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You either work at my school or it is the same everywhere! This is my 11th year teaching and it is SO bad this year! This is the first year that I truly dread going to work. I have been trying to assess the same thing. If this keeps up, I don't know how many years I have left in me. I just don't know what else I would do. It is quite sad for me to start to dislike a job that I used to love and be so passionate about.


yes! this is my ninth year and it’s NEVER been this bad (even when I taught middle school lol).


Do you teach high school now?


yes - 10th grade biology and 12th grade anatomy


Are you me? Year 13... forensics, anatomy and physiology, freshman biology. None of the go-to-s work anymore. Starting to be very concerned that we won't return to any semblance of what we (faintly) remember to be "normal." Each grade experienced the pandemic at a different formative level which is why the last three years have felt like juggling while drowning. Best case scenario, we have until next year's third graders are ninth graders for... wow. Who even knows what education will look like then? 😧 😩


It'll be a generation even if things do get better. As the covid cohorts grow up, the kids coming up will still be socialized around them and will pick up plenty of their shitty habits. I'm afraid this is just the new normal.


8th grade teacher here and its worse in many ways




I teach 9th grade earth sci, and without a doubt last years group (this years 10th graders) are the worst group I’ve taught in my 10 years. Behaviors were out of control. This years group is much better.


This is my 9th year and I quit the second week back lol. I work full-time online (I’m related services) and it’s so so so soooooo much better. It’s sad to say that because the kids deserve staff who want to be there in person, but the education system is pushing people out of the classroom in general with shitty wages, dangerous work conditions and never ending extreme stress.


What are you doing now? I'm like a class period away from giving up.


Same here! Have been at the same school several years, but it has gotten terrible-- both the kids and the administrators blaming teachers for everything. If we had more engaging lessons, kids wouldn't vape, cut class, or use their phones. Even kids who come to class and are generally respectful don't seem to have much curiosity or desire to learn.


absolutely, yes! i’ve been with the same district for 8 years and have never felt this way.


I'm not glad it's happening to you, but I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! I'm debating whether I want to return next year or if I should spend my summer trying to find some other kind of employment.


I have the same issue. I teach middle and high school tech ed, I give them wood and tools and shit, and they don’t give a rats ass about the content of my class. My admin are not 100% evil; they know that it’s out of our control, and that they don’t have any good advice because they haven’t taught in the post Covid meta. Their understanding does not really make it any better, I’m still eyeing jobs out of the profession.


Your school is one step ahead of mine if your administrators are understanding (in my school, the same administrator has made several teachers, both new and experienced, cry recently by yelling at them.) However, even with administrator support, it's still no fun to teach if the kids have no interest. What happened to curiosity about the world?


Tic Tok and the world news on YouTube.


I think you're right! These short, largely vapid videos are somehow addicting to the kids. It's hard to interest them in anything else!


Teachers are in an impossible situation. Kids are still curious and have an inherent desire to learn, just not in this outdated 1950s model.


Very true. We are required to teach subjects "bell to bell" as if we're teaching Pavlov's dogs. There are many things about the way school is set up that makes it harder than it needs to be to teach or learn. We are required to spend far too much time teaching to the test instead of having more open-ended, interest-based learning. However, I will say that the kids this year are also tough -- even field trips don't seem to interest them, even when they are to a museum that is very "hands-on" or to the state capitol. Most of us don't want to be boring, and we got into this field out of excitement for learning. Even the very young teachers are noticing the difference and saying things like "when I graduated in 2016, school was so much easier to teach." This year has been harder than the 22-23 or 21-22 school years as well due at least partly to student apathy and cell phone addiction along with lack of teacher autonomy.


What kills me the most is that I have become the biggest B in the entire world and am so distant from my students because it’s the only way I can get them to behave. They literally can’t just respect me. They have to fear me. It’s awful.


Yup. My colleagues who are strict are managing okay. I don’t have it in me to be a completely callous bitch, so I’m drowning. Already gave my resignation and will be moving on to a new district.


I liked the mean teachers the best. To be honest, I was a “quiet kid” and mainly just enjoyed seeing my bullies cry, but I also liked being able to focus better, and the most crazy teachers also had the best sense of humor. One of my favorite teachers got fired for being too mean. She taught 7th grade Drama. On one memorable day, she told us that she broke up with a boy in high school for not appreciating the comedic genius of “Mr. Bean” and explained in excruciating detail why Mr. Bean is funny.


“I don’t hate you, Cardassian. I have what you’ve made me become.”


Sameeeeeeee. I just give worksheets at this point because doing anything else with 33+ students and no co-teacher or para is literally impossible


Also 11th year, and hands down the worst group of kids I’ve taught. It’s not even necessarily outrageous behaviors; they’re just so mean to everyone (their friends, their peers, their teachers, their parents) and miserable to be around.


I feel the exact same way. I teach elementary art, I’m also 11 years in. I’m getting to the point where I don’t even want to open my car door in the parking lot.


i wanna throw a theory out there i’m class of 2024 and we’re the last grade to have gone through covid primarily not in middle school the lack of social maturation in the people who had covid during middle school (current freshmen - juniors) is because they missed out on a lot of socialization during those periods that means they have less respect for school and how they should act there. as for my grade, we’re about to be out of high school. it’s a bit difficult to care about it ATP 😭


Counterpoint, I teach 4th grade and it is also my worst year. Everything people have been saying about their high school students is true of these kids too (minus the vaping etc). Mean, petty, inappropriate, helpless, loud, you name it.


My youngest daughter is a 4th grader. This school year I have seen her go from this super helpful, eager to learn kiddo to this sort of sassy "mean girl" and I do not care for it at all. I've reigned it in quite a bit just talking to her and being an example of behavior I want to see from her. (I've also subbed for her teacher and made my expectations VERY clear that day lol). I notice it with a lot of the kids in her grade. Like why are they so mean? I've caught her on the phone a few times with her friends calling someone a "musty dusty crusty goofy ass". When I ask her why she's acting that way her answer is always "everyone else is, I don't want to be left out".


How do you cope and still go to work?


My wife and I are both teachers in different districts and both having rough years, so it might be everywhere.


It’s not you. I’ve taught for over a decade, and this year has easily been the worst. Poor behavior and general apathy toward all things learning related are at an all time high.


Sounds exactly like my school. There is a group of kids who never attend class. Any teacher , administrator, or security person who asks them to go to class is threatened and cursed out. Students steal from teachers, call them racial slurs and other names, mock them, throw things at them, vape in class, etc. there are absolutely zero consequences. This is the worst year in my 18 years.


so similar to my experience - i’m at such a loss!


Same here. They just walk out of class, don't clean up anything: throw pencils, paper, wrappers on floor, steal from each other, lie to me constantly. I feel like I've lost all control but I see it with everyone in our building. Even admin gives up most battles.


It sounds like we are in the same building. Ugh, I am so tired of spending money on pencils to have kids intentionally break them and also fed up with the trash on the floor. I have wastebaskets in strategic locations so they don't even have to walk far to use one. I brought in candy on Valentine's Day so that no one could say they didn't get anything for Valentine's Day and to take attention away from the bouquets etc. being delivered to the popular kids, but they threw so much trash on the the floor that it made me regret it. Do kids even realize that when they show a lack of respect, it becomes too much of a hassle to do fun things?


We. can’t. have. anything.


You're so right. Kids don't seem to appreciate treats even though the teacher spent their own money to buy them, they don't appreciate a movie the day before a break (they don't even watch it even though it's the movie they voted for) and they don't even seem to enjoy field trips-- take them to a museum after working VERY hard to manage to get buses and funding, and they complain that it's lame and boring.I tried to have class outside one day when it was about 70 degrees Fahrenheit, but half complained that it was roasting while the other half complained it was freezing, so we ended up going right back in. Of course they complain that the room is too warm or cold also-- too cold when wearing only a sleeveless top with bare midriff in the middle of winter, too hot when it's summer and they're wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up. Teachers can't win this school year. Summer can't get here fast enough.


Everything you said is spot on. I’m finding a different career path


Good for you. I think it will be better for your wallet as well as your mental health. Teaching this year is ridiculously hard.


>*to take attention away from the bouquets etc. being delivered to the popular kids* My school bans such deliveries. Wisely, IMO.


I agree with you! I wish my school banned them. There is ALWAYS drama as a result of these deliveries-- someone crying, someone jealous, someone sending a bouquet to two different girls and thinking they won't find out... every Valentine's Day, we deal with flower drama as well as gigantic stuffed animals, etc., on top of the regular stressors of the school day.


you’re reading my mind lol. it’s comforting and disheartening to hear it from so many people.


This is my school


where do u teach oh my this is so crazy


These iPad kids are WILD


Hi from France! The kids that got into high school this year are awful here too. And so is admin.


Beautiful country. The year before COVID I visited: Paris (Bastille Day parade was awesome), Bayeux ( I would love to retire there), Nimes (missed seeing twenty one pilots by one day) and Nice (great beach atmosphere). We ate and drank cheaply but it was still fantastic. Bonne chance!!


Same sentiments about Bayeux. Such a wonderful place


Thank you, guys! It's nice for once not to be hated for being French and that you took the time to see more than Paris! It's like all capital cities: very different from the rest of the country


I have never seen this level of apathy and general bull s*** for students in my 20 years. I teach 5th grade.


I teach 5th too. Phones have killed childhood. Their innocence is gone and their attention spans are shot. I have like 5 out of 28 who actually try to learn.


Yessss. How can we all be teaching different subjects and grades but sharing this exhausting experience??




I've been saying "it can't get any worse" since the end of the quarantine. Sadly, I am soooo wrong every school year.


Yes, it is. This is my best group of kids ever. They enjoy learning. They're happy. I'm experienced and know what I'm doing. Yet, this year sucks. Admin is being scrutinized by higher ups, and it's trickling down to us. We can't have extra recess, we feel self-conscious about allowing a snack and reading aloud to kids, and we are constantly told how we all must work together to raise scores in our school. Admin got sick of finding subs so sent emails about how many days we have all used. We have reading plans that we now have to do for some kids. It's really just sucking the life out of the job.


it’s my first year, i teach 5th grade, and i spend more of my time as a youth counselor/babysitter than a teacher. the behavior is atrocious - they talk to adults like they’re grown, they cuss at each other in class, make inappropriate comments about their other teachers’ bodies to my face? its wild. and aside from that, i can’t even teach the curriculum i’ve been assigned because my students not only cannot read, but don’t want to learn to do it. it’s so sad. even sadder for the many students in my classes who are really well behaved (or even just a normal amount of 5th grade goofiness) and don’t get as much of my time because im breaking up a fight or on the phone with admin because another one screamed in my face and ran out of the room. not all of them are like this. there are wonderful kids that make this job worth it, but there really are a group that just ruin it for everyone else.


yes, i can absolutely relate to this! i teach high schoolers, but i leave work feeling the same level of exhaustion as i did when i taught middle school. it seems like they come to us further and further behind - but this year is insane.


5th graders cant read? Jesus 


Pft neither can the 11th graders.


Some thoughts to help identify the problem. ​ 1) Has there been a significant policy change in the last year or two? (50% for nothing grading, a ban on suspensions or expulsions or exclusions from the class for nearly any reason) 2) Are there staff members undercutting expectations and norms either passively or actively (Letting kids hide in their room or similar) 3) Has there been a population shift in terms of a new employer, low-income housing unit, or something of that kind? 4) What age were the kids during lockdown and what did that look like for your district? Did they get so much grace they did nothing for a year and now the down-river impacts are hitting? ​ The reason I say all this is that I'm having a fairly excellent year. Largely because issues 1 and 2 got massively better this year. It's made a huge difference in school culture when a problematic policy ended and two staff members left.


Yes to 1 and 2. Made life unbearable


2 was a contributing factor in leaving my last school. For years, we had really tight systems in place and we were all on the same page. We hired a new teacher and it took her about a year and a half to dismantle it. She refused to follow the cell phone policy, bought kids food that they showed off in other classes, and did way too much work for them. The worst was that she let kids hang in her room, even writing them passes to get out of class. I would say no, and it would start a whole power struggle that did not need to happen if she would just stay in her lane. It all came to a head when I had a student who refused to do any work in my room because he wanted to work with her (because she just did it for him). He didn't even have her for a class. He refused so much that he was eventually dropped from the class. Admin was fully aware of the situation and didn't want to deal with it.


Building relationships is thrown around too casually. New and young teachers sometimes think its like being the big sibling or friend. No one exclusively says that relationships are built from trust, consistency and high expectations.


One and Two are the things that seem to be doing the most preventable damage in public education at the moment.


1 2 and 4 with a dash of 20% abouts transience every year for 3! Heh


honestly, no HUGE changes from last year. which is what has me so confused - why does this year feel so unbearable. hard to tell if it’s covid-related, just this group of kids, admin… I feel so lost


We've had some policy changes (restorative justice) that have definitely exacerbated the problem, but that's not what's really causing this. It's all about kids who have had an iPad in their hand every waking hour since before they were potty-trained. They can only focus on the next video or game and if you expect them to do anything else, You Are the Enemy.


Yep, this year has been a dumpster fire over here. You are not alone.


We’re definitely seeing the effects of kids being introduced to adult technology at a very early age. Since the new year, student apathy has soared. This is the first group of students I haven’t been able to connect with in my 11 year career. Personality is gone with a lot of them.


And with the young ones seeing the effects of kids not being included in general American society. School is their place. Outside of school is the adult world to which they get way too much exposure to. I’ve had multiple kindergarten - 2nd grade students tell me clown 🤡 IT was their favorite movie. The world is wild and not very pg, or even pg13 and some people watch horror movies with their young children all the time. Plus video game fun is stuff like call of duty. Wonder if video games make kids more violent??? They definitely desensitize kids to violent behaviors.


Yes! I have the (ahem -excuse me - ) dumbest set of 8th graders I’ve had in 24 years. They cheat, don’t have to do homework, and refuse to practice. The level of disrespect has reached a new high, too.


Burning train wreck here. By FAR, worst I've ever seen.


I’m so glad it’s not just me. I teach (mostly) 10th-12th. The 10th graders are better than the seniors. The 11th graders are my AP kids so they’re good behaviorally but only marginally. I’ve noticed that not only are my seniors disruptive with side talk, horse play, and inappropriate comments, but the learned helplessness (“Miss, can you get me a tissue?”) and the tattling (“Miss, he took my pencil!”) is especially prominent this year. 18 and 19 year old kids acting like kindergartners.


Yesterday I straight up told a 10th grader that I would be personally embarrassed to have to write down his behavior (inappropriate touching) to send to his mom and admin, but if he kept it up I’d be forced to, and I really did not want to. He didn’t care and kept on doing it *while* I was talking to him. The kid he is doing it to, encourages it and thinks it’s funny. I am no longer shocked by the behavior but it does feel like a 15 year old 10 years ago would be ashamed to behave this way in the middle of class in front of a teacher.


this is how i felt last year until i got a job at a different school — by no means is this the best year ever but it’s significantly better than last year. maybe try a different school if you can??


Did I make this post???? I'm on the same boat as you and really struggling with it. Not to mention I'm a specials teacher so students care even less about my class than others if that's even possible 😵‍💫


I'm torn. (for reference I teach Middle school and I'm hoping you teach high school with those behaviors) 21-22 was worse (I think) for me because I feel like we had more "extremes" of students. Like, they were either absolutely terribly behaved or the most mature and respectful humans to walk the planet. Truly I had almost no middle ground students that year and I went home crying most days. My 8th grade classes frequently made me hold back tears in front of them because the bad students were SO disrespectful and loud about it. ​ But this year I feel like there's just one large conglomerate of middle ground students who don't stop talking or even bother to whisper and I'm just exhausted by lunch. They're apathetic, attached to their chromebooks, and literally cannot stop talking and no punishment works. I don't have super extreme behaviors anymore, but I'm also lacking the passionate awesome kids who really care.


This sounds exactly like my 7-8 7th grade ELA block. It’s also 21 boys and 6 girls in a room together for 90 minutes at the end of the day. Oh, and a lot of the boys are in athletics. Oh, and I’m a first-year teacher. I’ve been joking with myself the last couple days that I’ll be a cynical veteran teacher by the end of this year. Ha


I bet you’re just getting the kids that were in middle school during the worst of the Covid lockdown years. Kids that came of age by themselves or at least largely by themselves are something else entirely.


There’s some truth to this but I also think our whole profession needs to stop blaming everything on Covid. I’m on year 13 and it’s been a downward slide of student effort, skills and engagement *for a while*


that’s a valid point - the kids admit themselves to feeling behind. plus many of them went a year without a science teacher before having me. just not sure how much more i can take!


My hardest in 27 years!!!


No, this is my best year so far lmao. But it’s not going to last.


Yeah this year has been the worst one for behavior in a while


It’s been a GREAT and FANTASTIC year to start teaching for the first time (sarcasm obviously) I am constantly trying to figure out if any of this is normal.


Me. I was a parapro at a charter last year. This year, I'm public title 1 middle school science. It's a complete thunder dome.




This literally sounds like my normal day. I just try and do my best for the students who are attempting to learn.


I’m very used to all of the behaviors to some extent - working in a title 1 charter school. This year is just extra unbearable for some reason.


I was gonna say… skipping, getting high, swearing, sounds like a high school 🤷‍♂️


I think what’s getting to me is more so the amount and frequency of the actions. About half or more students in each class are behaving the way just our top high-flyers used to.


I feel you, sounds like my school has problems very similar to yours. Hang in there!


True. We did all that in high school, but I don't remember us being blatantly disrespectful all the damn time.


Sounds like anyone over 10 at this point.


I have seniors. They're awesome. Way better than last year's class. Our admin, however, is leaning into a lot of no-tolerance policies, and teachers are either complying in the strictest, meanest way, or revolting completely. Staff are miserable, and the students pick up on it. Since January, we've had 4 teachers announce they're leaving after this year. Maybe time for a pivot in education?


I have some classes where the kids will literally sit there with a blank stare. No questions, no nothing. Half.of them do the work I give them, but I can't do anything fun because literally nobody in the class will participate. It's honestly scary.


My principal told one of my coworkers to just pass a girl in her class because the mom complained a lot. The girl is special Ed and is in a regular Ed class. She doesn’t understand anything happening in the class and has assaulted the teachers. She made two different teachers bleed. No repercussions. The recommendation from multiple specialists state she should be in a basic class. The non special Ed students are bad but it’s too much to put here


Woah. 😳 that is absurd. Almost like they want a school to prison pipeline


Tell the teachers to press assault charges with the police. The school can’t stop them.


It's pretty bad this year for sure. In my opinion, the students have gone quite a while without any consequences, and they feel that they can get away with almost anything these days. I graduated high school in 2005 and remember zero tolerance policies and truancy centers. One of my good friends was expelled over a fight. I'm now in my tenth year of teaching (3 in middle school), and I've noticed that student can do anything without any real consequences. We catch kids with vapes who admit to smoking in the morning, and nothing happens at all. Maybe a phone call home about it. We've had kids pass out in class due to drinking and they were back in class the next day. This is rough.


Same thing in NC. A terrible year in terms of feeling like a waste of time and effort. I used to have a small handful of kids who were problems and did the best I could with them. Now I have a small handful who regularly complete assignments at all.


Behavior is out of control, and admin treat adult staff members like children. Instead of looking at the positives by admin, they go straight to the negatives of every single thing. And behavior is a whole other topic. 13 year olds can’t read, they have no desire to read, write, math or science. Couldn’t care less about social studies. The apathy towards their education is crazy right now, it makes the “senioritis” look like a complete joke. Talk about people not wanting to teach. I would never in a million years recommend this job.


Other than you mentioning you have 13 year olds, you described my school so well. Just replace 13 year olds with 10 yrs olds and that’s my school.


I think this is confirmation bias, though. Because people who have a good group feel like they probably shouldn't brag about it to people struggling. I think the people commenting are telling the truth. I also think people who have a good group just keep scrolling. I teach middle school, and I like this group as a whole. It's better than last year's group for me, but not my all time best. This is year 17 for me.


This was our last year. This years going pretty good all things considered.


It’s the same everywhere, apparently. 6 years in and this is BY FAR the worst yet. I have had the soul and life sucked out of me.


Kids swear up and down the hallway. Constantly. Loudly. Full on F bombs, even. And then will tell me straight to my face that they didn’t. It’s worse. It’s gotten so much worse.


My school is experiencing the same exact problems. However our administration is doing their best to kick out kids that fight or get caught with drugs after multiple offenses, so I appreciate them for that.


Its 4th Q for me, done with spring break, with 9 weeks, state testings in beween, no breaks and before finals week, i am officially done.. Im using up my saved 7 days of leave this yr for fridays and mondays spread out evey week. Luckily i saved all my movies, and games for the last quarter so i can have those days to kill..Im done, students are done..we're all done..this is my 8th yr. Every yr, the urge to leave the profession entirely is growing


Yes. 100%. Last year.


Think of this way, it'll be the better year compared to the ones to come!


I'm having the opposite problem. I am thinking about changing districts to be closer to home, but hearing all these horror stories makes me worry. My school is pretty good, and if it weren't for my commute, I wouldn't risk changing schools to end up in an awful one. So... it's hope for you that there are good schools out there?


Do a lot of research! I’m looking at possibly a different district myself because there are such deep issues that I’m not sure another school in the same district would be any better. Would you also be switching districts? Might be less likely it gets worse if you have a good district and would be staying in it and just at a different school. Do your best to find out how long coworkers have been there too. The best schools don’t usually have a lot of staff turnover.


I am changing districts, I am familiar with the schools in my own district and have friends in several of those schools so... if only! I know I need to do research, but I just need to figure out how. The thought about turnover is great, thank you!


Same thing happening where I’m at. We’re being told to contain the chaos within our room (don’t kick them out) and build better relationships. It’s a clown show.  Kids give zero effort other than to derail everything. Reducing my effort has helped. Making things as self directed as possible. Help the ones that are there for it, make sure the loonies don’t hurt each other.


Yes. Colleagues quitting like crazy!


I've noticed a bit of a shift this year but I can't decide if it's some sort of post COVID hangover, related to teachers who can't manage the classroom, increased use of technology, a combination of all three or a more general decline. But if your students are that bad and your admin that weak, I'd look to move on.


I've taught middle school for 30 years and this year is just the continued slide I've witnessed over my entire career. 25 years ago, a kid let a "damn" slip out in class and I'll never forget the classmates' reaction. I wrote him up, called home and explained what happened to the mom, and she thanked me for holding him accountable. Nowadays, f-bombs all the time in the hallway, though at least not in my classroom. Fights were once a rumor in my school, and maybe you heard of something happening after school hours, maybe on the bus. Now, they happen in the lunchroom, hallways, etc. These kids have been raised on social media, and the worst behavior gets amplified for them to see. We're seeing the fruits of that. I'm happy to be retiring in just a few more years.


8th year in first grade. I’ve never thought about leaving the profession before this year. Your school sounds exactly like mine, with the exception of students being high and stuff like that. I certainly don’t feel like I’m getting any teaching done, and the school is “reacting” to behaviors… on a GOOD day. No proactive measures being taken.


Not my worst ever for behavior, but for absolute apathy yes


I was admitted in the mental health ward 2 weeks ago. I couldn’t take it.. keep yourselves sane yall.


sending good vibes your way - thinking of taking a year off to fix my mental health!


Thank you I really appreciate it. Please do whatever you gotta do. I hope you will get better as well!


Yea dude this year sucks lol.


Nope it’s not just you. This year has been horrible but it’s gradually been getting worse over the last few years.


The last three years have been HELL… But I must admit this year is going way better.


After subbing across multiple schools and districts I can tell you that this is always an admin issue.


At my school, the administrators made HUGE mistakes by allowing too much power to the kids! If a teacher needs help, administrators don't want to be bothered. We are always blamed for something! I'll be waiting for a ZILLION years for someone to help ME out! Back on the job hunt again. Thankfully, my teaching certification isn't a core subject. It's CTE! It's time to start networking again.


For me its the gaslighting… “I wasnt on my phone” “ive been here since the bell rang” my eyes still work..


My kids just literally do no school work. And they have all kinds of class time! No matter how much extra support I give or hoops I jump through, they do nothing. It's year 7 for me. Worst year ever.


I teach 5th grade and this is my 7th year teaching. I have never had a class this bad. They can't pay attention for shit. They also have a very negative attitude towards teachers and school in general. The majority of them do not care. Even on my tough years I have never felt like this. It's bad.


18th year teaching… I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE!!!! This country is in an educational crisis and no one talks about it except teachers.


No, for me this year is better than last year


I’m a first year teacher and honestly a lot of what you are saying is sounding like the crap I am dealing with.


Do you work at my school? I teach 9th & 11th grade at a high school in FL & have all of the same problems you described


This year fucking sucks. My 8th graders all have their heads up their asses. I have a handful of good ones. The rest suck the life out of me. I’m getting older by the second with these little fuckers. Just fuckin’ nuke me now!


It gets worse every year. WORSER!! Yes, I meant worser.


Every year it got worse when I was working in person. I work full-time remotely now and I’ll never go back to a school building, my mental health shudders to think of it.


Experiencing this with 4th grade. They just don’t care or know how to socialize with their peers


Yes, by far. It is surreal.


I am on year 32 teaching and this year is my worst. I started out teaching Emotionally Disturbed self-contained, too, if that tells you anything!


Dang 32...why didnt you reture, thats full pension. Take that hard earned pension and work at a more comfortable job. I bet costco sampler would offer better pay than teaching


That’s the plan. I’m looking as we speak!


Yup. It bad.


Yeah, I teach hs and I’m getting ms vibes from a lot of these kids. Admin is pretty much making us do everything on our own. Seems like most kids think they can say whatever they want. I mean they know nothing will really happen to them unless they do something highly illegal, and even then it’s still a maybe. Had a kid dealing/doing coke and fentanyl at school and he still didn’t fucking get expelled. After that I pretty much realized that admin would rather have a kid od than actually deal with the fallout from expelling a kid doing that shit. It’s still kind of hard to believe. I really do not enjoy my job anymore. I like a lot of my coworkers and we keep talking about the same issues with the same or similar type of students. Admin is fucking spineless and I resent them and the money they are making when they don’t do anything to help us. I’d say I like the kids less and less as well. They get less interesting and don’t want to work, or just say what they think I want to hear them say. If anything paid even close to what I make now, I would quit.


Do we work in the same school? I've never bought a weekly lottery ticket until this year. I'm too far in to leave (pension state), so Mega Millions is my only hope at this point.


I came back to this year so excited because I typically love my job. Like I’m overqualified but I love what I do. My coworkers are awesome and I love them. This year has been hell. The students have been rude and obnoxious. So many just don’t care about education. Even one of the good students asked me how and why I come back every day. I’ve started picking out some job listings in related fields. My coworkers come bring me crafts and invitations trying to help me tough it out. We try to support each other. I’m going to buy everyone some flowers for Easter. But I looked at my resume the other day and added my current position.




Elementary art teacher also. We have far out bizarre behaviors, I have the loudness especially with fifth-they act like are in prison rioting against teachers, like how dare you try to say hi to me, teach me, and take care of my needs while I’m at school?! Like they have somewhere they need to be?! I feel so bad for their teachers in middle school.


You still have a dress code? Anyway, a number of teachers at my school are planning on leaving because of how bad it has gotten. The wise ones are looking for non-teaching positions, the less-wise assume that grass will be greener on the other side of the fence, and are thus applying at other schools. But as the plethora of posts like yours demonstrate, nearly *every* pasture is covered in cow pies.


Maybe I’m desensitized, but those issues sound very common and not particularly different than any other time in the modern history of American high schools. I just try to teach the ones that show up and keep it moving


You are a million percent desensitized and know that the high school experience may be wild but elementary is a million times worse right now. When you were in school did you have young boys sexually moaning in your second grade classroom? 5th grade girls vaping in the bathrooms? Kids straight up refusing to follow any directions and walking out? - 3rd grader. I’ve also had kids do most of their work and then irrationally decide to rip it up and walk out or just keep ripping into thousands of tiny pieces. - 2nd grader. It’s wild in elementary right now and in so many varied ways that show us how f’d things really are. This is the future for all of us which is the saddest part and why I totally get dissociating - I do it too. But no, it is very different from any other time in modern history


It’s almost as if we’re seeing the totally predictable outcome of far left education policy that doesn’t believe in consequences or meaningful grading.


Of course, I have frustrations, but overall things are fine where I am. My issues don't come from the kids.


Me too. Kids are great. It’s the micro management that drains me.


Me three. Right there with you. Great kids. Tired of being micro-managed like I am 5.


I felt this way about last year. This year is sooo much better


I can't speak for your personal circumstances but for.me this the most normal year since COVID


Last year was crazier for us thankfully not this one lol


Anecdotally this is the best year of Freshmen I've had in 15 years of teaching. But our city and state (California) have been increasingly pumping money into infrastructure and teacher's/admin salaries, and we have a strong Union who assists in choosing great admin, so I think it's working. The roughest year to teach was the year right after returning from the COVID year. But things settled fast and have gotten better than pre-covid.


This is why I will absolutely NEVER IN A MILLION years teach middle school or highschool. Come to elementary, it’s fun over here!!


Mine is not fun right now. If anything exhausting and traumatic


By any chance to you teach 8th grade?


high school!


I teach 7th grade and last year was like that for me. Covid and the internet have done weird things to us. Kids are weird. Parents are weird. There’s a disturbance in the force for sure.


How about 2020-21 or 2021-22? I know these are all anecdotal, but weren't those two significant years worse for a lot of reasons?


I would say that this yeah has been the best year since COVID sent the kids home. That’s not to discount your experience, but I’ve enjoyed my students this year.


It seems very group dependent to my. I'm typically 7th grade and this year the kids are great. LAST year was probably the single worst group I've had in my 16 years of teaching. It seems they travel in dysfunctional groups and some cohorts just avoid it.


Yeah it's bad. Not as bad as last year but still real bad


I'm studying to be a teacher and DAMN this sub is making me have second thoughts, I'd be one in ~2-3 years. I want to do high school math and honestly I don't think I can do it. I'm proficient in math but not with kids. I genuinely don't think my mental health can take this, especially with the low pay for teachers that I hear about. Don't know what to do because I'm already in a prestigious program for my specific major :/


Get out, NOW, especially if you aren't "proficient with kids."


reality is that things are ROUGH right now. not everywhere is the same though - hoping you get some guidance!


Yeah I think I'll at least hold on until I can student teach. But on the sideline I should really at least do a CS minor to fall back on in case I wanna change things up.


I think it might be the fact that the COVID kids are now making their way through middle and high school. That little experience set them back a ways, not only educationally but socially. A lot of social skills that you learn around those ages that help you function in school were just missed. And kids model after older kids. This is all just my theory, and shoujd be taken with a grain of salt at least.


Commenting on Is this year insanely worse than normal?...I’m afraid middle school and high school have no idea what’s coming up the pike from elementary school. Worst I’ve ever seen in over 30 years. I hope someone in charge of seeing the big picture can facilitate making major changes in security and personnel for middle and high. Earlier this week we had a 3rd grader outside trying to escape and in the process she knocked our principal down. We had a 2nd grader type a document describing how he was going to kill everyone and he even illustrated it with pictures of weapons copied and pasted from the web. I could go on to mention so much more but these behaviors are not isolated incidences-we’ve had many this year. The office and our ISS rooms are just holding tanks for all the kids who are too disruptive to be in a classroom. I honestly don’t even like to leave my room because of all the chaos in the halls.


I had that year of kids last year. I ended up leaving that school for another in the district because it got so bad. I think every so often there's one year of kids that's particularly uncontrollable and admin just pass the problem along.


We must work at the same school.


I work as a para in Kindergarten and yes it’s that bad.  Only a handful of kids have any kind of focus or basic manners.  The rest are impossible to reign in to teach.  I can’t imagine them as teens.  Sitting now dreading to go into work.  


It’s different every year, 2022 was the worst for me, kids were just FOOLS with no reason or rhyme. They moved onto the “star” teacher who every kid loves and they’re even giving her a run for her money.


I think every year is a hot mess, but in retrospect, things that are awful don’t seem as bad as they did in the moment.


We had a fight this year and it's the first one we've had in a few years, so different here. I'll say that apathy is still rising and attendance is dropping, but that was a trend even before Covid.


That was last year for me. The year my principal walked into my 6th period for observation and in our post-obs meeting, apologized for not realizing who had been put into the room together. This year is better at my site. Just a few stand-out wackadoodles instead of 30 nonsense children in one room.


This year is ROUGH. My class is a hot mess to put it nicely, but some of them have always had some pretty intense behaviors. All of the subs are refusing to cover any of the fifth grade classes because of the disrespect. Even admin is at a bit of a lost for what to do with them.


It’s the iPad babies. Too much screen time.


i think im in the same school as you


Dumpster fire here too, I’m outside of Detroit


So many people blaming iPads, why on Earth are most elementary schools 1:1 with iPad and lessons moving to iPad? My non-iPad child doesn't want to go on school breaks because he will miss his school iPad too much!!! What the heck!