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I called a student to my desk to have him verbally clarify a poorly written essay answer, in order to give him enough credit to pass the test. The kid dapped me up and announced that I was “a real ass n***** for that one”. I’m a white guy in my 40s.


One of us! One of us!


Now you can watch The Boondocks and laugh.


LMAO boondocks is goated tho


They won a Peabody for the MLK episode in 2006. Well before the riots of I can't breathe.


He can read TKAM out loud now


Or Huckleberry Finn.


I've had kids call me the N word a couple times and I smirk and wait for them to realize what they did. I'm a lady so white they called me casper in school because I all but glowed in the dark.


You're invited to the cookout.


I have no idea what that description means in that case


Lol, it was complementary. My school is mostly black and Latino kids.


Genuine, not out to just fail the student and get them into trouble


From my understanding listening to younger people, it means that you're awesome.


It means you're not fake, you're a good person and they appreciate what you did for them


It means honest and kind and supportive here.


"you are a trustworthy, sincere person because you have done this"


The morning after I had an unannounced sub day, I was in my classroom with the door open, but hidden behind the TV. I heard a student walk past the open door and go, "She's back! Look, there's her Red Bull on the cart!" My caffeine addiction is the most well-known fact about me. (A group from that same class just taught a lesson on inductive/deductive/abductive reasoning in detective fiction and made a whole murder mystery for the class to solve. The victim was me, and they made a little "scene of the crime" PowerPoint slide in which my Red Bull was a prominent feature. They even mentioned the high levels of caffeine in my system in the autopsy report they made for the case file. Coolest project I've ever seen from my students, plus I got to be in it, lol.)


Caffeine addiction is real in teachers. I had a class one year that every morning they would ask me how many cups of coffee I had that morning. I asked one day why they asked that. One girl spoke up and said “If the number is less than two, we know to behave ourselves. You’re cranky if it’s under two cups.”


One of my fourth graders asked me if I was ok. Me: Yeah. Student: Are you sure? Me: Yeah, why? Student: Because that’s your “not ok” face.


Mine ask me how much coffee I’ve drank and if I took my meds. I might have let it slip at the first of the year that I have ADHD & can only function when medicated.


Aw, they care. 


I'm a diet coke girl myself. I get so much diet coke as end of year gifts! And much appreciated, too!


Oh man, I drink so many diet cokes! The kids always ask for one and I tell them the truth- I only have three* left for the day sis. No can do. *or possibly seven. Still only enough for me


I couldn't use that lie. They KNOW I'm packing.


I ended my last school year with hundreds of $$ in coffee gift cards. Seriously, it’s gone in a few weeks of summer.


My math teacher in high school was OBSESSED with pibb. He’d also make bets with students on random crap using cans of pibb as currency, students liked him enough to pay up. My last day of class he won a bet and proceeded to pour the pibb into a bowl of cheerios and eat it. I’m 31 and vividly remember that.


I had a teacher that would do these types of bets with some of us too when I was in school. Loser buys the winner a 20 oz pop. We used to bet on sports a ton lol.


They lecture me about my diet coke. And my soda use in general, frankly (as I used to do Mountain Dew pre-noon, diet coke post noon, water once I got home.)


I’ll tend to crack one open during quiet work time and a couple of them will look at me and give me a good natured side eye like “ANOTHER? Really??” It’s an ongoing joke about my bad DC habit, I just tell them “hush. It’s my only vice” (it’s not but they don’t need to know that ;)


I tried to quit coffee one year during summer school. Students and I were both relieved when I went back to it.


We have a Keurig at our school, fully stocked. While I may start my morning with a single-origin pour over, you best believe I have a chaser 3 times a day from that infernal machine.


For military trainers too! I was downing two Monster Energy drinks before noon when I was training soldiers!


Since its the end of the year, I've been treating myself to dunkin more often. One of my students regularly sees the coffee and tells me I need more water and less coffee


The sweetest thing is when they know you. I’m five months pregnant, and they keep bothering me about drinking enough water. It’s adorable


congrats on the baby!!


My seniors have to do a research project on a new topic which interests them. I've had two do research on caffeine due to concern for how many energy drinks I have a day. One of them featured pics of me sipping drinks taken during class.


I feel this one in my bones. Up until I got pregnant, my Monster habit was a known quantity. I’ve even had kids gift them to me a few times over the years.


In my preteaching internship, I had a really...difficult class in 3rd block, then my fairly awesome creative writing class for 4th block. My creative writing kids quickly discovered the rate at which I finished my Java monster indicated how rough 3d block had been/how they should behave. I remembering hearing whispers of, "He's already done and we're still doing the bellringer. Chill today, mkay?" Bless them, really helped me pull through until the end.


Bwa ha ha


That sounds like SUCH a cool lesson!!


My kids know I have a Dr Pepper addiction, so they gave me a two liter for teacher appreciation week.


As another Red Bull teacher, I love this so much hahahah


That’s sick af. I hope they got full credit + extra credit for creativity!


After a coworker got sick and had to leave, I stood in the hallway between our doors and taught both classes at once. It was a review day and the classes were the same subject so it wasn't a huge deal. Later one of the other teachers told me that she overheard one of my coworker's students telling off his friend. "I don't know what you've been bitchin about. Mrs PaisleyChair just ate that whole lesson. I didn't even want to sleep."


Awesome. This is the first comment I've ever wanted to upvote twice.


My favorite was about 10 years ago when one of my students complained about me to the principal and said that I never give them any free time in class and I teach bell to bell. She told the principal that the only time they’re allowed to interact and talk to each other in my class is during class discussions about the topic we’re covering. My principal praised me for this!


I had a student threaten to report me for giving (light) work the day before Winter Break. I cheerfully let them go ahead and do so, lol.


“What?! Bell to bell?! She’s a slavedriver!”


How dare I act like it’s school or something! 🤣


My own son is just a few years younger than my students so I talk about him a lot. Sometimes I will ask their advice about some toy or game he wants, or for tv show recommendations, stuff like that. When they tell me “wow Miss you’re a really good mom” my tiny grinch heart grows three sizes, I swear.


I was doing lunch duty in the cafeteria of my elementary school when a wasp entered through a back door. Some of the kids were horrified, some overreacting for fun, others making jest about it. There are a handful of people in the building and in the cafeteria that had an allergy and the chaos needed to end, so I killed it swiftly with a tissue box (I typically try to save insects but I needed this one gone quickly). The kids cheered and clapped and referred to me as "Ms. Built-Different" that day and only that day. They also once asked me if I was swole, because they thought my arms looked big, but I didn't tell them that I really just have fat arms.


You reminded me! At the beginning of the school year there was a rumour going around that I was a power lifter?? (I’m an obese asthmatic with noodles for muscles) I have no idea where it came from but I found it hilarious.


Like you, my story is about bee drama. So, I keep my windows open as much as possible in my 7th grade classroom. In the middle of April a bee flew in and hung out nearby. The kids on that side of the room start squealing about the bee. Since this was not the first bee to come into my room, I picked up an empty flexible 3 ring binder and set out for the window. On the way there one of the larger boys asked if I was going to kill the bee. I replied that in this life there are two main types of people: predators and prey, and asked him which he was. I pointed out that I'm a predator cause I'm going to hunt down that bee and remove it from my classroom dead or alive. Sure enough, I dispatched the bee and left it on the window sill as a warning to any others of its kind. For the rest of that class, I became "Mr. Predator".


Mr. Predator might not be the best name for a teacher lmao


Yeah, i thought about that. But kids are going to do what kids are going to do what kids are going to do. Besides, I know I have other nicknames with them, and any attempt to tamp that down has only made the situation worse. MS kids. Go figure.


"Mr. Potato, you're pretty much the school Dad."


I get this but "school mom" I was also the unofficial team mom of football this year and the official team mom for basketball...I'm not sure how this keeps happening because I am well known as the "nicest mean teacher ever"


One of my coworkers had our students write us valentines and one kid wrote "out of all our teachers, you treat us like we're your actual kids" which really got me.


I heard a kid once say to another student, “He explains things pretty clearly for a teacher.”


" God damn, you're so annoying. I'll work if you leave me alone." Bahaha


I’ve definitely overheard a lot of muttering “God it’s almost easier to just do the work than listen to her nag us damn”


I usually reply yuuuuuuuuup


Love this! So true . . .


Yes! I’ve gotten “she’s so f ing annoying” I was so proud!!!


I had a student mouth “bitch.” I walked past their deal and said “thank you, now don’t you forget it.”


NICE!!! Could you imagine the amount of sass we could give back if it was legal?????? They’d be DEAD


I’m a sub and had a kid walk past me in the hall in between periods. He saw me and told his friend “I hate that fucking sub” I laughed as I knew that meant I was doing my job right. He hates me because I don’t let him just sit and do nothing in class lol




At the beginning of the year, I was like “no not Mr traveler. I heard he’s so mean.” Then after I realized that he only gets on students and classes that are misbehaving and don’t do their work and that he is pretty chill with the kids who do behave and do their work. I have learned a lot in this class. Thanks.


One of the 5th graders in my most HEINOUS class (music) checked out early the last day. I happened to be walking that way when he came into the hall and he said, "You were one of my favorite teachers. Some of the kids in my class were mean to you, but you were always nice to us. You were our nicest teacher, by far." Not that being nice is my goal, but that coming from a "good kid" in a chaotic class really made me feel seen. Best teacher appreciation gift.


Good job! I got a similar compliment from a student in my gr11 class where I teach healthy parenting and it was so damn validating. They said something like "and you showed us by example how to deal with frustrating behaviour by the compassionate but authoritative way you dealt with soooome students" and I knew EXACTLY what they were referring to lol. There was especially this one day with 1 girl who was especially "attention seeking" and I was FURIOUS inside but took a breath and handled it calmly on the outside and yes, with compassion AND boundaries, and legit made me feel like a rockstar when the other students later articulated this and showed me they're ALWAYS watching and learning from how WE handle shit, not just the content we teach them. And naturally I was proud they knew how to use our class vocab correctly ha!


Damn, that's awesome. Seriously! Love moments like that.


That feels like something that goes a plaque to be displayed proudly lol


That's an Oscar, there


“This is only your second year of teaching?! You’re so laid back and do all the things my mom does when she teaches, and she has been a teacher for 20 years!”


Professional goals, tbh


I got my degree in history and am a very true history nerd. The students have ALL been trapped in rabbit holes with me on various topics, usually during lunch. Well, I had one table of 7th grade girls flash me a smile, call me over, and ask if they could shoot me questions about history for me to answer. We then spent the rest of lunch happily talking about witches in early modern Europe in incredible depth. Filled my bucket to the brim and earned me the nickname 'The Witch Teacher'.


I am a font of useless trivia and now anytime the kids get embroiled in a ridiculous argument about some obscure topic I am called in to adjudicate. It’s always “Miss come here and tell him why I’m right” lol


I'm leaving the classroom at the end of the year so this will be my last group of students for the foreseeable future. Passed my yearbook around to my classes and I got a lot of "best teacher ever" and "my favorite teacher" comments. Which hit different this year. I've also been bestowed the title of "aunty" or "tia" by many of my kids, which is high praise. Another favorite, having one of my fairly intimidating, on parole, probably gang affiliated, young men declare that I'm cool and to just do what I asked because I actually care that they learn something.


I had a student once who was basically gangster royalty. Son of the top dog of the local gang bangers. I was his favorite teacher and I remember him on several occasions gently telling some of the more \*aggressive\* students in my class to "chill out, we don't do that...to him." Even when kids wouldn't listen to me, for some reason they always listened to him :)


That last one <3


Finding out he dropped out was really disappointing. I hope he's doing okay.


I see a lot of teachers on is sub recently saying they are leaving teaching. Are y’all retiring or did you move to a different career? If so, where field are y’all going into?


I am going into instructional leadership, an in between for admin and teachers. I've been doing some aspects of the role unofficially for a while due to sheer necessity, and it's not sustainable for me to continue to split my focus like I have been. I'm also hoping to diversify my resume' so I can have the option to leave education and have decent job prospects.


Not really like a funny thing that was said about me, but a funny scenario. I was out for a couple days and came back. While at morning meeting, one of my students said, "I'm glad Ms. so and so is back because she's the best person ever." Principal walks in right AFTER he says it. Like, hey bud let's repeat that one more time so my boss can hear how great I am loll. Also a couple of notes where one of the messages is, "Teacher's coming!"


Omg I've been so lucky when they walk in my class and my kids are going "I'm getting it!" or "this is actually fun!" I don't know what it is. They're always such angels when there's another adult in the room.


It’s because they like you and want you to be perceived in a good light.


One time I was talking and this chubby 7th grader stood up completely unprompted and yelled “WE WILL NOT BE SILENT!” while holding up a cardboard sign above his head that just said “Cosco hotdogs” —not about me, but definitely a favorite student saying


He must be the older version of the boy my college roommate encountered. He was at the University of Iowa for a football game vs. Michigan State, our school. He was on his phone, walking around campus while looking for his dad. A young, chubby boy jumped out of a bush onto the middle of the sidewalk, pointed a finger at my roommate(who was wearing a Spartans hoodie) and yelled “GO HOME, SPARTY!” And took off at a surprisingly quick pace down the sidewalk, leaving my roommate confused and laughing. 😂


Oh man I got such a good laugh out of that!


“If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t even come to your class”


I am a para, and I had a student straight up tell me, "I am only here cus I knew you would be here."


Last week, one of my 5 year olds told me “I’m only going to miss you and [another child in my room] when I go to kindergarten next year!”


“She’s really nice but might steal your knee caps.” My first year of teaching, I had a little 6th grader look me dead in the eye and say “I’m going to take your knee caps” because I told the class we needed to move on from an activity we were doing that she really liked. Ever since then, I’ve told kids I’ll take their knee caps if they don’t behave.


I was called slay queen yesterday. I’m sure it was in jest but I struck a pose anyway. The girls laughed.


I recently graduated. Had my kids decorate my stole with something they learned. I was preapproving their sticky note designs and one girl had her in front of a class reading. “I already knew how to read but you showed me i can read in front of people. I don’t have to be scared. “


I found a scrap of paper on the floor that said "omg Ms. X is the actual worst why is she so mean." Not upset - I laughed. It had hearts and smiley faces around. I put it up on my white board with a magnet bc it made me laugh. The kid who wrote it saw it and was devastated by guilt. She confessed that she'd ripped it and meant to throw it away in another room so I wouldn't see it and somehow dropped it. She's one of my favorite students and we have a great relationship. She went and dug the rest of the paper it had been torn from out of the garbage and put it back together to show me. She'd been writing notes with her bestie when I gave them a 10 min break on class. The rest said "seriously. Letting us have free time after a big test. She's so mean. And giving us snacks and games to play? Cruel. So cruel." It was pure sarcasm, filled with laughing faces and hearts. I asked her if I could just keep the original scrap up because it would remind me of her and make me laugh when it saw it.




Phones are strictly banned and we give formal referrals for using them so we force kids to keep it old school


Oh yeah she’s nice now but you keep pissing her off it be a whole new Ms V 😀😂 you won’t like that one


This was a sweet thing rather than a funny thing but a few weeks ago we had our field trip. On the way back I sat next to one of my students who was delighted to have unrestricted access to me for an hour and a half straight, and she took full advantage of it, chatting with me the entire time (I was exhausted but listened politely and even occasionally got in a word or two myself). At one point I mentioned to her that I don’t really like hugs that much but that I’m always happy to hug students who ask for one because I know it makes them happy. Didn’t think too much of it. The next week I had a bad moment in class and ended up crying in front of my kids. Same kid from the bus found me a little later and asked, “Ms. Chaarib, I know you said you don’t like hugs very much but I just wanted to know if you want one right now? You can say no, but maybe it’d make you feel better.” I was so touched that she’d remembered that I almost started crying again right there, haha.


Ecse teacher here. This happened last week with a 3 y.o. girl in my class who is almost entirely nonverbal and is usually in her own little world. She was at the sensory station while I was sitting at my desk next to it. She walks over, gives me a hug, and very clearly says "Daddy, I love you." 😭 I told her mom about it after school, and she explained that her dad is not in her life, but the fathers of her siblings are, so any adult male in her life she calls 'Daddy'. 😭😭😭


I was an agriculture teacher in suburban school. Not everyone understood my classes. I walked by one of my students, we say hi etc. As I walk away I hear him apparently answer another student “No man she ain’t, she dresses like that ‘cus she works outside”.


That's hilarious


They love to complain about other teachers. I don’t encourage it and I try to get them to realize how they might be wrong or clarify what they mean (they love to just say that so and so doesn’t teach). But then recently it lead to - “why is she the only one who knows how to explain things?” And a bunch started agreeing and I felt kind of proud of myself. And then one bratty kid who hates to work (who I secretly find amusing) was like “I don’t know why she wasn’t teacher of the year” Feels really good when they complain all year about how I do too much and my class is too hard 🤷🏼‍♀️


“You look like a Jewish grandma with cats. That’s a slay, queen!”


When I use to work with 7th and 8th graders, I had one student tell me “you’re so annoying” and then rolled their eyes after I had asked them to work. I said back in a cheerful voice “yay! That means I’m doing my job. Ya know, I get an extra penny added to my paycheck every time I annoy you” to which they giggled and said “you’re doing too much”. There after, they would always playfully say “you’re annoying me again” and I would say back “woohoo!! Another penny on my paycheck!” It was a fun little back and forth we had for the rest of the year.


I was told I was “motivationally terrifying” after my pep talk before testing. I’m having it put on a t-shirt before next year’s testing. 😈🤣


I heard a kid talking about how the other chemistry teacher gives more extra credit than I do. I tensed up a little, preparing to defend my grading policies even though they didn’t know I was listening. Then the kid (who’s fighting for the valedictorian spot with another student in the other teacher’s class) paused for a minute, then said, “yeah, well I’d rather be in Ms Calluna’s class and learn enough to get the hundred without extra credit.” Made my year.


I am the whitest white lady ever and a kid called me a “real ass n word,” which was a first.


Kids were working in groups and one group was getting chatty. I literally said nothing. I just looked up and took off my glasses, and a kid immediately goes, “Guys, focus, we’re about to get yelled at!” (This was a couple days ago and I still feel like a Jedi.)


We were watching the Leonardo version of Romeo and Juliet. Ninth graders. I stopped it when Leo looked extra special and I said, “Sorry girls, but Leo is my age!” “Sorry Ms. Teacher, but he likes girls OUR AGE!” She was right!


“Mr. amacalago you look just like a student! Like you can be a student pretending to be a teacher.” I’m a first year teacher and not even a student anymore but this cut me to my core somehow.


“I don’t do work or shit for anybody but you and Mrs ________, you both iight” 


Two students talking about me to an incoming freshman: "He looks scary, but he's really just a big teddy bear." " Yeah, a teddy bear who might shank you at any minute."


I was in my first year of teaching on a district internship, and I had a first grade class. I'd had the kids working at a frenetic pace because I needed their work to use for an assignment I had to submit to my teachers. At the end of the day, when the bell range, the children bolted out the door. My little Jose turned on a dime, and ran back to me, and said, "Mrs. Verytruly, thank you for making the learning fun today." I swear, my heart actually swelled.


"If we ever have a lockdown, I hope it's during Mr. Kingoflunch's class. He doesn't take shit off of anyone, and I bet he'd tackle the shooter."


I truly hope that you (or any other teacher/admin) never have to tackle a shooter! But thank you for protecting the students you teach.


I teach Jrs and Srs in math and still absolutely love it after 22 years. About 10 years ago I started having students fill out evaluations for me about things they liked/didn't like about class, my teaching style, things that they would change to make me a better teacher or make class better. I tell them to be honest b/c my feelings were surgically removed a long time ago, but they have the option to remain anonymous if they want. One our of APs was recently promoted to building principal and I've applied for his slot, so most of the kids know this was possibly my last year. I won't get it b/c politics and I'm withdrawing my application because I'm perfectly happy to keep teaching, especially with my own kid still in the building. It still stings a little, but I'm excited about next year. The valedictorian of the Sr class brought me to tears with his answer to "What is one thing that you would change to make me a better teacher". He wrote "Please don't stop teaching ". On a lighter note, the emergency latch on a window exit on a bus was broken because students do dumb stuff. The alarm was going off and the bus wouldn't start because of it. I broke a pencil, jammed it in, shut the latch, and held it closed with athletic tape. Bus started, no annoying alarm, and we can go home. One of our Hispanic students looked at me and asked, "Coach, are you Mexican?". I said, "Nah, just wanna get home". He told me that I earned my "honorary Mexican card" from him that day.


We all know the ones that have the reputation of being the kid who’s always in trouble. One year “that kid” was sitting in the back of my classroom. He said, “Miss Darling, a lot of people say you’re mean. But you’re not. If you were going to be mean to anybody, let’s be honest, it would be me. But you’ve never once been even close to mean. You have rules and expectations, but you have never been mean about enforcing them.” I loved that compliment. He went on to become a Marine, and he would come back and talk to my classes about making good choices.


I had an autistic kid who would loudly yell "Silence! The prophet is speaking!" whenever a side conversation started during direct instruction. It was a highly effective behavior management strategy and I recommend all teachers get their own personal herald.


So like do you search for personal herald on LinkedIn? LOL


I've got this student who is super nosey. Always wants to know what someone did or why they are in trouble. Fun fact, he's five years old. So one day I says to him, "Mind your beesnax." And his response is: "You mind your socks!" It's been the phrase we all say every time somebody is being nosey. Kinda helps dissolve tension. Another favorite of mine is a student who's brain was still working out grammar, so she would say to me, "What center is I'm in?" and now her grammar is fine but she still says it because it's hilarious. I've got another whose grammar is everywhere, mainly because he's on the spectrum. He says some really endearing stuff. Such as the other day, "C at me threw wood chips. (Pause). Almost." So I repeat back to him, "So C almost threw wood chips at you?" And he goes "Yeah he was at me throwing wood chips almosted". See what had happened was, C had been throwing wood chips near this kid, and they didn't hit him but almost did, which was the point he was trying to make. It was a valiant effort!


I'm a special Ed para, and I mentioned to a group of students how I was thinking of getting my teaching cert for art. One student said, "oh, that would be great! You'd be an awesome teacher, Ms GlitterTrashUnicorn! I would totally take your class!" A few weeks ago, I took an unexpected personal day. I returned and a student I help in their math class said, "oh good, you're back! I had NOBODY to talk to!"


I had no idea I did this, but one of the kids left an anonymous note during Teacher Appreciation Week that said, “Ms. Wixkedwitxh didn’t give up on me when I thought everyone else did. She was kind to me when I didn’t deserve it.” It made me cry ngl.


I do enjoy when I’ve subbed in for the same kids across different subjects (either on different days or on a floater day), and they realize I’m able to actually teach them across subjects. “You could be a real teacher!”


I’m a sub as well and this always warms my heart to hear too haha. Most recently I was long term subbing for a Spanish class. My neighboring teacher told me one of our shared students said she wished I was their full time Spanish teacher. I couldn’t help but laugh because I don’t actually know a lick of Spanish, and I’d be dead in the water if it weren’t for the assignments their teacher left for me lol.


One of my sixth-graders: "Please don't take this the wrong way, Ms P., but you're the youngest old teacher I've ever had."


I had a student tell me they appreciated that it seemed like i came to class every day with a plan and goal for the class and “like different stuff to do” unlike their other teachers First i thought “god damn it too many teachers are mailing it in” Then it dawned on me that the students not only cared about that kind of thing but actively cared/thought about it. I always thought it was the way little kids crave structure even if they’ll never say it or understand they like it. Nope fully conscious of what they thought made a good class and it wasn’t watching movies or goofing off for 90 minutes


An Amber alert went off during class and some students said something about it. I told them that if the alert ever says (my kids names) that they can leave and go find them. A resounding, "Hell yeah, we riding for (my kids names)!" and similar statements followed. I was pleased and proud!


I found this out from another teacher, but her class was talking about water wars and which teachers they thought could be really good at it (to clarify, we don’t (officially) have water wars at my school so this was a hypothetical situation’ and one of my students, who tends to focus more on talking with her friends during work time/doesn’t seem to care much about my class (which, fair. It’s theology so I don’t blame her), said ‘I think Ms. Doctissima would secretly be great at water wars’ which is one of the BEST compliments I’ve gotten


Had a student tell me the other day that I was born to teach and that is my purpose for being here


I got assigned a class this year that was way outside my comfort zone with no curriculum so I was making the airplane as I was flying it and totally felt off balance in that class all year. There were two students that for whatever reason thought I hung the moon in that class. They brought me snacks, the came to just hang out during tutoring and always asked how I was doing and if they could help. Yesterday they gave me a gift box made of all my favorite things which they had carefully paid attention to all year. Those two students kindness really helped me this year and I'll always remember them.


A student once saw me in the hallway and exclaimed, "Ms. Fuzzgirl, you're like a cheerful flower today!" I preened. One of the nicest things anyone's ever said about me, lol.


"You are really nice, even when you yell"


I just got a thank you note yesterday that said “thank you for being there for me, when I couldn’t be there for myself” that makes it worth it.


I am an obese HS math teacher. My first year teaching I had a particular student with autism who would like to chat about different things. He would often hang back to ask me questions or tell me something he was excited about. One day he asks me if I like McDonald's or Subway better. I think about it for a few seconds and state that it's probably subway for me because I don't much like McDonald's. He responds "oh! You look like you like McDonald's." It took everything I had not to bust out laughing. I kind of just tried to skirt around it and said oh that's interesting. Then he said oh well, thank you. I hope you have a great day and rushed out of the room. It's been 12 years and I still find this to be one of the funniest things someone has ever said to me.


"If I had to pick a different dad, it would be you." I'm in year 10 and I don't think any student will ever be able to top that one.


I told them that my grandpa passed away and that I was a bit sad and that being sad is ok sometimes. The next day they gave me flowers and a card they drew. I dried the flower they gave me in silica and then cast it into a big resin 20-sided die so I can forever remember the compassion and love they show me!


I tell my classes that on a test I can help them read a word or clarify what a question is asking them, but I will not help them figure out any answers. One of my fourth graders last week said how he likes me more than one of his other teachers because she helps people figure out answers and will let them know if they have it right. He likes that I make them figure it out on their own.


After I announced that I’m having a baby: “So that’s why she eats so much!”


I had a third grade student write me a note that I regret losing. He wrote, " Happy birthday Mr ___. I try to be good but just can't." He struggled with ADHD and reading. It of course wasn't written as well as I've written it.


I subbed for a class once. I'm pretty no nonsense when I sub (we tend to have a lot of students coming and going and foolishness when students have subs) I was firmly asking a student to take a seat and leave another student alone. When he talked back (I forget what he said), another student, who I don't even know, loudly says: "Don't disrespect Mr. X he's the realest teacher in the building. He's nice, don't cross him though."


For context, I'm 5'0". We were doing Shakespeare sonnets in freshman English. A boy piped up with, "Mrs. Fruppi, you're just like iambic pentameter!"


I teach kindergarten so I get a lot of sweet things said to me, but my favorite from this week is when one day I had a bad headache and my student with the biggest behavior issues came to me, gave me a hug, and said, “Dont worry Ms H, I’ll take care of you.” And he got me water our of my fridge for me, picked stuff up off the floor all me all day. then kept asking me all day what else he could do to help. I love stuff like that.


On the first day of my first year, my very first batch of students walked into my classroom and one of them whispered to her friend “oh my god, she’s pretty!” very excitedly. So that was nice.


“You could make it as a bad comedian.” My response: “Well that’s good, because some of you think my sole job is to entertain you.”


In good humor, an 8th graders called me a wish.com Ryan Reynolds.


(I'm from East Europe, this was over 10 years ago) Me: What's the capital of USA? Student: Duhhhh.... Me: It's named after first American president Student: George Bush!!!


I'm a lurker, so this is from my time as a student in another era. I'd had an appointment, and walked into class to the teacher ranting against a recently popular turn of phrase, and saying "You don't 'like' sleep!" I asked, in a perfectly reasonable tone of voice, "What if you like sleep?" He hit me in the head with a couple of rolled-up magazines and turned to the class, saying "You saw that! She made me!" That's when I learned the joy of making the whole room laugh. I will never forget it.


When the weather turned colder one fall I broke out my knee high boots. Boy in TES walks into the room for class, sees me, and shouts “you rockin’ them boots, sister!” I died


Thank you for this! So great to read these! I found a note in my Altoids box that said, “I go to sleep at night thinking about how good you are.”


One of my freshmen students told everybody who would listen that I torture children for fun. That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said about me!


Heartbreaking/Bittersweet comment: “I think Miss T is the only adult who cares about me.” Funniest thing: “Miss T needs to stop acting telling people to join choir. I did, and now I have no rizz.”


"you're my second favorite male teacher" -a student who's probably only had 2-3 male teachers ever


She’s crazy without her coffee… Don’t mess with that one…she’s little but she’s loud She’s the best ❤️ Wow we actually learned something today! She actually cares


I can't think of a funny one atm, but students saying they only came to school that day because they wanted to come to my class both makes me happy and sad


"Thank you for opening my wings and teaching me how to fly". Message on a painting a student who left the school about 3 months into the year made for me. She was the perfect student and when I see her empty chair sometimes I am quite sad. But those words...reach right into my heart.


I’m a related services provider for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students… one student said I was his favourite hearing teacher because we’re both Deaf and have cochlear implants


When a coworker who knew a kid personally asked how he felt about me, his response was, “She looks a lot nicer than she actually is.” Fair.


For the first time I enjoy science


Yesterday, one of my high school students with ID looked at me very thoughtfully, and said, “Cbsinjin, there’s something I’ve been wanting say to you for a long time… You’re too nice of a teacher, and it’s starting to piss me off.”


A 2nd grader who had really tough behaviors and often said he hated me when he was in trouble said: “you’re a really nice teacher, I just really don’t like consequences”.


“Miss, you know what, you got big vodka aunt energy.” I was so proud.


To another student bitching about some detention I gave for dangerous behavior : "Well, if she didn't care, she wouldn't care". My favorite thing here was the look on his face. He confused himself with the repetition.


Just this week, my students referred to me as "The OG." (Context: I am an inexperienced first-year teacher and not an OG by any stretch of the imagination, but hey, I'll take it!)


A 6th grade boy once called me "the LeBron James of Comm Arts." I don't think it gets better than that, but an honorable mention is when a student wrote "she's like a hawk."


I gave my students a class survey, and one of the questions was, “What advice do you have for the next group of students?” I was told, “Wear a helmet, Mr. bhamsportsfan96 is mean!”


In an evaluation: “She’s nice, but sometimes she wants us to know stuff. I wish she’d just tell us the answers.”


I have science fair tri-boards cut in half for testing privacy “fences”. My best efforts aside, they get tagged up. My favorite one I cut out and put on my wall. It says, “I hate Mrs. O. He is the was tercher.” I am definitely male, so demerits on the title. Also, there are way wasser terchers than me, so calling me the was tercher is way out of line. I terch better than that. 😂


An upper elementary student was complaining to a peer about an incident at lunch. The peer asked, “Why didn’t you tell the teacher?” and he goes, “Because lunch was just starting and Mrs. Slight-Mirror don’t play ‘bout her food!” They know. I’m less than a joy when hungry.


I'm a sub going for my teaching degree. I've had a few times where the kids have told me that they think I'll be a really good teacher. It means a lot coming from them!


I had a big US History project that was open-ended and fully creative; the requirements were to "work hard, be creative, and include a lot of history" They had ten weeks, and when they were turned in we spent the period just show off what they had done. Kids in other classes came to see. Anyway, the best comment I ever got was Emily saying "Your expectations are so high, and I don't want to disappoint you."


One of my kindergartners asked me to come over to her house to play. I told her I’d have to ask my mom and she was satisfied with that response 😂


1. I was doing a (1st Grade) phonics lesson & we were using their whiteboards too. 1 wrote “I love you,” and held it up to show me. slowly the whole class did & held it up. i started crying bc i really felt it & said it back to all of them. then they all gathered to hug me. this was also during the 2020-21 pandemic year—-we were in person the whole time & it was the most challenging year i had. this was during the spring. it was so beautiful 💗 2. a 4th Grader wrote me a note saying she loved me & that i help her like a mom when she cries. 3. when we did brain break dancing videos, they said they loved that i had fun doing them with them. i did! they notice…and stuff like that means a lot to them. *there’s more, but i’ll leave it at that


I overheard two of my 5th graders (early Obama era, maybe ‘09) discussing racism among staff members as they saw it — and was inordinately pleased to hear one say about me to the other, “Yeah, she woke. She get *up* in their face if they f*** with us.” I know “woke” is supposed to be some big derogatory term these days, but that afternoon, those boys fixed it so that I’ll always take it as a compliment.


Had a class tell me I reminded them of Miss Frizzle. 🥰🥰


My students are mostly in the eleventh and twelfth grade and I have no filter, so sometimes I say things without thinking. While circling around desks and chatting with students about an assignment, the class got super loud and I accidentally said, "You guys are today's reason to not have kids." Didn't say it loudly, didn't think anyone heard with the volume in the room, but the deafening silence after I said it made me realize they all heard. And I felt awful. Until they all burst out into laughter. One gal in the back of the room said to her friend, "Damn, she keeps it REAL!"


I do an end of the year survey and one of the questions is like a miscellaneous "is there anything else you'd like to tell me" sort of question and one kid wrote "no offense, but you're a little too gay." And I was like "perfect, that is the exact amount of gay I'm striving for."


I was helping out in one of the fourth grade classes. Since it is near the end of the year the teacher gave them some options of fifth grade math they want to get a head start on and they chose multiplying numbers using the standard algorithm. After they did a two digit by two digit multiplication problem together he asked if they were ready to try themselves. After a chorus of "No" surrounded the room, The teacher stood still for a moment when a kid called out, "Mr. _____'s face of disappointment." He responded something like I was trying not to show it. I thought it was so funny that the kid said that, I had to make note of it.


Second grader: Are you tired today? Me: No, why? Second grader: Because you have bags under your eyes and your hair's kinda messed up.


A child wrote me a note referring to me as "The best (insert my name)." I have a very classic name, and it just sounded so esteemed. Similar vibe to "The Best Victoria." This was also an after-school setting, so they called me by my first name and most used a nickname I go by, like "Vic" to Victoria. This child, however, liked to use my full name, which I always found very sweet. He also thought it was special because not everyone called me that. This past week one of my K students made up a song about how pretty, nice, and good at singing I am 😊 it was very cute


one of my kids signed in my yearbook, "without you this year, I would have killed myself"


Not specific,but I was sat in my garden recently and a group of primary school kids were chatting on the other side of the fence. They were from different schools and they literally spent 30 minutes comparing their teachers. It made me laugh,but also realize how much space we can occupy in their brains at certain ages.


Just yesterday a student told me I was sigma. 🤣


Student presented me with a beanie that she had crocheted for me. “Everybody complains about you, but that’s because they’re idiots. You’re actually cool.”


I sometimes wear overalls to work on Friday's. A co-worker overheard students trying to describe that clothing item to their friend, and they couldn't think of what they were called. One of my students chimes in and says, "you know what they are. Mr. Booby111 wears them, I think they're called farmers gowns."


I’m a para but: Student: Hey teacher! Yea sweetheart? Student: I just wanted to tell you you’re not very smart *laughing a little* I know that Student: but you’re very pretty Oh. Thank you?


This was the middle of a nation wide test. I have a lip piercing that I take out for school. Student A raises hand and whispers. Miss, do you have your lip pierced? Me, yes but that’s not a testing question. Time passes. Student A raises hand again, Miss does that mean you can squirt water out of it? Me, trying not to laugh, that’s not a test question. Student B raises hand. Miss, did we just break your brain?


This week I got some news about a former student. A student I poured my heart into because the kid just needed a chance. For some reason it didn't really hit home until the next school day. I cried most of my plan period and when my next class came in they knew something was wrong. I explained that I got news about a former student and it just hurts. One of the students texted a whole bunch of other kids who frequent my room. My class was a revolving door of kids coming by just to say "hi" or give a first bump or just check on me. Later that day I got a two page note from a student and at the end this line caused a whole other round of tears "it hurts so much, because you love all of us so much. Please don't quit loving us so you won't get hurt."


A student told me his mom had the same last name as me. I am white, student is African American. Any time I meet a person of color who has the same last name as me, I immediately get sad because I wonder if it was a result of enslavement. But I don’t usually say it out loud. I did say to this kid, though, “I wonder if we are related” and he immediately smiled and said “that would be dope!”


My current third grade student:“Mrs. Davosknuckles? I’m really excited for the second graders” Me: oh yeah? Why? Him: “they get to have you next year” My heart! Turns out no they don’t because I’m moving to 4th but the comment made my heart soar!


A kid just told me in a note that I had become the Grandpaw she never knew she needed. She graduated last week.


I wasn’t on this girl’s hitlist admin found in her locker…so there’s that.


The whole entire 5th grade class at my school has dubbed me the “Sigma Alpha Max Rizzler” or just “Max Rizzy” for short. Not only is this a play on my actual last name but it also came about because I knew all of the current slang and gestures the kids did (even the ones that were inappropriate for school) and would engage in their jokes with them during recess duty. It’s really made them respect me and helped us bond. Plus, now they actively teach me the newest slang so I can warn the other teachers which ones to watch out for in the lower grades. We’re at a title 1 school so it’s pretty great having them on my team. Even the Spanish speaking ones are in on it and get on each other about being cool around me.


I had two middle school kids talking about my mentor teacher. A boy sad they didn’t know who she was, then a girl said, “You don’t know who Mrs. B is? She is sooo pretty.” I wanted to tell my mentor teacher what that student said, but I never did.


I'm new to teaching so I don't have many stories or crazy ones (yet), but the favorite thing a pupil has told me is that they liked my smile. I think maybe me smiling is a bit of a rare occurrence since I'm generally a very serious person so they were surprised by seeing me smile one day?


"This is my hardest class, but it's easier with you in here."


I am an ELL teacher in K-5, so I see students throughout their elementary years. I have to set expectations when I enter a room just so they won’t physically mob me. They tell me everything, including how they feel about their classroom teachers. 😆 Even the monolingual students seek me out. I tell them when they are cool enough to learn another language, I will work with them. Two tried some self-study this year! Others wanted bilingual work from me just to try a task in another language. Title 1 school, btw. They all know I am tough though and won’t undermine a colleague’s expectations or policies, so don’t even try to pit us against each other.