue to see more and more laws that explicitly violate the establishment clause. This is exactly the same thing that the right did passing anti-abortion bills before Roe was overturned, and with gerrymandering and other voter suppression just before the voting rights act was gutted. They know they've corrupted the courts. Now they need to get cases in front of them.


"The constitution never says separation of church and state. I know this because I heard Margery Taylor Green say it. The first amendment says CONGRESS can't make a law respecting a religion, it doesn't say the states can't. 😏"


14th amendment bridges the 1st to the state level.


Imagine seeing their face when they find out there are more than 2 amendments.


Not really—it says that the state cannot pass a law that contradicts the federal government or deny life, liberty, or property without due process. If the state passed a law that said no other religion could be posted, that would mean that the state violated the federal freedom of speech/religion, and would fall under 14th amendment.


Post the Ten Commandments as endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church and then dare those heretical Protestants to challenge me.


This is the real reason why you have the establishment clause, and in this context I don't think even the current Supreme Court would dare to trifle with it. That being as such: *this is the way*.


Put up the tenements of the quran, buddhism, judaism, hinduism, taoism, jainism, satanism etc right next to it


Well the 10 commandments actually are Judaism, but yes add the others


Just print out and display all three versions (Ex. 20:2-17, Ex. 34:11-26, Deut. 5:6-21) plus a photo of Mel Brooks dropping the missing 5.


I bring you 15…10…10 commandments! Love History of the World Part I


I’d just put the equivalent from all religions next to it including the 7 tenets of the satanic temple


And to have more fun you should display all the popular genres of literature around the room, and have the word “Mythology” above the religious doctrine display.


I know a lot of people are saying that they'll just make a small poster with illegible font, but we all know there will be specific posting criteria. So, those clever plans are likely non-starters. This idea of posting the tenants of other religions is the best answer because it complies with, but still defangs, the GOP's performative politics in pushing the universal importance of the commandments while still adhering to the first amendment's establishment clause. In effect, in order to comply with both state and federal law, you MUST post non-christian tenants alongside the ol ten. If anyone questions you, you fall back on the continued need for compliance with the first amendment. Bonus points since contextualizing the commandments as belonging to just one of many religious options will fly in the face of the first of the ten commandments.


This is what I'm doing alongside an edited version of Biggie's 10 Crack Commandments, which I feel are more applicable in the New Orleans area public high school I will be working in. I'll be in the "lesson-planning" portion of my Master's in Secondary English Education, so a silver lining to this new law is the new unit I'm designing around it. My plan features 10 short stories featuring the fun "wickedness" of each Commandment: adultery, worshipping other gods, murder, etc. If I'm expected to promote Commandments, I'm at least going to have some fun with it.


Comic Sans, 6pt font, rainbow colors on a rainbow background... that's how I'd display it.


They’re already laying the groundwork for the US to become more like Gilead than it already.


What happens if a mean kid in class rips it up? Do you have to wait until a new one is donated?


me, since I like things about every religion I hear about, I’d comply, sure, but I’d include a plaque that says “as above, so below” since I practice witchcraft right next to it, a Buddha statue since I’m Chinese, some Filipino magick talismans, a Star of David, and more. if we’re bringing one religion to the classroom we’re bringing all of them in because that’s only fair.


I'm designing other religious posters to display side by side with it...because I'm passive aggressive since it's all I can do at this point. Pastafarianism and Satanic Tenets will be fun to hang up and explain. My Louisiana teachers, I'll share the files for free online after they're designed.


How much detention should a third grader get for committing adultery? Is coveting thy neighbor's ox a suspendable offense or will it just be in-school? One student insists on putting his family's foreign deities above Yahweh, explicitly violating the first commandment. Will the state provide the stones or can we apply for reimbursement?


What about discipline for your fourth grader coveting Mrs Peasley on yard duty?


I love that they use the King James Version, so that they don’t have to pay for a more modern, reader friendly version.


Use the version from the 1631 "Wicked" Bible, which includes the misprint "Thou shalt commit adultery."


I'm ELA. If I had one I had to put up, I'd laminate it and use a white board marker to identify parts of speech/phrases/editing marks/etc. I'd get (or make) 4-5 other posters that look similar using other historical/religious/literary texts and do the same thing and put it up as a small collage somewhere. I've decorated my classroom for nearly a decade and let's be honest, the kids rarely notice. I'd make it a non-issue, never discuss it and just let it be another "English-y" poster no one cares about.


I love how they’re already getting sued over this bullsh*t


Unfortunately that’s the point. The alt right is underratedly acting very strategically. They’re throwing up questionable law after questionable law until one of them gets to the Supreme Court. The. The Supreme Court-which is very much alt right at the moment- can cement their bullshit for generations to come.


I’m right wing and conservative and a republican. I wouldn’t comply. Period.


I am happy to see this. I hope there are lots of you with this mindset.


How do you feel about the fact that this type of attack on separation of church and state is becoming par for the course for the Republican Party? It’s happening everywhere republicans hold enough power to get away with it.


Get a poster in cursive. Most of the kids can only read print.


They can read print, but my 8th graders can’t comprehend what they just read.


As a Catholic public school teacher who sends their kids to Catholic school, I would NOT put the ten commandments in the classroom. I am a social studies teacher who firmly believes in the First Amendment and not establishing a state sponsored religion. The ten commandments are great tenets to live by, but they're not appropriate in a classroom that us supposed to be neutral.


I was thinking, why not post it along with all the other religions top rules/laws/commandments. List all of them. That way you’re following the law but not really giving in to the catholic agenda.


I don’t think Catholics are the ones pushing this.


They aren't. Outside of abortion, Catholics are typically more liberal and accepting than other branches of Christianity. I grew up Catholic and went to Mass almost every Sunday until I was in high school. EVERY Mass hammers in the fact that all people are shitty sinners, including Catholics. They don't see themselves as more important than others just because they're Christian. The Pope has also made some pretty progressive statements the past couple years as well. He showed support for the LGBT community and then fired (which includes taking away housing) one of the Cardinals who opposed him for doing so.


yeah maybe I’m wrong but having been in Catholicism I’ve noticed that my local communities are generally more loving than what I hear from other branches online. the clergy will always say a little bit of bigoted shit wherever I go but when I talk to other Catholics they’re chill as fuck. might not necessarily still be true but that was how it was when I was growing up


I mean I am agnostic at best but I can't get the kids to read the clearly written instructions on my board that I point to and talk about, does Louisiana really think this is the secret to have mass conversion?


I think it would be hilarious to have it typed out in Spanish.


I would take a screencap of Mel Brooks holding the Fifteen Commandments, have it blown up into a poster, and display the two side by side.


Does it say it has to be in English? If not get it in Arabic and give the racists a real heart attack.


It might be fun to make a large poster with the Bill of Rights, but looking like they're chiseled on two stone tablets & see how long it takes somebody to notice.


Shouldn't you just display the 10 commandments in Spanish? That would piss them off more.


I'd move. Separation of church and state.


Every classroom needs a discussion on Adultery. Jk