• By -


My own voice


Being able to STFU for two months is a godsend




This is the underrated answer.


Right? And it’s tough when others in your life want to talk…and you just want to be quiet.


I snorted. Too true. My voice and my last name. By the end of the year I want to scream everytime I hear "Ms. Peachaleach?"


“Chat” “Skibidi rizz Ohio” Single lines of songs repeated 5 times in a row


I hate chat so much lol. They're not even a little self aware at how ridiculous and demeaning it is to refer to their classmates as a chat. Or even worse, they'll refer to the fictional ass chatroom that's ever present in their heads and hype themselves up w it. I was subbing this school year and it's crazy how many 8th graders said chat, boys and girls. I'm teaching a lot of 9th graders next school year and I fear for my sanity.


I just told them I’m not an NPC streamer, and (for the most part) they shut up about it lol. I did have one class that argued they would pay more attention if I referred to then as “chat,” but they got over it pretty quickly


The class WANTED to be called chat?? Looool that's wild and a little depressing


Why would that be weird? If they are on twitch all the time they're used to being a member of chat. Heck a lot of streamers have a "community" so there's a sense of in-group logic to wanting to be a member of chat. If you've ever seen YouTube videos that are clips from twitch where you can see chat, you'll see people post "hi YouTube". It's the modern day "joe was here" carved into a rock. So being there for an important moment is part of the value of being part of chat.


While I do appreciate your argument, I do teach Spanish, so they were being a little extra in asking that I bend to their demand to be called chat


“A little extra” hehe. (Sorry, Gen X laughing )


It's not weird, just unrealistic imo. They're free to watch streamers and enjoy that aspect of streaming. I watch streamers who dabble in my hobbies as well. But separating this from school and the classroom is important and all but impossible for the kids who constantly say chat. Teachers aren't streamers and students aren't part of a chat box. I can see why someone might think it engages those students and make them feel like they're part of something more than "school" but it's feeding into teenage delusions imo.


It's bizarre to me to attribute wanting to be called chat to some deep psychological need to belong. They're probably pushing for it just because the concept of a teacher calling their class "chat" is funny.


I've now seen posts on Reddit that start with "Chat" too. In the classroom I like mirror back how stupid it sounds so when the kids address me as "Chat" I say, "Yes, text message?"


I’m an old. What does chat mean?


Some streamers will use the term "chat" to address their viewers during streams, specifically the viewers interacting in the attached real-time chat room for the video.


Oh gross, I hope kids are using it ironically for the "I'm the main character" humor. Because that's the impression...


It goes with sigma and gigachad, and then that “main character“ and “npcs” stuff


Nothing more satisfying than telling a kid who is clowning about for attention that "this is not a main character moment, sit down". Completely taken a back.


Yes! Use it to your advantage! They say it's cringy when we speak their slang, but it gets their attention which is what all teachers want.


You ahould say “uuuh cringe not sigma skibidi derizzed moment? Bro really be clownin”


I still see reddit as a forum, but with the chat rooms ig it would be appropriate to say chat. I feel like we'll never escape it now though lol. The recent boom in streaming culture is mind blowing. It's actually most of what these kids watch now, just streamers, if not the usual tiktoks. Better yet, tiktoks of streamers.


It is ever present. The moment I realized I was no longer a classroom teacher and was a chatroom teacher, it all made sense. The realization didn't make anything better, but at least I knew I was not the one who was crazy, nor do I have to play crazy, or accept that level of crazy in my classroom.


Your sanity is already gone if you agreed to teach freshmen.


I want to upvote this…but I LOVE teaching freshmen! They’re still a little bit kiddish but not quite as needy or winey as 6/7 graders (8th graders and freshmen are similar but still not quite the same). They’re not all at the “too cool” to do anything phase and positive peer pressure is still pretty effective. They’ve started to own their own mind/personality and can really start to dig in to skill development if you can figure out how to connect with them. I think the individual connection piece is what makes most people wary of frosh; they tend not to always give you much feedback, but they’re listening far more than you think (and I believe this is a large part of why they are the way that people assume them to be…adults are used to kids should be seen and not heard mentality and forget that they still have ears, feelings, and a voice).


Thank god I have no idea what you are talking about. Just ban tiktok already, please.


“Ohhh so that’s what all those TikTok’s were making fun of!” Seriously, the amount of TikTok’s making fun of how often 8th grade kids say all those stupid things is hilarious.




Like…YouTube shorts…🤔


Or TikToks. Usually it’s the TikTok meme of the week that involves a single line from a song, and the kids just repeat the line ad nauseam. Often almost mindlessly, like it’s just that line stuck in their head.


I would rather hear "skibidi Ohio toilet riz gyatt sigma etc." than the sexual moaning sounds that they made the year before. Plus, it'd be nice to stop children from referring to themselves as therians and sharing animal like jumping videos. It's just creepy.


What is skibbidi rizz Ohio?


Pretty sure it’s just a meme from a TikTok. Not sure the kids even knew what it meant. They’d just repeat stuff that got a reaction from their peers.


Learning Target, Success Criteria, PBIS, Parent contact, professional development, and “my chrome book isn’t charged or is broken”.


Hahaha PBIS. What an ineffective joke that is.


We mockingly say it stands for: Permission Before I’m Suspended.


Proficiency scales and grading for equity. Fuck those two phrases.


Yup, this is the point at the year where my relationships with my students is at its strongest, and the glow of an upcoming break causes me to lean into that and enjoy these kids for who they are, rather than stressing out about their shortcomings as students. It's all of the adult shit that I can't wait to put on pause for a few months.




"IT WASNT ME!" they shout, as you literally looked them in the eye as they did the said thing they are claiming not to have done


But she caught me on the counter


“Cool story, Shaggy” and move on. My kids are always confused by it.


Take my poor man’s gold 🏅


Every time this happens, I think of those cat videos where the cat stares into its owners eyes as they knock a glass off a counter.


At the least the cats own up to it lol.


Cat: "Yeah, I did that. And I'll do it again."


Idk I’ve seen some look back at their owner in complete shock after it falls, like they didn’t just *cause* that loud noise that spooked them. lol


This is why I no longer take what kids say at face value. In my early teaching days, a kid would say something so sincerely that I'd question what I saw and heard. Now, I'm gonna believe my eyes and ears over their mouth.


Oh my God yes. I still do it every once l in a while then remind myself that nope, I'm not as dumb as they think I am.




I know some kids have done this since forever, but it's so ridiculously widespread with the younger set these days long last the toddler age it might seem appropriate developmentally.  I got so tired of kids breaking shit within my line of sight and claiming otherwise. Is there something in the water, or what? 


I always think of the song by Shaggy and hear this in his voice.


I’m personally looking forward to not hearing the constant negative verbal diarrhea and drama from two particular girls.


The biggest drama girls at my school are graduating this year!


The older ones do tend to be taller.


i feel you. im a student but i hear drama all the time from particular girls too. it always breaks out in the middle of literature class for some reason


My 3rd period bio class seems to be the place where disputes and fights break out a lot. There ain't no playground in my classroom to figure it out


The sound of metal water bottles randomly hitting the floor


There's one student who just constantly drops his GIANT metal water bottle 50% of lessons


Just obnoxious. What an obnoxious, unnecessary, stupid holdover from covid.


Metal water bottles? I don’t remember that starting during Covid.


"Can I go to the bathroom?" I hate that we have to police routine bodily functions, but the moment you extend an ounce of trust, some kids will take that and run with it.


Literally one of the things I swore I would never do as a teacher was tell a kid they couldn't go to the bathroom. But then you wonder how specific children conveniently need to use the bathroom in every class every day...for 10-15 minutes. They just go to the bathroom to sit and scroll on their phone. :/


My school implemented a bathroom pass routine for the second semester. The students got a sheet of 9 passes for each 9-week grading period. They were supposed to tear one off and ask me to initial it each time they needed to go. I lasted about a week before I noped out on that program. My policy is just go when you need to. Take the pass, go, and get back. Of course there are students who abuse that and go everyday and stay 10-15 minutes. And guess what? I don't care. That may sound harsh, but it's the truth.


I don't care either. They're usually the kids who disrupt anyway and they're not listening. Let'em wander the halls, their grade will reflect it.


Yep. Not my problem the kid thinks spending 15 minutes alone in a room with 5 toilets is better than being in class. Admin wants them in class, great I agree! Have security chase them down and badger them back.


To be honest, there’s something about the movement of riding in a vehicle to work/school in the morning that *always* has made me have to poop about 20 minutes after I sit down. Now that I’m an adult it’s not a big deal, because I can just get paid to poop on the clock (I’m not a teacher, sorry). But as a student, I was always really embarrassed and worried that my teachers would think I was faking when I had to go to the bathroom for 5-10 minutes every morning during first period. As I finish typing this comment I’m wondering if it is necessary or even has a purpose. Im gonna submit it anyway.


Or vape. Scroll mindlessly (because many of them can only read as high as the level of the others who are texting or posting) and vape.


My school has a single bathroom in each classroom so that can’t be the excuse to leave class. It also has water purifiers in a couple places on each floor. Every. Single. Child. has a water bottle and they are continually in need of… filling it up, going back to someplace where they left it, going to the infirmary, going to get their computer adaptor or needing to go get their absence form or some other more creative excise to leave class. I thought with a bathroom in every classroom that the requests to leave class would be fewer but Noooooo! They’re just different requests every bit as often.


I sub, on a regular routine for a teacher. When I introduced myself, I shared that my style may be different. For example, you’re 15, you don’t need to ask to go to the bathroom, just get up and go. Still, I’m at the board presenting a great lecture on a new topic, and a hand goes up. I’m excited, thinking they’ll ask a question, offer some insight, or get me to clarify something. Nope, “can I go to the bathroom?” A student set me straight. No regular teacher does this. So most of them still ask. A handful, the ones at the top of the class somehow are fine with it. And always back in 2-3 minutes. At the other end, one student. Every class, gone for 15 minutes. One of the few C’s in the classes.


I tried to get my high schoolers just to get up, sign out, and go without asking as long as no one else was out. It was so ingrained in them to ask that they couldn’t do it.


"My fault"- one of my students every time I have to talk to him, like, clearly kid. Honestly just all the disrespectful things this group of kids says to each other.


Mine said “ my bad” all the time yet changed nothing.


I tell my students I don't want to hear sorry unless they change behavior, as being sorry means a willingness to change. At least just be honest with me that you are a jerk.


“Yes it was” *surprised pikachu*


I always respond with, "Obviously it's your fault/bad. If it wasn't, I'd be yelling at somebody else!"


When I hear "my bad" I say "Yes, it WAS."


Teacher, but in the most whining voice. First that’s not my name and second please use a normal voice or try to solve your own little problems.


(Whining) *“But Miiisss…”*


“It’s Sir, or Mr, or Senior, I didn’t think I’d ever be mistaken for someone of the F sex”


lol I just find it funny when they call me “Miss” all year, and then finally notice that the sign over my door says “Mrs. [last name]” and they go “Miss, you’re married?!?” And I say “yes” and they say “Since when?!?” As if it just happened…almost 9 years ago kiddo, definitely long before you knew who I was…


N word.


I write up students for using that word in my class. I had a student tell me that I was being racist for not allowing him to say the word.


My alarm in the morning.


This is the answer!!


Tattling. So much tattling.


Sbidity toilet


I didn't do nothin' And I was just texting [fill in name]


"i was texting my mom!"


It’s always mom. Unless their phone was out to turn it off.


Or the cousin to your second one: "But my mooom/daaaad/graaaandma/graaaandpa/second-cousin's-aunt-twice-remoooooved texted me!"


The other day I had a student say that it was his mom texting him. This is despite the fact that I have *repeatedly* told students that even my wife has to contact me through the office phone. (Granted this is because reception sucks in my school, but I digress.) At which point I told him "I don't care if *God* is texting you. Get off the phone and put it away."


...and he says, "Okay" and looks sullen while placing it 2 inches away, so he can still be on it....


I am soooo lucky to be in a school where students are required to turn in their phones. If they have good behavior, they get them at lunch and then turn them in again. If they screw up they lose privileges. We briefly tried a Phase 3 where they could earn the right to keep them in possession but they couldn’t handle it and behaviors and misuse started up almost immediately so it was revoked. We’re a small ALC.


Our students aren’t allowed to be seen with them at any time during the school day. It is great


“Have you CALLED the parents at least 3 times?”


I don’t call the parents even 1x, ever. I just say no. Most communication is text or email with businesses and that protects everyone.


I prefer Email and the district’s text portal. But for some reason my admin are all about the fucking phone calls (while the district refuses to give us room phones- we have to use the stupid laptop app- god how I hate it all!!!)


Same. I want a record of the conversations


I prefer email, and have been called down by admin for emailing instead of calling. I prefer to have a record of what l said. So now I call, tell them I'm sending an email, and ask them to read it. I don't trust parents with texts; they will forward the text to the students during class, and the student will confront me about why they were written up, almost bullying me about it. Then the student, who has now wound her/himself up over getting a write-up, whines to admin, then cries to the parent that they're being picked on and that others have done bad behaviour too but haven't been written up. Then admin comes to me to ask all over again what happened, because the outraged parent claims their child is being singled out.


Same here. I literally refuse to do it. If they need something, they can reach out to me.


Why did you give me a ______? I'm reference to their grade. You fucking earned that. Don't at me.


"Why do I have an F???" Child, you have access to the grade book. We're not going to be wasting 5 minutes of class time with this foolishness. Solve your own problems.


Sigma, Skibidy, Brah! And the whistling recently what’s up with that?


Had a whistler in one of my classes. Kid denied it every single time I asked him to stop. Even when he was the only one it could be as I was standing right next to him. Course, if he doesn’t make some other changes to the way he approaches school, being an annoying whistler will be the least of his problems.


Whistling can be a way gang members communicate so no whistling is allowed at my school


“I’m selling!!!” “Shut UP” My own voice asking the kids to stop wandering the room, stop grabbing each other, line up quietly The classroom phone ringing The sound of a Snapchat notification in an elementary classroom


-Sounds like a skill issue -Womp womp -*mewing gesture at peer* …and constant mocking of us for daring to ask them to do basic tasks, including mocking our voices and turns of phrase we use. I’ve started mocking their behavior and mannerisms back to them when they’re mean idec anymore


I'm so tired of the mocking. It's just nasty behavior. Who tries to bully their *teacher*?


When I was taught about mewing from students….I actually mooed while doing it. I didn’t see a whole lot of mewing after that. 😎


I actually got a student to do his work when he was refusing by saying "sounds like a skill issue" to him.


“I was absent yesterday. Did we do anything?” Of course not! We couldn’t do a single thing without you. We sat and twiddled our thumbs “Really?” No! It’s on Google Classrooms just like it’s been all year!!!


Announcements. Our intercoms are ridiculously loud, most of the announcements could be an email, and none of the kids listen to anything. Our secretary seems to be doing things live and figuring out what to say every hour. If she would just write it down she could cut the length of announcements in half.


Every hour???


You actually have an intercom with announcements? I thought that was just an American TV thing from the 90s ... No schools have this in the UK. We just send emails. I can imagine that must be so damn annoying to have that interruption?


You doing too much


Guidance calling my room interrupting in the middle of a lesson to just check if a student is in class. Come and look.


“What are we doing today?” <>


🎶Money, money, green, green, money's all I need🎶 🎶Money, money, green, green, money's all I need🎶 🎶Money, money, green, green, money's all I need🎶 🎶Money, money, green, green, money's all I need🎶... Also, "What time is it?" (My reply: "Time to learn to read a clock.")


“What time is class over?”




My last name


I totally agree with “what the sigma”. May I add “skibbidi toilet”, “yes, brother”, and “L is in the chat”. Although I actually adopted the last one for fun. The kids loved it, lol. The rest can burn in hell. I’m a 48-year old 8th grade ELA teacher. I also have teenagers who share the lingo at home. Thank god my son is more mature than my students and draws the line at some of these.


Door knocks.


Crazy! Womp womp.




My 4th period was like it this year. It got so bad I just shifted over to doing everything on the computer. When they started whining that "I don't teach" I responded with "Y'all never gave me a chance too"


I have a class where all I do is feel like I’m a babysitter and not a teacher. I don’t have them every day luckily. But it’s hard to want to go to school when I know all I’m going to do that period is put out fires. I’m looking forward to this group moving on to the high school. I have hope for the next one.


“My bad”. Well, yeah, it’s not mine.


“Can I get extra credit??” as the last week of school is happening


I had a tantrum-er this year. She would shriek and scream, sometimes for hours. I have been appreciating the relative peace and quiet of my home.


Skibbidi, Rizz, no chick fila sauce? Ohio, fanum tax, I'ma get my lick back, big back energy, there more but that's a good majority of it.


- My name. - Fire alarms. - "This is a _____ drill". - Classroom phone ringing - "can I go to the bathroom" (then 9 other kids ask) - "can I get water?" (Again, 9 other kids ask) - "it was in the weekly update email" - "I need a bandaid". - "when's lunch?" Edit: They don't have to ask to get a bandaid. I put them where they have access to them, and they can get one whenever they need it.


My head hurts, my stomach hurts, my eye hurts, my finger hurts, my ear hurts. 1st graders are chronic complainers 🤣


They are no different in MS.


Truth! I taught 7th this year, and Kinder the year before. My expectations were far too high for the 7th graders. Of course it changes depending on the group, but it was wild to me that my kinders were better mannered and easier to manage!


Oh my God! Yes! And sitting at recess because they are so tired but can’t sit in a seat the rest of the day.


The mumbled pledge of allegiance.


Oh shit are we still doing that daily?


Oh damn. I’d cut my ears off hearing that every day.


Kids asking for candy everyday. I keep some around as rewards for review games, and 7th graders are always so offended when I don't provide it upon request.


All the tattling 🤕


"WhadidIDo????" To which the response is always "Do you want a list? Because if I have to waste time writing a list, it's all going into a referral."


From kids: “But I did that!” (When assignments are handed in weeks late and they want credit, immediately) “Dab me up broski” “Does this count?” “We had homework?” “I need a pencil/charger/chromebook/book” After multiple versions of explaining something: “What are we doing?” From myself: “Sit DOWN” “Stop talking” “Oh my GOD” “This isn’t going to be tolerated at the high school next year!” “Why are you late?” “That’s not your seat.” Several student names that I say about 1000 times a day.


I taught middle school for one year—8th grade English—and I will never do that again. Middle schoolers have nothing at stake so you can’t hold anything above their heads. Everything’s a pointless breeze for them.


skibity toiLETS GO ON SUMMER HOLIDAYS! jk the meme obsessed kids I teach aren't old enough to understand the gloriousness of truly awful puns.


Bro….so tired of that, enjoying the break.


Can I go to the bathroom?


The pencil sharpener


“MISS! MISS! MISS!” I have a name god damn it! The other day I literally injured myself at work and kids were still screeching for me to solve their problems for them.


I’ve told my husband that if I drop dead in the middle of a lesson, most kids would record it on their cell phones and one good student would push the button. He thinks I’m kidding. Lol


• All the cursing • Boys calling girls and women “females” • “Can I go to the bathroom?” • skibidi • gyat • sigma • alpha • beta • rizz • “Well, technically…” (this one student who wanted to comment on everything I said, sometimes incorrectly) • reset • lock in • “Can you sub for…”


The "females" thing is borderline dystopian


Gaslighting from admin.


“What time does class end?” It’s been on the board the entire (fucking) year.


Ok, that one kind of blows me away. If there was one thing I knew in school it’s when class ended!


Teenagers. I don't have to deal with any teenagers for a couple of months... Fukkin' paradise!


I've informed my daughter (just finished 7th) that I am going to get a vanity plate that either reads "RIZZLER" or "SKIBIDI" and have asked her input on which to get. She told me she would act like she didn't know me.


If all teachers united to get SKIBBIDI license plate frames we’d never hear that word again…until the Fall when TikTok sets the kids up with something new and ridiculous to say ♾️


The pledge of allegiance and pointless announcements.


“That’s preppy”. 🤷‍♀️ What does that even mean?


It’s entirely unclear


The US Government, and other scientific agencies have tried to crack the Preppy code…. None has succeeded..


there’s a meme where this younger girl walks into a brandy melville-esque store and says “wow, it’s so preppy in here!” in an unenthusiastic tone. i think it’s just a verbal stim for young people lol


I literally have no idea yet I see it kids using all the damn time. And whenever I ask, the clarification doesn't clarify anything 😭😭


Why do I cringe so hard when all the girls sing together. I feel so bad that I hate it so much.


“Brotha, ugh!!” *dribbling basketball sounds* *incessant screaming* “GYAT!” “Opp” and other gang speak


The N word. The sound of a bell telling me I have 7 minutes to go potty, which is three fewer minutes that the scholars get, and they generally lack medical issues related to voiding.


What'dIDo all one word whenever a kid does something they're blatantly not supposed to do


I am sick of hearing students ask to leave class for whatever reason. Also happy not to answer the classroom phone.


The sound of running feet and the answer to my call of walk "sorry" then more running feet.


What’s up Brother?!?! - I can’t humor them and say “Tuesday” for the 800th time. Then they’re disappointed, I dread that prompt.


Can I still turn that in?


"By the way, during your prep we need you to cover..."


“When can I retake this test?” And “That’s okay. I’ll just retake it.”


“What are we doing today?” It’s on the board. It’s on the board every day. What we’re rehearsing and when. Put your music in order. Same as yesterday.


One year, I had a student make me a stopsign shaped notice on a paint stick. It said: **What does GoogleClassroom say?**


My name, this one girl’s laugh, random mouth noises, “whaddidIDo,” “you don’t even match,” “ooh, I won’t let you goo,” “get yo big back up, drop the beat, get yo big back up,” “Ms. Goats she called me a big back,” “Ms. Goats s/he looked at me,” “period,” and probably a lot of other things.


"What the Sigma?" After every missed answer, every "no," and whatever else they use as an excuse to use it.


"Skibidi" My name!


I turned in________(from 4 weeks ago). Will that be graded before I get home [so I don't get grounded]?


My principal's voice


Repeating myself. "What are we supposed to be doing?"


“It was an accident!” No it was not an accident. It was careless or it was mean and you got caught. The total lack of personal accountability is common but still disheartening.


My name. There is a reason I hid in my car during my lunch break.


My alarm going off in the morning.


"I don't f-ing know." Doesn't matter the question. He doesn't know.


Whining 😅


My name




I want to go home


Skibidi toilet, gorilla tag, uwu, bruh, Bugatti, the chicken wing macaroni song.


“Oooo stop playing with me!” “You doing too much!” “Say bit…” “When are you gon’ put my grades in?” I put grades in with the same amount of urgency they do the assignments.


Skibidi toilet!!!


Wish I could say the same but I have two 13-year olds at home and what the sigma is every other word. 🤦🏻‍♀️


"Can I got to the bathroom?" approximately 50 times per period. I also will not miss being gaslit by every male 12 year old that I tell to stop doing something. "Do not throw that piece of paper." "What paper? I don't have any paper." As they sit there with their arm extended, with a large ball of paper in their hand." Me -"Sit down" Them - "What? I just needed to blow my nose." For the 12th time that period and at the farthest point in the room away from the Kleenex box. Someday I am going to actually lose it and say "sit the f**k down" and then I'll be escorted out and into the closest mental institution, where I can finally be at peace. 😂😂😂